Justice Khizir Ahmed Choudhury
একক বেঞ্চে বসিবেন এবং শুনানীর জন্য আদিম অধিক্ষেত্রাধীন বিষয়; সাকসেশন আইন, ১৯২৫ অনুযায়ী ইচ্ছাপত্র ও ইচ্ছাপত্র ব্যতিরেকে মৃত ব্যক্তির বিষয়বস্তুর অধিক্ষেত্র; বিবাহ বিচ্ছেদ আইন, ১৮৬৯ অনুযায়ী মোকদ্দমা; প্রাইজ কোর্ট বিষয় সহ এ্যাডমিরেলটি কোর্ট আইন, ২০০০ অধিক্ষেত্রাধীন মোকদ্দমা; মার্চেন্ট শিপিং অর্ডিন্যান্স, ১৯৮৩ এর অধীনে আবেদনপত্র; ২০০৯ইং সনের ট্রেডমার্ক আইনের অধীন আবেদনপত্র; ১৯১৩ ও ১৯৯৪ইং সনের কোম্পানী আইন অনুযায়ী আবেদনপত্র; ব্যাংক কোম্পানী আইন, ১৯৯১ইং (১৯৯১ইং সনের ১৪নং আইন) অনুযায়ী আবেদনপত্র; সালিশ আইন, ২০০১ (২০০১ইং সনের ১নং আইন) অনুযায়ী আপীল ও আবেদনপত্র; বীমা আইন, ২০১০ইং অনুযায়ী আপীল ও তৎসংক্রান্ত আবেদনপত্র; সহকারী জজ ব্যতীত অন্য বিচারকের ডিক্রি ও আদেশের বিরুদ্ধে অনূর্ধ্ব ৬,০০,০০,০০০ টাকা মানের এবং সহকারী জজের মান নিরপেক্ষ ডিক্রি ও আদেশের বিরুদ্ধে দেওয়ানী ও মোশন ও রিভিশন মোকদ্দমা সমূহ গ্রহণ করিবেন; যে সব বিষয় এই বেঞ্চে স্থানান্তরিত হইবে এবং উপরোল্লিখিত বিষয়াদি সংক্রান্ত রুল, আবেদনপত্র গ্রহণ ও শুনানী করিবেন।
উল্লেখ্য যে, ১ ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২১খ্রিঃ তারিখের পূর্বে দায়েরকৃত, স্থানান্তরিত বা চলমান সকল প্রকার দেওয়ানী মোকদ্দমা বা কার্যধারা অত্র বেঞ্চেই শুনানী ও নিষ্পত্তি হইবে। |
Motion |
Sl |
Case Number |
Parties |
Result |
1 |
Company Matter 479/2024
Md. Nooruddin Chowdhury vs Bangladesh Taiwn Textile Mill :td. |
For Judgment |
Sl |
Case Number |
Parties |
Result |
2 |
Company Matter 242/2022
(23.07.2024) |
Main Uddin Mahmud Chowdhury [Adv : Mr. A.K.M. Badruddoza.......for the petitioner] vs Amanat Marine works Ltd. and others [Adv : Mr. Jashimuddin Ahmed with Mr. Ashik Al Jalil..........For the Respondent No.2 and Mr. Shaikh Mohammad Zakir Hossain...........For the Respondent No.7] |
3 |
Divorce Suit 10/2022
Biplob baiydo vs Marry Shikha Baiyda |
For Order |
Sl |
Case Number |
Parties |
Result |
4 |
Company Matter 862/2023
Md. Arif Chowdhury vs RJSC |
5 |
Company Matter 182/2019
Northern Corporation Limited vs Hung Tak Norther Garments Limited and others |
6 |
Arbitration Appeal 11/2024
Kashem Akon and others vs Md. Nasir Uddin and others |
Sent by Hon`ble Chief Justice : For Hearing |
Sl |
Case Number |
Parties |
Result |
7 |
Company Matter 14/1952
Calcutta National Bank Ltd. vs The State Bank of Pakistan |
8 |
Company Matter 9/1952
Bank of Commerece vs The State Bank of Pakistan |
Sent from Appellate Division (For hearing) |
Sl |
Case Number |
Parties |
Result |
9 |
Company Matter 40/2015
Heard in part (At 2:30 P.M.) |
Foisal Ahmed [Adv : Mr. K.M. Joynal Abedin] vs Noor Holdings Ltd. and others. Mr. K.M. Joynul Abedin, Adv. with Ms. Shahanara Begum, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. A.K.M. Badrudduza, Adv.--- For the Respondent Nos. 1, 2 and 3 |
Adjourned till 21.08.2024 |
10 |
Company Matter 252/2015
Heard in part (At 2:30 P.M.) |
Mrs. Israt Sofi vs Noor Holding Ltd. Mr. A.K.M. Badruddoza, Adv.-- For the Petitioner, Mr. Syed Jakir Hossain, Adv.-- For the Respondents |
Adjourned till 21.08.2024 |
Application |
Sl |
Case Number |
Parties |
Result |
11 |
Company Matter 95/2024
Nasran Biswas and others vs Nasir Opal Glass and Crockeries Industries Ltd. and others |
12 |
Admiralty Suit 15/2011
Md. Akteruzzaman Khan [Adv : Mr. S.K. Siddique] vs NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA and others, Mr. S. K. Siddique, Adv. ... For the applicant Mr. Tanjib-ul Alam, Adv. ...for the defendant Nos. 1 |
13 |
Admiralty Suit 1/2019
Star Galaxy Ltd vs M.V CALIX (IMO. 9219458) and others |
14 |
Admiralty Suit 4/2020
Partex Coal Ltd. Chaa-74 vs M.V. Aquaprosper, IMo> 9713416 and others |
15 |
Admiralty Suit 9/2023
M/S Tahmid Trading vs M.V. Universe Prosperiy , IMO No.9228215, Flag:Panama, Now Lying att Mongla Port,Mongla, Bagerhat , Bagerhat, Bangladesh and others |
16 |
Admiralty Suit 53/2016
IG Navigations Ltd. vs M.V KANAK PREM and others Mr. M. Belayet Hossian, Adv. ...for the plaintiff Mr. Saifur Rashid,Adv. ...for the defendant No.3-applicant Mr. Muntasir Uddin Ahmed, Adv. |
17 |
Admiralty Suit 14/2024
18 |
Admiralty Suit 29/2019
19 |
Admiralty Suit 8/2022
Shanghai Lisheng Oil Co. Ltd. vs The Vessel MT GALA and others |
20 |
Admiralty Suit 51/2023
JMI Industrial Gas Ltd. vs M.T. SCHUMI and others |
21 |
Admiralty Suit 35/2021
Delta Corp Shipping Pte Ltd. vs Bangladesh agricultural Development Corporation and others |
22 |
Admiralty Suit 16/2019
Condor Marine Inc of 80, vs M.V. TAYIF |
23 |
Admiralty Suit 22/2022
PAN OCEAN CO LTD. vs Chattogram Port Authority |
24 |
Admiralty Suit 31/2022
PCH DREAMING INC vs Chattogram Port Authority and others |
25 |
Admiralty Suit 11/2023
Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation vs M.T. ECO MARINA DEL RAY and others |
26 |
Admiralty Suit 12/2022
Razzaque Jute Industries Ltd. vs M.V. CELSIUS NELSON and others |
For Filing Written Statement |
Sl |
Case Number |
Parties |
Result |
27 |
Admiralty Suit 39/2019
Gulf Orient Seaways vs Interact Texlabels (P) Ltd. and Others |
28 |
Admiralty Suit 67/2017
Md. Sakawat Hossain and another vs M.V. CRYSTAL SAPPHIRE and others Mr. Abu Bakar Siddique, Adv. ,...for the plaintiff |
29 |
Admiralty Suit 19/2022
Razzaque Jute Industries Ltd. vs M.V. Happy Bee (IMO No. 9367542) and others |
30 |
Admiralty Suit 45/2023
American Shipping and Logistics INC vs Ocean Network Express PTE Ltd. and others |
31 |
Admiralty Suit 30/2021
AAA Shipping International (M) SDN BHD vs The vessel M.V. LORENTZOS, (IMO NO. 9282871) |
32 |
Admiralty Suit 51/2022
Ashutosh Mohajon Propeitor of M/S. Payel Traders vs M.V. JIN HAI ZHENG and others |
33 |
Divorce Suit 12/2023
Amitabh Basak vs Rwoshon Ara |
Framing issues on 31.07.2024 |
34 |
Admiralty Suit 27/2022
Ahmed Iftikhar and others vs M.T. ARIANA and others |
35 |
Admiralty Suit 61/2017
Glander International Bunkering Pte Ltd. vs M.V. NORM ex M.V. PANORMITIS AV and others Ms. Karishma Jahana, Adv. defendant No. 1 applicant Mr. M. Belayet Hossain, Adv. ..for the plaintiff opposite party. |
36 |
Admiralty Suit 29/2022
Gobal Radiance Ship Management Pte. Lte. Ltd. vs M.T. ARIANA |
37 |
Admiralty Suit 13/2019
38 |
Admiralty Suit 39/2022
American Steamship Owners Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association, Inc. vs The vessel M.V. GLORY FUTURE and others |
39 |
Admiralty Suit 59/2017
A.K.M. Aminul Islam vs M.V. MY MERAY and others Mr. S.K. Siddique, Adv. ...for the plaintiff |
40 |
Admiralty Suit 46/2022
Grain Compass Shipping LLC vs M.V. YOUNG GLORY (IMO No. 9690133) and others |
41 |
Admiralty Suit 25/2023
Md. Aziziur Rahman Proprietor of M/S Samata Shipping and Trading Agencies. [Adv : Temp User Advocate] vs M/S Fakhor Uddin Ali Ahmed and others. |
42 |
Admiralty Suit 29/2023
Mund and Fester Gmbh vs BM Container Depot Ltd and others |
43 |
Admiralty Suit 32/2021
Res Steel Pre-Fabricated Building vs The vessel M.V . TAN BINH 277 and Others |
44 |
Admiralty Suit 63/2017
Samuel MONZALES and others vs M.V. NORM ex M.V. PANORMITIS AV and others Ms. Karishma Jahana, Adv. defendant No. 1 applicant Mr. M. Belayet Hossain, Adv. ..for the plaintiff |
45 |
Admiralty Suit 26/2023
CMA CGM S.A. Ltd. vs BM Container Depot Ltd. and others |
For Framing Issue |
Sl |
Case Number |
Parties |
Result |
46 |
Admiralty Suit 46/2021
M/S Zed Shipping Lines Ltd. vs The vessel MV NILGIRi and others |
47 |
Admiralty Suit 3/2020
Shabnam Vegetable Oil Industries Limited vs M.V. GREAT FLUENCY and others |
48 |
Admiralty Suit 34/2021
Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL) LTD. vs AIC Agricultural LLC and others |
49 |
Admiralty Suit 2/2022
Prayati Shipping Pvt. Limited vs The vessel FSO Ladinda (IMO No. 7361269) |
Admiralty : For Witness |
Sl |
Case Number |
Parties |
Result |
50 |
Admiralty Suit 37/2021
Bashundhara Food and Beverage Industries Ltd. vs M.V. KOTA WAJAR and others |
51 |
Admiralty Suit 8/2021
M/S AETHALIA SHIPHOLDING LTD. vs M/S Aruna Shipping of 43A and others |
52 |
Admiralty Suit 6/2010
Noapara Cement Mills Ltd. vs M.V. Prince of Madhur Khola and others Mr. Hasan Kabir Shaheen, Adv. ...for the pliantiff Mr. Muhammad Ohiullah, Adv. ...for the defendants |
53 |
Admiralty Suit 45/2018
Meghna Edible Oils Refinery Ltd. vs M.T. HAFNIA ANE and Others |
54 |
Admiralty Suit 46/2020
Ms Amlin Marine N.V vs M.V. Prosperity and others, IMO-8400531) |
55 |
Admiralty Suit 2/2019
Transit Shipping Ltd vs M.V. SEA DOLPHINE C and others |
56 |
Admiralty Suit 74/2016
Rafiqul Islam vs M.V.BORA and others |
57 |
Admiralty Suit 33/2019
Kantara Shipping Ltd. vs Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCIC) and others Mr. Saifur Rashid, Adv. ...for the plaintiff and Mr. Faisal Dastagir, Adv....For the def. no. 3. |
58 |
Admiralty Suit 20/2020
Captain Myint Ngwe and another vs The MV PROSPERITY (IMO No.: 8400531, Flag: Panama) |
59 |
Admiralty Suit 49/2015
Md. Kabir Hossin Bachoo [Adv : Mr. S.K. Siddique] vs M.V. SE PANTHEA and others Mr. S. K. Siddique, Adv. ...for the plaintiff Mr. Saifur Rashid, Adv. ...for the defendants |
Adjourned till 24.07.2024 |
60 |
Admiralty Suit 34/2019
Uniterm Shipping Ltd. vs Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCIC) and others Mr. Saifur Rashid, Adv. ...for the plaintiff and Mr. Faisal Dastagir, Adv.....For the def. no. 3 |
61 |
Admiralty Suit 40/2021
HMM Co and others vs Eon Animal Health Products Limited |
62 |
Admiralty Suit 49/2022
TK Handels GmbH, Usingen Weg. 1A-D-61350 vs Global Freight Limited |
63 |
Admiralty Suit 80/2015
Kamal Uddin vs M.V. Sino-3 Mr. M. Belayet Hossain, Adv. ... for the plaintiff. Mr. Saifur Rashid, .... for the defendants. |
64 |
Admiralty Suit 21/2017
Monjasa DMCC vs M.V. ANNA-META and others. Mr. Saifur Rashid, Adv. ...for the plaintiff Mr. Muhammad Ohiullah, Adv. ...for the defendants |
65 |
Admiralty Suit 81/2015
Md. Monjurul Alam vs M.V. Sino-3 Mr. M. Belayet Hossain for the plaintiff. Mr. Saifur Rashid for the defendants. |
66 |
Admiralty Suit 35/2016
Haji Md. Jainal Abedin and others vs M.T. ATLANTA Ex. VINASHIN ATLANTIC, IMO No. 9014834, Port of Registry/Flag: Panama and others Mr. Muhammad Ohiullah, Adv. with Mr. Hasan Mohammad Reyad, Adv. ...for the pliantiff Mr. Mohammod Hossain, Adv. with Mr. Sikder Mahmudur Razi, Adv. ...for the defendant No. 7 |
67 |
Admiralty Suit 59/2018
Victory Shipping Pte. vs M.V. KSL PRIDE |
68 |
Admiralty Suit 10/2023
Orient Overseas Container Line Ltd. [Adv : Mr. Mohammed Forrukh Rahman] vs Pan Pacific Container Lines and others |
69 |
Admiralty Suit 8/2019
Monjasa Pte. Ltd. vs M.V. SEA LION, IMO NO. 9345829 |
70 |
Admiralty Suit 28/2017
Basic Bank Limited vs M.V. CRYSTAL GOLD and others Mr. Md. Monjur Alam Khan, Adv. for the plaintiff Mr. Faisal Mahmud Faizee, Adv. with Mr. Belayet Hossain, Adv. ...for the defendants |
71 |
Admiralty Suit 29/2017
Basic Bank Limited vs M.V. CRYSTAL SAPHIRE and others Mr. Md. Monjur Alam Khan, Adv. for the plaintiff Mr. M. Belayet Hossain, Adv. ...for the defendant Nos. 1-3 |
72 |
Admiralty Suit 65/2017
Bay Fishing Corporation Ltd. vs M.T. PVT SATURN and others Mr. Ramzan Ali Sikder, Adv. ...for the plaintiff |
73 |
Admiralty Suit 64/2017
Shabnam Vegetable Oil Industries Ltd. vs M.T. PVT SATURN |
74 |
Admiralty Suit 33/2014
BSRM Iron and Steel Company Limited vs MT. ATLANTA Ex. VANASHIN ATLANTIC and others Mr. S.M. Azmal Hossain, Adv. ...for the plaintiff Mr. Mohammod Hossain, Adv. with Mr. Sikder Mahmudur Razi, Adv. ...for the defendant/applicant |
75 |
Admiralty Suit 51/2016
H.N. Bricks vs M.V. VINALINES STAR and others Mr. M. Hafizullah, Adv. with Mr. Kamal-ul-Alam, Adv. ...for the plaintiff/applicant Mr. Saifur Rashid, Adv. Mr. Ashraful Hadi, Adv. ...for the defendant No. 1, 2 Ms. Anwara Khanom, Adv. ...for the customs authority. |
76 |
Admiralty Suit 100/2012
United Bunkers.Ltd. vs M.V. Raton Pathfinder Mr. M. Belayet Hossain, Adv. ...for the plaintiff-applicant |
77 |
Admiralty Suit 86/2012
Sterling Shipping Co. Ltd. [Adv : Mr/ M> Belayet Hossain] vs The vessel Good Hope and others Mr. M. Belayet Hossain, Adv. ...for the plaintiff Mr. Muhammad Ohiullah, Adv. ...for the defendant No. 1 |
78 |
Admiralty Suit 51/2015
Tanveer Oils Limited vs M.T. GHEMROAD QUEST and others Mr. Ramzan Ali Sikder, adv. ... for the plaintiff Mr. Saifur Rashid, Adv. ...for the defendants |
79 |
Admiralty Suit 52/2015
Tanveer Oils Limited vs M.T. GREEN PLANET and others Mr. Ramzan Ali Sikder, Adv. ... for the plaintiff Mr. Saifur Rashid, Adv. ...for the defendants |
80 |
Admiralty Suit 24/2017
Tanveer Oils Limited vs M.T. KRISTIN and others, Mr. Md. Ramzan Ali Sikder, Adv. ........for the plaintiff |
For Argument |
Sl |
Case Number |
Parties |
Result |
81 |
Admiralty Suit 60/2012
Friends Multitrade Company [Adv : Mrs. Syed Afsar Jahan] vs M.V. HEARTY FACON and others Mr. Garib Newaz, Adv. ....for the plaintiff |
82 |
Divorce Suit 14/2023
(With application) |
Bernad Eric Biswas [Adv : Mr. Nihar Kanti Biswas......for the petitioner] vs Holy Mary D` Costa [Adv : Md. Saifur Rahman Chowdhury........for the respondent] |
83 |
Admiralty Suit 65/2013
Mohammad Abul Kashem and another [Adv : M. Belayet Hossain.........for plaintiff] vs M.V. Atiqur Rahman, Imo.8321046 and others |
84 |
Divorce Suit 8/2023
Peter Dey [Adv : Ms. Rebecca Singha] vs Jennifer Bagchi |
85 |
Divorce Suit 3/2023
Alison Maria Hawkins vs Evans Halder |
For Hearing |
Sl |
Case Number |
Parties |
Result |
86 |
Company Matter 207/2022
Heard in part |
Mektronics Solutions Ltd. vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Co. and Firms |
87 |
Contempt Petition 1/2024
(Arising out of Company Matter No. 44 of 2013) |
A.T.G. Murtaza vs Reza Bins Rahman and others |
88 |
Company Matter 263/2021
Heard in part |
Sung Wey Min, Managing Director Shine Fashion (Pvt) Ltd. and others vs Shine Fashion Co. (Pvt) Ltd. and others |
89 |
Company Matter 263/2017
Heard in part |
A.B.M. Monirul Islam vs Shapla Cold Storage (Pvt.) Limited and others |
90 |
Company Matter 72/2022
Lutfur Rahman Belal vs Shera Industries Ltd. and others |
91 |
Company Matter 262/2021
Heard in part |
Sung Jey Min, Chairman, Avant Garde Fashion Ltd. vs Avant Garde Fashion Ltd. and others |
92 |
First Misc Appeal 155/2023
Heard in part |
Iftekher Hossain and others vs Jhasmin Hossain and others |
93 |
Company Matter 225/2021
Heard in part |
Md. Muztaba Ali vs Invariant Telecom Bangladesh Ltd.and others |
94 |
Company Matter 484/2024
MST. Robana Hossain vs Image SP Packaging Liited and others |
95 |
Company Matter 7/2023
Heard in part |
Channel VAS Holdings Limited vs RJSC and another |
96 |
Company Matter 1/1991
Heard in part (Arising out of Company Matter No. 31 of 1955) |
East Bengal Commercial Bank Ltd. vs Sardar Abdul Matin and others |
97 |
Company Matter 15/1959
Mohaluxmi Bank Ltd. ( In Liq.) vs ... |
98 |
Company Matter 201/2022
Heard in part |
Mr. S.M. Altaf Hossain and others vs Finnovation Ltd. and others |
99 |
Company Matter 91/2023
Heard in part |
Md. Juel Munshi and others vs Gold Star Builders and Construction Ltd and others |
100 |
Company Matter 430/2023
Heard in part |
Nazma Firoz and others [Adv : Mr. Shamim Ahmed Mehedi .........for the petitioner] vs RJSC [Adv : Mr. Faysal Mustafa............for the Respondent Nos. 2-4] |
101 |
Arbitration Application 33/2021
Heard in part |
Misuji Leather Goods Bengla Ltd. vs Misuji Company Ltd. and others |
102 |
Company Matter 64/2023
Heard in part |
Dr. M.d Anowarul Azim [Adv : Mr. A.K.M. Badrudduza...........for the petitioner] vs Registrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms and others [Adv : Mr. Md. Rehan Husain..........For the Respondent Nos. 12-14 Mr. Kazi Ershadul Alam.............For the Respondent Nos.15-17] |
103 |
Company Matter 456/2022
Mohammad Taneem Hassan and another vs Mozart Knit Ltd. and others |
104 |
Company Matter 261/2020
Omar Nasik and others vs GMS Composite Knitting Industries Pvt. Ltd. Others |
105 |
Company Matter 20/2021
Shamsul Arefin and others vs Omar Nasik and others |
106 |
Company Matter 238/2016
Mrs. Nilufa Akther and others vs Tripti Biscuit Pvt. Limited and others |
107 |
Company Matter 724/2023
Mohammad Aminul Haq vs Remiam Cement Mills Ltd. |
108 |
Company Matter 141/2022
Mrs. Zainab Islam vs Millennium Corporation Ltd. and others |
109 |
Company Matter 114/2011
Sheakh ahmed Murad and another vs Souvenir Bone Millss and others |
110 |
Arbitration Application 32/2021
Gas Transmission Company Ltd. vs Larson |
111 |
Company Matter 256/2022
Building Construction Ltd. vs BCL Bangs Ltd. and others |
112 |
Company Matter 244/2021
Farzeen Chowdhury vs Chittagong Club Ltd. and others |
113 |
Arbitration Application 9/2022
Top Grade International Enterprise Ltd. vs Stanlet Apparels Ltd. and others |
114 |
Arbitration Application 4/2012
Roads and Highway Department vs The Hanil engeniaring and constraction |
115 |
Company Matter 257/2022
Building Construction Ltd. vs BCL Potato Starch Ltd. and others |
116 |
Company Matter 171/2023
(With three applications) |
Md. Rajiullah Tarik vs Aristo Corporation Limited and another |
117 |
Company Matter 406/2022
Teng Kiam Jen Ben vs Vector Infotech System and another |
118 |
Company Matter 307/2021
ERBA Ltd. vs Banglabandha Port Ltd. and others |
119 |
Arbitration Application 2/2022
Blue Fabrics Ltd. and anothers vs Mr. Harun-or-Rashid and others |
120 |
Company Matter 49/2022
Top Grade International Enterprise Ltd. vs Starlet Apparels ltd. |
121 |
Company Matter 739/2023
Mir Musharraf Ali and another vs Banani Club Limited and another |
122 |
Company Matter 762/2023
Mir Mosharraf Hossain [Adv : Mr. Muhammad Riaz Uddin] vs Jessore City Cable (Pvt.) Limited |
123 |
Company Matter 317/2021
Mrs. Shamin Saleh vs Saimon Overses Ltd. and others |
124 |
Company Matter 651/2023
Syeda Nur Akhter vs Mohammad Abdus Sakur Azizi and others |
125 |
Company Matter 59/2022
Yami Bin A. Muhaimin Saleh vs Saimon Overseas Ltd. and others |
126 |
Company Matter 61/2022
Nazif Ahmed Chowdhury and another vs Nupur Enterprises Ltd. and others |
127 |
Company Matter 189/2022
Professor Dr. A.S.M Badruddoza vs City Medical College |
128 |
Company Matter 38/2023
Abdul Muhit vs Mr. Azizur Rahman Choudhury and others |
129 |
Company Matter 298/2018
Sabbir Ahmed vs Mamun Ahmed and others |
130 |
Company Matter 318/2021
Golam kibria and others vs Multi Residential Systems Ltd. and others [Adv : Mr. Md. Shibbir Ahmad.......Respondent Nos. 1 and 2 and Dr. Naim Ahmed ....Respondent No.5] |
131 |
Company Matter 34/2020
Md. Nurul Huda vs IFCO Garments |
132 |
Company Matter 6/2024
Md. Zakir Hossain vs RJSC |
133 |
Company Matter 164/2020
Prime Islami Life Insurance Ltd. vs PFI Securities Ltd. others |
134 |
Company Matter 131/2021
NEO Zipper Co. Ltd. vs Lenny Fashion Ltd. and other |
135 |
Company Matter 223/2016
Shahriar M. Salauddin vs Eximpt Trading Limited and others |
136 |
Company Matter 383/2022
Umberto Ali Khan vs Cotton Textile |
137 |
Company Matter 331/2021
Neo Zipper Co. Ltd. vs Lenny Fashion Ltd. |
138 |
Company Matter 234/2019
Aminul Islam Sarker vs Ibnsina Food and Chemical Industries Ltd. and others |
139 |
Company Matter 281/2017
Mazaharul Quader and ors [Adv : Md. Zakir Hossain] vs Homeland Life Insurance Company Limited and others [Adv : Shah Muhammad Ezaz Rahman] |
140 |
Company Matter 242/2021
Sirajul Islam vs Hotel palongkee Ltd. and others |
141 |
Company Matter 309/2019
Adina Rahman and others vs Polymer Knitwear Industries Ltd. |
142 |
Company Matter 352/2017
Md. Quamrul Huda vs Ortrich Agro |
143 |
Company Matter 316/2014
Kazi Mayajul Islam vs Ultra Washing and Dying Ltd. and others. Mr. Md. Asaduzzaman, Adv. with Mr. Md. Bakir Uddin Bhuiyan, Adv. --- For the Petitioner Mr. Ramzan Ali Sikder, Adv. ...for the respondent No. 2 |
144 |
Company Matter 247/2018
Md. Mobinuddin Khan Pathan vs Markaz Food Products Ltd and ors |
145 |
Company Matter 136/2019
Dil Mohammad Emran and others vs Knit Reflex Ltd. and others |
146 |
Company Matter 447/2022
Janny Fahima Rahman vs The Registrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms |
147 |
Company Matter 216/2013
Masiat Md. Mashfiqrat vs Manibas Corporation Ltd. |
148 |
Company Matter 121/2015
Gazi Networks Limited vs Apple Globaltel Communications Limited and others |
149 |
Company Matter 302/2020
Tees Mart Inc vs Bangladesh Industrial Finance Company Ltd. and Others |
150 |
Contempt Petition 4/2021
MNC Apparels Ltd. vs Rolf Habber Jansen and others |
151 |
Contempt Petition 3/2021
Nassa Apparels Ltd. vs Rolf Habber Jansen and others |
152 |
Company Matter 119/2015
Application under Section 241, 242 of the Companies Act, 1994- Gazi Networks Limited vs Telex Limited and others. Mr. Aneek R. Hoque, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Reza E Raquib--- For the Respondents |
153 |
Company Matter 41/2022
Hasher Mohammad Automatic Rice Mills Ltd. vs The Registrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms and others |
154 |
Company Matter 36/2020
HP PPS Singapore(Sales) Pte. Ltd. vs Computer Source Machines Ltd. |
155 |
Company Matter 120/2015
Application under Section 241, 242 of the Companies Act, 1994- Gazi Networks Limited vs Vision Tel Limited and others. Mr. Aneek R. Hoque, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Reza E Rakib, Adv.--- For the Respondents |
156 |
Company Matter 239/2023
Silco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. vs RJSC |
157 |
Company Matter 229/2023
Eskimi Limited vs RJSC |
158 |
Company Matter 340/2022
Mrs. Amrin Zaman vs Quantum Corporation Ltd. and others |
159 |
Company Matter 118/2015
Application under Section 241 of the Companies Act, 1994-Gazi Networks Limited vs Bestec Telecom Limited and others. Mr. Aneek R. Hoque, Adv.--- For the Petitioner |
160 |
Arbitration Application 20/2018
Hotels International Ltd vs Join Venture of Ktech Construction Public Co. Ltd. Mr. Morshed Ahmed Khan, Adv.-For the Petitioner, Mr. Md. Golam Sarwar, Adv. for the Respondent No. 2. |
161 |
Company Matter 474/2022
Lt. Col. Anisur Rahman (Retd) [Adv : Mr. Md. Ferdus Ala Alpha, Adv.....................for the petitioner] vs Simtex Industries Ltd. and others [Adv : Mr. Tanveer hossain Khan..........................for the respondent] |
162 |
Company Matter 169/2014
Ahmmed Neeas vs Chittagong Foils Ltd. and ors. Mr. Syed Mamun Mahbub, Adv.--- For the Petitioner, Mr. Jashimuddin Ahmed, Adv.-- for the Respondent Nos. 1-3. |
163 |
Company Matter 422/2022
Shayka Imam Shanta vs Roshan Ltd. and others |
164 |
Company Matter 160/2019
Yeo Yeu young vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Co. and Firms |
165 |
Company Matter 286/2019
Mostafa Kamal and another vs Al Mostafa Printing and Packaging Industries Ltd and others |
166 |
Company Matter 191/2017
Abu Taher and others vs Newtex Group of Companies Limited and anothers |
167 |
Company Matter 186/2022
Yousuf Ali and others vs Relation Properties Ltd. and others |
168 |
Company Matter 301/2022
Md. Harunar Rashid Bhuiyan and others vs Modern Pylon Industries Ltd. and others |
169 |
Company Matter 237/2022
Abdul Majed Chowdhury vs Modern Pylon Industries Ltd. |
170 |
Company Matter 145/2021
Best Electronics Ltd. and another vs The Registrar of the Joint Stock Company and others |
171 |
Company Matter 88/2020
M/S. Fim Comminication vs Augere Wireless Broadband Bangladesh Ltd. and others |
172 |
Company Matter 105/2000
Bangladesh Bank vs Islamic Trade and Commerce Limited Mr. Ajmalul Hossain K.C. with Khaled Mohammad Saifullah, , Adv. ...For the Petitioner Mr. Mohammad Shazzad Ali Chowdhury, Adv. ... For the Respondent No. 3 Mr. Moksadul Islam, Adv. ...for the official liquidator |
173 |
Divorce Suit 5/2023
Jason Baidya vs Mita Bairagee |
174 |
Company Matter 87/2021
DSFM Securities Ltd. vs The Registrar of the Joint Stock Company and others |
175 |
Company Matter 301/2018
Citi Bank, N.A vs Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Ltd |
176 |
Divorce Suit 7/2022
Jesica Mithila Halder vs Alvan Amit Halder |
177 |
Company Matter 378/2023
Syed Amir Hossain vs RJSC |
178 |
Company Matter 169/2023
Shepherd Industries PLC and another vs RJSC |
179 |
Company Matter 51/2021
Syed Ahmed Ali vs Suha Botton Accessories Ltd. and others |
180 |
First Misc Appeal 222/2023
K.B. Fan Company Ltd. [Adv : Mr. Mahabubur Rahman.........for the appellant] vs Abdul Haque [Adv : Mr. Md. Saimum Islam.......for the Respondent] |
181 |
Company Matter 282/2023
Rina Akhter vs Md. Shafiul Alam |
182 |
Company Matter 86/2016
AWR Developments (BD) Ltd. vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms. Mr. Mizanur Rahman, Adv.--- For the Petitioner |
183 |
Arbitration Application 11/2022
Quality Inn. (Pvt.) Ltd. [Adv : Mr. Kazi Ershadul Alam............for the petitioner] vs Mr. A.H. Mofozzal Karim and others [Adv : Mr. M. Belayet Hossain...........for the Defendant No.1] |
184 |
Company Matter 420/2023
Md. Shah Nawaz Hossain vs RJSC |
185 |
Company Matter 455/2023
Md. Shah Alam vs Optimum solution and service Ltd. and anohter |
186 |
Company Matter 161/2023
Mohd. Sagir Abdullah Khan @ Mohd. S. A. Khan vs North Pole Cold Storage Ltd,. and another |
187 |
Company Matter 28/2023
A.K.M. Ansarul Alam vs Capital Recreation Club Limited |
188 |
Company Matter 80/2023
Md. Belal Uddin Sarder vs RJSC and others |
189 |
Company Matter 757/2023
Summit Power Limited vs Summit Narayanganj Power Unit II Limited and another |
190 |
Company Matter 712/2023
Mrs. Sajia Sharmin Ava vs RJSC |
191 |
Company Matter 732/2023
STS Capital Ltd. vs Eduko Bangladesh Limited and another |
192 |
Company Matter 161/2020
Md. Mohiuddin vs YB Developers Ltd. |
193 |
Company Matter 614/2023
Schenker Logistics (BD) Ltd. vs Lenny Fashion Ltd. and others |
194 |
Company Matter 22/2024
Omar Hamid Chowdhury vs RJSC |
195 |
Company Matter 380/2022
Gazi Anindo Rahman vs Ardent Ltd. and others |
196 |
Company Matter 304/2011
MS. Ok Kyung oh [Adv : Mr. A.K.M. Badrudduza<>for the petitioner] vs Taehung Packaging Bangladesh Ltd. and others [Adv : Mohammad Taslim Uddin Bhuiyan<>for the respondent Nos.1 and 2] |
197 |
Company Matter 210/2012
Md. Mahbubul alam vs Modina Fishing Co.Pvt. Ltd. and others |
198 |
Company Matter 202/2013
Md. Mahbubul Alam vs Modina Fishing Co. (pvt.) Ltd. and others |
199 |
Company Matter 176/2023
Jahanara Haque and others vs FAMAQS Homes Ltd. and others |
200 |
Company Matter 793/2023
Moriam Akter vs Mahid Securities Limited and others |
201 |
Company Matter 725/2023
Dream Dhaka Property Limited vs RJSC |
202 |
Company Matter 19/2019
Mondelez Bangladesh Private Ltd. vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms, |
203 |
Company Matter 174/2021
Balaji Lakshmaji Rao Voleti and another vs International Recreation Club Ltd. |
204 |
Company Matter 336/2023
Dr. Mandy Karim vs Central Hospital Ltd. represented by its Managing Director and others |
205 |
Company Matter 19/2022
Md. Babul Akhtar vs Nabogram flour Mills Ltd. ad others |
206 |
Company Matter 831/2023
Mrs. Nighar Sultana vs Fariha Spinning Mills Limited and others |
207 |
Company Matter 80/2019
S.K Mazedul Haque and another vs Doric Developments Ltd. and others, [Adv : Mr. Tonoy Kumar Saha, Adv. For the Ptr. Mr. ,.......... Advocate for the respondents] |
208 |
Company Matter 604/2023
Alliance Apparel Limited vs RJSC |
209 |
Company Matter 58/2024
Vitacare Consumer Products Ltd. vs RJSC |
210 |
Civil Revision 611/2021
Shyamal Mitra Goutam vs Supriya Ch. |
211 |
Civil Revision 1110/2021
Tanvir Islam Dewan vs Rasheda Sharmin |
212 |
Company Matter 477/2022
Gazi Anindo Rahman vs Medital Systems Ltd. and others |
213 |
Company Matter 269/2024
Ahmed Raihan Shamsi vs RJSC |
214 |
Company Matter 204/2023
M. Nurul Huda and another vs Akij Vanture Ltd. and others |
215 |
Company Matter 169/2024
Rani Sampath Sri Buddhike Illangatillake vs N-able Private Ltd. and another |
216 |
Company Matter 260/2024
Zhuany Lifeny and another vs Panda Shoes Industry Ltd. and others |
217 |
Company Matter 108/2022
Syed Mostafa Zamal [Adv : Mr. Jyotirmoy Barua, Advocate..............for the petitioner] vs Innovative Properties Ltd.and others [Adv : Mr. A.S.M. Shahriar Kabir, Advocate............for the respondents No. 2 and 3.] |
218 |
Company Matter 611/2023
Bashundhara Shiping Limited and others vs RJSC |
219 |
Company Matter 31/2024
Al Haj Md. Lokman Hosain and ohters vs Altu Khan Jute Mills Limited and others |
220 |
Company Matter 32/2024
Al Haj Md. Lokman Hosain and ohters vs Panna Distribution Limited and others |
221 |
Execution Case 1/2024
With |
Mohammad Jewel Rahman and others vs M.t. Fadl-E-Rabbi, and others |
Execution Case 2/2021
First Security Islami Bank Ltd. vs M.T. FADL-E-RABBI and others Mr. Md. Akter Rasul, Adv. ...for the plaintiff |
222 |
Company Matter 33/2024
Al Haj Md. Lokman Hosain and ohters vs Panna Battery Limited and others |
223 |
Company Matter 218/2024
Pac International Holdin Limited vs RJSC |
224 |
Company Matter 231/2024
Babylon Agrisciencl Ltd. vs RJSC |
225 |
Company Matter 272/2024
Kazi Ripon Ahmed vs Monaco International liited and another |
226 |
Company Matter 174/2024
Dermma Pharmaceuticals Limted vs RJSC |
227 |
Company Matter 473/2024
Musawath Shams Zahedec vs Pharmacil Ltd. and another |
228 |
Company Matter 474/2024
Sina Ibn Jamil vs Rediant Distribution Ltd. and other |
229 |
Company Matter 475/2024
Abdul Quaden Mahammed Mohiuddin vs Radiant Co. Ltd. |
230 |
Company Matter 476/2024
Musawath Shamas Zahedee vs Padiant Business Consortium Ltd. |
231 |
Company Matter 477/2024
Musawath Shams Zahedcc vs Radiant Pharmaceutical Limited |
232 |
Company Matter 175/2024
Blues Communications Limited vs RJSC |
233 |
Company Matter 23/1953
Pioneers Bank Ltd. vs Md. Abdul Gafore |
234 |
Company Matter 216/2024
Kim Jangbo Managing Director of Housing (BD) Limited vs RJSC |
235 |
Company Matter 184/2024
Mesbah Uddin Khan vs Tanaz Fashions Limited |
236 |
Company Matter 208/2024
Mesbah Uddin Khan vs Wirdy Washing Ltd. and another |
237 |
Company Matter 209/2024
Mesbah Uddin Khan vs Vintage Governments Limitedand another |
238 |
Company Matter 207/2024
Mesbah Uddin Khan vs Hollywood Garments (Pvt.) Limited and another |
239 |
Company Matter 316/2024
Ananta apparels Ltd. vs RJSC |
240 |
Company Matter 825/2023
Comfort Apparels (Pvt). Limited vs Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms |
241 |
Company Matter 826/2023
Comfort Knit Fashion Limited vs Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms |
242 |
Company Matter 262/2023
Md. Nurul Islam vs Bright Future Holdings Litd. |
243 |
Company Matter 110/2024
Md. Emdadul Haque Chowdhury vs RJSC |
244 |
Company Matter 125/2020
Mahfuz Hasan and others vs Shurwid Industries ltd. |
245 |
Company Matter 324/2024
E-Engineering Limited [Adv : Mr. Zahid Rafique-For the petitioner] vs Registrar, Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSCF), 2, TCB Bhaban, Kawran Bazar, Dhaka |
246 |
Company Matter 429/2024
Hamko Corporation Ltd. vs RJSC |
247 |
Company Matter 391/2024
Hamza Apparels Limited vs RJSC |
248 |
Company Matter 318/2024
Brandix Casualwear Bangladesh Limited and another vs The Registrar, Joint Stock Companies and Firms |
249 |
Company Matter 56/2024
Md. Borhan-E-Sultan vs Bangladesh Foodstuff Importens @ Suppliers Association (BFISA) nd others |
250 |
Company Matter 539/2024
Yu Lianghui vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms |
251 |
Company Matter 548/2024
Md. Abdullah vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms |
252 |
Company Matter 549/2024
Dilruba Kabir vs The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms |
253 |
Company Matter 126/2022
Ataur Rahman vs Shera Industries Ltd. and others |
254 |
Company Matter 752/2023
(At 3:30 P.M.) |
Supachi Weeraborwornpong Directior of Siamgas Bangladesh Ltd. vs RJSC |
255 |
Company Matter 751/2023
(At 3:30 P.M.) |
Supachi Weeraborwornpong Directior of Siamgas International Ltd. vs RJSC |
256 |
Company Matter 398/2024
Nirmal Chandra Bairagi vs Hajee Air Travels Ltd. and another |
257 |
Company Matter 313/2024
Arif Rahman vs Air Alliance Limited |
258 |
Company Matter 61/2024
CVC Finance Limited vs RJSC |
259 |
Company Matter 443/2024
Md. Abul Hossain vs RJSC |
260 |
Company Matter 444/2024
Md. Nasir Uddin vs RJSC |
261 |
Company Matter 445/2024
Md. Abdullah Al Mamun vs RJSC |
262 |
Company Matter 531/2024
Md. Rezwanul Ahmed vs RJSc |
263 |
Company Matter 232/2024
Md. Mizanur Rahman vs Jeans Concept Ltd. and another |
264 |
Company Matter 233/2024
Md. Mizanur Rahman vs Fashion Jeans Ltd. and another |
265 |
Company Matter 234/2024
Md. Mizanur Rahman vs Denim Attires Limited and another |
266 |
Company Matter 235/2024
Md. Mizanur Rahman vs Fashion Flash Ltd. and another |
267 |
Company Matter 285/2024
Mohammad Mohsin vs Latif Securities Limited and another |
268 |
Company Matter 448/2024
Md. Abdul Karim vs Finesse Lifestyle Limited and another |
269 |
Company Matter 543/2024
Md. Akter Hossain vs Lam Mim Apparels Ltd. and another |
270 |
Company Matter 138/2024
Faisal Mahmud vs RJSC |
271 |
Company Matter 505/2024
Md.Mizanur Rahman Mazumder vs Race Holdings Limited and another |
Supplementary List In-Re Motion hearing |
Sl |
Case Number |
Parties |
Result |
272 |
Company Matter 639/2024
Md. Abdul Hamid and others. vs Bangladesh Agro-Processors Association and others. |