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An  application  under  Section  115(1)  of  the  Code  of  Civil Procedure.

- AND -


Md. Moksed Ali.


-Versus –

Md. Abdul Majid Pramanik and others.

….Plaintiff- respondent-opposite parties.

No one appears.

…..  For the petitioner.

Mr. Md. Sheikh Jalal Uddin, Advocate with

Mr. S.M. Obaidul Hoque, Advocate

…..  For opposite party Nos. 1-2. Mr. Abu Naser Swapan, Assistant Attorney General

…..  For opposite party Nos. 3-5.

Heard on: 22.02.2024, 04.03.2024 and Judgment on 21.03.2024. On an application of the petitioner Md. Moksed Ali under section

115 (1) of the Code of Civil Procedure the Rule was issued calling upon the opposite parties to show cause as to why the impugned judgment and decree dated 13.03.1997 (decree signed on 17.03.1997) passed by the learned Subordinate Judge, 2nd Court, Rajshahi, in Title Appeal No. 97 of 1995 affirming judgment and decree dated 29.03.1995 (decree signed on 04.04.1995) passed by the Senior Assistant Judge, Poba, Rajshahi in Other Class  Suit  No.  84  of  1993  dismissed  the  appeal  and  upholding  the judgment  and  decreed  should  not  be  set  aside  and/or  such  other  or further order or orders passed as to this court may seem fit and proper.

The matter was posted in the daily cause list on the couple of days with  the  names  of  the  learned  Advocates.  Thereafter  the  learned Advocate  of  the  petitioner  appeared  before  this  court  and  took adjournment  but  subsequently  the  learned  Advocate  did  not  appear before this court furthermore.

Facts  necessary  for  disposal  of  the  Rule,  in  short,  is  that  the opposite party Nos. 1 and 2 as plaintiffs instituted Other Class Suit No. 84 of 1993/(Miscellaneous Case No. 84 of 1993) before the Senior Assistant Judge,  Poba,  Rajshahi  for  declaration  of  title  of  the  suit  land  and  for cancellation of the lease agreement of the plaintiff by the impugned order dated 02.07.1993 should be declared illegal, void and not binding upon the  plaintiff  stating-inter-alia  that  the  petitioner  filed  an  application before  the  Deputy  Commissioner,  Rajshahi  for  obtaining  lease  of  the schedule  land  as  landless  people  and  accordingly  the  P.S.  Case  No. 460/12/89-90 was started and the Deputy Commissioner, Rajshahi leased out  of  the  said  land  in  favour  of  the  plaintiff  as  a  landless  people. Subsequently  the  plaintiff  executed  a  kabuliat  by  registered  deed  No. 6126 dated 11.06.1990 and also mutated their name and the concerned authority took rent from the plaintiff.

The further case is that on an application of the defendant No.4 the office of the Deputy Commissioner cancelled the said lease agreement of the plaintiff by its order dated 02.07.1993. The plaintiff are in possession of the said suit land by installing sallow machine and cultivated the land, thus the plaintiff is constrained to file the present suit.

The suit was contested by the defendant Nos. 2-3 by filing written statements denying all the material assertion of the case.

The  case  of  the  defendants  is  that  the  authority  decided  to distribute the land among the landless people and accordingly published the notification. The defendant No.4 filed an application and accordingly the suit land was supposed to be leased out in favour of him. But the plaintiff cunningly with the help of some corrupted employers managed to obtain the lease and when the matter was brought before the defendant which  was  enquired  by  the  enquiry  committee  and  the  Assistant Commissioner (land) after enquired of the same submitted the report that the  plaintiff  fraudulently  obtained  the  aforesaid  land  instead  of  the defendant  No.4  thus  the  concerned  authority  cancelled  the  lease agreement of the plaintiff by the impugned order dated 02.07.1993. The suit should liable to be dismissed.

Subsequently the defendant No.4 was added as party of suit and filed written statement stating that this defendant on the basis of P.S. Case No. 9/12/89-90 obtained 16 decimal of land of plot No. 311 and are in possession of the same land but subsequently came to know that the plaintiff  with  the  help  of  the  some  corrupted  staffs  of  the  defendant Government obtained the land through P.S. Case No. 460/12/89-90 then he filed an application before the Deputy Commissioner, Rajshahi and the Assistant  Commissioner  (land)  enquired  the  matter  and  submitted  his report  then  the  defendant  cancelled  the  said  lease  agreement  of  the plaintiff and the plaintiff are not in possession of the suit land and the suit should liable to be dismissed.

The trial court framed 3 (three) issues for consideration of the case.

At the trial both the sides adduced witnesses and also exhibited the documents.

The  trial  court  after  hearing  the  parties  and  considering  the evidence on record decreed the suit by its judgment and decree dated 29.03.1995.

Against  the  said  judgment  and  decree  of  the  trial  court  the defendant Nos.1-3 did not prefer any appeal but the added defendant No.4 preferred Title Appeal No. 97 of 1995 before the leaned District Judge, Rajshahi.

The appeal was heard by the learned Subordinate Judge, 2nd Court, Rajshahi who after hearing the parties and considering the evidence on record  dismissed  the  appeal  and  thereby  affirming  the  judgment  and decree of the trial court by its judgment and decree dated 31.03.1997.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the impugned and decree of the courts below the added defendant No.4 preferred this revisional application  under  Section  115(1)  of  the  Code  of  Civil  Procedure  and obtained the Rule. However, the defendant Nos.1-3 the Government did not file any revisional application challenging the impugned judgment and decree of the courts below.

Mr. S.M. Obaidul Haque, the learned Advocate along with Mr. Md. Sheikh Jalal Uddin, Advocate enter appeared on behalf of the opposite party Nos 1-2 through vokalatnama to oppose the Rule.

However, Mr. Abu Naser Swapon, the learned Assistant Attorney General represented on behalf of the opposite party Nos. 3-5 submits that the  plaintiff  committing  fraud  illegally  obtained  the  lease  order  and accordingly the executed a registered kabuliat. He further submits that when the matter was brought before the concerned authority then the authority formed an enquiry committee and the enquiry committee after enquired of the matter submitted report that the plaintiff on committing fraud  and  with  the  help  of  some  corrupted  staffs  of  the  defendant- Government obtained the lease agreement thus the concerned authority cancelled the said lease agreement of the plaintiff. He further submits that the plaintiff ought to have challenged the same to the higher authority of the  defendant  Nos.1-3  but  without  invoking  the  said  jurisdiction  they purposely filed this suit and obtained the decree. He further submits that since the plaintiff obtained the lease agreement by committing fraud and fraud vitiates everything and thus the judgment of the courts below is error in law resulting in an error in the decision occasioning failure of justice.

The learned Advocate of the petitioner appeared before the court only a single day when the matter was posted in the daily cause list as heard in part and took adjournment but did not appear furthermore.

I have perused the impugned judgment of the courts below, the papers and documents as available on the record.

It appears that the trial court after consideration of the facts and circumstances  of  the  case  took  view  that  the  plaintiff  by  adducing sufficient evidence succeed to prove his case that the concerned authority gave him lease of the aforesaid schedule land and thereafter the plaintiff executed  the  registered  agreement  and  also  found  that  though  the defendant  claimed  that  the  plaintiff  was  not  a  landless  people  but considering the exhibit filed by the plaintiff took view that the plaintiff has only  48  decimal  of  land  and  since  the  circular  No.  1/1394  dated 01.07.1987 states that who has land less than 50 decimal being a landless people and since the plaintiff has no more than 50 decimal of land and such he was a landless people and accordingly decreed the suit.

The appellate court also after considering the evidence on record upheld the said judgment of the trial court.

It appears that the lease agreement of the plaintiff was cancelled by the  defendant  Nos.1-3  but  the  defendant  Nos.1-3  did  not  prefer  any appeal challenging the impugned judgment and decree of the trial court.

It also appears that the Government defendant Nos.1-3 also did not

file  any  revisional  application  challenging  the  impugned  judgment  and

decree of the courts below.

I have examined the exhibited documents filed by the parties and it

appears that the plaintiff executed a registered kabuliat being No. 6126

dated 11.06.1990 wherein the e›`e¯— number was mentioned as 467/12/89-90 dated 31.12.1989 and “‡Rjv cÖkvmK m¥viK b s 1 07(f ~wg) Z vwiL : 1 3 /01 /1 990” and in the said lease agreement it is found that Mr. Bikash Chowdhury the Additional District Magistrate (Rev), Rajshahi put his

signature on 11.04.1990 in the said lease agreement which is Exhibit-1.

It also appears from the Exhibits-2, 3 and 3-Ka that the plaintiff

mutated his name and also paid the rents to the concerned authority of

the Government. But it appears from Exhibit-Ka-2 filed by the defendant

No.4 that the allotment in favour of the plaintiff was cancelled in the Case

No. 85/13/19(S.A. Sakha) that the lease of the plaintiff was cancelled by

the order dated 21.06.1993.

It appears that both the courts after consideration of the facts and circumstances of the case concurrently found that without hearing the

plaintiff the defendant Government cancelled the lease agreement of the


It also appears that the plaintiff also executed a registered kabuliat

deed being deed No. 6126 dated 11.06.1990 and which was accepted by

the concerned authority putting the signature and receiving the rents and

the  plaintiff  obtained  a  separated  khatian  through  Mutation  Case  No. 47/9/89-1991 and also paying rents to the Government. In support of the same the plaintiffs produced the same as Exhibit-2 and 3 series.

Considering the facts and circumstances of the case it is my view that  the  plaintiff  made  agreement  with  the  defendant  Nos.1-3  and obtained the land and since the plaintiff executed registered kabuliat. If the Government authority desire to cancel the registered documents then the proper procedure of section 39 of the Specific Relief Act, should be applicable but the concerned authority without taking proper step by the administrative order cancelled the same which does not permit in law.

Considering the aforesaid facts and circumstances of the case since both  the  courts  after  elaborate  discussions  of  the  evidence  on  record concurrently found that the plaintiff is in possession of the suit land and concurrent findings of the facts cannot be interfered with in revisional application if no misreading of the evidence on record. In so many cases it has  been  settled  that  the  concurrent  findings  of  facts  should  not  be interfered  with  if  no  misreading  and  misappropriation  of  facts  and evidence on record. This proposition supported by the decision of the case of Amanatullah –vs. Ali Mohammad Bhuiyan and others, reported in 2 BLC (AD)-134, and the case of Mozher Sowdagar –Vs. M. Zahirul Alam and others, reported in 40 DLR(AD)-62.

Having considered the facts and circumstances of the case, it is my view that the courts below rightly passed the impugned judgment which should not be interfered with, thus I find no merit in the Rule.

In the result the Rule is discharged without any order as to cost. The  impugned  judgment  and  decree  dated  13.03.1997  passed  by  the learned Subordinate Judge, 2nd Court, Rajshahi, in Title Appeal No. 97 of 1995 affirming the judgment and decree dated 29.03.1995 passed by the Senior Assistant Judge, Poba, Rajshahi in Other Class Suit No. 84 of 1993 is hereby upheld.

The order of stay granted earlier by this court is hereby recalled and vacated.

Send down the lower court’s record at once.
