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Microsoft Word - Crl. Appeal No. 157 of 2016 Dismissed_31.07.2024 expir


Mr. Justice Sheikh Abdul Awal

Criminal Appeal No. 157 of 2016

Rehana Akter

.............Convict-appellant. -Versus-

The State


     Mr. Md. Humayun Kabir, Advocate

      .....For the convict-appellant.

                         Ms. Shahida Khatoon, D.A.G with

                         Ms. Sabina Perven, A.A.G with,

                         Ms. Koheenoor Akter, A.A.G.

                      ............. For the respondent.

Heard on 02.07.2024 Judgment on 31.07.2024.

Sheikh Abdul Awal, J:

This  criminal  appeal  at  the  instance  of  convict appellant, Rehana Akter is directed against the impugned judgment  and  order  of  conviction  and  Sentence  dated 11.01.2015 passed by the learned Additional Sessions Judge, 3rd Court, Comilla in Sessions Case No. 209 of 2010 arising out of G.R. No. 1165 of 2009 corresponding to Kotwali Model  Police  Station  Case  No.  83  dated  26.12.2009 convicting  the  accused  appellant  under  table  3(ka) of

section 19(1) of the Madok Drabya Neyontran Ain, 1990 and  sentencing  him  thereunder  to  suffer  simple


imprisonment for a period of 2(two) years and to pay a fine of Taka 1,000/-(one thousand) in default to suffer simple imprisonment for 01 (one) month more.

 Mr.  Md.  Humayun  Kabir,  the  learned  Advocate appearing for the convict appellant submits that the convict appellant  is  out  and  out  innocent,  who  has  been  made scapegoat in the case, in fact, no incriminating goods were recovered  from  the  possession  of  the  accused  appellant although the learned Additional Sessions Judge, 3rd Court, Comilla  without  evaluating  the  evidence  from  a  correct angle  most  illegally  found  the  accused  appellant  guilty under table 3(ka) of section 19(1) of the Madok Drabya Neyontran Ain, 1990.

At  the  time  of  pronouncement  of  judgment,  it appears from the record that this Court on 18.01.2016 at the time of admission of appeal granted ad-interim bail to the accused appellant for a period of 06(six) months, and thereafter, no one took any steps to extend the order of bail as a result of which the said bail was expired long before on 18.07.2016. In that view of the matter, I have no  hesitation  to  hold  that  the  convict  appellant  is  a fugitive from law and justice.

In the case of Anti-Corruption Commission Vs. Dr. HBM Iqbal Alamgir, reported in 15 BLC(AD) 44, it has been  held  that  the  Court  would  not  act  in  aid  of  an accused person, who is a fugitive from law and justice.

In view of the above, this Appeal must fail.

        In the  result,  the  appeal  is  dismissed.  Since  the appeal is dismissed the convict- appellant, Rehana Akter is directed to surrender his bail bond within 3 (three) months from today to suffer his sentence, failing which the Trial Court below shall take necessary steps to secure arrest against the convict appellant.

Send down the lower Court records at once.