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¢p¢im ¢l¢ine ew 1454/2014
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---1-2ew ¢hh¡c£-fË¢afr-fË¢ah¡c£NZ f−r
öe¡e£l a¡¢lMx 15.05.2024, 05.06.2024 Hhw l¡u fËc¡−el a¡¢lMx 06.06.2024z
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h¡c£-Bf£mL¡l£-clM¡Ù¹L¡l£NZ LaѪL ®cJu¡e£ L¡kÑ¢h¢dl d¡l¡ 115 Ef-d¡l¡ 1 ®j¡a¡−hL clM¡Ù¹ c¡¢M−ml ®fË¢r−a Aœ ¢hi¡N LaѪL ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 13.04.2014 a¡¢l−M ¢ejÀh¢ZÑa Ef¡−u Aœ l¦m¢V Cp¤É Ll¡ q−u¢Rmx
“¢ejÀ Bc¡m−al e¢b amh ®cJu¡ qELz
HC j−Ñj Aflfr−cl fË¢a L¡lZ cnÑ¡−e¡ f§hÑL l¦m S¡l£ Ll¡ qCm, ®Le ¢p−m−Vl ¢h‘ A¢a¢lš² ®Sm¡ SS, Qa¥bÑ Bc¡ma Hl ®cJu¡e£ 136/2007 ew Bf£−m fËQ¡¢la 15.01.2014 a¡¢l−Ml a¢LÑa
l¡u Hhw 23.01.2014 a¡¢l−Ml ü¡r¢la ¢X¢œ² lc J l¢qa Ll¡ qC−h
e¡, ®k l¡u J ¢X¢œ²j¤−m ¢p−mV ®Sm¡l ¢hnÄe¡−bl ¢h‘ pqL¡l£ SS Bc¡ma Hl ®cJu¡e£ 49/2006 ew ®j¡LŸj¡u fËQ¡¢la 17.06.2007 a¡¢l−Ml l¡u Hhw 21.06.2007 a¡¢l−Ml ü¡r¢la ¢X¢œ² cªtLlZ j−jÑ
Bf£m¢V e¡j”¤l qCu¡−R Hhw clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ Aœ Bc¡ma Hl ¢h−hQe¡u
Bl ®k pLm fË¢aL¡l f¡C−a f¡−le a¡q¡l J B−cn ®Le ®cJu¡ qC−h e¡z
L¦m¢V flha£Ñ 4(Q¡l) pç¡−ql j−dÉ ®gla−k¡NÉz
72(h¡q¡šl) O¾V¡l j−dÉ 2(c¤C) gcÑ amh¡e¡ c¡¢M−ml ¢e−cÑn lCmz 1(HL) gcÑ ®l¢S¢øÊ X¡L−k¡−N AeÉ gcÑ ü¡i¡¢hL ¢eu−z j”
Aœ −j¡LŸj¡¢V ¢eÖf¢šl m−rÉ OVe¡l pw¢rç ¢hhle HC ®k,
h¡c£ Bë¤m L¢lj Nw e¡¢mn£ afn£m h¢ZÑa ¢h−l¡d£u i¨¢j pÇf¢š h¡h−c M¡p cMm f¤el¦Ü¡−ll fСbÑe¡u üaÄ −j¡LŸj¡ ew 49/2006 c¡¢Mm Ll−m ¢h‘ pqL¡l£ SS, ¢hnÄe¡b, ¢p−mV öe¡e£A−¿¹ ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 17.06.2007 a¡¢l−M fËcš l¡u J ¢Xœ²£ (¢Xœ²£ ü¡r−ll a¡¢lM 21.06.2007) j§−m ®j¡LŸj¡¢V 1ew ¢hh¡c£l p¡−b c¡alg¡p¤−œ p§−œ Hhw AeÉ¡eÉ ¢hh¡c£l p¡−b HLalg¡ p§−œ ¢he¡ MlQ¡u M¡¢lS L−lez
Aaxfl Eš² l¡u J ¢Xœ²£−a pwr¥Ü q−u h¡c£ üaÄ Bf£m ®j¡LŸj¡ ew 136/2007 c¡¢Mm Ll−m ¢h‘ A¢a¢lš² ®Sm¡ SS, 4bÑ Bc¡ma, ¢p−mV-H öe¡e£ A−¿¹ ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 15.01.2014 a¡¢l−M fËcš l¡u J ¢Xœ²£ (¢Xœ²£ ü¡r−ll a¡¢lM 23.01.2014) j§−m Bf£m −j¡LŸj¡¢V fË¢aà¢åa¡L¡l£ ®lpf−ä¾VN−el ¢hl¦−Ü ®c¡alg¡p§−œ ¢he¡ MlQ¡u e¡j”¤l L−lez
Aaxfl Eš² l¡u J ¢Xœ²£−a pwr¥ì q−u h¡c£ Aœ ¢p¢im ¢l¢ine clM¡Ù¹ c¡¢Mm L−l l¦m¢V fË¡ç qez
h¡c£-clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ f−r ¢h‘ ¢p¢eul HÉ¡X−i¡−LV plc¡l Bh¤m ®q¡−pe pw−N HÉ¡X−i¡−LV ®j¡x Jjl g¡l¦L ¢hÙ¹¡¢lLai¡−h k¤¢š²aLÑ EfÙÛ¡e L−lez Afl¢c−L, 1-2ew ¢hh¡c£-fË¢afr- fË¢ah¡c£NZ f−r ¢h‘ HÉ¡X−i¡−LV p¤l¢Sv i–¡Q¡kÑ pw−N HÉ¡X−i¡−LV jja¡S ®hNj ¢hÙ¹¡¢lai¡−h k¤¢š²aLÑ EfÙÛ¡fe L−lez
Aœ ¢p¢im ¢l¢ine clM¡Ù¹ Hhw eb£ ¢hÙ¹¡¢lai¡−h fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡ Ll¡ q−m¡z Eiu f−rl ¢h‘ HÉ¡X−i¡−LVNZ Hl k¤¢š²aLÑ nÐhZ Ll¡ q−m¡z
…l¦aÄf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u pqL¡l£ SS, ¢hnÄe¡b, ¢p−mV LaѪL üaÄ −j¡LŸj¡ ew 49/2006-H fËcš ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 17.06.2007 a¡¢l−Ml l¡u ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x
“This is a title suit. The plaintiff filed this for recovery of khas possession by evictig the defendant from the suit land.
Haji Asir Ali, Abdul Aziz, father of the plaintiff and Mohammad Haji was the original owner of the suit land including the others land. The suit land and other land was recorded in the name of their in the Settlement survey. Then Abdul Aziz, father of the plaintiff purchased the suit land including other land vide registered deed no. 974 dated 28.03.1944 and became possession and owner. In the provisional survey of Bangladesh the suit land was recorded in the name of the father of the plaintiff.
The defendant are the relatives of the plaintiff. At the request of the defendants’ the plaintiff gave permission to the defendants to live in the suit land in the middle of 1990. Considering the helplessness of the defendants the plaintiffs made katcha house for there.
The defendants are permissive possessor . They do not have title over the suit land . The plaintiff requested the defendants to leave the possession of the suit land verbally for several times.
On 21.04.2004 the plaintiff gave notice to the defendants through advocate to leave the possession of the suit land. The defendants did not pay heed to the notice of the plaintiff. For the reason the plaintiff filed this suit for recovery of khas possession.
Defendant no. 1 contested in the suit by filing written statement. The defendant side claimed that the statements of the plaint is not true. The case of the defendant in brief is as follows:-
The original owner of the suit land including the other lands was Hazi Ashid Ali. Abdul Jasir Ali and Muhammad Ali. After the death of the original recorded owner, a written partition deed was executed among the heirs of them on.14-3-1989 Abdul Aziz , father of the plaintiff and his brother Matasin Ali, father of the defendants no. 1-3 got 30 decimal land through the partition deed. Matasin Ali the predecessor of the defendants was lliterate ands simple. The function of recroding the suit land was entrusted upon the Abdul Aziz, father of the plaintiff.
In the khatian only the name of Abdul Aziz was recorded wrongly. At the interogation of the Matsin Ali, Abdul Aziz promised that he would rectify the record or transfer possession of his portion physically.
In the above noted paratition deed Abdul Aziz, father of the plaintiff took the thumb impression of the Matasin Ali on the
partitrion deed on condition that protion of the total land would be given to the father of the defendants.
Subsequently the father of the defendants claimed his equal share equivalent to 15 ( fifteen ) decimal land and Abdul Aziz, father of the plaintiff asssured him for giving 15 decimal land. With the assurance of the predecessor of the plaintiff the defendants father possessed the suit land by constructing dwelling house thereon.
After the death of the father of the defendants claimed 15 decimal land from the father of the plaintiff. Then he informed that he would give only 7.5 decimal landto the defendants, the defendants became astonished at the behaviour of the predecesser of the plaintiff. Like their predecessor of the answering defendants used to posses the suit land beyond the limitation constructed a house measuring 19.5 feet length and 15 feet breadth. They have been living in this house like their father.
They have been possessing the suit beyond the limitation period like their predecessor. In present survey the surveyor note down their name to see their possession and provide porcha . The answering defendants were never the permissive possessor of the plaintiff. The statements of the plaintiff is false. Therefore, the suit is liable to be dismissed with cost.
In order to prove the order plaintiff side produced 03 ( three ) witnesses before the court and submitted documents which have been marked as exhibit 1 and 2 . On the other hand defendant side examined 05 ( five ) witnesses.
Issue no.1
The defendant side claimed in the written statement that the suit is not maintainable in its present form. They did not explain in detail how the suit is not maintainable . They did not raise the issue at the time of trial or argument. I do not find any legal bar regarding the maintainability of the suit.
Therefore it is hereby decided that the suit is maintainable in its present form .
Issue no. 2
The defendant side claimed in the written statement that the suit is barred by limitation . They did not explain the matter in their written statement in detail how the suit is barred by limitation. However, at the time of argument the advocate for the defendant argued that the suit is barred by limitation, because according to the plaint , the defendants have been possessing the suit land since 1990 as a permissive possessor .
Notice of eviction was given on 21.04.2004 . Hence, the suit is barred by limitation . On the other hand, the learned advocate for the plaintiff argued that the cause of action of the suit arose from the date of notice of eviction e.g. 21.04.2004 and they filed the suit on 26.05.2004. Therefore the suit is filed within the time. Considering the above noted facts I am of the opinion that the suit is not barred by limitation. The issue is hereby decided infavour of the plaintiff.
Issue no.3
The defendant side claimed in their written statement that the suit is bad for defect of parties . They did not state the name to whom the plaintiff did not include as a necessary parties. The defendant side did not take any step in this regard at the stage of 30 C.P.C. The advocate for the plaintiff argued that they include all the permissive possessor of the suit land.
Therefore, I am of the opinion that the suit is not bad for defect of parties.
Issue no.4
The plaintiff claimed that his father Abdul Aziz was the recorded owner of the suit land . It appears from the S.A Khatian that the name of Abdul Aziz , father of the plaintiff was recreded in the S.A Khatian no. 191. The plaintiff side also claimed that his father Abdul Aziz purchased the suit land and others lands by registered deed no. 974 dated 07-03-1944.(Exhibit no.1) in this deed, no, plot was mentioned . The plaintiff did not take any step for local investigaion.
On the other hand defendant side claimed that Abdul Aziz, father of the plaintiff and Matasin Ali, father of the defendant are brothers and they are the sons of late Zasir Ali. The defendant side submitted a inheritance certificate issued by the administrator of Beanibazar Pouroshava. Sylhet. But the defendant side did not prove the certificate formally . D.W-2 Abdul Kadir said the following at the time of cross examination in support of the above noted facts:
ÒZwQi Avjxi GKRb fvB wQj | Zvi bvg nvRx Rwgi Avjx | Rwgi Avjxi 2 †Q‡j nvRx Av: AvwRR, gZwQi Avj, 2 †g‡q KwUbv wewe, myiæRv wewe | Ó
D.W.-3 said the following at the time of cross examination:-
Ò ev`x I weev`x Avcb PvPvZ fvB †evb | Ó
P.W-1 admitted the above noted facts impliedly at his chief in examination:-
Ò weev`xMb Avgvi AvZ¥xq| Zckxj ewY©Z f~wg‡Z emevm Kivi Rb¨ 1990 mv‡ji
gvSvgvwS‡Z weev`xMb‡K AvZ¥xq wnmv‡e _vKvi AbygwZ cÖ`vb Kiv nq| Ó From the above noted facts I am of the opinion that Abdul Aziz and Motasin Ali are brothers.
The defendant side claimed that a written partition deed was executesd among the heirs of the Asid Ali, Zasir Ali and Mohammad Ali. The defendants side submitted a unregistered partition deed ( Photo copy ). I have perused the partition deed. It appears that the signature given by Abdul Aziz in the aforsaid partition deed and in the General Power of Attorney in favour of plaintiff is same and identical.
Another intersting and important aspect of this suit is that Abdul Aziz is still alive in good health . But he neither filed this suit nor gave deposition in this suit. The General Power of Attorney executed by Abdul Aziz in favour of his son Abdul Karim (Plaintiff of the suit) was not filed at the time of filling suit . It was filed at the time of argument stage.
Plaintiff side claimed that the defendants are the permissive possession of the plaintif. The plaintiff admitted the possession of the plaintiff. On the other side, the defendant side claimed that the plaintiff never possessed the suit land. They have been possessing the suit land since long. Before than, their father Matasin Ali possessed the suit land. D.W-4 said the following regarding the possession at the time of cross examination:-
Òbvwjkv Rwg‡Z weev`xMb gZwQb Avjxi Iqvwikm~‡Î gvwjK| Rwgi Avjxi DËivwaKvix wn‡m‡e bvwjkv Rwg gZwQi Avjx `Lj Ki‡Zv| Ó
Òbvwjkv Rwg‡Z eZ©gv‡b wU‡bi Ni Av‡Q | Ni 15 eQi Av‡M wbg©vY Kiv nq | 15 eQi Av‡M bvwjkv Rwg‡Z gZwQi Avjx Ni evbvq, Ni evbvB‡Z Avwg †`‡LwQ| Ó I have perused the depositions of the all the witnesses of this suit from the deposition of the witnesses it is evident that the plaintiff
had never possession in the suit land . The defendants have been possessing the suit land since long time.
Considering the above noted facts and circumstances I
am of the oponion that plaintiff has no title and possession in the
suit land. The plaintiff miserably failed to prove his possession.
The plaintiff failed to prove when and how he has been dispossed from the suit land .
Issue no.5
The plaintiff failed to proved his case. Hence he is not entitled to
get relief as prayed for.
Court fees paid is adequate .
Hence, it is
That the suit is dismissed on contest against the defendant no.1
and exparte against the rest of the defendants without cost.
ü¡rl/- ®j¡q¡Çjc g¡l¦L ü¡rl/- ®j¡q¡Çjc g¡l¦L 17.06.2007 17.06.2007
pqL¡l£ SS pqL¡l£ SS ¢hnÄe¡bz ¢hnÄe¡bz
…l¦aÄf§ZÑ d¡u ¢h‘ A¢a¢lš² ®Sm¡ SS, 4bÑ Bc¡ma, ¢p−mV LaѪL üaÄ Bf£m −j¡LŸj¡ ew 136/2007-H fËcš ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 15.01.2014 a¡¢l−Ml l¡u ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x
“mnKvix RR Av`vjZ, wek¦bv_, wm‡jU Gi weÁ mnKvix RR Rbve †gvnv¤§` Avjx KZ„„©K ¯^Z¡ 49/2006 bs †gvKÏgvq cÖ`Ë weMZ 17/6/2007Bs Zvwi‡Li ivq I 21/6/2007Bs Zvwi‡Li wWwµi Am¤§wZ‡Z ev`x AvcxjKvix wnmv‡e AÎ Avcxj gvgjvwU `v‡qi Kiv nq |
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†fvM `Lj K‡i AvmwQ‡jb | Dc‡iv³fv‡e Ges †gŠwLK ev‡Uvqviv g~‡j ev`xi wcZv Av: AvwRR Zckxj ewY©Z mvK~j¨ f~wg †fvM`LjK _ Kve¯’vq Zvi bv‡g evsjv‡`k Rwi‡c †iKW© nq | weev`xMb ev`xi AvZ¥xq nIqvq weev`xM‡bi Aby‡iv‡a ev`x Zckxj ewY©Z m¤úwˇZ emev‡mi Rb¨ weev`xMb‡K 1990 m‡bi ga¨fv‡M AbygwZ cÖ`vb K‡ib Ges bvwjkx f~wg‡Z A¯’vqxfv‡e KvPuv M„n wbg©vY K‡i †`b| D³ M„‡n weev`xMb AbygwZ m~‡Î emevm K‡i Avm‡Qb | Zckxj ewY©Z m¤úwË ev`xi cÖ‡qvRb nIqvq bvwjkx m¤úwËi `Lj Zvi eive‡i †Q‡o †`qvi Rb¨ weev`xMb‡K Aby‡iva Ki‡j weev`xMb †Q‡o bv ‡`qvq 21/4/04 Bs ZvwiL weev`xc‡ÿi eivei WvK‡hv‡M wjM¨vj †bvwUk cÖ`vb Kiv nq | wKš‘ †bvwU‡k D‡jøwLZ †gqv‡`i g‡a¨ bvwjkx m¤úwËi `Lj †Q‡o bv †`qvq AÎ AvcxjKvix ev`x n‡q weev`x-‡imc‡Û›U Gi weiæ‡× bvwjkx m¤úwË n‡Z weev`xMb‡K D‡”Q`µ‡g Lvm `L‡ji cÖv_©bvq g~j gvgjvwU `v‡qi K‡ib|
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Zvi GKvi bv‡g D‡V‡Q D‡j−‡L cieZ©x‡Z †iKW© ms‡kvab Ki‡eb Ges mgvb wnm¨v cÖ`vb Ki‡eb g‡g© D‡j−L K‡ib | ev`xi wcZv Avt AvwRR AZ¨š— PZzi I †jvfx nIqvq D‡j−wLZ ev‡Uvqviv `wj‡j Zvi Ask n Z we v`xM‡bi c~e©eZ©xMb gZwmb
Avjx‡K 41 Ask w`‡eb g‡g© my‡KŠk‡j wjwL‡q wb‡q Awkw¶Z gZwmb Avjxi
wUcmwn ev‡Uvqviv `wj‡j MÖnY K‡ib| cieZ©x‡Z gZwmb Avjx AvcwË DÌvcb Ki‡j Avt AvwRR Zv‡K mgvb Ask A_©vr 15 kZK f~wg cÖ`vb Ki‡eb g‡g© A½xKvi Kiv m‡Z¡I cÖ`vb bv Kivq gZwmb Avjx Zv `vex K‡ib| wKš‘ ev`xi wcZv bvwjkx 750 kZK f~wgi AwZwi³ f~wg wZwb Avi w`‡Z cvi‡eb bv e‡j Rvbvb| bvwjkx f~wg‡Z weev`xMb mxgvbv wPwýZ K‡i wcZvi Avgj †_‡K wbwg©Z M„‡n mK‡ji ÁvZmv‡i †fvM`Lj K‡i Avm‡Qb|eZ©gvb Rwi‡c DËiKvix weev`x‡K bvwjkx f~wg‡Z `Lj †c‡q Zvi bv‡g cP©v cÖ`vb K‡ib| weev`xMb KLbI bvwjkxf~wg ev`x KZ©„K AbygwZ m~‡Î `LjKvi bq| ev`x weev`x‡`i ¯^Z¡ `Ljxq AviI m¤úwË AvZ¥mv‡Zi D‡Ï‡k¨ m¤ú~Y© wg_¨v `vex‡Z g~j gvgjvwU `v‡qi K‡ib hv LiPvmn LvwiR‡hvM¨|
weÁ wb¤œ Av`vjZ g~j †gvKÏgvi AviRx I wjwLZ Rev‡ei †cÖwÿ‡Z g~j gvgjvq wb¤œwjwLZ wePvh© welq¸wj MVb K‡ibt
1| AÎ AvKv‡i gvgjvwU Pj‡Z cv‡i wK bv ? 2| AÎ †gvKÏgvwU Zvgvw` †`v‡l `yówK bv? 3|AÎ †gvKÏgvwU cÿ‡`v‡l `yó wKbv?
4| bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ ev`x c‡ÿi ¯^Z¡ I `Lj Av‡Q wK-bv Ges ev`x bvwjkx f~wg n‡Z †e-`Lj n‡q‡Qb wK-bv ?
5| ev`xc¶ cÖv_©xZ g‡Z cÖwZKvi ev Ab¨ †Kvb DcKvi †c‡Z cv‡i wK-bv ?
Dc‡iv³ wePvh© wel‡qi Av‡jv‡K Dfqc‡ÿi mvÿ¨ cÖgv‡Yi wfwˇZ weÁ wb¤œ Av`vjZ 17/06/07 Bs Zvwi‡L g~j gvgjvwU ‡`vÕZidv my‡Î LvwiR K‡ib| weÁ Av`vj‡Zi D‡jøwLZ ivq I wWwµi wei“‡× g~j gvgjvi ev`x AvcxjKvix wnmv‡e GB AvcxjwU `v‡qi K‡ib|
Avcxj `v‡q‡ii KviY wnmv‡e Avcx‡ji †g‡gv‡Z GB g‡g© D‡jøL Kiv nq †h, weÁ wb¤œ Av`vj‡Zi MwVZ 5 wU wePvh© wel‡qi g‡a¨ gvgjvi iÿbxqZv , Zvgvw` Ges cÿ‡`vl msµvšÍ welq mg~n ev`xi AbyKy‡j wb®úwË Kiv m‡Z¡I g~j gvgjv wWmwgm Kiv mwVK I AvBbm½Z nqwb| weÁ wb¤œ Av`vjZ GwU Abyaveb Ki‡Z e¨_© n‡q‡Qb †h, `vexK…Z 3/3/1944 Bs Zvwi‡Li `wj‡ji wfwˇZ bvwjkx f~wg msµvšÍ 191 bs LwZqv‡b AvcxjKvixi wcZv Av: AvRx‡Ri bv‡g †iKW© n‡q‡Q | Kv‡RB D³ `wjjf~³ m¤úwË m‡iRwg‡b Z`šÍ Kiv DwPZ wQj g‡g© weÁ wb¤œ Av`vj‡Zi wm×všÍ mwVK I AvBbm½Z nqwb | weÁ wb¤œ Av`vjZ †eAvBbxfv‡e weev`xMb KZ©„K `vwLjx Kw_Z A‡iwRwóªK…Z ev‡Uvqviv `wj‡ji d‡UvKwc we‡ePbvq wb‡q Av: AvRx‡Ri `¯ÍLZ h_vh_ I mwVK Av‡Q g‡g© wm×všÍ cÖ`vbµ‡g gvgjvwU wWmwgm Kiv b¨vq wePvi cwicwš’| weÁ wb¤œ Av`vjZ †gŠwLK I `vwjwjK mvÿ¨ cÖgvbvw` h_vh_fv‡e we‡ePbv bv K‡i †gvKÏgvwU †eAvBbxfv‡e wWmwgm K‡ib | D‡jøwLZ Kvi‡Y weÁ wb¤œ Av`vj‡Zi ZwK©Z ivq I wWwµ evwZjµ‡g g~j gvgjvq wWwµ cÖ`v‡bi cÖv_©bv Kiv nq|
we‡eP¨ welqt
1| weÁ wb¤œ Av`vjZ KZ©„K cÖPvwiZ weMZ 17/06/2007 Bs Zvwi‡Li iv‡q D‡j−wLZ hyw³ I wm×všÍ mg~n AvBbvbyM I mwVK n‡q‡Q wK bv |
2| AÎ Avcxj gÄyi†hvM¨ wK bv |
Av‡jvPbv I wm×vš—
Av‡jvPbv I wm×vš— MÖn‡bi Rb¨ mKj we‡eP¨ welq GK‡ÎAv‡jvPbv Kiv n‡jv| Avcxj ïbvbxKv‡j AvcxjKvix c‡¶i weÁ AvBbRxwe Avcx‡ji †g‡gvi mg_©‡b GB g‡g© D‡j−L K‡ib †h, bvwjkx m¤úwË msµvš— †iKW© 28/3/44 Bs Zvwi‡Li avivevwnKZvq ev`xi wcZvi bv‡g nIqv m‡Z¡I weÁ wb¤œ Av`vjZ D³
`wjjf~³ m¤úwË m‡iRwg‡b Z`š— Kiv DwPZ wQj g‡g© fyj wm×vš— cÖ`vb K‡ib |
weÁ AvBbRxwe AviI e‡jb, bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ weev`x †imc‡Û›U c¶ AbygwZ
my‡Î `LjKvi wK bv †mB welqwU g~j gvgjvi cÖavb wba©vib‡hvM¨ welq nIqv m‡Z¡I weÁ wb¤œ Av`vjZ D³ wel‡q c„_K wePvh© welq MVb bv K‡i fzj wePvh©
wel‡qi Av‡jv‡K wm×vš— cÖ`vb K‡ib| D‡j−wLZ Kvi‡Y g~j gvgjvwU mwVK wePvh© welq MÖnbµ‡g Zvi Av‡jv‡K wm×vš— MÖnbK‡í c~b: wePv‡i wigv‡Û †cÖi‡Yi Av‡e`b
K‡ib| Aciw`‡K †imc‡Û›U c‡¶i weÁ AvBbRxwe ïbvbxKv‡j e‡jb, g~j
gvgjvwU `v‡q‡ii †Kvb AwaKvi ev`x c‡¶i bvB| ev` c‡¶i `vexK…Z `wj‡j `vM, LwZqvb bv _vKvq m‡iRwg‡b Z`š— Qvov `wjjf~³ m¤úwË bvwjkv m¤úwË wK bv Zv wba©vi‡bi my‡hvM bvB| †gvKÏgvi g~j¨vqb mwVK nqwb| †gvKÏgv `v‡q‡ii KviY
ev cause of action cÖgvwYZ nqwb| Kv‡RB AÎ Avcxj bv gÄyi Kivi cÖv_©bv Kiv nq|
g~j gvgjvi AviRx, weev`xc‡¶i wjwLZ Reve, Dfqc‡¶i cÖ`Ë mv¶¨ cÖgvY, cÖ`k©bx wPwýZ KvMRvw`, AÎ Avcx‡ji †g‡gv mn bw_ wek`fv‡e ch©v‡jvPbv Kijvg|
Dfqc‡¶i `vexi †cÖw¶‡Z weÁ wb¤œ Av`vj‡Zi ZwK©Z iv‡qi h_v_©Zv wba©vibK‡í bw_ ch©v‡jvPbvq †`Lv hvq , g~j gvgjvi AviRx‡Z GB g‡g© `vex Kiv
nq †h, ev`x Av: Kwi‡gi wcZv Av: AvRxR bvwjkx f~wg‡Z ¯^Z¡evb I `LjKvi
_vKve¯’vq weev`xMb AvZ¥xq nIqvq Zv‡`i Aby‡iv‡a bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ emev‡mi
Rb¨ 1990 m‡bi cÖ_g fv‡M weev`xMb‡K AbygwZ cÖ`vb K‡ib Ges weev`xMb AbygwZm~‡Î bvwjkx f~wg‡Z emevm K‡i Avm‡Qb| bvwjkx m¤úwË cÖ‡qvRb nIqvq
cieZ©x‡Z weev`xMb‡K bvwjkx m¤úwËi `Lj †Q‡o w`‡Z ejv m‡Z¡I weev`xMb †Q‡o
bv †`Iqvq g~j gvgjvwU `v‡qi Kiv nq| A_©vr AviwR Abymv‡i bvwjwk m¤úwËi
gvwjK ev`xi wcZv Av: AvwRR Ges wZwbB bvwjwk m¤úwË weev`xMb‡K `L‡ji
AbygwZ cÖ`vb K‡ib| †m‡¶‡Î bvwjwk m¤úwË eve` weev`xMb‡K D‡”Q` Ki‡Z n‡j
D³ Av: AvRxR KZ©„K gvgjv `v‡qi Kivi K_v| A_P g~j gvgjvwU `v‡q‡ii mgq
Av: AvwRR RxweZ I my¯’¨ _vKv m‡Z¡I Av: AvwRR `v‡qi K‡ibwb eis Zvi †Q‡j
Av: Kwig gvgjvwU `v‡qi K‡ib| Av: AvwRR gvgjv `v‡qi bv Kivi †Kvb e¨vL¨vI
AviwR‡Z cÖ`vb Kiv nqwb| Kv‡RB Kw_Z g~j g gjvwU Av: AvwR‡Ri RxweZKv‡j
Zvi †Q‡j Av: Kwig KZ©„K `v‡qi Kivi gZ Locas-standi ev AwaKvi ev`xi bvB|
G e¨vcv‡i Avcx‡ji †g‡gv‡Z e¨vL¨v cÖ`vb Kiv nq †h, Av: AvwRR KZ©„K cÖ`Ë
Power of Attorney g~‡j Zvi †Q‡j Av: Kwig KZ©„K g~j gvgjvwU `v‡qi Kivq Av: Kwi‡gi gvgjv `v‡qi Kivi AwaKvi bvB g‡g© D‡j−‡L gvgjv wWmwgm Kiv
AvBbm½Z nqwb| G e¨vcv‡i bw_ ch©v‡jvPbvq †`Lv hvq, g~j †gvKÏgvi mv¶¨ cÖgvY
mgvß nIqvi c‡i hyw³ZK© ïbvbxKv‡j Av: Kwi‡gi eive‡i cÖ`Ë Av: AvRx‡Ri
Power of Attorney Av`vj‡Z `vwLj Kiv nq hv weÁ wb¤œ Av`vjZ m¤ú~Y© mwVK fv‡e MÖnY K‡ibwb| g~j gvgjvi AviwR‡Z GB g‡g© †Kvb D‡j−L bvB †h, g~j
gvgjvwU Av: AvwR‡Ri cÖ`Ë Power of Attorney g~‡j ¶gZvcÖvß n‡q Av: Kwig KZ©„K `v‡qi Kiv n‡q‡Q| Kv‡RB GB e¨vcv‡i cÖ`Ë weÁ wb¤œ Av`vj‡Zi wm×vš— mg~n mwVK I wbf©yj g‡g© AÎ Av`vjZ g‡b K‡ib| Kv‡RB Av: Kwi‡gi bvwjwk m¤úwˇZ ¯^xK…Z g‡Z †gvKÏgv `v‡q‡ii mgq ¯^Z¡ ¯^v_© `Lj bv _vKvq Zvi AvbxZ weev`xMb‡K D‡”Q` Kiv gvgjvq ev`x Av: Kwig †Kvb cÖwZKvi †c‡Z cv‡ib bv |
weev`xM‡bi bvwjkx m¤úwË `L‡ji welqwU ev`x KZ©„K m¤ú~Y© ¯^xK…Z| Z‡e
G e¨vcv‡i ev`x c‡¶i `vex Abyhvqx ev`xi wcZv Av: AvwR‡Ri ¯^Z¡ `Ljxq bvwjkx m¤úwË Av: AvwRR KZ©„K Zvi AvZ¥xq weev`xMb‡K mvgwqKfv‡e †fvM `L‡ji AbygwZ †`Iqv n‡q‡Q Ges weev`xM‡bi Amnvq‡Z¡i K_v we‡ePbv K‡i Av: AvwRR bvwjkx f~wg‡Z weev`xMb‡K A¯’vqxfv‡e KvuPv M„n wbg©vY K‡i †`b| ev`xc‡¶i D‡j−wLZ `vexi †cÖw¶‡Z g~j gvgjvi cÖavb wba©vib‡hvM¨ welqwU GB †h, weev`x †imc‡Û›Uc¶ bvwjkx f~wg‡Z ev`x/AvcxjKvixi wcZv Av: AvwR‡Ri AbygwZ m~‡Î `LjKvi bvwK †imc‡Û›UMb wcZvi Avgj †_‡K bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ ¯^Z¡evb wnmv‡e `Lj cwiPvjbv K‡i Avm‡Qb| GB wel‡q ev`x-AvcxjKvixi `vex cÖwZwóZ Ki‡Z
n‡j ev`x-AvcxjKvix‡K m‡›`nvZxZ fv‡e cÖgvY Ki‡Z n‡e †h, cÖK…Zc‡¶ weev`xMb‡K bvwjkx m¤úwË mvgwqKfv‡e `Lj Kivi Rb¨ AbygwZ †`Iqv n‡qwQj|
A_P g~j gvgjvi AviwR n‡Z †`Lv hvq, D³iƒc AbygwZ cÖ`v‡bi mywbw`©ó ZvwiL, gvm, mgq AviwR‡Z Av‡`Š D‡j−L bvB| g~j gvgjvi AviwRi 2q `dvq GB g‡g© D‡j−L Kiv nq †h, weev`xMb ev`xi AvZ¥xq nIqvq ev`x A_©vr Av: Kwig Zckxj ewY©Z bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ emev‡mi Rb¨ 1990 m‡bi ga¨fv‡M AbygwZ cÖ`vb K‡ib
Ges D³ f~wg‡Z A¯’vqxfv‡e KvuPv M„n wbg©vb K‡i †`b| ev`xc‡¶i ¯^xK…Zg‡Z D³ mg‡q Zvi wcZv Av: AvwRR RxweZ wQ‡jb Ges my¯’ I ¯^vfvweK wQ‡jb| †mB‡¶‡Î
ev`x KZ©„K bvwjkx m¤úwËwU ev`xMb‡K `Lj cÖ`v‡bi AbygwZ cÖ`vb Kivi †hgb K_v
bq †Zgwb weev`xMb KZ©„K ev`x Av: Kwig‡K bvwjkx m¤úwË mvgwqKfv‡e emevm Kivi Rb¨ Aby‡iva Kivi Av‡`Š †Kvb KviY _vK‡Z cv‡ibv| GQvov ev`x Av: Kwig wc,Wwe−D-1 wnmv‡e mv¶¨ cÖ`vbKv‡j Revbe›`x‡Z GK ch©v‡q D‡j−L K‡ib, weev`xMb Amnvq nIqvq Zvi wcZv Av: AvwRR bvwjk f~wg‡Z weev`xMb‡K KvuPv M„n wbg©vb K‡i †`b| A_P AviwRi 2q `dvi e³e¨ Abyhvqx, ev`xi wcZv Av: AvwRR weev`xMb‡K bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ KvuPv M„n wbg©vb K i †`bwb eis ev`x wb‡RB bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ weev`xMb‡K emev‡mi AbygwZ †`b Ges wZwb wb‡RB A¯’vqxfv‡e †mLv‡b KvuPv M„n wbg©vb K‡i †`b| †m‡¶‡Î †K weev`xMb‡K bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ _vKvi AbygwZ cÖ`vb K‡ib Ges †K †mLv‡b A¯’vqx Ni wbg©vb K‡i †`b †me¨vcv‡i m‡›`‡ni m„wó nq Ges G&B wel‡q ev`xc‡¶i e³‡e¨i mZ¨Zv m¤ú‡K©I m‡›`n m„wó nq| weev`x †imc‡Û›U ev`x-AvcxjKvixi AbygwZm~‡Î `LjKvi g‡g© cÖgv‡Yi Rb¨ ev`xc¶ †_‡K
g~j gvgjvq wc,Wwe−D-1 QvovI AviI 2 Rb mv¶x‡K Dc¯’vcb Kiv nq| wc,Wwe−D-2 dvi“K Avn¤§` GB e¨vcv‡i †Rivq ¯^xKvi K‡ib, Kw_Z AbygwZ cÖ`v‡bi mgq wZwb †mLv‡b wQ‡jb bv Ges Kw_Z D‡”Q‡`i e¨vcv‡i M„wnZ Kvh©µ‡gi mgqI wZwb Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb bv| Abyiƒcfv‡e wc,Wwe−D-3 Av: Iqvwn` †Rivi GK ch©v‡q D‡j−L
K‡ib, ev`x KZ©„K weev`xMb‡K bvwjkx Rwg‡Z `Lj Kivi AygwZ cÖ`v‡bi mgq Ges D‡”Q‡`i †bvwUk †`Iqvi mgq wZwb †mLv‡b Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb bv| Kv‡RB bvwjkx f~wg‡Z weev`xMb ev`xi AbygwZ m~‡Î `LjKvi g‡g© †hgb mv¶x Øviv cÖgvY nqbv †Zgwb †gvKÏgvi KviY A_©vr Kw_Z D‡”Q‡`i †bvwUk cÖ`v‡bi welqwUI ev`x- AvcxjKvixmn Zvi Dcw¯’Z mv¶x‡`i mv¶¨ †_‡K Av‡`Š cÖgvY nqbv| g~j gvgjvi AviwR‡Z 21/4/04 Bs Zvwi‡L bvwjkx m¤úwËi `Lj †Q‡o †`Iqvi Rb¨ GW‡fv‡KU mv‡n‡ei gva¨‡g wjM¨vj †bvwUk ‡`Iqv nq g‡g© D‡j−L Kiv n‡jI D³ g‡g© †Kvb †bvwU‡ki Kwc ev GZ`msµvš— †Kvb cÖgvY Av`vj‡Z cÖ`k©bx wnmv‡e wPwýZ bv Kivq †gvKÏgvi cause of action ev †gvKÏgv `v‡q‡ii KviY Av‡`Š cÖgvbxZ nqbv |
‡h‡nZz bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ weev`x-‡imc‡Û›U c‡¶i `L‡ji welqwU ev`x- AvcxjKvix KZ©„K ¯^xK…Z Ges weev`xM‡bi D³ `Lj ev`xi AbygwZ m~‡Î cÖvß g‡g© Ges weev`xM‡bi eive‡i D‡”Q‡`i †bvwUk ‡`Iqv m‡Z¡I weev`xMb `Lj †Q‡o †`bwb g‡g© ev`x-AvcxjKvix c‡¶i `vex mv¶¨ cÖgv‡Y cÖgvwbZ nqwb ‡m‡nZz bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ weev`x-‡imc‡Û›U c‡¶i `Lj‡K Av‡`Š ev`x-AvcxjKvixc‡¶i AbygwZ
m~‡Î `LjKvi g‡g© we‡ePbv Kiv hvq bv eis weev`x-‡imc‡Û›U Gi wcZv bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ ¯^Z¡evb nIqvq weev`xMb wcZvi Avgj †_‡KB bvwjkx f~wg‡Z Nievox wbg©vb K‡i †fvM `Lj K‡i Avm‡Qb g‡g© weev`x c‡¶i `vexwU MÖnb‡hvM¨ nq| ev`xc‡¶i gvwbZ mv¶x wc,WweøD-3 Av: Iqvwn` Gi †Rivq cÖ`Ë e³e¨ †_‡K D³ welqwU cÖgvYxZ nq| GB mv¶x †Rivq GK ch©v‡q e‡jb, bvwjkx Rwg‡Z weev`xc¶
Zvi wcZvi Avgj †_‡K `L‡j Av‡Qb| A_P AviwR Abyhvqx AvZ¥xq nIqvq ev`x weev`xMb‡K bvwjkx Rwg‡Z _vKvi AbygwZ cÖ`vb K‡ib Ges †mLv‡b A¯’vqx KvuPv Ni wbg©vb K‡i †`b| ev`xi AviwRi D‡j−wLZ e³e¨ mwVK n‡j bvwjkx Rwg‡Z weev`xMb KZ©„K Zvi wcZvi Avgj †_‡K †fvM `Lj Kivi cÖkœ Av‡mbv |
D‡j−wLZ welq m¤ú‡K© Ges †gvKÏgvi KviY ev cause of action
m¤ú‡K© AvcxjKvix c¶ †_‡K GB g‡g© hyw³ cÖ`k©b Kiv nq ‡h, 1 bs weev`x mwdqv
†eMg wW,Wwe−D-1 wnmv‡e mv¶¨ cÖ`vb Kv‡j 21/04/07 Bs Zvwi‡L †Rivq †h‡nZz
D‡j−L K‡ib bvwjkx Rwg‡Z wZwb 17 eQi hveZ `L‡j Av‡Qb †m‡nZz g~j gvgjvi
cause of action A_©vr 1990 m‡bi ga¨fv‡M bvwjkx f~wg‡Z weev`xMb AbygwZ m~‡Î `LjKvi _vKvi `vexwU cÖgvY nq| G e¨vcv‡i AÎ Av`vj‡Zi e³e¨ GB †h, wW,Wwe−D-1 Gi 21/4/07 Bs Zvwi‡Li D‡j−wLZ e³e¨ †_‡K hw`I 1990 mvj ‡_‡K
weev`x bvwjkx Rwg `Lj K‡ib g‡g© cvIqv hvq wKš‘ ïaygvÎ †mB Kvi‡b weev`xMb bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ ev`xc‡¶i AbygwZ `LjKvi g‡g© cÖgvY nqbv| †Kbbv BwZc~‡e©i Av‡jvPbvq †`Lv hvq, D³ wel‡q ev`x AvcxjKvix c¶ mv¶¨ cÖgvY w`‡q bvwjkx f~wg‡Z weev`xM‡bi AbygwZ m~‡Î `LjKvi msµvš— `vexwU cÖgvY Ki‡Z m¶g nbwb|
†m‡¶‡Î ïaygvÎ wW,Wwe−D-1 Gi D‡j−wLZ e³‡e¨i Kvi‡Y a‡i †bIqv hvqbv †h,
1990 mvj †_‡K weev`xMb bvwjkx f~wg‡Z ev`xi AbygwZ m~‡Î `Lj K‡i Avm‡Qb |
†Kbbv, wW,Wwe−D-1 mv¶¨‡Z GB g‡g©I D‡j−L K‡ib †h, wZwb Zvi wcZvi Avgj
†_‡K bvwjkx Rwg‡Z evox Ni wbg©vb K‡i †fvM `Lj K‡ib Ges eZ©gv‡b wZwb bvwjkx Rwg‡Z †fvM `LjKvi Av‡Qb| GQvov wee `xc‡¶i Ab¨vb¨ mv¶x A_©vr wW,Wwe−D-2 †gv: Av: Kvw`i, wW,Wwe−D-3 †gv: Rwmg DwÏb, wW,Wwe−D-4 iwdK DwÏb Ges wW,Wwe−D-5 †gv: dKi“j Bmjvg cÖ‡Z¨‡KB bvwjkx m¤úwË weev`vxMb AbygwZ m~y‡Î `LjKvi Av‡Qb g‡g© ev`x-AvcxjKvixi `vex m¤ú~Y© A¯^xKvi KiZt bvwjkx f~wg‡Z weev`xc¶ wcZvi m~‡Î ¯^Z¡evb I `LjKvi Av‡Qb g‡g© D‡j−L K‡ib| Kv‡RB GZ`wel‡q AvcxjKvix c‡¶i D‡j−wLZ hyw³wU MÖnb‡hvM¨ bq|
g~j gvgjvi AviwR n‡Z †`Lv hvq, bvwjkx m¤úwË n‡Z weev`xMb‡K D‡”Q`µ‡g Lvm `L‡ji wWwµi cÖv_©bvq g~j gvgjvwU `v‡qi Kiv nq| †mB †¶‡Î bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ ¯^Z¡ msµvš— welqwU A_©vr bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ ev`xc‡¶i ¯^Z¡ , ¯^v_© Av‡Q wKbv A_ev †Kvb c‡¶i ¯^Z¡ ¯^v_© i‡q‡Q †mB welqwU we‡ePbv Kiv AcÖ‡qvRbxq g‡g© we‡ewPZ nq| weÁ wb¤œ Av`vjZ ZwK©Z iv‡q bvwjkx f~wg‡Z ¯^‡Z¡i cÖkœwU wek`fv‡e Av‡jvPbv KiZt bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ ev`xc‡¶i ¯^Z¡ _vKvi `vex cÖgvYxZ nqbv g‡g© D‡j−L Kivq AÎ Avcx‡ji †g‡gv‡Z weÁ wb¤œ Av`vj‡Zi D‡jøwLZ wm×v‡š—i wei“‡× wek` eY©bv KiZt ejv nq, ev`xi wcZv Av: AvwR‡Ri bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ ¯^Z¡ ¯^v_© m„wói `vexi mg_©‡b g~j `wjj Ges LwZqvb cÖ`k©bx wnmv‡e wPwýZ Kiv m‡Z¡I Ges weev`x c¶ †_‡K ¯^‡Z¡i `vexi mg_©‡b †KvbI `wjjvw` `vwLj bv Kiv m‡Z¡I bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ ev`xi ¯^Z¡ i‡q‡Q g‡g© weÁ wb¤œ Av`vj‡Zi wm×vš— mwVK bq| Avcx‡ji †g‡gv‡Z D‡j−wLZ D³ hyw³wUi h_v_©Zv wba©vibK‡í bw_ ch©v‡jvPbvq †`Lv hvq , g~j gvgjvi AviwR Abyhvqx bvwjkx m¤úwËi g~j gvwjK wQ‡jb Avwmi Avjx, Av: AvwRR I †gvnv¤§` nvRx Ges Zv‡`i bv‡g †m‡Uj‡g›U Rwi‡c †iKW© nq| A_P D³ g‡g© †Kvb †iKW© `vwLj Kiv nqwb| ev`x AvcxjKvix KZ©„K 28/3/44 Bs Zvwi‡Li `wjj g~‡j Av: AvwRR KZ©„K bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ ¯^Z¡ m„wói `vex Kiv nq| D³ `wjj A_©vr cÖ`k©bx-1 n‡Z †`Lv hvq, D³ `wj‡ji `vZv bwRi Avjx| wKš‘ bwRi Avjx †iKW©xq gvwjK g‡g© AviwR‡Z `vex Kiv nqwb| bwRi Avjx wKfv‡e D³ m¤úwËi gvwjK n‡jb †mB e¨vcv‡iI AviwR‡Z †Kvb e¨vL¨v bvB| †mB‡¶‡Î bwRi Avjxi wbKU †_‡K ev`xi wcZv Av: AvwR‡Ri bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ ¯^Z¡ m„wói `vex Av‡`Š h_v_© g‡g© we‡ePbv Kiv hvq bv| AviwRi GK ch©v‡q GB g‡g© D‡j−L Kiv nq †h, `wjjg~‡j I †gŠwLK ev‡Uvqviv g~‡j Av: AvwRR bvwjkx Rwg‡Z gvwjK nb| A_P †gŠwLK ev‡Uvqvivi †Kvb cÖgvY bvB| Avevi wc,Wwe−D-1 Av: Kwig mv¶¨ cÖ`vbKv‡j ïaygvÎ 28/3/44 Bs Zvwi‡Li `wjj g~‡j bvwjkx Rwg‡Z ¯^Z¡ `vex K‡ib| Kv‡RB bvwjkx Rwg‡Z Av: AvwR‡Ri ¯^Z¡ m„wói `vex m¤ú‡K© D‡j−wLZ ci®úi we‡ivax e³e¨ we‡ePbvq bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ Av: AvwR‡Ri ¯^Z¡ m„wói `vex cÖgvbxZ nqbv |
Avcx‡ji †g‡gv‡Z GKwU wel‡q ¸i“Z¡ Av‡ivc Kiv nq ‡h, 28/3/44 Bs
Zvwi‡Li `wj‡ji m¤úwË bvwjkx m¤úwË bq g‡g© weev`xc¶ †_‡K `vex DÌvcb bv Kiv m‡Z¡I weÁ wb¤œ Av`vjZ ZwK©Z iv‡q D³ `wj‡ji m¤úwË m‡iRwg‡b Kwgkb Kivi cÖ‡qvRb wQj g‡g© †h wm×vš— cÖ`vb K‡ib Zv mwVK bq| wKš‘ bw_ n‡Z †`Lv
hvq , wc,Wwe−D-1 †K weev`xc¶ †_‡K GB g‡g© mv‡Rkb †`Iqv nq †h, cÖ`k©bx-1 `wjjwUi m¤úwË bvwjkx m¤úwË bq| G Qvov wW,Wwe−D-1 Revbe›`x‡Z cÖZ¨¶fv‡e D‡j−L K‡ib †h, D³ `wj‡ji m¤úwË bvwjkx m¤úwˇK AvK…ó K‡ibv| Kv‡RB `wjj m¤ú‡K© Kwgkb Kvh© m¤úbœ Kivi cÖ‡qvRb wQj g‡g© weÁ wb¤œ Av`vj‡Zi wm×vš—wU‡K fzj ev h_v_© bq g‡g© Av‡`Š we‡ePbv Kiv hvq bv| Aciw`‡K weev`x †imc‡Û›U c¶ bvwjkx f~wg‡Z ¯^‡Z¡i `vex DÌvcb KiZt ev‡Uvqviv `wjj g~‡j Zv‡`i wcZv bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ ¯^Z¡evb g‡g© D‡j−L K‡ib| Z‡e D³ g~j `wjjwU wW,Wwe−D-1 Gi Kv‡Q Av‡Q g‡g© mv¶¨‡Z D‡j−L Kiv m‡Z¡I Zv `vwLj bv Kivq AvcxjKvix c¶ †_‡K D³ ev‡Uvqviv `wj‡ji h_v_©Zv m¤ú‡K© ¸i“Zi AvcwË DÌvcb Kiv nq| BwZc~‡e© D‡j−L Kiv n‡q‡Q †h, bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ ev`xc‡¶i ¯^Z¡ m„wói `vex Ges weev`xMb bvwjkx f~wg‡Z ev`xi AbygwZ m~‡Î `LjKvi g‡g© ev`xc¶ †gŠwLK I `vwjwjK mv¶¨ cÖgvY w`‡q cÖwZwóZ Ki‡Z e¨_© n‡q‡Qb| ¯^xK…Z g‡Z weev`x bvwjkx f~wg‡Z `LjKvi nIqvq Ges ev`xi AbygwZ m~‡Î `LjKvi g‡g© cÖgvb bv nIqvq ¯^vfvweK fv‡eB avibv Kiv hvq †h, bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ weev`xi `Lj Kivi mg_©‡b weev`xc¶ †_‡K †h `vex Kiv n‡q‡Q †mwU m¤ú~Y© mwVK| ZvQvov bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ weev`xc¶ ev`xi AbygwZ m~‡Î `LjKvi nIqvi `vex ev`x AvcxjKvix cÖgvY Ki‡Z e¨_© nIqvq weev`xc¶ †Kvb m~‡Î wKfv‡e bvwjkx f~wgi `Lj cÖvß nb Ges Kw_Z ev‡Uvqviv `wjj g~‡j bvwjkx m¤úwË 1bs weev`xi wcZv gZwmb Avjx cÖvß n‡q‡Qb wKbv GZ`msµvš— welq AÎ †gvKÏgvi wba©vib Kiv wbZvš—B AcÖ‡qvRbxq g‡g© we‡ewPZ nq| Kv‡RB bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ 1 bs weev`x †imc‡Û›U ev`xi AbygwZ m~‡Î `Lj cÖvwßi `vex ev`x-AvcxjKvix cÖgvb Ki‡Z e¨_© nIqvq g~j gvgjvi ev`x- AvcxjKvix‡K cÖv_©xZ cÖwZKvi cÖ`v‡bi my‡hvM bvB |
myZvivs Dc‡iv³ mg¯— welq wek` ch©v‡jvPbvi Av‡jv‡K weÁ wb¤œ Av`vj‡Zi ZwK©Z ivq mwVK I AvBbm½Z nIqvq AÎ Avcxj bvgÄyiµ‡g weÁ wb¤œ Av`vj‡Zi ¯^Z¡ 49/2006 bs gvgjvq cÖ`Ë ZwK©Z ivq I wWwµ envj ivLvi wm×vš— M„nxZ n‡jv |
Avcx‡ji ¯§vi‡K cÖ`Ë †KvU© wd mwVK Av‡Q | AZGe
Av‡`k nq †h,
GB ¯^Z¡ Avcxj †gvKÏgvwU cÖwZØw›`ZvKvix †imc‡Û›UM‡bi wei“‡× ‡`v- Zidv m~‡Î webv LiPvq bvgÄyi Kiv n‡jv |
GZØviv weÁ wb¤œ Av`vjZ KZ©„K ¯^Z¡ 49/2006 bs †gvKÏgvq weMZ 17/06/2007 Bs Zvwi‡Li ivq I Zb¥~‡j cÖ¯‘ZK…Z weMZ 21/06/2007 Bs Zvwi‡Li wWwµ mwVK-ï× mve¨‡¯’ envj ejer ivLv n‡jv |
iv‡qi Abywjwc mn weÁ wb¤œ Av`vj‡Zi bw_ mZ¡i †cÖiY Kiv †nvK | Avgvi K_vgZ UvBc I Avgvi Øviv ¯^v¶i/-dvnwg`v Kv‡`i
ms‡kvwaZ 15/1/14
¯^v¶i/-dvnwg`v Kv‡`i AwZwi³ †Rjv RR
15/1/14 AwZwi³ †Rjv RR 4_© Av`vjZ AwZwi³ †Rjv RR
AwZwi³ †Rjv RR 4_© Av`vjZ
…l¦aÄf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u ®cJu¡e£ L¡kÑ¢h¢dl d¡l¡ 115 ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x
115. (1) The High Court Division may, on the application of any party aggrieved, call for the record of any suit or proceeding in which a decree or an order has been passed by a Court of District Judge or Additional District Judge, or a decree has been passed by a Court of Joint District Judge, Senior Assistant Judge or Assistant Judge, from which no appeal lies; and if such Court appears to have committed any error of law resulting in an error in such decree or order occasioning failure of justice, the High Court Division may, revise such decree or order and, make such order in the suit or proceeding, as it thinks fit.
(2) --------- (3)--------- (4)---------
(5) --------
Ab¡Ñv ®cJu¡e£ L¡kÑ¢h¢dl d¡l¡ 115 (1) ®j¡a¡−hL ®L¡e −j¡LŸj¡u ¢Lwh¡ L¡kÑœ²−j ®Sm¡ SS Bc¡ma h¡ A¢a¢lš² ®Sm¡ SS Bc¡ma LaѪL ¢X¢œ² ¢Lwh¡ B−cn fËcš q−m, Abh¡ k¤NÈ ®Sm¡ SS, ¢p¢eul pqL¡l£ SS h¡ pqL¡l£ SS LaѪL fËcš Hje fËL¡l ¢X¢œ² k¡l ¢hl¦−Ü BC−e Bf£−ml ®L¡e p¤−k¡N e¡C; pwr¥ì f−rl B−hc−e q¡C−L¡VÑ ¢hi¡N e¢b amh Ll−a f¡l−he; Hhw k¢c HV¡ fËa£uj¡e qu ®k, Eš² Bc¡ma BC−el fË−nÀ Hje i¤m L−l−Re k¡l L¡l−Z Eš² ¢X¢œ² h¡ B−c−n Hje i¤m q−u−R ®k eÉ¡u ¢hQ¡l hÉbÑ q−u−R h−m Øfø fËa£uj¡e qu ®p−r−œ q¡C−L¡VÑ ¢hi¡N Eš² ¢X¢œ² h¡ B−cn f¤e¢hÑ−hQe¡ h¡ pw−n¡de Ll−a Hhw ®kl©f p¢WL ¢h−hQe¡ Ll−h ®pl©f AeÉ¡eÉ B−cn Eš² −j¡LŸj¡u h¡ L¡kÑœ²−j fËc¡e Ll−a HM¢au¡lpÇfæz
haÑj¡e ®j¡LŸj¡u BC−el fË−nÀ ¢h‘ B¢fm Bc¡ma ab¡ A¢a¢lš² ®Sm¡ SS, 4bÑ Bc¡ma, ¢p−mV ¢L i¥m L−l−Re a¡ fËj¡Z Ll−a clM¡Ù¹L¡l£NZ pÇf§ZÑ hÉbÑ q−u−Rez
L¢Q ¢ju¡ Jl−g −M¡Q¡ ¢ju¡ -he¡j- p¤l¦S ¢ju¡l jªa¥É−a a¡l Ešl¡¢dL¡l£ ®j¡x gSm¤l lqj¡e J AeÉ¡eÉ j¡jm¡u {51 ¢XHmBl (H¢X)(1999) f¡a¡-57}-H Aœ ¢hi¡N ja¡ja fËc¡e Lle ®k,
“The High Court Division as a revisional court had hardly any jurisdiction to set aside the findings of fact by the appellate Court and that also without discussing any fault in the factual finding by the said court.”
S¢pj E¢Ÿe L¡’e-he¡j - ®j¡x Bm£ Bnl¡g j¡jm¡u {42 ¢XHmBl (H¢X)(1990) f¡a¡-289}-H Aœ ¢hi¡N ja¡ja fËc¡e Lle ®k,,
“Interference with finding of fact- finding based on due consideration of evidence was beyond the scope of revisional Court to interfere with.”
nñ¥ e¡b ®f¡Ÿ¡l -he¡j- h¡wm¡−cn j¡jm¡u {43 ¢XHmBl (H¢X)(1991) f¡a¡-82}-H Aœ ¢hi¡N ja¡ja fËc¡e Lle ®k,
“A revisional court acts beyond its jurisdiction in setting aside concurrent finding of fact, when there is no misreading and misappreciation of the evidence on record.”
B¢fm ¢hi¡N LaѪL Ef¢l¢õ¢Ma ®j¡LŸj¡u fËcš ¢pÜ¡¿¹ ®j¡a¡−hL HV¡ Øfø ®k, ¢h‘ ¢hQ¡¢lL Hhw B¢fm Bc¡ma LaѪL OVe¡l ¢ho−u fË¡ç a−bÉl Efl ¢l¢ine Bc¡ma ®L¡e
qÙ¹−rf Ll−a f¡−l e¡z Aœ ®j¡LŸj¡u ®j±¢ML Hhw c¡¢m¢mL p¡−rÉl ®L¡e i¥m hÉ¡MÉ¡ ¢Lwh¡ i¥m ¢h−hQe¡ ¢h‘ ¢hQ¡¢lL Bc¡ma ¢Lwh¡ B¢fm Bc¡ma L−l−Re Hje ®L¡e abÉ Ef¡š clM¡Ù¹L¡l£NZ EfÙÛ¡fe Ll−a hÉbÑ q−u−Rez BC−el fË−nÀ ¢h‘ B¢fm Bc¡ma i¥m L−l−Re
j−jÑJ ®L¡e fËj¡Z EfÙÛ¡fe Ll−a clM¡Ù¹L¡l£NZ prj qe e¡Cz ¢h‘ B¢fm Bc¡ma ab¡
A¢a¢lš² ®Sm¡ SS, 4bÑ Bc¡ma, ¢p−mV pLm −j±¢ML J c¡¢m¢mL p¡rÉ fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡ L−l −k l¡u
J ¢Xœ²£ fËc¡e L−l−Re a¡ ®kj¢e p¢WL ®aj¢e eÉ¡u p‰az
¢hNa Cw−lS£ 15.01.2014 a¡¢l−Ml A¢a¢lš² ®Sm¡ SS, 4bÑ Bc¡ma, ¢p−mV LaѪL üaÄ Bf£m ®j¡LŸj¡ ew-136/2007-H fÐcš l¡u J ¢Xœ²£ qÙ¹−rf−k¡NÉ euz l¦m¢V M¡¢lS−k¡NÉz
AaHh, B−cn qu ®k, Aœ l¦m¢V ¢he¡ MlQ¡u M¡¢lS Ll¡ q−m¡z
A¢a¢lš² ®Sm¡ SS, 4bÑ Bc¡ma, ¢p−mV LaѪL üaÄ Bf£m ®j¡LŸj¡ ew 136/2007-H fÐcš ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 15.01.2014 a¡¢l−Ml l¡u J ¢Xœ²£ (¢Xœ²£ ü¡r−ll a¡¢lM 23.01.2014) Haà¡l¡ hq¡m l¡M¡ q−m¡z
Aœ l¡−ul Ae¤¢m¢fpq Ad:Ù¹e Bc¡m−al e¢b pw¢nÔø Bc¡m−a â¦a ®fÐlZ Ll¡ qELz