Mr. Justice Md. Salim
Mr. Justice Shahed Nuruddin
Mosaraf Hossain
............Accused-Petitioner. -VERSUS-
The State and another
……..... Opposite Parties.
Mr. M. Sarwar Hossain, Advocate
............ For the petitioner. Mr. M. Masud Rana, Advocate
…...... For the opposite party No.2.
Ms. Shamima Sultana, DAG
..............For the State.
Heard on 15.05.2024, 23,05,2024, 29.05.2024 and 21.08.2024
Judgment on 22.08.2024.
By this Rule, the opposite parties were asked to show cause as to why the proceeding of the Nari-O-Shishu Nirjatan Daman Case No.347 of 2010 arising out of G R No. 431 of 2010 corresponding to Mohammadpur Police Station Case No. 12 dated 05.08.2010 under Section 10/11(Ga)/30 of the Nari-O-Shishu Nirjatan Daman Ain, 2000, now pending before the Nari-O-Shishu Nirjatan Daman Tribunal No.4, Dhaka should not be quashed and or such other or further order or orders passed as to this Court may seem fit and proper.
Material facts, in a nutshell, for disposal of the Rule are that the accused petitioner is the complainant's husband. During their wedlock, two sons were blessed. After marriage, her husband, in various ways, received a dowry of taka of one and a half crore from the victim and her father. The accused petitioner, with his relatives, grabbed the earlier amount and started torturing her again on demand of a dowry of Tk.2 crores. After some days, the accused petitioner got married another women and living in his house, on 2.4.2010 at about 9.30 p.m., the victim, her younger brother Nur Hossain Hira and sister Rajeda Begum went to the house of the accused petitioner. The relatives of the accused petitioner called her inside their home, but they did not allow her brother and sister to enter. At one stage of the conversation, the accused persons, without being provoked, became tempered. Then, accused Musharraf Hossain took her inside his bedroom and locked the door. All of a sudden, the accused attacked her and outraged her modesty, and also injured her. Hearing her hue and cry, her accompanies proceeded forward and compelled the accused persons to open the door and rescue her. After that, they took the complainant to Dhaka Medical College Hospital, and after getting treatment there, she filed the instant case.
The police investigated the case and, after investigation, submitted a final report on 03.10.2010 in favor of the accused petitioner and others and also recommended to draw proceedings against the complainant-victim under section 17 of the Nari-O-Shishu Nirjatan Daman Ain, 2000.
Being aggrieved against the final report on 13.02.2011, the complainant filed a Naraji Petition before the learned Judge, Nari-O- Shishu Nirjatan Daman Tribunal No. 4, Dhaka, who allowed the Naraji petition in part and took cognizance against the accused petitioner under section 10 (Kha) and 11(Kha)/30 of the Nari-O-Shishu Nirjatan Daman Ain,2000.
The petitioner surrendered before the learned Judge, Nari-O- Shishu Nirjatan Daman Tribunal No.4, Dhaka, and obtained bail. On 09.01.2012, the learned Judge, Nari-O-Shishu Nirjatan Daman Tribunal No.4, Dhaka, framed the charge against the accused petitioner and others under sections 10 and 11(G)/30 of the Nari-O-Shishu NIrjatan Daman Ain, 2000 and fix the date for the examination of the witnesses.
Being aggrieved by the charge framing order, the accused petitioner filed this application under section 561A of the Code of Criminal Procedure, obtained the Rule and order of stay.
Mr. M. Sarwar Hossain, learned counsel appearing on behalf of the accused petitioner, submits that after six years of divorce, this victim complainant lodged the FIR against the accused petitioner and after submission of the final report the victim complainant filed a naraji petition; that the facts of the case as alleged by the victim-complainant are so preposterous that even admitted fats no case stands against the accused petitioner, that the Tribunal without any inquiry under section 27(1)(Ka) of the Nari-O-Shishu Nirjatan Daman Ain allowed the Naraji Petition took cognizance of the case is an abuse of the process of the Court.
On the contrary, Ms. Shamima Sultana, the learned Deputy Attorney General appearing on behalf of the State, opposes the contention so made by the learned counsel for the petitioner and submits that there is a specific allegation against him and the learned Judge of the Tribunal considering the whole materials on record rightly framed the charge against the accused petitioner.
We have anxiously considered the submissions made by the learned advocates for both parties and perused the related documents annexed to the application and other recorded materials. To substantiate the submissions advanced by the Bar, the relevant law may be quoted as follows;-
Section 27 of the Nari-o-Shishu Nirjatan Daman Ain, 2000( as amended in 2003) provided that-
“২৭। (১) সাব-ই েপ র পদমযা দার wb‡¤œ নেহন এমন কান পুিল শ কমকত া বা এতদেুেশ সরকােরর িনকট হইেত সাধারণ বা িবেশষ আেদশ ারা
মত া কান ব ি র িলিখত িরেপাট ব িতেরেক কান াইবু নাল কান অপরাধ
িবচারাথ হণ কিরেবন না।
(১ক) কান অিভেযাগকারী উপ-ধারা (১) এর অধীন কান পুিল শ কমকত ােক বা মত া ব ি েক কান অপরােধর অিভেযাগ হণ কিরবার জন অনুের াক ধিরয়া ব থ হইয়ােছন মেম হলফনামা সহকাের াইবু নােলর িনকট অিভেযাগ দািখল কিরেল াইবু নাল অিভেযাগকারীেক পরী া কিরয়া,-
(ক) স হইেল অিভেযাগ অনু সােনর (inquiry) জন কান ম ািজে ট িকংবা অন কান ব ি েক িনেদ শ দান কিরেবন এবং অনু সােনর জন িনেদ শ া ব ি অিভেযাগ অনসু ান কিরয়া সাত কায িদবেসর মেধ াইবু নােলর
িনকট িরেপাট দান কিরেবন;
(খ) স না হইেল অিভেযাগ সরাসির নাকচ কিরেবন।
(১খ) উপ-ধারা (১ক) এর অধীন িরেপাট াি র পর কান াইবু নাল যিদ এই মেম স হয় য,-
(ক) অিভেযাগক ী উপ-ধারা (১) এর অধীন কান পুিল শকমকত ােক বা
মত া ব ি েক কান অপরােধর অিভেযাগ হণ কিরবার জন অনুেরাধ কির য়া ব থ হইয়ােছন এবং অিভেযােগর সমথে ন াথিমক সা মাণ আেছ সই ে
াইবু নাল উ িরেপাট ও অিভেযা গর িভি েত অপরাধ িবচারাথ হণ কিরেবন;
(খ) অিভেযাগক রী উপ-ধারা (১) এর অধীন কান পুিল শকমকত ােক বা
মত া ব ি েক কান অপরােধর অিভেযাগ হণ কিরবার জন অনুের াধকিরয়া ব থ হইয়ােছন মেম মাণ পাওয়া যায় নাই িকংবা অিভেযােগর সমথে ন কান াথিমক
সা মাণ পাওয়া যায় নাই সই ে াইবু নাল অিভেযাগ নাকচ কিরেবন।
(১গ) উপ-ধারা (১) এবং (১ক) এর অধীন া িরেপােট কান ব ি র
িবরু েঅপরাধ সংঘটেনর অিভেযাগ বা ততস েক কায ম হেণর সুপাির ন শা থাকা
সে ও াইবু নাল, যথাযথ এবং ন ায়িবচােরর খােথ েয়াজনীয় মেন কিরেল, কারণ উে খপূক ব উ ব ি র ব াপাের সংি অপরাধ িবচারাথ হণ কিরেত পািরেবন।]
(২) য াইবু নােলর এখিতয়ারাধীন এলাকায় কান অপরাধ বা উহার কান অংশ সংঘ ত হইয়ােছ অথবা যখােন অপরাধীেক বা, একািধক অপরাধীর ে ,
তাহােদর য কান একজনেক পাওয়া িগয়ােছ, সই ান বা াইবু নােলর এখিতয়ারাধীন, সই াইবু নােল অপরাধ িবচারাথ হেণর জন িরেপাট বা অিভেযাগ পশ করা যাইেব
এবং সই াইবু নাল অপরাধ র িবচার কিরেব।
(৩) যিদ এই আইেনর অধীন কান অপরােধর সিহত অন কান অপরাধ এমনভােব জিড়ত থােক য, ন ায়িবচােরর খােথ উভয় অপরােধর িবচার একই সংেগ বা একই মামলায় করা েয়াজন, তাহা হইেল উ অন অপরাধ র িবচার এই আইেনর অধীন অপরােধর সিহত এই আইেনর িবধান অনুসর েএ ণকই সংেগ বা একই াইবু নােল
করা যাইেব।”
It manifests that a Nari-O-Shishu Nirjatan Daman Tribunal cannot take cognizance on its own without having an inquiry report submitted by a Magistrate or someone who is entrusted by the Tribunal within seven days.
The case before us manifests that the Tribunal did not take cognizance after submitting the final report by the police. Instead, the Tribunal took cognizance of the instant case based on a Naraji Petition without any inquiry Report and the same is without jurisdiction as per the provision so enumerated in Section 27(1Ka) and (Ka). This view find support from the case of Babu Miah Vs State, reported 18BLC(HCD)598 held-
When a Naraji Petition is filed by the aggrieved prson the tribunal after examination ought to have sent the matter for further inquiry as per section 27(1ka) and (ka) of the Nari-O-Shishu Nirjatan Daman Ain,2000 because by now it is settled that Naraji Petition is a fresh complaint.
The established principle of the law is that a Naraji Petition is treated as a fresh complaint. On the other hand, in the instant case, the Tribunal did not take cognizance of the offense based on the police report, nor did it direct further investigation rather, the Tribunal took cognizance of the offense without examining the complainant under section 200 of the Code of Criminal Procedure based on the Naraji Petition is without jurisdiction and abuse of of the process of the Court.
This view find support from the case of Md. Saiful Islam and others Vs. The State and another reported in 15 MLR(HCD)420 held-
The Tribunal did not take cognizance offence on the basis of police report, nor it directed for further investigation on the basis of Naraji Petition under section 202 of the code of criminal procedure as such the taking cognizance of offence on the basis of naraji petition without examining the complainant under section 200 is without jurisdiction, unlawful and abuse of the processes of the court.
Further, it manifests from Annexure -E- a Divorce Certificate, Annexure- E-1 a Registered Kabinnama of the complainant and one Mr. Shamsher Alam, and Annexure -B- the Final Report that the victim-complainant party married the accused petitioner on 14.08.1982 and divorced the accused petitioner on 22.09.1994. After that, she married another one, namely Mr. Shamser Alam, on 08.12.1994. Therefore, it transpires that the marriage did not subsist between the accused petitioner and the victim-opposite party at the date and time of the alleged offense. Consequently, we are of the view that since, at the time of occurrence, the marriage was not subsisting between the accused petitioner and the complainant-victim, the victim was not present at the house of his ex-husband at the time of the occurrence. Therefore, the allegation brought against the accused petitioner is nothing but an abuse of the court process.
This view find support from the case of The State Vs. Md. Rofizal Haque reported in 6 ALR(AD)90 held-
“It is evident from the materials on record that the incident of assault on the complainant is alleged to have occurred on 06.02.2009, whereas the accused husband claims to have divorced the complainant on 19.01.2009. The High Court Division observed that since the divorce took place earlier, the victim was not supposed to be present in the house of her husband after 19.01.2009”.
Considering the above facts and circumstances, we find substance in the submission made by the learned counsel for the petitioner, and the Rule has succeeded.
Resultantly, the Rule is made absolute.
Let the proceedings of Nari-O-Shishu Nirjatan Daman Case No.347 of 2010 under Section 11(Ga)/30/10 of the Nari-O-Shishu Nirjatan Daman Ain, 2000, now pending before the learned Judge Nari-O-Shishu Nirjatan Daman Tribunal No.4, Dhaka be quashed.
The office is directed to communicate the judgment at once. SHAHED NURUDDIN, J.
I agree