Civil Revision No. 3552 of 2024
Present:- 17.12.2024
Mr. Justice Mahmudul Hoque
Ms. Shamima Binte Habib, Advocate
… For the Petitioner
Ms. Hasina Akhter, Advocate
... For the opposite party No.1.
This is an application for compromise.
Ms. Shamima Binte Habib, learned Advocate appearing
for the petitioner submits that during pendency of the Rule,
the dispute among the parties has been amicably settled by a solehnama on the following terms;
(p¡a mr fy¢Qn q¡S¡l) V¡L¡ d¡kÉÑ L¢lu¡ h¡ue¡j¡ h¡hc 2u fr A¡h¤ h‚ l 4,00,00/- (Q¡l mr) V¡L¡ 1j fr c¤m¡m
¢ju¡ L fÐc¡e L¢lu¡ Rez Ah¢nø 3,25,000/- (¢ae mr
fy¢Qn q¡S¡l) V¡L¡ j¡jm¡ ¢eÖf¢šl fl 1j fr ®j¡x c¤m¡m ¢ju¡ ®L 2u fr A¡h¤ h‚l fÐc¡e L¢l he z 1j fr i¨¢j ®l¢S¢ØVÌ L¢lu¡ ¢c a h¡dÉ b¡¢L he z V¡L¡ f¡Ju¡ p¡ f r
®l¢SøÌ£ c¢mm L¢lu¡ ¢c a h¡dÉ b¡¢L hez
Haà¡bÑ ®üµR¡u ü‘¡e p¤¢ÙÛl h¤¢Üa b¡¢Lu¡ Aœ A¢‰L¡le¡j¡/ p¡ mqe¡j¡ ¢mM¡Cu¡ f¡W L¢lu¡ Eq¡l pj§q jjÑ AhNa qCu¡ ¢e Çj E õ¢Ma j¤l¢îu¡eN Zl pÇj¤ M A¡j¡ cl ¢eS ¢eS q¡ a ü¡rl pÇf¡ce L¢lm¡jz
1j fr ®j¡x c¤m¡m ¢ju¡l fСç i§¢jx
Sm¡x ¢pmV, b¡e¡/EfSm¡x g’¥N”, i¨¢j A¢gpx ¢Om¡Rs¡, ®j±S¡x A¡¢nOl, ®SHm ew-16 ¢ÙÛaz
Nw qC a M¢lc¡ Hp, H c¡Nx 43 ¢h,Hp c¡Nx 53,
M¢au¡e 188, ®j¡u¡¢Sx 0.1350 (®al naL
f’¡n fu¾V) i¨¢jz
678, ¢h,Hp M¢au¡e 419, ®j¡u¡¢Sx 0.03 HLl
(¢ae naL) i¨¢jz
678, ¢h,Hp M¢au¡ e 419, ®j¡u¡¢Sx 0.0150
HLl (HL naL f’¡n fu¾V) i¨¢jz
Cq¡a Efl¡š² c¡ N ®j¡V ®j¡u¡¢Sx 0.18 HLl
(A¡W¡ l¡ naL) i¨¢jz
2u fr A¡h¤ h‚l Hl fСç i¨¢jx
Sm¡x ¢pmV, b¡e¡/EfSm¡x g’¥N”, i¨¢j A¢gpx
¢Om¡Rs¡, ®j±S¡x A¡¢nOl, ®SHm ew-16 ¢ÙÛaz
0.0450 HLl (Q¡l naL f’¡n fu¾V) i¨¢jz
®j¡u¡¢Sx 0.0650 HLl (Ru naL f’¡n fu¾V)
419, ®j¡u¡¢Sx 0.03 HLl (¢ae naL) i¨¢jz
M¢au¡e 678, ¢h,Hp M¢au¡e 419, ®j¡u¡¢Sx
0.0450 HLl (Q¡l naL f’¡n fu¾V) i¨¢jz
Cq¡a Efl¡š² c¡N pj§ q ®j¡V ®j¡u¡¢Sx 0.19 HLl (E¢en naL) i¨¢jz
The petitioner and the opposite party appeared before this Court in person who admitted the compromise and their signatures on the same.
This Court have gone through the terms of compromise and found the same are in accordance with law.
Accordingly, the Rule is made disposed of in terms of the solehnama making the same part of the decree.
Communicate a copy of this order to the court concerned and send down the lower court records at once.