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Microsoft Word - Absolute W.P. No. 14145 of 2022 dt. 05.09.2024


                     Mr. Justice A.K.M. Asaduzzaman


                     Mr. Justice Muhammad Mahbub Ul Islam

                Writ Petition No. 14145 of 2022

       Md. Ekramul Haq



                                    Government of Bangladesh and others

            ………….Opposite parties.        Mr. Muhammad Tajul Islam, Advocate

          …. For the petitioner

      Mr. Redwan Ahmed, D.A.G.

             …. For the respondents.

Heard and judgment on 5th September, 2024. A.K.M.Asaduzzaman,J.

The rule was issued calling upon the respondent Nos. 1 and 2  to  show  cause  as  to  why  their  inaction  and/or  omission  in registering  the  online  news  portal,  namely  sheershanews.com published  by  the  petitioner,  should  not  be  declared  void  and without lawful authority and is of no illegality.

The petitioner is the publisher and editor of the Weekly Sheersha Kagaj, got duly declaration authenticated on 23.09.2002


under  the  Printing  Presses  and  Publication  (Declaration  and Registration)  Act,  1973  from  Additional  District  Magistrate, Dhaka.  In  the  magazine,  various  investigative  articles  on important national issues are published regularly.   In the year 2009, the petitioner established an online news portal named the Sheersha News using the web address sheershanews.com, which was registered on 21.04.2009 and trade license in favour of the news portal was obtained from Dhaka City Corporation in 2009. The  petitioner  formally  informed  the  Ministry  of  Information about  commencing  of  the  operation  of  the  website sheershanews.com as an online news portal affiliated with the existing printed newspaper on 23.07.2009. The respondent No.2 issued an accreditation card to the petitioner on 07.12.2015 as the editor  of  sheershanews.com  and  they  also  issued  Secretariat Access  Stickers  in  favour  of  its  editor  vide  memo  dated 19.05.2015.  Thereafter  in  the  month  of  November,  2015  the respondents called for applications for registration of online news portals.  The  petitioner  duly  submitted  an  application  for registration  of  the  Sheersha  News  online  news  portal  on 14.12.2015 to the respondent No.2 in the prescribed form but the respondents since failed to dispose of the said application dated 14.12.2015 and omitted to register the online news portal of the petitioner till date petitioner filed this writ petition and obtained the instant Rule.

Mr.  Muhammad  Tajul  Islam,  the  learned  advocate appearing for the petitioner drawing my attention to the petition together with the application for direction submits that although the petitioner has complied all legal formalities for getting the registration but for unknown political reasons he was deprived to get  a  permission  keeping  his  application  pending  for  years together  and  the  said  inaction  is  apparently  illegal  and  not sustainable  in  law.  When  the  other  applicants  were  given permission but the petitioner application was not been disposed of duly of no reasons and accordingly he prays for disposal of the rule and for according a permission to have a registration as well as  to  unblock  the  petitioner’s  online  news  portal  named www.sheershanews.com.

 Mr. Redwan Ahmed, the learned Deputy Attorney General on the other hand although opposes the rule but found it difficult to make a reply to the submission made by the learned advocate appearing for the petitioner.

In that view of the matter considering the submission of the learned  advocate  as  well  as  the  annexure  annexed  to  the application, we find substance.

It appears that the petitioners online news publication has been blocked illegally as well as the application for registration of the online news portal was kept pending years together illegally.

We thus find merits in the rule.

In the result, the Rule is made absolute and the respondents are directed to give a proper approval in the online newspaper namely sheershanews.com published by the petitioner as well as directed to unblock the online news portal in the website by using the web address www.sheershanews.com forthwithly. 

Communicate the judgment at once. Muhammad Mahbub Ul Islam, J:

I agree.