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Microsoft Word - Criminal Misc No. 26419 of 2024 dated 29.08.2024



Mr. Justice Bhishmadev Chakrabortty and

Mr. Justice A.K.M. Zahirul Huq

Criminal Miscellaneous Case No.26419 of 2024

Md. Alamgir               .....accused-petitioner


The State                             ....opposite party

Mr. Md. Golam Azom, Advocate

                           .... for the petitioner

Mr.  Md.  Humayun  Kabir  Monju,  Deputy Attorney General

                   .... for the opposite party

Judgment on 29.08.2024.

Bhishmadev Chakrabortty, J:

In this Rule the opposite party was called upon to show cause as to why the accused-petitioner should not be enlarged on bail in CR No. 1435 of 2023 (Naogaon) under sections 406, 420, 195 and 34 of the Penal Code, 1860 arising out of Patnitala Police Station Case No. 06 dated 03.06.2024 corresponding to GR No. 159 of 2023 (Patnitala) under serial no. 29(Ka) of the table  appended  to  sections  36(1)  and  41  of  the  Madak Drabbya Niyantran Ain, 2018 now pending in the Court of Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate, Naogaon and/or to pass such other or further order or orders to this Court may seem fit and proper.

Mr. Md. Golam Azam, learned Advocate for the petitioner submits that the allegation has been brought against the petitioner of creating forge document for releasing a motorcycle seized in a case under Madak Drabya Niyantran Ain. The offence disclosed in the complaint  of  creating  forged  document  but  cognizance  has been taken  for  criminal  breach  of  trust  and  cheating.  He  has  been languishing  in  jail  hajat  near  about  7  (seven)  months.  In  the premises above he is entitled to the bail in the case. The rule, therefore, would be made absolute.

Mr.  Humayun  Kabir  Monju,  learned  Deputy  Attorney

General on the other hand opposes the rule and submits that the Court has filed the case under section 195(c) of the Code of Criminal Procedure and as such he is not entitled to get bail in this case. The rule, therefore, would be discharged.

We  have  considered  the  submissions  of  the  learned Advocate for the petitioner, the learned Deputy Attorney General, perused  the  application  and  the  documents  appended  thereto.  It appears that the case has been filed under sections 465, 467, 468 and 471 of the Penal Code on the allegation of committing forgery of a document  for  releasing  a  seized  motorcycle.  But  the  learned Magistrate took cognizance of offence under section 406, 420 and

195 of the Penal Code. The petitioner has been in jail hajat for more than 07 (seven) months without trial. It is uncertain when the trial would commence and come to an end.

In  the  above  position,  we  find  substance  in  the submission of the learned Advocate for the petitioner. 

Accordingly,  the  Rule  is  made  absolute.  Accused- petitioner  Md.  Alamgir,  son  of  Md.  Sadek  Ali  and  Mst. Nurjahan  should  be  enlarged  on  bail  in  the  aforesaid  case subject  to  the  satisfaction  of  the  Additional  Chief  Judicial Magistrate, Naogaon.

However, the concerned Court will be at liberty to cancel the bail on any proven misuse.

Communicate the judgment and order at once. A.K.M. Zahirul Huq, J:

I agree.
