h¡wm¡−cn p¤fË£j ®L¡VÑ q¡C−L¡VÑ ¢hi¡N
(¢h−no j§m A¢d−rœ)
l£V ¢f¢Vne ew 15600/2023
NË¡ä ®VÊ¢Xw H¾V¡lfСCS ¢m¢j−VX
h¡wm¡−cn J AeÉ¡eÉ
------ fˢafrNZz
HÉ¡X−i¡−LV S¤h¡−ul ®j¡q¡Çjc BJl‰−Sh
----- clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ f−rz
HX−i¡−LV ®Q±d¤l£ j¢Lj¤¢Ÿe ®L−S Bm£ pw−N HÉ¡X−i¡−LV p¡Cg¥‹¡j¡e
------3ew fË¢afr f−r
HÉ¡X−i¡−LV ®j¡x jeS¤l Bmj, −Xf¤¢V HVe£Ñ ®Se¡−lm
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HÉ¡X−i¡−LV −j¡x Jh¡uc¤l lqj¡e a¡−lL, pqL¡l£ HVe£Ñ ®Se¡−lm
HÉ¡X−i¡−LV −j¡x Bh¤m q¡p¡e, pqL¡l£ HVe£Ñ ®Se¡−lm
¢hQ¡lf¢a ®j¡x Bnl¡g¥m L¡j¡m
¢hQ¡lf¢a L¡S£ Ju¡¢mEm Cpm¡j
öe¡e£l a¡¢lMx 03.11.2024 Hhw l¡u fËc¡−el a¡¢lMx 04.11.2024z
¢hQ¡lf¢a ®j¡x Bnl¡g¥m L¡j¡mx
clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ NË¡ä ®VÊ¢Xw H¾V¡lfСCS ¢m¢j−VX LaѪL NZfËS¡a¿»£ h¡wm¡®c−nl pw¢hd¡−el Ae¤−- µRc 102 Hl Ad£e clM¡Ù¹ c¡¢M−ml ®fË¢r−a Aœ ¢hi¡N La«ÑL fË¢afrN−Zl Efl L¡lZ cnÑ¡−e¡
f§hÑL ¢e−jÀ¡š² Ef¡−u l¦m¢V Cp¤É Ll¡ q−u¢Rmx-
“Let a Rule Nisi be issued calling upon respondents to show as to why the Order No. 07 dated 15.05.2023 passed by the Judge, Artha Rin Adalat, Chattogram in Artha Rin Suit No. 852 of 2022 rejecting the application of the petitioners to allow them contest in the suit by accepting the Written Statement upon withdrawal from the step of ex-parte hearing is of no legal effect and ultra vires, to Articles 27, 31 and 44 of the Constitution of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and as to why the judgment and order of ex-parte decree, dated 18.05.2023 passed by the Judge,
Artha Rin Adalat, Chattogram in Artha Rin Suit No. 852 of 2022 (Annexure-E and E-1) being arbitrary, malafide and without following the due process of law shall not be declared to have been passed without any lawful authority and to be of no legal effect.
Pending hearing of the Rule, let all further proceedings of the Order No. 07dated 15.05.2023 and the judgment and order of ex-parte decree dated 18.05.2023 be stayed for a period of 03 (three) months from date.
The Rule is made returnable within 2 (two) weeks from
The petitioners are directed to put in requisites for service of notices upon the respondents in the usual course and through registered post.”
Aœ l¦m¢V ¢eÖf¢šl m−rÉ OVe¡l pw¢rç ¢hhlZ HC ®k,
¢h‘ AbÑGZ Bc¡ma, Q–NË¡j LaѪL AbÑGZ j¡jm¡ ew 852/2022-H fÐcš ¢hNa Cw−lS£
15.05.23 a¡¢l−M fÐcš l¡u J B−c−nl ¢hl¦−Ü Aœ l£V ¢f¢Vnez
clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ f−rl ¢h‘ HÉ¡X−i¡−LV S¤h¡−ul ®j¡q¡Çjc BJl‰−Sh Aœ l£V ¢f¢Vne clM¡Ù¹ EfÙÛ¡fe f§hÑL ¢hÙ¹¡¢lai¡−h k¤¢š²aLÑ fÐc¡e L−lez Afl¢c−L ¢h‘ HÉ¡X−i¡−LV p¡Cg¥‹¡j¡e fТafr f−r Sh¡h EfÙÛ¡fe f§hÑL k¤¢š²aLÑ fËc¡e L−lez
Aœ l£V ¢f¢Vne Hhw Hl p¡−b pwk¤š² pLm pwk¤¢š² Hhw fТafr f−rl qmg¡−¿¹ Sh¡h fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡ Ll¡ q−m¡z Eiu f−rl ¢h‘ HX−i¡−LV à−ul k¤¢š²aLÑ nËhZ Ll¡ q−m¡z
…l¦aÅf§eÑ ¢hd¡u ¢h‘ AbÑGZ Bc¡ma, Q–NË¡j LaѪL 15.05.2023 a¡¢l−M fÐcš 852/2022-H fÐcš 07ew B−cn¢V A¢hLm Ae¤−mMe q−m¡z
“AcÉ HLalg¡ öe¡e£ J 1/2 ¢hh¡c£ f−rl Reve `vwL‡ji Rb¨ mg‡qi clM¡Ù¹ ïbvbxi Rb¨ w`b avh© Av‡Q| ev`x c¶ nvwRiv w`‡q‡Qb| 1/2bs weev`x c¶ GKZidv †_‡K cÖZ¨vnvi c~e©K wjwLZ eY©bv `vwLj K‡i Zv MÖn‡Yi cÖv_©bv K‡i‡Qb|
1/2bs weev`x c‡¶ GKZidv †_‡K cÖZ¨vnvi Kivi clM¡Ù¹ ïbvbxi Rb¨ †bqv nBj| Dfq c‡¶i weÁ AvBbRxexi e³e¨ ïbjvg| Av‡e`‡bi mc‡¶ weÁ AvBbRxex e‡jb GB gvgjvi †Kvb mgb †bvwUk weev`xMY cvb bvB| ¢hnÄÙ¹ m~‡Î Lei †c‡q weev`xMY gvgjv cÖwZØw›`Zv Kivi Rb¨ IKvjZbvgv mn nvwRi n‡q‡Qb| ev`x c‡¶i weÁ AvBbRxex e‡jb 05/03/2023wLªt Zvwi‡L †Kb †`kZ¨v‡M wb‡lavÁv cÖ`vb Kiv n‡e bv g‡g© KviY `k©v‡bvi Av‡`k nIqvi ciciB 4bs weev`x †`kZ¨v‡M K‡i‡Qb e‡j Rvbv hvq| 1/2bs weev`x 15/03/ 2023wLªt Zvwi‡L ˆ`wbK AvRv`x cwÎKvq cÖKvwkZ mgb †bvwU‡ki gva¨‡g gvgjv m¤c‡K© AewnZ n‡q‡Qb| 15/03/2023wLªt Zvwi‡L gvgjvq `vweK…Z F‡Yi AsK e‡Kqv `vq wn‡m‡e ¯^xKvi K‡i wb‡q FY cybt Zckx‡ji
Rb¨ ev`x e¨vsK eive‡i Av‡e`b `vwLj K‡ib| D³ Av‡e`‡b 2bs weev`x AÎ gvgjvq ev`xi `vexK…Z 175.28‡KvwU UvKv‡K cybt Zdwkj hvM¨ `vq wn‡m‡e E−õM K‡i‡Qb| `vq‡`bv ¯^xKvi Ki‡jI cybtZdkx‡ji Rb¨ weAviwcwW mvK©zjvi †gvZv‡eK †Kvb WvDb †c‡g›U Rgv cÖ`vb K‡ibwb| AvB‡bi gvic¨vu‡P ¯^xK…Z `vq cwi‡kva wejw¤^Z Kivi AccÖqv‡m Av`vj‡Zi c~‡e©i Av‡`k cwicvjb bv K‡i A`¨ Z Gi Kdv †_‡K cÖZ¨vnv‡ii Av‡e`b K‡i‡Qb| weAviwcwW mvK©zjvi †gvZv‡eK cybtZdwkj Av‡e`‡bi mg_©‡b cÖ‡qvRbxq WvDb †c‡g›U cÖ`vb Ki‡j weev`xMY FY cwi‡ka v‡i Rb¨ 10 eQi mgq
cvIqvi my‡hvM i‡q‡Q| Zvnvi D³c lM¡Ù¹ †_‡K cÖgvwYZ nq wZwb 15/03/2023 wLªt Zvwi‡LB AÎ A_©FY gvgjv m¤c‡K© AewnZ wQ‡jb| Gici 2wUa vh© Zvwi‡L Av`vj‡Z Dcw¯’Z bv n‡q A`¨ GKZidv ïbvbxi Rb¨ avh© nIqv ci nvwRi n‡q‡Qb| clM¡−Ù¹ AmZ¨ Z_¨ Dc¯nvcb Kivq ev`x c‡¶i weÁ AvBbRxex GKZidv †_‡K cÖZ¨vnv‡ii Av‡e`b bv gÄzi Kivi `vwe Rvbvb|
clM¡Ù¹ mn bw_ ch©v‡jvPbv Kijvg| bw_ ch©v‡jvPbvq †`Lv hvq ev`x c‡¶i Av‡e`bµ‡g 05/03/2023wLªt Zvwi‡L 2-4bs weev`x‡K Zv‡`i ¢hl¦−Ü †Kb †`kZ¨v‡Mi wb‡lavÁv cÖ`vb Kiv n‡e bv| Zvi KviY `k©v‡bvi Rb¨ 20/03/2023wLªt Zvwi‡L cvm‡cvU© mn Av`vj‡Z nvwRi nIqvi wb‡`©k †`qv nq| 20/03/2023 wLªt
Zvwi‡L weev`xMY Av`vj‡Z Dcw¯’Z nbwb| 06/04/2023wLªt Zvwi‡L weev`xM‡Yi Dcw¯nwZi Rb¨ avh© _vK‡jI Zviv Av`vj‡Z Dcw¯’Z bv nIqvq 07/05/ 2023wLªt Zvwi‡L GKZidv ïbvbxi Rb¨ w`b avh© Kiv nq| 07/05/2013wLªt Zvwi‡L 1/2bs weev`x IKvjZbvgv mn nvwRi n‡q Reve `vwL‡ji Rb¨ mg‡qi Av‡e`b K‡ib| A`¨
GRjvm K‡¶ Dcw¯’Z 2bs weev`x †gvnv¤§` †gvqv‡¾g †nv‡mb Ges Zvi c‡¶i weÁ AvBbRxex ¯^xKvi K‡i‡Qb 15/03/2023wLªt Zvwi‡L ev`x e¨vsK eivei AÎ gvgjvi
bvwjkx FY cybt Zckxj c~e©K cwi‡kv‡ai Rb¨ wZwb clM¡Ù¹ `vwLj K‡i‡Qb| weev`xi
D³ clM¡®Ù¹ m¨yU †fjy mn GB A_©FY gvgjvi †idv‡iÝ _vKvq cÖgvwYZ nq 2bs weev`x 15/03/2023wLªt Zvwi‡L GB gvgjv m¤c‡K© Rvbv m‡Ë¡I cieZ©x 2wU avh© Zvwi‡L Av`vj‡Z Dcw¯nZ nbwb| gvgjv m¤c‡K© AewnZ nIqv m¤c‡K©c lM¡®Ù ¹ AmZ¨ Z_¨ w`‡q‡Qb| 3bs
Av‡`k †gvZv‡eK cvm‡cvU© `vwLj K‡ibwb| 3bs Av‡`k cwicvjb bv Kivq Ges clM¡−Ù ¹gvgjv m¤c‡K© AewnZ nIqvi wel‡q AmZ¨ e³e¨ Dc¯nvcb Kivq 1/2bs weev`xi clM¡Ù ¹bv
gÄzi Kiv nj| A`¨ GKZidv ïbvbxi Rb¨ bw_ MÖnY Kiv nBj| ev`x c‡¶ mv¶x
wc, X¢hÔE-1 †gvnv¤§` Avjg Gi GKZidv Revbe›`x M„nxZ nBj| ev`x c‡¶i `vwLjK…Z cÖ`k©bx-(1-14) wmwiR wn‡m‡e cÖ`k©bx wPwýZ Kiv nBj| cieZ©x ZvwiL 18/05/2013 wLªt GKZidv Av‡`k cÖPv‡ii Rb¨
Avgvi K_vgZ wjwLZ|
ü¡/-AØfø gyRvwn`yi ingvb
(gyRvwn`yi ingvb)
RR (hyM¥ †Rjv RR) A_©FY Av`vjZ, PÆMÖvg|
ü¡/-AØfø gyRvwn`yi ingvb
(gyRvwn`yi ingvb)
RR (hyM¥ †Rjv RR) A_©FY Av`vjZ, PÆMÖvg|
…l¦aÅf§eÑ ¢hd¡u03ew fТafr LaѪL qmg¡−¿¹ Sh¡h Hl fÉ¡l¡ 1-13 ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x
“1. That I am the authorized person of the respondent No. 3 of the above writ petition and am fully conversant with the facts and circumstances of the case and hence to depose to the same and swear this affidavit.
national Bank Limited is a public limited company carrying on its banking businesses being licensed under the Bank Companies Act, 1991, herein represented by Branch Manager. That Mr. Md. Abul Khayer, son of Mr. Md. Younus Ali Biswash and Late Khaleda Khatun, Senior Principal Officer of the Bank has been authorized and empowered by the respondent No. 3 to sign on the Petition, application, depose, swearing affidavit and other necessary works in connection with the instant writ petition. Copy of the authorization letter is annexed herewith and marked as ANNEXURE-"I".
Petition before the Hon'ble High Court Division challenging the Order No. 07 dated 15.05.2023 passed by the learned Judge, Artha Rin Adalat, Chattogram in Artah Rin Suit No. 852 of 2022, rejecting the application of the petitioners to allow them contest in the suit by accepting the written statement upon withdrawal from the step of ex-parte hearing is of no legal effect and ultra vires, to Article 27, 31, and 44 of the Constitution; and also challenged the Judgment and decree dated 18.05.2023 passed by the learned Artha Rin Adalat, Chattogram in Artah Rin Suit No. 852 of 2022 being arbitrary, malafide and without following the due process of law (Annexure-E and E-1).
hearing, a Division bench of the Hon'ble High Court Division was pleased to issue a Rule Nisi on the matter stated above and also pleased to stay the said order and the ex-parte judgment and decree.
by the petitioners and identified with the inside thereof. I have been advised to controvert only those statements which are appropriate for the purpose of disposal of the said petition.
relation to the status of the petitioner, the address of the parties
and facts in connection with the case and loan are matter of facts and record and as such call for no comments. In this regard it is stated that the petitioner knowing the Artha Rin proceedings and having previous knowledge and receiving the Summons intentionally did not appear before the learned court. He appeared when a date was fixed for ex-partee judgment which shows that the petitioner with malafide intention only to make the case and payment delay appeared on the very date of ex- parte judgment and decree.
of the writ petition made by the petitioners are vague, unspecific and based on no sound principles of law and as such denied by the respondent No. 9. Basically the petitioner filed the writ petition only to make the payment delay while he did not deny the loan. Therefore the instant Rule is liable to be discharged.
and every allegations contains in the writ petition are specifically denied as if the same hereinafter set out at length seriatim and individually traversed.
it is respectfully submitted that the petitioner took loan from the respondent bank with condition inter alia that he will pay the same with interest but till now did not pay the same. Consequently, the respondent bank filed Artha Rin suit but the petitioner in spite of having knowledge did not appear in time and the learned court by the impugned impugned order rightly observed that on 05.0.2023 the learned court issued show cause notice upon the defendants including the petitioner as to why they should not be debarred from going abroad and directed to appear before court on 20.03.2023 and after the order of the learned court the defendant No. 4 who is beneficiary of the loan leave the country. Thereafter, the learned court in due course passed the decree and as such there is no illegality or irregularity in passing the impugned order.
the order No. 07 dated 15.05.2023 and after order passed ex- partee judgment and decree and thus the said order has decome infructuous and as such the Rule is liable to be discharged.
Rin Adalat Ain, 2003 there is two remedy available for the petitioner, one is to set aside the ex-partee judgment and decree and another is to prefer appeal but in spite of having alternative remedy the petitioner has filed this writ petition challenging the judgment and decree of the learned Artha Rin Adalat and it has been settled by our Apex court both High Court Division and Appellate Division that writ against the judgment and decree of the Artha Rin Adalat is not maintainable and on such point of view the Rule is liable to be discharged.
instant writ petitioners have got no prima facie case and the writ petition has got no merit, therefore, the Rule of the instant writ petition is liable to be discharged.
maintainable in its form and nature and hence the instant Rule is liable to be discharged.”
ü£L«a j−aC Aœ clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ Bc¡m−al pÇj¤−M ApaÉ/¢jbÉ¡ abÉ fÐc¡e L−l−Rez HR¡s¡J Bc¡m−al ¢e−cÑn fТaf¡me L−le e¡Cz
−k−qa¥ clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ Bc¡m−al p¡−b fÐa¡lZ¡ L−l−Re Hhw Bc¡m−a Af¢lµRæ q¡−a H−p−Re ®p−qa¥ Aœ ®j¡LŸj¡¢V cªø¡¿¹j§mL S¢lj¡e¡ fÐc¡epq M¡¢lS−k¡NÉz
AaHh, B−cn qu ®k, l¦m¢V 50 mr V¡L¡ S¢lj¡e¡ fÐc¡e Lla: M¡¢lS Ll¡ q−m¡z
Aœ l¡−ul Ae¤¢m¢f pw¢nÔø pLm−L Ah¢qa Ll¡ qELz
¢hQ¡lf¢a L¡S£ Ju¡¢mEm Cpm¡j
B¢j HLjaz