দায়বর্জন বিবৃতি (DISCLAIMER)

এই ওয়েবসাইটে প্রকাশিত রায় বা আদেশ আপনি google translation এর মাধ্যমে বাংলায় দেখতে পাচ্ছেন তা সুপ্রীম কোর্ট কর্তৃক বাংলায় অনূদিত নয়। জনসাধারণের বিচার-প্রক্রিয়ায় সহজ অভিগম্যতা নিশ্চিতকরণের অভিপ্রায়ে বাংলায় অনূদিত রায়-আদেশ দেখার ব্যবস্থা রাখা হয়েছে। অনূদিত রায় বা আদেশের অনুলিপি সইমোহরী/জাবেদা নকলের (certified copy) বিকল্প হিসেবে অথবা অন্য কোন উদ্দেশ্যে ব্যবহার করা যাবে না। রায় ও আদেশ বাস্তবায়নের ক্ষেত্রে মামলার নথিতে বিধৃত মূল রায় বা আদেশ প্রণিধানযোগ্য।
Microsoft Word - Criminal Appeal No.47 of 2024 _Conviction_ Jt. dt. 29.05.2024 _Allowed_----- OK.docx


q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1

eðl ................................ 1

œ²¢jL ew  a¡¢lM  −e¡V J B−cn

h¡wm¡−cn p¤fË£j ®L¡VÑ

q¡C−L¡VÑ ¢hi¡N (®g±Sc¡l£ Bf£m A¢d−rœ)

¢hQ¡lf¢a ®j¡x Bnl¡g¥m L¡j¡m

−g±Sc¡l£ Bf£m ew- 47/2024

Cnl¡a l¢gL Jl−g D¢na¡ ----p¡S¡fË¡ç-Bp¡j£-Bf£mL¡l£z


l¡øÊ J AeÉ


HÉ¡X−i¡−LV −nM L¡¢eS g¡−aj¡ pw−N

HÉ¡X−i¡−LV ®j¡x e¡Sj¤m Cpm¡j ----p¡S¡fË¡ç-Bp¡j£-Bf£mL¡l£ f−rz

HÉ¡X−i¡−LV −j¡x ¢Nu¡pE¢Ÿe Bq−Çjc, ®Xf¤¢V HÉ¡Ve£Ñ ®Se¡−lm pw−N  HÉ¡X−i¡−LV m¡L£ Bš²¡l, pqL¡l£ HÉ¡Ve£ ®Se¡−lm   

HÉ¡X−i¡−LV ®gl−c±p£ Bš²¡l, pqL¡l£ HÉ¡Ve£Ñ ®Se¡−lm ----1ew fТafr f−rz

öe¡e£l  a¡¢lMx  12.03.2024,  14.03.2024, 19.03.2024, 20.03.2024 Hhw l¡u fËc¡−el a¡¢lMx 29.05.2024z

¢hQ¡lf¢a ®j¡x Bnl¡g¥m L¡j¡mx

p¡S¡fË¡ç-Bf£mL¡l£ Cnl¡a l¢gL Jl−g D¢na¡ La«ÑL abÉ J ®k¡N¡−k¡N fËk¤¢š² (pw−n¡de) BCe, 2013 Hl d¡l¡ 84 ®j¡a¡−hL Bf£m c¡¢M−ml ®fË¢r−a ¢hi¡N q−a ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 18.01.2024 a¡¢l−M Bf£m¢V Nªq£a quz

Bf£mL¡l£ f−r ¢h‘ HÉ¡X−i¡−LV −nM L¡¢eS g¡− j ¢hÙ¹¡¢lai¡−h k¤¢š²aLÑ EfÙÛ¡fe L−lez Afl¢c−L, l¡øÌf−r ¢h‘ ®Xf¤¢V HÉ¡VZÑ£ ®Se¡−lm HÉ¡X−i¡−LV ®j¡x ¢Nu¡p E¢Ÿe Bq−Çjc ¢hÙ¹¡¢la i¡−h k¤¢š²aLÑ EfÙÛ¡fe L−lez

Bf£m ®j−j¡l clM¡Ù¹ Hhw pLm pwk¤¢š² ¢hÙ¹¡¢la i¡−hfkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡ Ll¡ q−m¡z Bf£mL¡l£ f−r ¢h‘ HÉ¡X−i¡−LV −nM L¡¢eS g¡−aj¡ Hhw l¡øÌf−r ¢h‘ ®Xf¤¢V HÉ¡VZÑ£ ®Se¡−lm HÉ¡X−i¡−LV ®j¡x ¢Nu¡p E¢Ÿe Bq−Çjc Hl k¤¢š²aLÑ nÐhZ Ll¡ q−m¡z

Bf£m¢V ¢eØf¢šl m−rÉ …l¦aÅf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u fСb¢jL abÉ ¢hhlZ£,  Sëa¡¢mL¡àu,  A¢i−k¡N  Hhw  Hhw  g−le¢pL


q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1

eðl ................................ 1

œ²¢jL ew  a¡¢lM  −e¡V J B−cn

mÉ¡h−lVl£ fТa−hce ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x

cªv_wgK Z_¨ weeiYx

(wbqš¿Y bs- 243)

_vbvq †ckK„Z †dŠR`vix weavb †Kv‡li 154 bs avivq aZ©e¨ Aciva msµvšÍ cªv_wgK Z_¨|

Dc‡Rjv- kvnAvjx,   †Rjv- wWGgwc, XvKv|

bs-05/220, NUbvi ZvwiL I mgqt 01 AvM÷ 2021 wLªt, mgq 09.35 NwUKv|

†ck Kivi ZvwiL I mgqt-

02 AvM÷ 2021 19.15 NwUKv|

NUbvi ¯’vb, _vbv nB‡Z `yiZ¡ I w`K Ges `vwqZ¡vaxb GjvK  vbst-

kvnAvjx _vbvaxb wgicyi-1 †Mvj Pˇii DËi c ‡k¦© gy³ evsjv gv‡K©U Gi (`w¶b cv‡k¦©), mvg‡b dyUIfvi eªx‡Ri wb‡P cvKv iv¯—vi Dci| IqvW© bs-08, kvn&Avjx, XvKv, 01 wKt wgt `w¶b w`K, weU bs-2|

_vbv nB‡Z †cªi‡Yi ZvwiLt-

03 AvM÷ 2021

msev``vZv Ges Awf‡hvMKvixi bvg I evm¯’vb/ wVKvbvt-

wWGwW †gvt Avwgi Avjx, cywjk cwi`k©K (mt) GbAvBwW bs-19679312877142925, wewc-6785043137, †gvevt bs- 01743-798453, i¨ve-04, cvBKcvov, wgicyi-01, XvKv|

Avmvgxi bvg I evm¯’vb/ wVKvbvt-

1|  BkivZ iwdK @ CwkZv (33), wcZv-L›`Kvi iwdKyj Bmjvg, gvZv- †n‡jbv LvZyb, mvs-481, 2/G, 4_© Zjv, d¬&hvU 5/we, DËi Beªvwngcyi, gRyg`vi Mªxb Mv‡W©b, _vbv- Kvdi“j, wWGgwc XvKv|

2|  †gvt kwn`yj Bmjvg @ w`bvi (28), wcZv-‡gvt ûgvqb Kwei, gvZv- mywdqv LvZyb, mvs-kvBbcyKyi, _vbv- †`vnvi, †Rjv-XvKv, G/wc- G-26/2 c~e© ivRvkb, _vbv- mvf i g‡Wj, †Rjv-XvKv|

avivmn Aciva Ges jywÉZ `ªe¨vw`i msw¶ß weeiYt- 2018 m‡bi wWwRUvj wbivcËv AvB‡bi 23/24/35 aviv|

ci¯úi †hvMmvR‡k wWwRUvj wWfvBR I wWwRUvj wm‡ó‡gi gva¨‡g f~qv mb`cÎ, c`K I Abyiƒc miÄvgvw` WKy‡g›U ˆZix, Mªnb, e¨envi, Dc¯’vcb I cªPv‡ii gva¨‡g cªZvibv Kivi Aciva|

Z`š— Pvjbvi Kg© ZrciZv Ges wej‡¤^ Z_¨ †iKW© Kivi ˆKwdqZt- gvgjvi djvdj ev`xi Kw¤úDUvi UvBcK„Z GRvnvi _vbvq cªvß nBqv GRvnvi Kjvg c~iY c~e©K AÎ gvgjv i“Ry Kwijvg| LwZqv‡b †bvU Kwijvg| wej‡¤^i KviY GRvnvi M‡f© D‡j−L Av‡Q|

ev`xi wjwLZ/Kw¤úDUvi UvBcK„Z GRvnvi _vbvq cªvß nBqv g~j GRvnvi wnmv‡e MY¨ Kwiqv AÎ mwnZ mshy³ Kiv


mve-B݇c±i (wbi¯¿) †gvt gvmy` ivbv divRx, wewc-8202078045 †gvevBj 01720930662) gvgjvwU Z`š— Kwi‡eb|



(Aveyj evmvi gynv¤§` Avmv`y¾vgvb) wewc-7706108076 B݇c±i (wbi¯¿)

Awdmvi BbPvR©, kvnAvjx _vbv, wWGgwc, XvKv |



ev`xi  UvBcK…Z  GRvnvi  kvnAvjx _vbv,

A`¨ 02/08/2021 Bs Zvs  wWGgwc, XvKv|

mgq 19.15 NwUKvq _vbvq welq : GRvnvi|

c nBqv kvn Avjx _vbvi Rbve

g0v2g/ j0v8 /2 b1Bs s a0vi5vt,  20Z1v8s  wb‡e`b  GB  †h,  Avwg  wWGwW  L›`Kvi  †gvt  Avwgi  Avjx,  cywjk  cwi`k©K  (mt),  GbAvBwW  bs-

mv‡ji  wWwRUvj  wbivcËv 19679312877142925, (wewc bs-6785043137), †gvevt-01743-798453, Avcbvi _vbvq nvwRi nBqv nvRZx Avmvgx AvB‡bi  23/24/35 1| BkivZ iwdK @ CwkZv (33) wcZv-L›`Kvi iwdKyj Bmjvg,gvZv-‡n‡jbv LvZyb,mvs-481,2/G, 4_© Zjv, d¬&hvU 5/we, iæRyKiv nBj  DËi Beªvwngcyi, gRyg`vi Mªxb Mv‡W©b, _vbv- Kvdi“j, wWGgwc-XvKv 2| †gvt kwn`yj Bmjvg @ w`bvi (28), wcZv-‡gvt

¯^v/- A¯úó  ûgvqb Kwei, gvZv- mywdqv LvZyb, mvs-kvBbcyKyi, _vbv- †`vnvi,‡Rjv-XvKv G/wc-G-26/2c~e© ivRvkb, _vbv-mvfvi g‡Wj,

Zvs 2/8/21  †Rjv-XvKv ؇qi wei“‡× GB g‡g© GRvnvi `v‡qi Kwi‡ZwQ †h,MZ Bs- 01/08/2021 ZvwiL i¨ve-4, cvBKcvov, wgicyi-1,

(Aeyj evmvi gynv¤§`) XvKv  Gi  wRwW  bs-05/21  ZvwiL-  01/08/2021  Bs  Ges  Ggwmwm  bs  279/21  ZvwiL-01/08/2021  Bs  g~‡j  m½xq

Avmv`y¾vgvb  GmAvB(wbt) gCbyj †nv‡mb, (wewc bs-8514172751), †gvevBj- 01930- 682188, GGmAvB(wbt)‡gvt gvnveyeyi ingvb

wewc 7706108076  (wewc bs- 8707109678, †gvev-01723-248838, Ks/1046 Ac~e© P›`ª m~Îai (wewc bs-9011130083) †gvev-01780-

Awdmvi BbPvR©

Awdmvi BbPvR©, kvnAvjx 756575, Ks/1618 †gvt gwZqvi ingvb, (wewc bs-9212148070), †gvevt 01716- 961347, WªvBfvi Ks/920 †gvt

_vbv, wWgGwc, XvKv gwkDi ingvb,(wewc bs-9212146166) †gvevt 01738-505385, bvix e¨vUvt Avbmvi/1916152 †gvmvt mv‡R`v †eMg, †gvevt-01781- 732772,bvix e¨vUvt Avbmvi/ 1917044 †gvmvt mvjgv Av³vi †gvev- 01850-715536, me© Kg©¯’j i¨ve-

‡`wLjvg  4,  cvBKcvov,  wgicyi-1,  XvKv‡`i  mn  we‡kl  Awfh b  cwiPvjbv,  gv`K  `ªe¨  D×vi  msµv‡šÍ  wWDwU  Kiv  Kv‡j  Bs-

¯^v/- A¯úó

‡g‡UªvcwjUb g¨vwR‡÷ªU 01/08/2021 ZvwiL mKvj Abygvb 08.35 NwUKvi mgq MveZjx evmó¨vÛ GjvKvq Ae¯’vb Kv‡j †Mvcbm~‡Î Rvwb‡Z cvwi †h,

XvKv| XvKv gnvbMi¯’ kvnAvjx _vbvaxb wgicyi-1 †M jPˇii DËi cv‡k¦© gy³ evsjv gv‡K©U Gi (`w¶b cv‡k¦©) mvg‡b dyUIfvi eªx‡Ri

wb‡P cvKv iv¯Ívi Dci KwZcq gv`K e¨emvqx gv`K `ªe¨ n¯—vš—‡ii D‡Ï‡k¨ Ae¯’vb Kwi‡Z‡Q| cªvß msev‡`i mZ¨Zv hvPvB

Ges AvBbvbyM e¨e¯’v Mªn‡bi Rb¨ EaŸ©Zb KZ©…c¶‡K welqwU h_vixwZ AewnZ Kwiqv mswk−ó KZ©…c‡¶i AbygwZµ‡g Avwg m½xq ewY©Z Awdmvi I †dvm©mn Bs-01/08/2021 ZvwiL mKvj 08.55 NwUKvi mgq NUbv¯’j XvKv gnvbMi¯’ kvnAvjx _vbvaxb wgicyi-1 †MvjPˇii DËi cv‡k¦© gy³ evsjv gv‡K©U Gi (`w¶b cv‡k¦©) mvg‡b dyUIfvi eªx‡Ri wb‡P cvKv iv¯Ívi Dci †cŠQvB‡j i¨ve m`m¨‡`i Dcw¯’wZ †Ui cvBqv gv K e¨emvqx `‡ji mwµq m`m¨iv †KŠk‡j cvjv‡bvi †Póv Kv‡j Dc‡iv³ AvmvgxØq‡K m½xq Awdmvi I †dvm©‡`i mnvqZvq nv‡Z bv‡Z AvUK Kwi‡Z m¶g nB| AZtci wRÁvmvev‡` Zvnviv Dc‡iv³ bvg-wVKvbv


q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1

eðl ................................ 1

œ²¢jL ew  a¡¢lM  −e¡V J B−cn

cªKvk K‡i| Zvr¶wbK NUbv¯’‡j Avmvgx؇qi †ndvRZ nB‡Z gv`K`e¨ Kw_Z Bqvev 300 wcP U¨ve‡jU I 05 †evZj we‡`kx

g` mn cªZvibv Kv‡R e¨eüZ KvMRcÎ I Ab¨vb¨ miÄvgvw` Dcw¯’Z mv¶x 1| †gvt bvwmi DwÏb (48), wcZv-Avãyj nK nvIjv`vi,mvs- wcªqvsKv nvDwRs,‡ivW bs- 03,evmv bs-16, _vbv-kvnAvjx, wWGgwc-XvKv, †gvevt-01716-026117, 2| †gvt

mv¾v` †nv‡mb(36), wcZvg„Z-Avãym †mvevnvb, mvs-Avnv¤§`cyi (gywÝevox), _vbv-‡mbevM, †Rjv-‡bvqvLvjx, G/wc-Avnv¤§`

bMi cvBKcvov QvcvLvbv †gvo, evmv bs-75, _vbv-wgicyi g‡Wj, wWGgwc-XvKv, †gvevt- 01766-666169, 3| ûgvqb g„av(26), wcZv-g‡ni DwÏb g„av, gvZv-Av‡gbv †eMg, mvs-eo evwjqvZyjx, (‡cŠi mfv 10 bs IqvW©), _vbv-Kjvcvov, †Rjv- cUyqvLvjx, †gvev- 01316-904779, Gwc mvs-gy³evsjv gv‡K©U Gi wmwKDwiwU, wgicyi-1, _vbv-kvnAvjx, wWGgwc-XvKv, 4 | bvix e¨vUvt Avbmvi/ 1916152/‡gvmvt mv‡R`v †eMg, †gvevt-01781-732772, i¨ve -4, cvBKcvov, wgicyi-1, XvKv mn

Ab¨vb¨‡`i †gvKv‡ejvq a„Z Avmvgx؇qi †ndvRZ nB‡Z wbgœ ewb©Z AvjvgZ mgyn wbR wbR nv‡Z evwni Kwiqv w`‡j Bs- 01/08/2021 ZvwiL mKvj 09.35 NwUKvi mgq ewY©Z NUbv¯’‡j Avgvi m½xq GmAvB(wbt) gCbyj †nv‡mb, (wewc bs- 8514172751) †gvevBj- 01930- 682188 ZvwjKv gy‡j Rã K‡ib I Rã ZvwjKvq mswkøó mv¶x‡`i ¯^v¶i Mªnb

K‡ib Ges wb‡RI ¯^v¶i K‡ib| hvnvi †cªw¶‡Z Avmvgx؇qi weiæ‡× kvnAvjx _vbvi gvgjv bs-03 ZvwiL-02/08/2021 Bs, aviv-2018 m‡bi gv`K`ªe¨ wbqš¿qb AvB‡bi 36(1) Gi †Uwej 10(K)/24(K) Ges kvnAvjx _vbvi gvgjv bs-04 ZvwiL- 02/08/2021 Bs, aviv-170/467/468/471/ 420/34 †cbvj †KvW h_vixwZ iæRy nq| AvmvgxØq ewY©Z gvgjv `ywU‡Z †MªdZvi nBqv eZ©gv‡b †Rj nvR‡Z AvUK Av‡Q| AvmvgxØq wb‡R‡`i‡K h_vµ‡g evsjv‡`k †mbvevwnbxi †gRi †Rbv‡ij Ges we‡MªwWqvi †Rbv‡ij ewjqv cwiPq †`q| Zvnv‡`i AmsjMœ K_v-evZ©vq I AvPvi-AvPi‡b m‡›`n nB‡j e¨vcK I wbweo fv‡e wRÁvmvev‡` GK ch©v‡q Zvnviv ¯^xKvi K‡i †h, cªK„Z c‡¶ Zvnviv evsjv‡`k †mbvevwnbxi m`m¨ b‡n eis mvavib I wbwin jvKRb‡`i‡K cªZvibv Kivi D‡Ï‡k¨ †mbvevwnbxi ewY©Z c‡`i wg_¨v cwiPq w`qv, f~qv AvBwW I wfwRwUs KvW©, bKj mxj †gvni I Ab¨vb¨ f~qv mb`cÎvw` ˆZix I Zvnv e¨env‡ii gva¨‡g ci¯úi †hvM mvR‡m G‡K Ac‡ii mn‡hvwMZvq `xN© w`b hver wWwRUvj cøvUdg©, †mvk¨vj wgwWqv, B‡jKUªwb· I wcª›U wgwWqv e¨envi Kwiqv cªZviYv Kwiqv Avwm‡Z‡Qb| wRÁvmvev‡` Zvnviv

Av‡iv ¯^xKvi K‡i †h,GB g~û‡Z© Zvnv‡`i wbR wbR †ndvR‡Z f~qv AvBwW I wfwRwUs KvW©,bKj mxj †gvni I Ab¨vb¨ f~qv mb`cÎvw` iwnqv‡Q| a„Z AvmvgxØq wWwRUvj wWf BR e¨envi Kwiqv cªPvi/cªPviYvi gva¨‡g wb‡R‡`i‡K L¨vwZgvb wn‡m‡e AwawôZ K‡i bvbvwewa A‰ea Aciva Kvh©µ‡gi mv‡_ hy³ i‡q‡Q| m~`yi cªmvix cwiKíbvi gva¨‡g Zvnviv wbR¯^ G‡RÛv ev¯Íevq‡b mvgvwRK †hvMv‡hvM gva¨gmn wewfbœ gva¨‡g Ace¨envi K‡i wb‡R‡`i MMbPy¤^x f~qv mvdj¨ I AvšÍR©vwZK gvbevwaKvi I wbivcËv welqK wewfbœ msMV‡bi mv‡_ m¤ú…³Zvi wg_¨vPvi I weåvwšÍg~jK Z_¨ cªPv‡i wjß _vwKqv wg_¨vPv‡ii

gva¨‡g cªZviYvi Avkq wb‡q A_© nvwZ‡q wb‡”Q| i&hve-4 Gi Awfhv‡b 01 AvM÷ 2021 ZvwiL mKvj 09.35 NwUKvq ivRavbxi kvn Avjx _vbvaxb wgicyi-1 n‡Z Kw_Z ZiæY wPwKrmv weÁvbx I M‡elK @ wewkó Av‡jvPK @ wW‡cøvg¨vU @ we‡MªwWqvi †Rbv‡ij @ we‡klÁ wPwKrmK BkivZ iwdK CwkZv (AvBwcwm), wcZv- L›`Kvi iwdKyj Bmjvg, Kvdiæ‡j, XvKv

Ges Zvi mn‡hvMx †gvt kwn`yj Bmjvg Ii‡d w``vi, wcZv-‡gvt ûgvqb Kexi, †`vnvi, XvKv'‡K †MªdZvi Kiv nq|

Awfhv‡bi D×vi Kiv nq, fyqv AvBwW KvW©, fyqv wfwRwUs KvW©, fyqv mxj, fyqv mvwU©wd‡KU,  cªZ¨qbcÎ,  cvm‡cvU©,  j¨vcUc,  300  wcQ  Bqvev,  05  †evZj we‡`kx g` Ges †gvevBj| cªv_wgK wRÁvmvev‡` †MªdZviK„Zv i ewY©Z wel‡q mswkøóZvi wel‡q Z_¨ cª`vb K‡i| †MªdZviK„Z BkivZ iwdK CwkZv †ckvq GKRb wPwKrmK| whwb wewfbœ gva¨‡g GKRb Av‡jvPK, wPwKrmv weÁvbx, M‡elK, wcGBPwW m¤úbœ, gvbevwaKvi Kg©x, msMVK, we‡MªwWqvi †Rbv‡ij c` gh©v`vi Ges AvšÍR©vwZK wewfbœ ms¯’vi m`m¨mn ¸iæZ¡c~Y© c‡` AwawôZ i‡q‡Qb e‡j

f~qv cwiPq cª`vb K‡i _v‡Kb| wRÁvmvev‡` Rvbv hvq,e Y©Z f~qv cwiP‡qi wek¦vm‡hvM¨Zv AR©‡b wZwb f~qv bw_cÎ ˆZix I cªPvi cªPviYv K‡i _v‡Kb| wZwb gqgbwms‡n Aew¯’Z GKwU †emiKvix †gwW‡Kj K‡jR n‡Z 2013 mv‡j (‡mkb 2005-

2006) GgweweGm m¤úbœ K‡ib| AZtci Ryb 2014 mv‡ji cª_g w`‡K wgicy‡ii GKwU †emiKvix nvmcvZv‡j wPwKrmK wn‡m‡e †hvM`vb K‡ib| AZtci 2014 mv‡j wZwb GKwU miKvix ms¯’vq Pyw³ wfwËK wPwKrmK wn‡m‡e w ‡qvM cvb| †mLv‡b 04 gvm PvKyix Kivi ci k„•LjvRwbZ Kvi‡Y PvKyixP¨yZ nb| †MªdZviK„Z BkivZ iwdK CwkZv wPwKrmv kvm&‡Îi wewfbœ wel‡q we‡klÁ wPwKrmv weÁvbx I M‡elK wn‡m‡e cwiPq w`‡q _v‡Kb| Zvi f~qv we‡klÁ wWMªx¸‡jv h_vµ‡g-GgwcGBP, GgwW, wWI

BZ¨vw`| GQvov fyqv K¨vÝvi we‡klÁ wn‡m‡eI wewfbœ gZev` cªPvi K‡i _v‡Kb| †MªdZviK„Z AvmvgxØq wewfbœ I‡qe mvB‡U wPwKrmv kv‡¯¿ M‡elYvag©x cªeÜ, AvwU©‡Kj ew_ v wmm †ccvi cªKvkbv K‡i‡Qb Zb¥‡a¨ Health problems and health care seeking

behavior of street children in Dhaka City, Perception

regarding  acute  respiratory  tract  infection  among

mothers of under five children BZ¨vw`| wZwb  g~jZ  AbjvB‡b cªvß wewfbœ M‡elYvag©x cªKvkbv GwWU K‡i ewY©Z M‡elYvag©x cªKvkbv cª¯ÍyZ K‡i‡Qb e‡j wRÁvmvev‡` Rvwb‡q‡Qb| †MªdZviK„Z BkivZ

iwdK CwkZv Rvbvb wZwb wPwKrmv weÁv‡b we‡`‡k cªvß f~qv mvdj¨ ¯^xK„‡Zi cªPviYv Ki‡Zb| 2020 mv‡j fvi‡Zi

DËi cª‡`‡k †nv‡Uj cvK© A¨v‡m‡›U AbywôZ wRAvBGmAvi dvD‡Ûk‡bi cª`Ë B›Uvib¨vkbvj BÝwc‡ikbvj I‡gb A¨vIqvW© (AvBAvBWweøD 2020) †c‡q‡Qb hv

35 eQi eqmx wPwKrmv weÁvbx I M‡elK‡`i g‡a¨ ÒeQ‡ii †miv bvix weÁvbxÓ wn‡m‡e cyi¯‹vi| G Qvov mshy³ Avie Avwgiv‡Z 'wimvP© A¨vwPf‡g›U A¨vIqvW©, fvi‡Zi Ô‡U÷ †Rg A¨vIqvW© 2020'; _vBj¨v‡Û AvšÍR©vwZK wk¶v m‡¤§j‡b Ask wb‡q 'AvDU÷¨vwÛs mv‡qw›Uó GÛ wimvP©vi A¨vIqvW© BZ¨vw`| wZwb Av‡iv Rvbvb †h, wZwb cªZviYvi gva¨‡g f~qv bw_cÎ Dc¯’vcb Kwiqv 2018 mv‡j Rvg©vbx‡Z ÔwjÛv,  I  †bv‡ej  jwi‡qU  wgU-‡gwWwm‡b'  AskMªnY  K‡ib|  cieZ©x‡Z  wZwb


q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1

eðl ................................ 1

œ²¢jL ew  a¡¢lM  −e¡V J B−cn

cªPviYv K‡ib †h, wZwb cª_g evsjv‡`kx wn‡m‡e ewY©Z Abyôv‡b †hvM`vb K‡ib|

GQvov wZwb A¨v¤^v‡mWi wn‡m‡e wewfbœ msMVb h_vµ‡g Av‡gwiKvb †m·yqvj †nj_  A¨v‡mvwm‡qkb,  b¨vkbvj  mvwR©K¨vj  K¨vÝvi  †Kvqvwjkb  Ges  †Møvevj ¸WDBj BZ¨vw` msMV‡b evsjv‡`‡k KvR Ki‡Qb g‡g© Rvbvb| wZwb A¨vIqvW© welqK

Abyôv‡b Dcw¯’wZi GwWwUs Kiv fyqv Qwe I mb` ˆZix K‡i MYgva¨‡g †cªiY I fvP©yqvj RM‡Z cªPviYv K ‡Zb| †MªdZviK„Z

BkivZ iwdK CwkZv K‡ivbv gnvgvix‡K cyuwR K‡i fvP©yqvj RM‡Z cªZviYvq mwµq wQ‡jb| GB wel‡q Av‡jvPK I cªwk¶‡Ki

f~wgKvq AeZxY© nb| wZwb AbjvB‡b K‡ivbv cªwk¶Y †Kv‡i Av‡qvRb I mvwU©wd‡U K cª`vb K‡i cªPvi- cªPviYv K‡i‡Qb| †m wewfbœ we‡`kx‡`i f~qv mvwU©wd‡KU cªPviYv K‡i Ab¨vb¨‡`i A‡_©i

wewbg‡q  mvwU©wd‡KU  Mªn‡Y  AvK„ó  Ki‡Zb|  †MªdZviK„Z  BkivZ  iwdK  CwkZv "Young  World

Leaders  for  HumanityÓ  bvgK  GKwU  AwbeÜbK„Z  I  Abby‡gvw`Z msMVb cwiPvjbvi mv‡_ hy³| AbjvBb cøvUd‡g© hvi Facebook page I Linkedin ID i‡q‡Q|

ms¯’vwUi m`i `ßi wbDBq‡K© Aew¯’Z e‡j cªPviYv Kiv n‡q‡Q| ewY©Z †dmeyK †c‡Ri †Kv- G¨vWwgb †MªdZviK„Z BkivZ iwdK CwkZv| GB †dmeyK †cB‡Ri gva¨‡g †`k I AvšÍR©vwZK cwigÛ‡j cªZviYv †bUIqvK© ˆZix K‡i B‡Zvg‡a¨ †bcvj, cvwK¯Í vb, AvdMvwb¯’vb, fviZ, eyiæwÛ, Av‡gwiKv, bvB‡Rwiqv, Igvb, †mŠw` Avie BZ¨vw` †`‡k A‡_©i wewbg‡q cªwZwbwa wb‡qvM K‡i Avm‡Q| GQvovI †`k¸‡jv‡K AvmvgxØq D‡jøwLZ msMV‡bi e¨vbv‡i †mwgbvi, A¨vIqvW© cª`vb I wk¶Y BZ¨vw` Av‡qvRb Kiv n‡q _v‡Kb e‡j †MªdZviK„Ziv Rvbvb| †hLv‡b A‡_©i wewbg‡q wewfbœ e¨w³‡`i‡K fyqv A¨vIqvW© weZiY wewbg‡qi gva¨‡g AwR©Z A‡_©i wmsnfvM †MªdZviK„Z BkivZ iwdK CwkZv I Zvi cªavb mn‡hvMx †gvt kwn`yj †n w`bvi KZ©…K

MªnY K‡i _v‡Kb| GQvov msMV‡bi e¨vbv‡i MZ Gwcªj 2019 G ivRavbxi GKwU AwfUwiqv‡g Abyôv‡bi gva¨‡g 30 Rb evsjv‡`kx‡K I "Young World Leaders for Humanity" Gi m¤§vbbv cª`vb K‡ib| D³ Abyôv‡b BkiZ iwdK CwkZv mÂvj‡Ki f~wgKv cvjb K‡ib| GB msMV‡  we‡k¦i wewfbœ AvšÍR©vwZK fv‡e cwiwPZ e¨w³‡`i Qwe hy³ K‡i G¨vWfvBRi, fvBm †Pqvig¨vb, B›Uvib¨vkbvj fvBm †Pqvig¨vbmn bvbv †hvM`vb K‡i‡Qb e‡j f~qv cªPviYv K‡i AvmwQj| GQvovI wZwb 2018 mv‡j wbivcËv, wPwKrmv, gvbevwaKvi, bvix wkï AwaKvi welqK wewfbœ AvšÍR©vwZK msMV‡bi mv‡_ hy³ e‡j fqv Z_¨ cª`vb K‡ib| †MªdZviK„Z BkivZ iwdK CwkZv cªZviYvi †KŠkj wn‡m‡e wbivcËv evwnbxi i¨vsK e¨vP I †Póv

K‡i AR©‡bi †Póv K‡i wdwjcvB‡b cwiPvwjZ GKwU I‡qemvBU (IPC.Phil.com) n‡Z 400 Wjv‡ii wewbg‡q mvgwiK evwnbxi b¨vq Òwe‡MªwWqvi †Rbv‡ij" c`wU cªvß nq e‡j cªPvi K‡ib| GQvovI AvmvgxØq B›Uvib¨vkbvj cywjk AM©vbvB‡Rkb, KvD›Uvi  µvBg  B‡›Uwj‡RÝ  weµvBg  B‡›Uwj  AM©vbvB‡Rkb  BZ¨vw`  m`m¨  c‡`i  f~qv  mb`  ˆZix  K‡i  cªPviYv  Kwiqv

Avwm‡Z‡Qb| Zvnviv wbR¯^ f~qv wWMªx, c` I c`ex cªPviYvi Rb¨ mvgvwRK †hvMv‡hvM gva¨g I AvBwc P¨v‡bj e¨envi Ki‡Zb|

D³ cªPviYvi gva¨‡g †m wewkó Av‡jvPK‡`i mv _ wfbœ wel‡q we‡klÁ wn‡m‡e UK‡kv‡Z AskMªnY Ki‡Zb| Zvnviv f~qv mvwU©wd‡KU, GwWwUs Qwe, wg_¨v wee„wZ I Z_¨ cª`v‡bi gva¨‡g mKj‡K weåvšÍ K‡i‡Qb| mvgvwRK †hvMv‡hvM gva¨gmn wewfbœ

gva¨‡g Zvnviv gvbevwaKvi jsNb, bvix wkï AwaKvi, wPwKrmv weÁvb, K‡ivbv BZ¨vw` wel‡q Av‡jvPK wn‡m‡e Avwef©~Z n‡q MªnY‡hvM¨Zv e„wׇZ Ac‡Póv Pvjv‡Zb| wewfbœ ¯’v‡b cwiPq cª`v‡bi †¶‡Î evavi m¤§yLxbZv Gov‡Z Zvi ÒemÓ wn‡m‡e Zvi mn‡hvMx †MªdZviK„Z †gvt kwn`yj Bmjvg w``vi f~wgKv ivL‡Zb| AwaKvsk †¶‡Î AbjvB‡b wewfbœ wgwUs G em/Dc‡iv¯’ Kg©KZ©vi ewY©Z f~wgKv cvjb Ki‡Zb Ges wdwjcvB‡b GKB mvBU n‡Z A‡_©i wewbg‡q †gRi †Rbv‡ij c` aviY K‡ib e‡j

Rvbvb|  GQvov  wb‡R‡K  AvBb  mnvqZv  †K›`ª  (AvmK);  Bqvs  Iqvì©  wjWvi  di  wnDwgwbwUmn  wewfbœ  msMV‡bi  dvDÛvi (cªwZôvZv) ev KY©avi wn‡m‡e Dc¯’vcb K‡ib| GKB fv‡e wZwb `~b©xwZmn wewfbœ welqK AvšÍR©vwZK ms¯’vi `~Z ev A¨v¤^v‡mWi wn‡m‡e cwiPq w`‡q _v‡Kb| †MªdZviK„Ziv †hvMmvR‡k AvšÍR©vwZK wewfbœ ms¯’vi f~qv m`m¨,KY©avi ev `~Z wn‡m‡e †`‡k/we‡`‡k cªZviYv gva¨‡g Aciva Kvh©µ‡gi mv‡_ hy³ i‡q‡Qb| Zvnviv wewfbœ cªZvibvi gva¨‡g wb‡gœ ewb©Z mvwU©wd‡KU  ¸wj  msMªn  Kwiqv  cªKvk  Kwiqv‡Qb  | 1.  American  sexual  health  association  (ASHA).

2.National cervical cancer coalition (NCCC). 3. Global goodwill org, USA. 4. Young world

leader for humanity. 5.Global Peace chain.6. Global human right project. 7. Counter crime

intelligence  organization.  8.  International  Police  Commission.  9.  International  Police


AvmvgxØq ci¯úi †hvMmvR‡k wWwRUvj wWfvBR I wWwRUvj wm‡ó‡gi gva¨‡g f~qv mb`cÎ, c`K I Abyiƒc miÄvgvw`, WKy‡g›U ˆZix, Mªnb, e¨envi, Dc¯’vcb I cªPv‡ii gva¨‡g cªZvibv Ges Dnv‡Z mnvqZvi Aciva Kwiqv Zvnviv

2018 m‡bi wWwRUvj wbivcËv AvB‡bi 23/24/35  vivi Aciva Kwiqv‡Q weavq D‡jøwLZ nvRZx Avmvgx؇qi weiæ‡× ewY©Z aviv g‡Z Avcbvi _vbvq GKwU wbqwgZ gvgjv iæRy mn cieZ©x AvBbvbyM e¨e¯’v Mªnb Kwi‡Z gwR© nq|

†h‡nZy AvmvgxØq BwZcy‡e© Avcbvi _vbvq iæRyK„Z gvgjv bs-02(8) 21 Ges 03(8)21-‡Z †MªdZvi nBqv eZ©gv‡b

†Rj nvR‡Z AvUK Av‡Q †m‡nZy Zvnv‡`i 02 Rb‡K Am&Î GR nv‡ii mv‡_ Avcbvi _vbvq n¯ÍvšÍi Kiv m¤¢e nBj bv|

Av‡iv D‡jøL¨ iæRyK„Z ewb©Z gvgjv 02 wU‡Z RãK„Z AvjvgZ mgyn (gv`K`ªe¨ e¨wZZ) AÎ gvgjvi AvjvgZ wnmv‡e cwiMwYZ nB‡e| DaŸ©Zb KZ©…c‡¶i mv‡_ we¯ÍvwiZ Av‡jvPbv †k‡l GRvnvi `vwL‡j wej¤^ nBj| mshy³t

1|  Avcbvi _vbvq iæRyK„Z gvgjv 03(8)21 Ges 04(8)21 Gi g~j Rã ZvwjKvi d‡UvKwc 02 cvZv |



(L›`Kvi †gvt Avwgi Avjx)

wWGwW, cywjk cwi`k©K(mt),

(wewc bs-6785043137),


Rã ZvwjKv

m~Ît i¨ve-4, cvBKcvov, wgicyi-1, XvKv Gi wRwW bs-05, ZvwiLt 01/08/2021 Bs |

1|  Rã Kivi ZvwiL I mgqt Bs‡iRx 01/08/2021 Bs mKvj 09.35 NwUKvq|

2|  Rã Kivi ¯’vbt XvKv gnvbMi¯’ kvnAvjx _vbvaxb wgicyi-1, †MvjPË¡‡ii DËi cv‡k¦© gy³ evsjv gv‡K©‡Ui (`w¶b


q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1

eðl ................................ 1

œ²¢jL ew  a¡¢lM  −e¡V J B−cn

cv‡k¦©) mvg‡b dyU Ifvi eªx‡Ri wb‡P cvKv iv¯Ívi Dci a„Z Avmvgx؇qi †ndvRZ n‡Z|

mvBevi UªvBeyb¨ j, XvKv|  RãKvjxb Dcw¯’Z ¯^v¶x‡`i bvg I wVKvbvt

mvBevi UªvBeb¨vj gvgjv K)  †gvt bvwmi DwÏb (48), wcs- Avt nK nvIjv`vi, mvs- wcªqvsKv nvDwRs, †ivW bs-03, evmv bs-16, _vbv-kvnAvjx,

bs- 270/23  wWGgwc, XvKv| †gvevBj bs-01716026117|

m~Î: kvnAvjx _vbvi  L) †gvt mv¾v` †nv‡mb (36), wcs- g„Zt Avt mye b, mvs- Avnv¤§`cyi (AcvV¨) evwo), _vbv- †mbevM †Rjv- †bvqvLvjx, gvgjv bs 4/219 Zvs  G/wc-  Avnv‡¤§`  bMi  cvBKcvov,  QvcvLvbv  †gvo,  evmv  bs-75,  _vbv-  wgicyi  g‡Wj,  wWGgwc,  XvKv|  †gvevBj  bs-

2/8/2021  01766566169 M) ûgvqyb g„av (26), wcs- g‡ni g„av, gvZv- Av‡gbv †eMg, mvs- eo evwjqvZyj †cŠimfv 10bs IqvW© _vbv-

avivt  Kjvcvov, †Rjv- c‡UvqvLvjx| G/wc- gy³ evsjv gv‡K©‡Ui wmwKDwiwU MvW©, wgicyi-1, kvnAvjx, wWGgwc, XvKv| †gvevBj 170/467/468/471/42

0/34  bs-01316904779|

†cbvj †KvW  N)  bvix e¨vUvt Avbmvi/= 1916152 †gvmvt mv‡R`v †eMg, i¨ve-4, cvBKcvov, wgicyi-1, XvKv, †gvevt 01781- ¯^v/- A¯úó  732772| 4|  RãK„Z gvjvgv‡ji weeiYt

Zvs 2/8/21

(AeAyj vemvvm`vy¾i vggynvbv¤§`) (1) wZbwU mv`v cwjw_‡bi Rxcv‡i iw¶Z cªwZwU Rxcv‡i 100(GKkZ) wcm Kwiqv me©‡gvU 300 (wZbkZ) wcP Kw_Z gv`K wewc 7706108076  Bqvev U¨ve‡jU hvnvi IRb 30 (wÎk) Mªvg, A‰ea evRvi gyj¨ 90,000/- (beŸB nvRvi) UvKv a„Z Avmvgx †gvt kwn`yj Bmjvg

Awdmvi BbPvR©  @ w`bvi Zvnvi cwiwnZ dyjc¨v‡›Ui Wvb c‡KU nB‡Z  bR nv‡Z evwni Kwiqv †`Iqv g‡Z,

Awd_ mvb viv,   BwWbgPGvRwc©, ,k XvnvKAvv jx (2)  International Police Commission Gi i¨vsK e¨vR m¤^wjZ †bfx-eøy is‡qi GK‡mU BDwbdig (wcKvc,

AvBwW KvW© mn) hvnvi †bg‡cø‡U Bs‡iRx‡ZDINAR †jLv Av‡Q,

‡`wLjvg  (3)  a„Z Avmvgx †gvt kwn`yj Bmjvg @ w`bvi Gi wbR bvgxq Qwe m¤^wjZ AvBwW KvW© 02 wU hvnv‡Z International

¯^v/- A¯úó  Police  Commission  MAJ.GEN.SHAHIDUL  ISLAM  DINAR  IPC  0-912033

‡g‡UªvcwjUb g¨vwR‡÷ªU


REGION mn Av‡iv Ab¨vb¨ †jLv Av‡Q Ges hvnvi cª‡Z¨KwUi GK Kwc K‡i A4 mvB‡Ri KvM‡Ri iw½b wcª›U AvDU Kwci

†j‡gwbwUs Kiv Kwc Av‡Q,

  1.                a„Z Avmvgx †gvt kwn`yj Bmjvg @ w`bvi Gi wbR bvgxq B-‡gB‡j e¨eüZ wewfbœ KvMR 10 (`k) cvZv,
  2.                a„Z Avmvgx †gvt kwn`yj Bmjvg @ w`bvi Gi wbR bvgxq 05(cuvP) wU mxj hvnvi cªwZwU‡Z Bs‡iRx‡Z †jLv h_vµ‡g International  Co-  Ordinator,  officer  L1.  Special  Enjoy  to  Asia  Pasific  Region. Ambassador, Ambassador Europolice Fedaration mn Av‡iv Ab¨vb¨ Bs‡iRx †jLv Av‡Q,
  3.                a„Z Avmvgx †gvt kwn`yj Bmjvg @ w`bvi Gi wbR bvgxq NIIT Gi Adbanced Certificate GK Kwc,
  4.                International Police Commission Gi cªZ¨vqbcÎ hvnv‡Z a„Z Avmvgx †gvt kwn`yj Bmjvg @ w`bvi †K MAJGEN.SHAHIDUL ISLAM DINAR g‡g© cªZ¨vqb Kiv n‡q‡Q,
  5.                WAHEED  CENTRE  FORN  HUMANITY  &  HUMANITARIAN  DEVELOPMENT (WCHHD) Gi cªZ¨qbcÎ hvnv‡Z a„Z Avmvgx †gvt kwn`yj Bmjvg @ w`bvi‡K MAJ.GEN .SHAHIDUL ISLAM DINAR g‡g© cªZ¨qb Kiv n‡q‡Q|
  6.                International Police Organization (IPO) 4 membership Certificate.

10| a„Z Avmvgx †gvt kwn`yj Bmjvg @ w`bvi Gi wbR bvgxq †jUvi c¨vW GKcvZv hvnv‡Z wewfbœ Bs‡iRx †jLv Av‡Q|

  1. MAJ.GEN.SHAHIDUL ISLAM DINAR bvgxq Gi Certificate of Achievement GK Kwc |
  2. a„Z Avmvgx †gvt kwn`yj Bmjvg @ w`bvi Gi wbR bvgxq SELF DEFENSE KRAV MAGA |
  4. International Police Commission SPECIAL ORDER OF APPOINMENT GK Kwc
  5. International  Police  Commission  Gi  cªZ¨vqbcÎ  hvnv‡Z MAJ.GEN.SHAHIDUL  ISLAM

DINAR, g‡g© cÖZ¨vqb Kiv n‡q‡Q|

  1.   Apsley Business School London Gi cªZ¨vqbcÎ `yBwU hvnv‡Z MAJ.GEN.Dr.SHAHID UL

ISLAM DINAR g‡g© cªZ¨vqb Kiv n‡q‡Q|

  1.      International  Human  Rights  Ambassadors  Organization  ISO  9001:2015  Gi APPOINMENT LETTER GK cvZv|
  2.      a„Z Avmvgx †gvt kwn`yj Bmjvg @ w`bvi Gi GKwU cyivZb e¨eüZ HONOR †gvevBj †dvb hvi IMEI bs h_vµ‡g 865747050666320. 865747050666338 hvi g‡a¨ 01829504325 bs mxg mshy³
  3.      a„Z Avmvgx †gvt kwn`yj Bmjvg @ w`bvi Gi wbR bvgxq wewfbœ ¯’vbxq †ccvi KvwUs,08 cvZv|
  4.      05 (cuvP) †evZj we‡`kx g` hvnvi g‡a¨ GKwUi (i) †evZ‡ji Mv‡q Bs‡iRx‡Z LABEL 5 BLENDED WHISKY. 1 LITRE. Vol- 43%. Made In Scotland (ii) JOHNNIE WALKER BLACK

LABEL. 1 LITRE. Vol- 40% Made In Scotland (iii) GILBEYS 1 LITRE. Vol-40%. Made In

Scotland, (iv) JACK DANIELS 1 LITRE. Vol-40%. Made In USA, (v) OFFICERS CHOICE

750  ml.  Made  In  Scotland  †gvU  IRb  04  (Pvi)  wjUvi  750  wgwj  (‡cv‡b  cuvP)  wjUvi,  A‰ea  evRvi  g~j¨

(5,000x5)= 25,000/-(cwPk nvRvi) UvKv, hvnv a„Z Avmvgx BkivZ iwdK @ CwkZv Gi Wvb nv‡Z _vKv cv‡Ui ˆZix nvZ e¨vM nB‡Z wbR nv‡Z evwni Kwiqv †`Iqv g‡Z Rã |

  1. a„Z Avmvgx BkivZ iwdK @ CwkZv Gi wbR bvgxq Qwe m¤^wjZ 02 wU AvBwW KvW© hvnvi GKwU‡Z International Police Commission BRIG. GEN. DR. ISHRAT RAFIQUE IPC 0-912032. mn Av‡iv Ab¨vb¨ †jLv Av‡Q Ges AciwU‡Z International Police Commission BRIG. GEN. DR. ISHRAT RAFIQUE, IPC


q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1

eðl ................................ 1

œ²¢jL ew  a¡¢lM  −e¡V J B−cn

Deputy Chief intelligence †jLv A4 mvB‡Ri KvM‡Ri iw½b wcª›U †j‡gwbwUs Kiv,

  1.   International Police Commission Gi i¨vse-e¨vR m¤^wjZ †bfx-eøy is‡qi GK‡mU BDwbdg© (wcKvc, AvBwW KvW© mn) hvnvi †bg‡cø‡U Bs‡iRx‡Z ISHRAT †jLv Av‡Q|
  7.   a„Z Avmvgx BkivZ iwdK @ CwkZv Gi wbR bvgxq B- cvm‡cvU© hvnvi bv¤^vi BR 0411300
  8.   INTERVIEW ON niramoy24.com
  9.   a„Z Avmvgx BkivZ iwdK @ CwkZv e¨eüZ GKwU cyivZb SYMPHONY V100 †gvevBj †dvb hvi IMEI

bs h_vµ‡g 359005071340042, 359005071340059 hvi g‡a¨ 01777655410 bs mxg mshy³

  1. a„Z Avmvgx BkivZ iwdK @ CwkZv e¨eüZ GKwU cyi Zb DELL j¨vcUc hvi Reg Model P49G.

Dc‡iv³ 01bs nB‡Z 21 bs AvjvgZ mg~n a„Z 01bs Avmvgx †gvt kwn`yj Bmjvg (2) w`bvi Gi †ndvR‡Z _vKv

Kvc‡oi ˆZix OPPO †jLv wc‡U eyjv‡bv e¨vM nB‡Z Zvnvi wbR nv‡Z evwni Kwiqv †`Iqv g‡Z c¶všÍ| 22bs

nB‡Z 33bs AvjvgZ mg~n a„Z 02bs Avmvgx BkivZ iwdK (2) BwkZv Gi †ndvR‡Z _vKv cv‡Ui e¨vM nB‡Z wbR nv‡Z evwni Kwiqv †`Iqv g‡Z NUbv ¯’‡j mv¶x‡`i m¤§y‡L Rã Kiv nBj|

5|¯^v¶x‡`i ¯^v¶it

  1. ¯^v/-‡gvt bvwmi DwÏb
  2. ¯^v/- A¯úó Zvs-01/08/21


(N)¯^v/-‡gvQvt mv‡R`v †eMg



bvgt gCbyj †nv‡mb

c`ext Gm.AvB. wbt

wewc bs-8514172751

i¨ve-4, cvBKcvov, wgicyi-1, XvKv|

01/08/2021 Bs


Rã ZvwjKv (seizure List)

wewc dig bs-44 (wbqš¿b bs-wcAviwe-280) †e½j dig bs-5276 m~Ît kvnAvjx _vbvi gvgjv bs-5, Zvs- 02/08/21 Bs, avivt 2018 mv‡ji wWwRUvj wbivcËv AvB‡bi 23/24/35 aviv|

1| Rã Kivi ZvwiL I mgqt Bs 03/08/21 ZvwiL †ejv 11.45 NwUKv|

Rã Kivi ¯’vbt kvnAvjx _vbv wWGgwc, XvKv Gi wWDwU Awdmv‡ii Awdm K¶|

mmvvBBeevvii UUªvªvBBeeybyb¨¨vvjj,gXvvgKj vvv  bs  3| mv¶x‡`i bvg I wVKvbvt

270/23  (K) ¯’vqx wVKvbvt

bvgt wWGwW †gvt Avwgi Avjx, cywjk cwit (mt) wewc-6785043137, i¨ve-4, cvBKcvov, wgicyi-2, †Rjv-


¯‡^v/` -w LAj¯vgú ó  eZ©gvb wVKvbvt H

‡g‡UªvcwjUb g¨vwR‡÷ªU  †gvevBj b¤^it 01743-798453|

XvKv| (L) ¯’vqx wVKvbvt

bvgt gvBbyj †nv‡mb, GmAvB (wbt) wewc-8514172751, i¨ve-4, cvBKcvov, wgicyi-1, XvKv|

eZ©gvb wVKvbvt H

†gvevBj b¤^it 01743-798453

  1. ¯’vqx wVKvbvt

bvgt Ks/5263, †gvt byiæj Bmjvg, wewc-7694048689, kvnAvjx _vbv, wWGgwc, XvKv |

eZ©gvb wVKvbvt H.

†gvevBj b¤^it 01553432456

4|  RãK„Z gvjvgv‡ji eY©bv (mbv³K„Z wPý hw` _v‡K)t

1|  GKwU nvW©wW¯‹ hvnvi wmwiqvj bs- S/N:  S314JA0F749966, Model: mST1000LM02.

D³ nvW©wW·wU gvgjvi ev`x Ges Zvnvi msMxq Awdmvi †dvm© KZ©…K NUbvi w`b AÎ gvgjvi GRvnvi bvgxq nvRZx Avmvgx 1| BkivZ iwdK @ CwkZv Gi wbKU nB‡Z BwZc~‡e© D×vi c~e©K RãK„Z Ges Rã ZvwjKvq ewY©Z 33 bs AvjvgZ Gi mv‡_ mshy³ Ae¯’vq cvIqv hvq| hvnv Dcw¯’Z mv¶x‡`i mvg‡b Rã c~e©K ZvwjKv cª¯ÍyZ Kwiqv mv¶x‡`i ¯^v¶i Mªnb Kwijvg Ges Avwg  b‡RI mwn Kwijvg|

5| mv¶x‡`i ¯^v¶it

(K)¯^v/-A¯úó (L) ¯^v/- A¯úó

(M)¯^v/-‡gvt byiæj Bmjvg

cª¯—yZKvix Awdmvi


q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1

eðl ................................ 1

œ²¢jL ew  a¡¢lM  −e¡V J B−cn



(‡gvt gvmy` ivbv ) wewc-8202078045

GmAvB (wbi¯¿)

kvnAvjx _vbv, wWGgwc, XvKv|


mvBevi UªvBe¨ybvj, XvKv|

mvBevi UªvBe¨ybvj gvgjv b¤^i 270/2023

Avwg G. Gg. RyjwdKvi nvqvZ, wePviK, mvBevi UªvBe¨ybvj, XvKv, Avcwb Avmvgx BkivZ iwdK @ CwkZv Gi weiæ‡× Awf‡hvM MVb KiwQ †h, Avcwb Avmvgx BkivZ iwdK @ CwkZv wb‡Ri cwiPq †Mvcb †i‡L QÙ‡ek aviY c~e©K wWwRUvj wWfvBm I gva¨g e¨envi K‡i f~qv mb`cÎ, c`K I WKy‡g›U ˆZwi K‡i e¨envi K‡i‡Qb| G‡Z Avmvgx BkivZ iwdK @ CwkZv wWwRUvj wbivcËv AvBb, 2018 Gi 24(2) avivi Aciva msNUb K‡i‡Qb, hv G UvBe¨ybv‡j wePvh©|

GZØviv Avwg wb‡`©k w`w”Q †h, G Awf‡hv‡M UªvBe¨ybv‡j Avcbvi wePvi AbywôZ n‡e| MwVZ Awf‡hvM Dcw¯’Z Avmvgx-‡K cvV I e¨vL¨v K‡i ïbv‡bv n‡j wZwb wb‡Ri †`vl ¯^xKvi K‡ib|

ZvwiLt 20/09/2023 wLªt

¯^v/-G. Gg. RyjwdKvi nvqvZ

(G. Gg. RyjwdKvi nvqvZ)


mvBevi UªvBe¨ybvj, XvKv|

d‡ibwmK j¨ve‡iUwi (XvKv)

evsjv‡`k cywjk, wmAvBwW

¯§viK bs-d‡ibwmK j¨ve‡iUix (XvKv)/AvBwU d‡ibwmK kvLv/AvBwUGd-1- 1519-2021/1879/2022, Zvs-19/04/2022



mvBevi UªvBeyb¨vj, XvKvv  we‡kl cywjk mycvi (d‡ibwmK), evsjv‡`k cywjk, wmAvBwW, XvKv'i ¯§viK bs- 1519, Zvs-25/08/2021 Bs g~‡j kvnAvjx

mvBevi UªvBeyb¨vj gvgjv (wWGgwc) _vbvi gvgjv bs-05, Zvs-02/08/2021 wLªt| aviv-wWwRUvj wbivcËv AvBb 2018 Gi 23/24/35 g~‡j wbgœewb©Z bs 270/23  AvjvgZ weÁ †g‡UªvcwjUb g¨vwR‡÷ªU, XvKv KZ©…K ¶gZvcÎ mn gZvgZ cª`v‡bi Rb¨ GKwU Av‡e`b GmAvB (wbt)/‡gvt gvmy`

‡`wLjvg  ivbv, kvnAvjx _vbv, wWGgwc, XvKvi gva¨‡g  mAvBwW, AvBwU d‡ibwmK kvLvq M„nxZ nq| DaŸ©Zb KZ©…c‡¶i nvIjvg‡Z Avwg ¯^v/- A¯úó  GmAvB (wbt)/‡`ewcªq cwÛZ 01/09/2021 wLªt ZvwiL wb œewY©Z AvjvgZ MªnY K‡i we‡køl‡Yi KvR ïiæ Kwi|

AwZt wPd‡g‡UªvcwjUb M„nxZ AvjvgZ t



Avjvg‡Zi eY©bv


GKwU SYMPHONY †gvevBj †dvb hvi g‡Wj bs-V100 IMEI  NO: 359005071340042, 359005071340059 Ges hvnv‡Z 01 (GK) wU MªvgxY wmgKvW© hvi MSISDN : 01777655410 mshy³ |


GKwU HONOR †gvevBj †dvb hvi g‡Wj bs-MOA-LX9N IMEI NO: 865747050666320, 865747050666338 Ges hvnv‡Z 01 (GK) wU iwe wmgKvW© hvi MSISDN : 01829504325 mshy³ |


GKwU DELL j¨vcUc hvnv‡Z GKwU SAMSUNG SATA 1000 GB nvW©wW¯‹ hvi ModNo: ST10 00LM024, S/N: S314JAOF749966 mshy³|


†dmeyK  AvBwW  ÒIshrat  Eeshita"  (URL  No: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=10000973026 3777)




‡dmeyK †cR "Dr. Ishrat Rafique Eshita" (URL No: https://www.facebook.com/Dr- Ishrat-Rafique- Eshita 117668946734137)


‡dmeyK  AvBwW "Md  Sahidul  Islam  Dinar"  (URL  No https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009408548439)


‡dmeyK  †cR "Young  World  Leaders  For  Humanity"  (URL  No:  https://www. facebook.com/Young-World-Leaders- For-Humanity-287326911646408/)


UyBUvi AvBwW ÒIshrat R. Eshita" (URL No: https://twitter.com/r_ishrat


linkedin AvBwW "Ishrat Rafique Eshita" (URL No: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ ishrat-rafique-eshita- a05307114)

10|  B‡gBj AvBwW Ò ishrateshita@gmail.comÓ

11|  B‡gBj AvBwW Òadinar 803@gmail.com  

12|  B‡gBj AvBwW Òcheguevarachedinar@gmail.com  13|  W‡Kv‡g›U 43 (‡ZZvwjøk) cvZv

Z`šÍKvix Kg©KZ©v KZ©…K PvwnZ we  lqt

1|  m~‡Î ewY©Z gvgjvq RãK„Z Dc‡i DwjøwLZ AvjvgZ mg~n e¨envi K‡i AvmvgxØq fyqv mb`cÎ, c`K, WKy‡g›U ˆZwi, Dc¯’vcb I cªPvi Kiv n‡q‡Q wKbv?

2|  IPC.Phil.com evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii †Kvb Aby‡gvw`Z GbwRI ms¯’v wK'bv? D³  IPC.Phil.com wK ai‡bi Kvh©µg cwiPvjbv K‡i Ges D³ IPC.Phil.com Gi mv‡_ DwjøwLZ AvmvgxØq hy³ nBqv MªnbK„Z c` I c`wei †Kvb ˆeaZv Av‡Q wK'bv?


q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1

eðl ................................ 1

œ²¢jL ew  a¡¢lM  −e¡V J B−cn

cix¶v Kvh©µgt

cix¶vKv‡j AvjvgZ bs-01, SYMPHONY V100 †gvevBj †dvb Ges AvjvgZ bs-02, DELL j¨vcU‡c

mshy³ SAMSUNG SATA  1000 GB hvi Model No: ST1000LM024, S/N: S314JAOF749966)

nvW©wW¯‹wU j¨v‡e e¨eüZ Forensic Tools Øviv Extraction Ges Analysis K‡i Report ˆZwi Kwi| cvkvcvwk

AvjvgZ bs-01 Ges03 G aviYK„Z Z_¨ Manually Analysis Kwi| AvjvgZ bs-02, HONOR MOA LX9N

†gvevBj †dvbwU APj _vKvq IMEI b¤^i hvPvB Ges j¨v‡e e¨eüZ Forensic Tools Øviv Extraction Kiv m¤¢e nqwb|

AvjvgZ bs-13 (w¯ŒbkU 43 cvZv) ch©v‡jvPbv Kwi Ges ¯^v¶i Kwi| cix¶vKv‡j Avjvg‡Z ewY©Z †dmeyK AvBwW, †dmeyK †cR I Gmail AvBwW¸‡jv‡Z Login K‡i ch©v‡jvPbv Ges UyBUvi AvBwW, LinkedIn  AvBwWi Timeline Gi Public Z_¨ ch©v‡jvPbv Kwi| cª‡qvRbxq w¯ŒbkU msMªn Kwi|


1|  cix¶vKv‡j  AvjvgZ  bs-01, SYMPHONY  V100  (IMEI  NO:  359005071340042, 359005071340059) †gvevBj †dv‡b AvjvgZ w¯Œbk‡Ui 09 bs cvZvi mv‡_ Z_¨ m`„k AvBwW KvW© mn wewfbœ bvg c`we m¤^wjZ c`‡Ki Qwe, wfwRwUs Kv‡W©i Qwe cvIqv †M‡Q|

2|  AvjvgZ bs-03, DELL j¨vcU‡c mshy³ SAMSUNG SATA 1000 GB GB nvW©wW¯‹wU cix¶vKv‡j AvjvgZ w¯‹bk‡Ui 13, 18, 24 Ges 25 m`„k Qwe mn wewfbœ bvg c`we m¤^wjZ mb`cÎ, c`K, wfwRwUs Kv‡W©i Qwe cvIqv †M‡Q|

3|  Avjvgb bs-02, HONOR MOA-LX9N †gvevBj †dvbwU APj _vKvq j¨v‡e e¨eüZ Forensic Tools

Øviv Extraction Kiv hvqwb|

4| cix¶vKv‡j †dmeyK AvBwW ÒIshrat EeshitaÓ (User ID: 100009730263777) n‡Z AvjvgZ w¯Œbk‡Ui 01 bs cvZv m`„k †cv÷ Kivi Z_¨ cvIqv wM‡q‡Q| AvBwW †_‡K m`bcÎ, e³e¨ ms¤^wjZ c`K Ges wewfbœ bvg c`ex m¤^wjZ Qwe †cv÷ Kivi Z_¨ cvIqv †M‡Q|

5|  †dmeyK †cR ÒDr. Ishrat Rafique Eshita " ( User ID: 117668946734137 ) AvjvgZ w¯Œbk‡Ui

01 bs cvZv m`„k †cv÷, wewfbœ c`K, wewfbœ bvg c`ex m¤^wjZ mb`c‡Îi Qwe †cv÷ Ges ÒOn Lindau Nobel Laureate Meet #LiNoEcon (Econ Films, UK) August 1, 2018Ó †jLvi m¤^wjZ wfwWI †kqvi Kivi Z_¨

cvIqv †M‡Q|

6|  †dmeyK AvBwW Ò Md Sahidul Islam Dinar" (User ID: 100009 408548439 ) w`‡q Search cª`vb

Ki‡j Profile locked _vKvq Public post ch©v‡jvPbv Kiv m¤¢e nqwb|

7|  †dmeyK †cR ÒYoung World Leaders For Humanity hvi (User ID: 287326911646408)

n‡Z AvjvgZ w¯Œbk‡Ui 12, 18, 20, cvZv m`„k †cvó, 11bs cvZvq DwjøwLZ †jLv m`„k Ges 08 bs I 09 bs cvZvi AvswkK Z_¨ m`„k †cv÷ Kivi Z_¨ cvIqv †M‡Q| ZvQvovI GKvwaK bvg, c`we m¤^wjZ wewfbœ m`bc‡Îi Qwe Ges wewfbœ e³e¨ †cv÷ Kivi Z_¨ cvIqv †M‡Q|

8|  UyBUvi AvBwW ÒIshrat R EshitaÒ URL No: https://twitter.com/r_ishrat Gi Public post ch©v‡jvPbvKv‰j wewfbœ bvg, c`ex m¤^wjZ m`bcÎ, c`K, e³e¨, wfwRwUs Kv‡W©i Qwe †cv÷ Kivi Z_¨ cvIqv †M‡Q|

9|  LinkedIn  AvBwW  Ò Ishrat  Rafique  EshitaÓ  hvi  URL  No  : https://www.linkedin.com/in/  ishrat-rafique-eshita  -  a05307114  Gi  Public  post ch©v‡jvPbvKv‡j Avmvgx Ishrat Rafique

Eshita bvg m¤^wjZ mb`cÎ Ges e³e¨, c`‡Ki Qwe †cv÷ Kivi Z_¨ cvIqv †M‡Q|

10|  Z`šÍKvix Kg©KZ©v KZ©…K B‡gBj AvBwW Òishrateshita@gmail.comÓ Gi Password mieivn bv Kivq D³ B‡gBj AvBwW‡Z Login I Analysis Kiv hvqwb|

11|  B‡gBj AvBwW adinar803@gmail.com-‡Z Login K‡i Inbox G w¯Œbk‡Ui 11, 12, 15, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 29 bs cvZv m`„k Qwe mn wewfbœ bvg, c`we m¤^wjZ mb`cÎ Ges Md. Sahidul Islam Dinar Gi RvZxq cwiPq c‡Îi Qwe Ges wfwRwUs Kv‡W©i Qwe cvIqv †M‡Q | 12|  B‡gBj  AvBwW Òcheguevarachedinar@gmail.comÓ-‡Z Login K‡i Inbox G w¯Œbk‡Ui 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 Ges 16 bs cvZv m`„k Qwe mn wewfbœ bvg, c`we m¤^wjZ mb`cÎ cvIqv †M‡Q|

13|  cix¶vKv‡j  cix¶vKv‡j  AvjvgZ  bs-01, SYMPHONY  V100  (IMEI  NO:  359005071340042, 359005071340059 ‡gvevBj †dv‡b B‡gBj AvBwW Ò ishrateshita@gmail.com e¨envi Kivi Z_¨ cvIqv †M‡Q| 14|  cix¶vKv‡j AvjvgZ bs-02, DELL j¨vcU‡c mshy³ SAMSUNG SATA 1000 GB "Ishrat Eeshita" (User  ID:  100009730263777),  ‡dmeyK  †cR  "Dr.  Ishrat  Rafique  Eshita"  (User  ID: 117668946734137), †dmeyK AvBwW "Md Sahidul Islam Dinar" (User ID: 100009 -408548439), ‡dBReyK †cR (95 "Young World Leaders For Humanity" (User ID: 287326911646408), "Ishrat R. Eshita (URL No: https://twitter.com/r_ishrat), LinkedIn "Ishrat Rafique Eshita" (in / ishrat-rafique-eshita-a05307114), B‡gBj AvBwW Òishrateshita@gmail.com Ges (R) B‡gBj AvBwW adinar 803@gmail.com e¨envi Kivi Z_¨ cvIqv †M‡Q| 15| B‡gBj AvBwW Òcheguevarachedinar@gmail.comÓ M„nxZ Avjvg‡Z e¨envi Kivi Z_¨ cvIqv hvqwb 16|  IPC.Phil.com Website wU msµv‡šÍ PvwnZ welq¸‡jv j¨ve mswkøó bq weavq G wel‡q gZvgZ cª`vb Kiv †Mjbv |


1|  AvjvgZ bs-01, SYMPHONY V100 †gvevBj †dv‡bi Forensic report 03 Ges 14 cvZv

2|  AvjvgZ bs-03, DELL j¨vcU‡c mshy³ SAMSUNG SATA 1000 GB GB nvW©wW‡¯‹i Forensic report 37 cvZv

3|  †dmeyK w¯ŒbkU 45 cvZv

5|  B‡gBj AvBwW Òcheguevarachedinar@ gmail.comÓ Gi w¯ŒbkU 19 cvZv|

6|  B‡gBj AvBwW Òadinar 803@gmail.comÓ Gi w¯ŒbkU 27 cvZv


q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1

eðl ................................ 1

œ²¢jL ew  a¡¢lM  −e¡V J B−cn

7|  LinkedIn AvBwW "Ishrat Rafique EshitaÓ Gi w¯ŒbkU 12 cvZv |

8|  UyBUvi AvBwW ÒIshrat R. EshitaÓ 14 cvZv

9|  GKwU ¯^v¶wiZ Verbatim DVD-R 4.7 GB GB wWwfwW|



Zvs-19/04/22 wLªt

†`ewcªq cwÛZ wewc-8614170468

Dc-cywjk cwi`k©K (wbt)

AvBwU d‡ibwmK kvLv, d‡ibwmK wefvM evsjv‡`k cywjk, wmAvBwW, XvKv †gvevt 01733571618

d‡ibwmK j¨ve‡iUwi (XvKv)

evsjv‡`k cywjk, wmAvBwW, gvwjevM, XvKv

Phone:  +88  02  44070052.  Mobile:  +88  01320010132.  E-  mail:  addlsp. forensic.cid@police.gov.bd  

¯§viK bs-d‡ibwmK j¨ve‡iUwi (XvKv)/Avt kvt/wcwR-1-0979- 2022/6252/2022 ZvwiL-27/12/2022 wLªt|

m~Ît kvnAvjx _vbvi (wWGgwc) gvgjv bs-5 ZvwiL-02-08-2021 wLªt, aviv- wWwRUvj wbivcËv AvBb, 2018 Gi 23/24/35| gvgjvwU gCbyj †nv‡mb, Dc- cywjk cwi`k©K (wbt), wewc-8514172751, i¨ve-4, wgicyi-1, XvKv'i wbKU n‡Z Av‡jvKwPÎ

mvBevi UªvBeyb¨vj, XvKvv  kvLvq 23-11-2022 wLªt Zvwi‡L M„nxZ nq Ges D³ Zvwi‡L cix¶v‡šÍ gZvgZ cª`v‡bi wbwg‡Ë Avwg wbgœ ¯^v¶iKvix `vwqZ¡ mvBevi UªvBeyb¨vj gvgjv

bs 270/23  cªvß nB hvi wcwR gvgjv bs-1-0979-2022|

M„nxZ Avjvg‡Zi eY©bv t  -

‡`wLjvg  1|  Awfhy³ BkivZ iwdK BwkZv I kwn`yj Bmjvg w`bvi ؇qi 02+02=04 (Pvi) Kwc ¯^v¶wiZ bgybv Qwe|

¯^v/- A¯úó  2|  AvBwU d‡ibwmK, wmAvBwW n‡Z cªvß nvW©Kwc 17 (m‡Zi) cvZv I 10 (`k) cvZv hv gvgjvi AvjvgZ|

AwZt wPd‡g‡UªvcwjUb

g¨vwR‡÷ªU  PvwnZ welq :-

XvKv|  Awfhy³ BkivZ iwdK BwkZvi bgybv Qwei mv‡_ AvjvgZ Z_v nvW©Kwc 17 (m‡Zi) cvZvq _vKv bvixi Qwei Ges

Awfhy³ kwn`yj Bmjvg w`bv‡ii bgybv Qwei mv‡_ AvjvgZ Z_v nvW©Kwc 10 (`k) cvZvq _vKv cyiæ‡li Qwei wgj Av‡Q wKbv ?

cix¶v Kvh©µg :-

Awfhy³ BkivZ iwdK BwkZv Ges kwn`yj Bmjvg w`bvi ؇qi 01+01=02 Kwc bgybv Qwe K Ges L Øviv wPwýZ Kiv nq, AZtci ¯‹¨vb, gyLgÛj µc I wcª›U K‡i K-1 Ges L-1 Øviv wPwýZ Kiv nq| j¨v‡e AvjvgZ Z_v nvW©Kwc 17 I 10 cvZv n‡Z cªv_wgKfv‡e bgybv Qwei mv‡_ m`„k I cix¶v/Zyjbv‡hvM¨ bvixi 06wU Ges cyiæ‡li 06 wU gyLgÛj ¯‹¨vb, µc I wcª›U K‡i h_vµ‡g M, N, O, P, Q, R Ges S, T, U, V, W, X Øviv wPwýZ Kivnq| Awfhy‡³i K-1 wPwýZ bgybv Qwei mv‡_ M, N, O, P, Q, R Ges L-1 wPwýZ bgybv Qwei mv‡_ S, T, U, V, W, X wPwýZ Qwe cvkvcvwk †i‡L (nvW© I mdU Kwc) j¨v‡e iw¶Z ˆeÁvwbK hš¿cvwZ I cªhyw³ Øviv cix¶v-wbix¶vmn we‡kølY 201I ci¯úi Zyjbv Kiv nq| cix¶v-wbix¶v I ZyjbvKv‡j Awfhy³ BkivZ iwdK BwkZv I kwn`yj Bmjvg w`bvi ؇qi bgybv Qwei mv‡_ Avjvg‡Z _vKv bvix I cyiæ‡li Qwei gyLgÛ‡ji ˆewkó¨mg~‡ni (Landmarks) Z_v Kcvj, åæ Aw¶‡KvUi, bvK, †VvuU, †Pvqvj I _yZwbi wgj (Match) cvIqv

hvq |

gZvgZ :-

Awfhy³ BkivZ iwdK BwkZvi bgybv Qwei mv‡_ AvjvgZ Z_v nvW©Kwc 17 (m‡Zi) cvZvq _vKv bvixi Qwei Ges Awfhy³ kwn`yj Bmjvg w`bv‡ii bgybv Qwei mv‡_ A jvgZ Z_v nvW©Kwc 10 (`k) cvZvq _vKv cyiæ‡li Qwei gyLgÛ‡ji

ˆewkó¨mg~‡ni (Landmarks) wgj (Match) Av‡Q|


Zvs- 27/12/22

(G, †K, bvRgyj †nv‡mb)


Dc-cywjk cwi`k©K (wbt) I Av‡jvKwPÎ wekvi`

evsjv‡`k cywjk, wmAvBwW, XvKv| †mj‡dvb bs-01713-000053|

Nl¦aÅf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u ®g±Sc¡l£ L¡kÑ¢h¢dl 265(N) Hl BJa¡u
c¡¢MmL«a AhÉq¢a clM¡Ù¹ ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x  

‡gvKvgt weÁ mvBevi UªvBey¨bvj, XvKv

m~Î: `vqiv gvgjv bs-270/23

D™¢e: kvnAvjx _vbvi gvgjv bs-5(8) 2021

aviv: 2018 mv‡ji wWwRUvj wbivcËv AvB‡bi 23/24/35 aviv ivóª--- -- ev`x |


BkivZ iwdK @ CwkZv---Avmvgx

welqt  †dŠR`vix  Kvh©wewai  265(wm)  avivi  weavb  †gvZv‡eK  Avmvgxi  Ae¨vnwZ  Gi Av‡e`b|

`iLv¯ÍKvix Avmvgxi c‡¶ webxZ wb‡e`b GB †h,

1|  ev`x GRvnviKvix MZ 01/08/2023 Bs ZvwiL kvnAvjx _vbvq GB g‡g© GRvnvi `v‡qi K‡ib †h, Òwgicyi-1 †Mvj Pˇii DËi cv‡k¦© gy³ evsjv


q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1

eðl ................................ 1

œ²¢jL ew  a¡¢lM  −e¡V J B−cn

gv‡K©U Gi (`w¶Y cv‡k¦©) mvg‡b dyUIfvi eªx‡Ri wb‡P cvKv iv¯Ívi Dci †cŠQvB‡j i&hve m`m¨‡`i Dcw¯’wZ †Ui cvBqv gv`K

e¨emvqx `‡ji mwµq m`m¨iv †KŠk‡j cvjv‡bvi †PóvKv‡j Dc‡iv³ AvmvgxØq‡Z m½xq Awdmvi I †dvm©‡`i mnvqZvq nv‡Z bv‡Z AvUK Kwi‡Z m¶g nB| AZtci wRÁvmvev‡` Zvnviv Dc‡iv³ bvg, wVKvbv cªKvk K‡i Ges wb‡R‡`i‡K evsjv‡`k †mbvevwnbxi †gRi †Rbv‡ij Ges we‡MªwWqvi †Rbv‡ij cwiPq †`q|Ó

2|  Dc‡iv³ GRvnviKvixi wjwLZ K_v¸wji Av‡jv‡K Bnv cªwZqgvb nq †h, GRvnviKvixi mv‡_ Avmvgx BkivZ iwdK CwkZvi c~e© cwiwPZ wQ‡jv| Zvnv‡K mvgvwRKfv‡e †nqcªwZcbœ Kiv I wg_¨v gvgjvq Rov‡bvi Rb¨ gv`K e¨emvqx `‡ji mwµq

m`m¨ ewjqv cª_‡gB D‡jøL¨ Kwiqv‡Qb| KviY GB GRvnviKvix Zvnvi wbKU †_‡K gv`K`ªe¨ D×v‡ii c~‡e©B Avmvgx‡K gv`K``ªe¨ e¨emvqx ewjqv D‡jøL Kwiqv‡Qb| Dc‡iv³ GRvnv‡ii eb©bv Abymv‡i evsjv‡`k †mvbvevwnbxi †gRi †Rbv‡ij I we‡MªwWqvi †Rbv‡ij cwiPq †`q, †h‡nZy 2 Rb Avmvgx K_v¸wj †K ewjqv‡Q Zvnv my¯úófv‡e D‡jøL bv _vKvq m‡›`n m„wó nq

†h, 1bs Avmvgxi weiæ‡× wg_¨v wgw_¨fv‡e GRvn i `v‡qi Kwiqv‡Qb myZivs Avmvgx AÎ gvgjvi `vq †_‡K Ae¨nwZ cvIqvi

nK`vi e‡U

3|  Avmvgx Kw_Z NUbvi mwnZ RwoZ bq| Avmvgx m¤ú~b© wb‡`©vl, lohš¿g~jKfv‡e Zvnv‡K dvmv‡bvi Rb¨ †gvKÏgvwU `v‡qi Kiv n‡q‡Q weavq †m gvgjvi `vq †_‡K Ae¨vnwZ cvIqvi nK`vi e‡U|

4|  Avmvgxi weiæ‡× 01/08/2021 Bs Zvwi‡L Kw_Z NUbv¯’j †`wL‡q AÎ †gvKÏgvwU `v‡qi Kiv n‡jI cªK„Z fv‡e i¨ve-1 Zvnv‡K 28/07/2021 Bs Zvwi‡L gRyg`vi Mªxb Mv‡W©b, DËi Beªvwngcyi wgicyi-14 wbR evmv †_‡K d¬&hv‡Ui cªwZ‡ekx mn kZkZ GjvKv evmxi mvg‡b †_‡K †MªdZvi K‡i wb‡q hvq| myZivs Avmvgx wg_¨v gvgjvi `vq †_‡K Ae¨vnwZ cvIqvi nK`vi e‡U|

5|  †h‡nZy 28/07/2021 Bs ZvwiL i¨ve-1 Avjvc Kwievi K_v e‡j Avmvgxi evmv †_‡K wb‡q †h‡q 5 w`b AÁvZbvgv ¯’v‡b †i‡L AgvbywlK wbh©vZb K‡i 02/08/2021 Bs Zvwi‡L GKB NUbv¯’j †`wL‡q GRvnviKvix 3wU †gvKÏgv `v‡qi K‡ib G †_‡K cªwZqgvb nq †h, c~e© kÎæZv ekZ cwiKwíZfv‡e GKRb Ziæbx †gavex Wv³v‡ii fwel¨Zr Rxeb bó Kwiqv †`Iqvi D‡Ïk¨ G wg_¨v gvgjvwU `v‡qi K‡ib weavq G gvgjvi ` q †_‡K Avmvgx Ae¨vnwZ cvB‡Z cv‡ib |

6|  †h‡nZy AÎ gvgjvi BkivZ iwdK @ CwkZv 1 bs Avmvgx Aci 2wU gvgjvq kvnAvjx _vbvi gvgjv bs-3(8)21

Ges kvn Avjx _vbvi gvgjv bs- 4(8)21 G 2 bs Avmvgx wnmv‡e 3wU gvgjv GKB NUbv¯’j D‡jøL Kwiqv gvgjvi GRvnviKvix Rbve †gvt Avgxi Avjx (wWGwW) gvgjv `v‡qi K‡iwQ‡jb e‡U, wKš‘ kvn Avjx _vbvi gvgjv bs-3(8)21 bs †gvKÏgvq weMZ 22/08/2023 Bs Zvwi‡L Revbe›`x †`Iqvi mgq weÁ `ªæZ wePvi UªvBe¨ybvj- 2, XvKv‡Z Rbve Gg.Avjx Avn‡g` g‡nv`‡qi Av`vj‡Z †Riv‡Z AÎ †gvKÏgv `v‡qi K‡i‡Qb wKbv g‡b bvB e‡j A¯^xKvi K‡i‡Qb| Revbe›`xi mB gûix

bKj wdwiw¯— †hv‡M mshy³ Kiv Av‡Q|

7|  †h‡nZy    gvgjvwU  GRvnviKvix  AÁvZ  DaŸ©Zb  Awdmvi‡`i  wb‡`©‡k  wg_¨v-wgw_¨fv‡e  `v‡qi  Kwiqv lohš¿g~jKfv‡e †nb¯—v Kwievi Awfcªv‡q `v‡qi Kwiqv‡Qb Ges AÎ gvgjvi 2 bs Avmvgx g„Z¨yeib Kwiqv‡Q| †m‡nZy GB gvgjvi `vq †_‡K Ae¨vnwZ cvIqvi nK`vi e‡U|

8|  †h‡nZy ZvwjKvq ewY©Z 22 †_‡K 33 bs AvjvgZ wnmv‡e wjwLZ gvjvgvj ¸wj Zvnvi nvZ †_‡K D×vi nBqv‡Q wK bv Zvnvi wcªs½vi wcª›U G··cvU© Gi Kwc A f‡hvM c‡Îi mwnZ Rgv †`Iqv bv _vKvq Bnv cªwZqgvb nq †h Ab¨Î nB‡Z G

mKj gvjvgvj msMªn Kwiqv GRvnviKvix AÎ wg_¨v †gvKÏgv `v‡qi Kwiqv‡Qb, hvnv nB‡Z GKRb gymwjg cwiev‡ii c`©vbkxj gwnjv †ckvq GKRb †gavex Gg, weweGm Wv³vi Zvnv‡K †Rvic~e©K †mbvevwnbxi †cvkvK cwiwnZ Kwiq †Uwjwfk‡b cªPvi Kivq AvBb-k„•Ljv evwnbx ¶gZvi Ace¨envi Kwiqv‡Qb ewjqv cªwZqgvb nq| †m‡nZy Avmvgx Lvjvm cvIqvi nK`vi e‡U

9|  †h‡nZy 2018 mv‡ji wWwRUvj wbivcËv AvBbwUi weiæ‡× mvsevw`K, RbMb I gvbevwaKvi ms¯’v¸‡jv cªwZev` Kivq msm‡` AvBbwU evwZj Kwiqv mvBevi wmKywiwU G¨v± bZybfv‡e ˆZix Kwiqv‡Qb, †m‡nZy wWwRUvj wmwKDwiwU G¨v± Gi gvgjv †_‡K Avmvgx Ae¨vnwZ cvB‡Z cv‡ib |

10|  AÎ gvgjvi 2 bs Avmvgx I Aci 2wU gvgjvi 1bs Avmvgx kwn`yj g„Z¨yeib Kivq Avmvgx BkivZ iwdK (2) CwkZv Lvjvm cvIqvi nK`vi|

11|  ïbvbxKv‡j Ab¨vb¨ e³e¨ Dc¯’vcb Kiv nB‡e |

AZGes webxZ cªv_©bv Dc‡iv³ KviY I NUbvax‡b Avmvgx‡K †dŠR`vix Kvh©wewai

265 (wm) aviv †gvZv‡eK Ae¨nwZ w`qv mywePvi Kwi‡Z weÁ ûRyi Av`vj‡Zi

m`q gwR© nq |


Avcbvi Giƒc m`vkq Av‡`‡ki Rb¨ `iLv¯ÍKvix Avmvgx weÁ Av`vj‡Zi wbKU wPiK„ZÁ _vK‡e|


mvBevi UªvBe¨ybvj, XvKv |

mvBevi UªvBe¨ybvj gvgjv b¤^i 270/2023

Avwg G. Gg. RyjwdKvi nvqvZ, wePviK, mvBevi UªvBe¨ybvj, XvKv, Avcwb Avmvgx BkivZ iwdK @ CwkZv Gi weiæ‡× Awf‡hvM MVb KiwQ †h, Avcwb Avmvgx BkivZ iwdK @ CwkZv wb‡Ri cwiPq †Mvcb †i‡L QÙ‡ek aviY c~e©K wWwRUvj wWfvBm I gva¨g e¨envi K‡i

f~qv mb`cÎ, c`K I WKy‡g›U ˆZwi K‡i cªZvibvi D‡Ï‡k¨ ee ¨nvi

K‡i‡Qb| G‡Z Avmvgx BkivZ iwdK @ CwkZv wWwRUvj wbivcËv AvBb,  2018  Gi  24(2)  avivi  Aciva  msNUb  K‡i‡Qb,  hv  G


q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1

eðl ................................ 1

œ²¢jL ew  a¡¢lM  −e¡V J B−cn

UªvBe¨ybv‡j wePvh© |

GZØviv Avwg wb‡`©k w`w”Q †h, G Awf‡hv‡M UªvBe¨ybv‡j Avcbvi wePvi AbywôZ n‡e| MwVZ Awf‡hvM Dcw¯’Z Avmvgx-‡K cvV I

e¨vL¨v K‡i ïbv‡bv n‡j wZwb wb‡Ri †`vl ¯^xKvi K‡ib|

ZvwiLt 20/09/2023 wLªt

¯^v/-G. Gg. RyjwdKvi nvqvZ (G. Gg. RyjwdKvi nvqvZ)      wePviK

mvBevi UªvBe¨ybvj, XvKv|

evsjv‡`k dig bs 3857

nvB‡KvU© wµwgbvj dig bs (Gg) 83-we

Revbew›` wjwLevi aviv   Avmvgxi †`vl ¯^xKvi

†gvKvgt-mvBevi UªvBe¨ybvj, XvKv|

mvBevi UªvBe¨ybvj gvgjv bs-270/2023|

Av›`vRx eq¯‹ 'i Revew›` mb 1873 L„÷v‡ãi 10 AvB‡bi weavb gZ

kc_ ev cªwZ¶v c~e©K Avwg Õi mg‡¶ A`¨ mb 20 mv‡ji gv‡mi Zvwi‡L M„nxZ nBj|

Avgvi bvg- BkivZ iwdK (2) CwkZv

Avwg Avgvi †`vl ¯^xKvi KiwQ| Avwg fyj KiwQ| Avwg AbyZß| mv¶x‡K c‡o I e¨vL¨v K‡i ïbv‡bv n‡jv|

¯^v/- G. Gg RyjwdKvi nvqvZ ¯^v/- Wvt BkivZ iwdK BwkZv  Zvs 20/09/2023


mvBevi UªvBey¨bvj, XvKv|

Av‡`k bvgv|

‡Rjv- XvKv|

‡gvKvg- mvBevi UªvBe¨ybvj, XvKv |

Dcw¯’Zt-Rbve G. Gg. RyjwdKvi nvqvZ


mvBevi UªvBe¨ybvj


mvBevi UªvBe¨ybvj bs-270/2023|

D™¢et kvnAvjx _vbvi gvgjv bs-05(08) 21|

avivt wWwRUvj wbivcËv AvBb, 2018 Gi 23(2)/24(2)/35 aviv | ivóª------ebvg-- -BkivZ iwdK @ CwkZv-- -Avmvgx| Av‡`k bs-03, Av‡`‡ki Zvs-20/09/23|

A`¨ gvgjvi PvR© wel‡q ïbvbxi Rb¨ w`b avh© Av‡Q| gvgjvi GKgvÎ Avmvgx BkivZ iwdK @ CwkZv nvwRiv `vwLj K‡ib Ges †dŠt Kvt wet 265(wm) avivi Av‡e`b K‡ib| ivóª c‡¶ weÁ wc.wc. nvwRi Av‡Qb | bw_ †ck Kiv nj |

†`Ljvg| gvgjvwU Awf‡hvM MVb wel‡q ïbvbxi Rb¨ †bqv n‡jv| Dfqc‡¶i e³e¨ kªeYv‡š— GRvnvi, Awf‡hvMcÎ, †KvW Ae

wµwgbvj cªwmwWDi 1898 Gi 161 avivi Revbe›`x I 265wm avivi Av‡e`bm‡gZ bw_ ch©v‡jvPbv Kijvg| bw_ ch©v‡jvPbvq

†`Lv hvq †h, Avmvgx BkivZ iwdK @ CwkZv wb‡Ri cw Pq †Mvcb †i‡L QÙ‡ek aviY c~e©K wWwRUvj wWfvBm I gva¨g e¨envi K‡i f~qv mb`cÎ, c`K I WKy‡g›U ˆZwi K‡i e¨envi K‡i‡Qb| G‡Z Avmvgx BkivZ iwdK @ CwkZv Gi wei“‡× wWwRUvj wbivcËv  AvBb, 2018 Gi 24(2) avivq  Awf‡hvM  MV‡bi Dcv`vb we`¨gvb Av‡Q g‡g©  cªZxqgvb nq| d‡j Avmvgxc‡¶ `vwLjxq †KvW Ae wµwgbvj cªwmwWDi, 1898 Gi 265wm avivi Av‡e`b bv-gÄyi Kiv n‡jv| Avmvgx BkivZ

iwdK I CwkZv Gi wei“‡× wWwRUvj wbivcËv AvBb, 2018 Gi 24(2) avivq Awf‡hvM MVb Kiv n‡jv| MwVZ Awf‡hvM Dcw¯’Z Avmvgx‡K cvV I e¨vL¨v K‡i ïbv‡bv n‡j wZwb wb‡Ri †`vl ¯^xKvi K‡ib| Avmvgx  BkivZ iwdK @ CwkZv Gi †`vl¯^xKv‡ivw³g~jK Revbe›`x wjwce× Kiv n‡jv| Avmvgxi †`vl ¯^xKv‡ivw³i wfwˇZ Avmvgx BkivZ iwdK (2) CwkZv-‡K

†Kb mvRv cª`vb Kiv n‡e bv Zvi KviY `k©v‡bvi Rb¨ ejv n‡j Avmvgx cybivq wb‡Ri †`vl ¯^xKvi K‡i ¶gv cªv_©bv K‡ib Ges

UªvBe¨ybv‡ji AbyK¤úv Kvgbv K‡ib| Avmvgxi †`vl ¯^xKv‡ivw³g~jK e³e¨ ch©v‡jvPbvq †`Lv hvq †h, wZw Aciv‡ai Rb¨

AbyZß I fwel¨‡Z Avi Aciva Ki‡e bv g‡g© A½xKvi K‡ib|

W‡K Dcw¯’Z Avmvgxi eqm 33 eQi Ges Avmvgx †ckvi GKRb Wv³vi Ges †h‡nZy Avmvgx †`vl ¯^xKvi K‡i‡Qb,


q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1

eðl ................................ 1

œ²¢jL ew  a¡¢lM  −e¡V J B−cn

†m‡nZy Avmvgx BkivZ iwdK @ CwkZv-‡K wWwRUvj wbivcËv AvBb 2018 Gi 24(2) avivq †`vlx mve¨¯’ K‡i 01(GK)

eQ‡ii webvkªg Kviv`Û cª`vb Kiv n‡j b¨vq wePvi cªwZwôZ n‡e g‡g© cªZxqgvb nq|

 bw_ ch©v‡jvPbvq †`Lv hvq †h, Avmvgx BkivZ iwdK? CwkZv weMZ 09/08/2021 wLª: n‡Z 27/09/2022 wLª: ch©š— gvgjvi Kvi‡Y nvRZevm K‡i‡Qb| D³ nvRZevm †KvW Ae wµwgbvj cªwmwWDi Gi 35G avivi weavb Abymv‡i mvRvi †gqv` n‡Z ev` hv‡e|

GKB NUbvq Amvgxi wei“‡× gv`K`ªe¨ wbqš¿Y AvBb 2018 Gi 36(1) Gi †Uwej 10(K) I 24(K) avivq c„_K Awf‡hvMcÎ `vwLj Kiv n‡q‡Q|


Av‡`k nq †h,

Avmvgx BkivZ iwdK (2) CwkZv-‡K wWwRUvj wbivcËv AvBb 2018 Gi 24(2) avivq †`vlx mve¨¯’ K‡i 01 (GK) eQ‡ii webvkªg Kviv`Û cª`vb Kiv n‡jv| AvmvgxMi nvRZevm †KvW Ae wµwgbvj cªwmwWDi, 1898 Gi 35G avivi weavb Abymv‡i mvRvi †gqv` †_‡K ev` hv‡e| Avmvgx B‡Zvg‡a¨ mvRv †fvM K‡i‡Qb g‡g© cªZxqgvb nq| d‡j Ab¨ †Kvb gvgjvq PvwnZ bv

n‡j Avmvgx BkivZ iwdK @ CwkZv-‡K A`¨ UªvBe¨ybvj n‡Z gy³ Kiv †nvK|

†h‡nZy, GKB NUbvq Avmvgxi wei“‡× gv`K`ªe¨ wbqš¿Y AvBb, 2018 Gi 36(1) Gi †Uwej 10 (K) I 24 (K)

avivi c„_K gvgjv Pjgvb Av‡Q|

†m‡nZy AvjvgZ msµv‡š— †Kvb ai‡Yi Av‡`k cª`vb Kiv mgxPxb bq g‡g© wm×vš— MªnY Kiv n‡jv|

Avgvi Kw_Zg‡Z wjwLZ|

…l¦aÅf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 Hl d¡l¡ 412 ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x

412. Notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained where an accused person has pleaded guilty and has been convicted by  [***]  a  Court  of  Sessions  [or  any  Metropolitan Magistrate] or Magistrate of the first class on such plea, there shall be no appeal except as to the extent or legality of the sentence.

Ef¢l¢õ¢Ma d¡l¡ 412 pqS plm f¡−W H¢V ØfØV fÐa£uj¡e ®k, ®L¡e A¢ik¤š² hÉ¢š² k¢c a¡l ®c¡o ü£L¡l L−l Hhw Bc¡ma Eš² ®c¡oü£L¡−ll ¢i¢š−a Eš² A¢ik¤š² hÉ¢š²−L p¡S¡ fÐc¡e L−l b¡−Le ®p−r−œ Bc¡m−al Ef¢l¢õ¢Ma cä¡−c−nl ¢hl¦−Ü A¢i−k¡NL¡l£ Bf£m Ll¡l p¤k¡N b¡L−h e¡ (®Lhm j¡œ p¡S¡l ®ju¡c h¡ BCeNa °hda¡ R¡s¡)z

…l¦aÅf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u ®j¡x ®lS¡L¥m Cpm¡j he¡j l¡øÌ (20 ¢XHmBl 461) ®j¡LŸj¡u A¢ija fÐc¡e Ll¡ q−u−R ®k,

“5. Another point urged on behalf of the petitioners is that in the present case trial was not held in the Court house but in thana premises and this caused miscarriage of justice and thus vitiated the trial. A Magistrate can in his discretion hold trial at any place other than the Court house but in that case, it is essential that he should pass a formal order declaring the place where the trial would be held. Unless a formal order is passed declaring that the trial is passed declaring


q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1

eðl ................................ 1

œ²¢jL ew  a¡¢lM  −e¡V J B−cn

that  the  trial  would  be  held  in  any  specified  place,  the accused persons are likely to be prejudiced inasmuch as, in that  case  they  are  deprived  of  the  opportunity  of  having recourse to higher authority of redress if they fell aggrieved by such order. In this connection, the case reported in AIR 1940 (Rangoon) 72 may be referred to.

  1. Section 412 of the Criminal Procedure code is a bar to an appeal where the accused person has pleaded guilty except as to the extent or legallity of the sentence. The question that arises is whether the bar is absolute or whether a court of appeal or the High Court in exercise of its revisional power can go into the question of legality of conviction. so far as the  Court  of  appeal  is  concerned,  section  412  makes  it manifestly  clear  that  there  shall  be  no  appeal  except  as regards the extent or legality of the sentence, or in other words, there can be no appeal against the conviction. The powers  of  the  High  Court  are,  however,  wide  enough  to consider  the  legality  of  the  conviction  as  well  while exercising its revisional jurisdiction under sec. 439 Cr. P.C. this is clear from the very language of section 412 which lays down in an unambiguous language that there shall be no appeal except as to the extent or legality of the sentence. The section does not restrict the powers of the High Court to consider  the  legality  of  the  conviction  in  exercise  of  its revisional  power.  This  view  is  supported  by  the  case  of Krishna Chandra Singha Vs. Emperor (1) in which it was held  that  where  is  a  particular  case  the  powers  of  an appealate Court are restricted by section 412 the powers of the High court in revision are not similarly restricted. The powers  of  the  High  Court  in  dealing  with  the  revision application are as ample as if an appeal on the merits has been  entortainable  by  the  Sessions  Judge  and  had  been dismissed.  It  was  held  in  the  case  of  emperor  Vs.  Nana Shahhu Sonavan and another (1) that an accused person who pleads  guilty  before  a  Magistrate  and  is  convicted  can


q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1

eðl ................................ 1

œ²¢jL ew  a¡¢lM  −e¡V J B−cn

contend in his application for revision that his conviction is illegal.

  1. Another  argument  advanced  is  that  in  these  cases  the petitioners denied having pleaded guilty and that provision of section 243 of the Criminal Procedure Code has not been complied with. That section provides ‘Inter alia’ that if the accused admits that he as committed the offence of which he is an accused, his admission shall be recorded as nearly as possible in the words used by him. It has been submitted that the alleged admissions of the petitioners were not recorded as nearly as possible in their language. The record shows that a large number of accused persons, 144 in all, were put on  their  trial  before  the  learned  Magistrate  and  the accusations read out to the petitioners and the answers given by them appeared in carbon copy. It is understanable that the accusations were exactly the same in each case, but it is difficult to see how the answer would be in uniform and identical  language.  It  appears  that  every  accused  stated “guilty, plead pardon” which mean “I am guilty, I plead for pardon.”  considering  that  the  trial  was  held  by  the Magistrate  in  the  thana  premises,  where  all  the  accused appear to have been rounded up and a draft not only of the accusations but also of answers of the individual accused was made and this was copied with the use of carbon paper. This lands oredence to the contention of the petitioners that they did not actually plead guilty but were asked to sign the papers which they had to do in the thana premises in what may be termed a mass trial. In this connection reference may be made to the case of Habibut Rahman Serang and others Vs. The State (2) where it was held that a conviolation  without  taking  of  any  evidence purporting to be based on a plea of guilty cannot be sustained when the accused denined having pleaded guilty and the said plea is not found recorded in


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accordance with the provisions of section 243 of the Code  of  Criminal  Procedure  which  provides  for recording of the admission of the accused as nearly as possible in the words of the accused.  This  is  a salutory provision of enable not only the trying Court but also the superior Court to know that the accused actually guilty to the offence charged.  In the instant case, the provisions of section 243 was not complied with and for this reason also the conviction of the petitioners is unsustainable.”

Ef¢l¢õ¢Ma d¡l¡ 412 Hhw l¡u fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡u H¢V Øfø ®k, −L¡e p¡rÉ NËqZ R¡s¡ ®c¡o ü£L¡−ll ¢i¢š−a fÐcš cä¡−cn A¯hd Hhw HM¢au¡l h¢qiѧa q−h k¢c flhaÑ£−a Eš² A¢ik¤š² hÉ¢š² a¡l LaѪL fÐcš ®c¡o ü£L¡l Aü£L¡l L−l Hhw k¢c ®cM¡ k¡u ®c¡o ü£L¡l¢V ®g±Sc¡l£ L¡kÑ¢h¢dl 243 d¡l¡ ®j¡a¡−hL kb¡kbi¡−h NËqZ Ll¡ ¢Lwh¡ ¢m¢fhŸ Ll¡ qu e¡Cz

haÑj¡e ®j¡LŸj¡u Bf£mL¡l£ ®g±Sc¡l£ L¡kÑ¢h¢dl 265(N) ®j¡a¡−hL clM¡Ù¹ c¡¢Mm L−l clM¡−Ù¹ h¢ZÑa L¡l−e Aœ ®j¡LŸj¡l A¢i−k¡N q−a AhÉq¢al fСbÑe¡ L−l−R ü£L«az ®pC ¢a¢e ®Le HLC ¢ce Aœ ®j¡LŸj¡l A¢i−k¡N ab¡ ®c¡o ü£L¡l Ll−he?

…l¦aÅf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 Hl d¡l¡ 243 ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x

243. If the accused admits that he has committed the offence [with which he is charged], his admission shall be recorded as nearly as possible in the words used by him; and, if he shows no sufficient cause why he should not be convicted, the Magistrate may convict him accordingly.

…l¦aÅf§ZÑ  ¢hd¡u Habibur  Rahman  Vs  State  [11

DLR (1959) 515] gvgjvi AwfgZ ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x


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  1. It  is  urged  that  the  record  “offence  ex-plained.  The accused  pleads  guilty”  is  no  complaince  at  all  with  the requirements of this section. It is merely a record of the conclusion  arrived  at  by  the  Magistrate  of  the  alleged admission of the accused persons.
  2. In support of this contention, the learned Advocate has relied on the decision in the case of Mukandi Lal Vs. State through Municipal Board (1) and the decision in the case of Ganesh  Chandra  Khan  and  sons  V.  The  Corporation  of Calcutta (2). In both these cases it was held that a conviction without  the  taking  of  any  evidence  and  purporting  to  be based  on  a  plea  of  guilty  cannot  be  sustained  when  the accused denies having pleaded guilty and the said plea is not found recorded in accordance with the provisions of section 243 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
  3. It seems to me that this contention must prevail in the case of the petitioners in Criminal Revision No. 596 of 1958. The  provision  in  section  243  of  the  Code  of  Criminal Procedure for the recording of the admission of the accused as  nearly  as  possible  in  the  words  of  the  accused  is  a salutary provision designed to  enable not  only the  trying Court but also the suprior Court to know that the accused understood that he was really pleading guilty to the offence charged. In the facts of the present case, if it be true that accused  petitioner  No.2  in  Criminal  Revision  No.  596  of 1958 was present in the Mobile Court merely as a person interested in watching the proccedings of the Court having no connection whatsoever with the launch which was allegd to have been overloaded it is difficult to appreciate how he could have pleaded guilty to any offence.
  4. Had the question actually put by the Magistrate been recorded together with the actual answer to the question in the words of the accused person, then this court would have been in a position to see what actually the Magistrate said and the accused answered. There could have been no serious


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or unsurmountable difficulty in making a record of this kind even by a Mobile Court.

…l¦aÅf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u A. N. Bhuiyan & Anr. Vs. The State  [40  DLR  (AD)  (1988)  401  gvgjvu  AwfgZ ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x

  1. On the second point namely whether the requirements of

section 243 of the Code of Criminal procedure was complied,

I quote the said provision of section 243 of the Code of Criminal Procedure which is in the following language:-

“If  the  accused  admits  that  he  has  committed  the

offence with which he is charged, his admission shall

be recorded as nearly as possible in the words used by

him;  and,  if  he  shows  no  sufficient  cause  why  he

should not be convicted, the Magistrate may convict

him accordingly.”

In this connection Mr. Shah Mohammad Sharif referred to

the  recording of  the  plea of  guilt by the  learned  Special

Judge which is as follows:

“Bp¡j£ Bm£ ®eJu¡S J Bh¤m g−uS ¢ju¡ Bc¡m−a Ef¢ÙÛa qCu¡  a¡q¡−cl  ¢hl¦−Ü  Be£a  A¢i−k¡N  ®üµR¡u  ü£L¡l  L−le J Bc¡m−al Ll¦e¡ fСbÑe¡ L−lez

HL fÐ−nÀl Sh¡−h Bp¡j£l¡ h−me ®k a¡q¡l¡ Family Welfare

Center  AbÑ¡v  °al£  Ll¡l  SeÉ  2,80,000/-  NËqZ  L−le  J 93,714.67 V¡L¡ BaÈp¡v L−lez

(B¢j ¢S‘¡p¡h¡−c ¢e¢ÕQa qC ®k Bp¡j£l¡ h¤¢Tu¡ ö¢eu¡ J paÉ fÐhªš qCu¡ a¡q¡−cl ®c¡o ü£L¡l L¢lk¡−Re-Bc¡ma LaѪLz)

Bp¡j£ Bm£ ®eJu¡S Se¡e ®k ¢a¢e q¡f¡e£ ®l¡−N Bœ²¡¿¹ Hhw Bh¤m g−uS Se¡e ®k ¢a¢e kr¡ ®l¡−N i¥¢N−a−Rez”

This shows that the learned Special Judge did not at all

record  the  statements  of  the  two  accused  either  in  their language or even as nearly as possible in the words used by

them. On the contrary he has simply heard the two accused

and made a note like a memorandum to the effect that the


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two  accused  had  pleaded  guilty  by  saying  that  they  had misappropriated and amount of Taka 93,714.67. This is a clear violation of the mandatory provision of section 243 of the code of Criminal Procedure. As to the contention of the learned  Assistant  Attorney-General namely that by aid of section 537 of the Code of Criminal Procedure this non- compliance can be condoned I may not that section 537 of the Code of Criminal Procedure can be taken aid of only if the violation or omission to follow legal procedure does not cause any injustice. In this case when the statements of the two  accused  in  respect  of  their  plea  of  guilt  were  not recorded at all there is no scope to assess what fact they actually stated and whether those fact constituted offence or not or what the offence was. In this connection Mr. Shah Mohammad Sharif referred to the decision reported in 22 D.L.R. 124 in which a Single Judge of this Court held that section 243 of the Code lays down that if the accused admits that  he  had  committed  the  offence  the  Magistrate  may convict him but the court has duty to see if the facts brought on record amounts to an offence under law and that in order to sustain a conviction on the plea of guit it must appear that the  facts  admitted  by  the  accused  constituted  an  offence under the law.

  1. Mr. Shah Mohammad Sharif also referred to another decision reported in 22 D. L. R. 217 in which another single Judge of this Court held that the accused can be convicted on his pleading guilty but such conviction will not be proper without materials on record to support it.
  2. In the present case it can not be said that there was no material or evidence before the court besides the plea of guilt because the informant P.W. I had made elaborate statement regarding the entire prosecution case as was observed in the judgment of the trial court. But the fact remains that the mandatory  requirements  of  section  243  of  the  Code  of Criminal  Procedure  have  been  violated  as  the  learned


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Special Judge did not at all record the individual statements of the two accused either in their language or in words as nearly  as  were  expressed  by  them.  This  violation  of  a mandatory provision must be held to have prejudiced the accused-appellants and for that reason the violation can not be overlooked by aid of section 537 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. For the reasons stated above the conviction and sentence can not be sustained and the case should be sent back on remand to the learned Special Judge for retrial in accordance with law in the light of the observation made above.

…l¦aÅf§ZÑ ¢hd¡ Abdul Aziz Vs. The State [1986
BLD (AD)] gvgjvl AwfgZ ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x

Shahabuddin Ahmed, J:- In this appeal by special leave only  question  is  whether  the  accused-appellant  has  been convicted on the basis of any legal evidence. He, along with six others, was tried in Spcial Case No. 42 of 1983 by the Special  Judge,  Additional  court,  Rajshahi,  on  different charges.He was convicted under sections 468 and 419, read with  section  109,  of  the  Penal  Code  and  sentenced  to rigorous imprisonment for four years and also to pay fine of Tk.  500/-  under  section  466  of  the  Penal  code  and  no separate sentence was passed under section 419. On appeal, being Criminal Appeal No. 255 of 1983, his conviction under section 468 was set aside and that under section 419/109 was maintained by the High Court Division by an order dated 18 June  1984.  By  this  order  he  was  sentenced  to  rigorous imprisonment for two years and also to fine of TK. 500/- in default to rigorous imprisonment for three months more.

  1. Facts of the case, so far necessary for disposal of this appeal, are that eight applications purportedly on behalf of the  teachers  of  some  schools  were  filed  before  the  Sub- Divisional  Officer,  Rajshahi  Sadar,  for  allotment  of  Milk Powder  for  distribution  among  the  poor  students.  In  due


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course these applications were allowed, allotment was made and the goods namely. Milk Powder were delivered by the Officer in-charge of the Godown (P.W.4) to the applicants, purportedly  teachers  of  the  schools  concerned.  Abdur Razzaque,  a  teacher  of  one  of  these  schools,  made  an allegation  in  writing  (Ext.6)  before  the  District  Anti- Corruption Officer to the effect that he did not nor anybody of his school filed any application for Milk Powder nor any Milk  Powder  was  received  by  him  or  by  anybody  of  his school for distribution among the students and that some persons in collusion with the dealing Assistants of the Relief Section of the S.D.O’s Office got the allotment by forgery and  false  personation.  Indue  course,  the  Anti-Corruption investigated  the  case  and  prosecuted  several  persons including  this  appellant,  who  was  one  of  the  dealing Assistants in the Relief’ Section, the learned special Judge, who tried the case, on consideration of the evidence of 18 witnesses  and opinion  of a  Hand-writing  Expert,  P.W.17, convicted five persons including the appellant under various sections, such as 468, 471 and 419 read with either section 109 or 34 of the Penal Code and sentenced them each to rigorous imprisonment for four years and fine of Tk. 500/- All of them including this appellant appealed; their appeal was  dismissed with certain  modification  and  reduction  of sentence. None of them except this appellant has challenged the High Court Division’s order in appeal.

  1. The specific allegation against, the appellant is that he abetted  forgery  and  false  personation  by  identifying  co- accused  Abdul  Wahed  as  Abdur  Razzaque,  a  teacher, whereas Abdur Razzaque, did neither file any application nor take delivery of any Milk Powder. He denied the charge and pleaded not guilty when the charge was read out to him.The learned Special Judge, however, convicted him on the basis of an endorsement. Ext. 3/2, in the margin of the application.  Ext.  3.  purportedly  of  the  teacher  Abdur


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Razzaque. this application was held to be a forged document on the evidence of a hand writing expert P.W. 17, and others, but on the basis of this application P.W.4 Officer in-charge of Godown delivered Powder Milk to accused Abdul Wahed Who  personated  himself  as  “Abdur  Razzaque.”  The endorsement  in  the  application  is  purportedly  of  the appellant. Khaliluddin, which is to the effect “the applicant (Abdur  Razzaque)  is  personally  known  to  me.”  It  is  on perusal of this endorsement that P.W.4 made delivery of the goods. The appellant denied that he made this endorsement. The application , Ext 3, was examinded by the expert P.W.17 but  not  the  endorsement.  Ext.  3/2,  allegedly  on  the understanding that appellant Khaliluddin had admitted the endorsement by explaining that he endorsed it .in good faith and bonafide belief that he all along “knew accused Abdul Wahed  as  Abdur  Razzaque”.  As  it  appears,  this  alleged explanation was given to the Anti-Corruption Officer, P. W. 10; but as admission to a Police Officer was hit by section 162  Cr.  P.  C.  the  learned  Special  Judge  relied  upon  a suggestion  given  by  the  defence  lawyer  to  the  Anti- Corruption Officer, P. W. 10. The suggestion appears to be that  accused  Khaliluddin  told  him  that  he  knew  accused Abdul  Wahed  as  Abdur  Razzaque.  On  the  basis  of  this suggestion  the  learned  Special  judge  held  that  the endorsement  Ext.  3/2  was  made  by  accused  Khaliluddin. Excepting  this  suggestion  there  is  no  evidence  that  the endorsement  was  in  the  hand-writing  of  the  accused- appellant. Even P. W. 4, Officer-in-charge of the Godown, did not depose that he knew the hand-writing of accused- appellant Khaliluddin. But the learned Special judge came to the following conclusion.

“On behalf of the accused Khaliluddin suggestion has been  given  to  P.  W.  10,  Ekramul  Haque,  Assistant Inspector,  D.  A.  B.  (informant)  to  the  effect  that Khaliluddin  told  him  that  he  knew  accused  Abdul


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Wahed as Abdur Razzaque and identified him as such. But it has been denied by the P. W. 10. It means, according to the suggestion given by the defence the accused Khaliluddin idenfified Abdul Wahed as Abdur Razzaque as he knew him to be such. The suggestion given by the learned lawyer for the defence is highly improbable  and  I  am  of  the  view  that  the  accused Khaliluddin  identified  the  accused  Abdul  Wahed  as Abdur Razzaque knowing it fully that he is not Abdur Razzaque.”

  1. Thus  it  appears  that  this  defence  suggestion  has  been taken as the sole basis for connecting the appellant with the impugned endorsement and for his conviction of forgery and false personation. In the existing scheme of criminal trials an accused can be convicted either on his pleading guilty to the charge when it is read over to him or on his confession recorded under section 164 Cr. P. C. or his extrajudicial confession  if  strongly  corroborated.  Suggestion  made  on behalf of an accused by his lawyer cannot be construed as admission of guilt by the accused for the simple reason that the  defence  may  take  whatever  pleas  he  likes,  including inconsistent pleas, such as an accused. When charged with an offence, may take the plea of alibi that at the time of commission of the offence he was not present in the locality and at the same time he may take the plea of private defence either of life or of property. The simple reason for allowing such contrary pleas is that the accused is not required by law to prove his innocence, but it is entirel for the prosecution to prove his guilt, failing which the accused shall be qcquitted. In the instant case, when it was the prosecution case that the appeallant clerk had falsely identified the co-accused. Abdul Wahed  “as  Abdur  Razzaque:  by  making  the  impugned endorsement  it  was  for  the  prosecution  to  prove  this allegation  by  adducing  positive  evidence,  such  as,  by comparison of the impugned writing by an expert, as well as


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by those, who know the hand-writing of the accused etc. Even if  the  accused  had  admitted  before  the  police  that  the endorsement was his, but since he has denied it in Court, the burden of proof lay upon the prosecution alone.

  1. As to the High Court Division’s finding to this effect, it is clearly  based  on  misreading  of  evidence  and  utter  non- application of judicial mind. The learned Single Judge was under the impression that the endorsement, Ext. 3/2, was examined by the expert P. W. 17, and that according to his opinion,  the  endorsement  was  in  the  hand-writing  of  the accused. But P. W. 17 deposed that he did not make any comparison or give any such opinion, and in fact this Ext. 3/2 was not forwarded to the expert at all. The learned Single Judge is found to have confused the writing Ext. 3/2, with many other impugned writings and documents relating to the other accused persons sent to the Hand-writing Expert. In the result, conviction of the appellant is found to have been based on no legal evidence and as such he is entitled to acquittal. The appeal is allowed. The order of conviction and sentence of the appellant is set aside and he is acquitted of the charge.  

Bf£mL¡l£ X¡š²¡l Cnl¡a l¢gL Jl−g D¢na¡ Hl Ef¢l¢õ¢Ma

®c¡oü£L¡l Ef¢l¢õ¢Ma ¢pÜ¡¿¹ Hhw ®g±Sc¡l£ L¡kÑ¢h¢dl d¡l¡ 243 Hl f¢lf¿Û£i¡−h Nªq£a q−u−R fÐj¡¢Zaz g−m Bf£mL¡l£ Bf£m¢V

Ll¡l qLc¡lz  

¢hNa  Cw−lS£  28.07.2021  a¡¢l−M   X¡š²¡l  Cnl¡a  l¢gL

D¢na¡−L gRyg`vi Mªxb Mv‡W©b, DËi Beªvwngcyi wgicyi-14 wbR e  vmv †_‡K lÉ¡h-1 Hl LjÑLaÑ¡NZ LaѪL Bm¡f B−R h−m cªwZ‡ekxmn

GjvKvevmxi mvg‡b †MªdZvi Ll¡ qu ü£L«az

®NÊga¡−ll fl  4 ¢ce A‘¡ae¡j¡ ÙÛ¡−e ®hBCe£ i¡−h BVL

®l−M ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 01.08.2021 a¡¢lM pL¡m 9.35 O¢VL¡u OVe¡l


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a¡¢lM J pju ®c¢M−u ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 02.08.2021 a¡¢lM pju pL¡m 9.15 j¡jm¡ c¡−u−ll a¡¢lM J pju ®c¢M−u Aœ ®j¡LŸj¡¢V c¡−ul ®hBCe£ J HM¢au¡l¢hq£e, BC−el pLm ¢h¢d-¢hd¡−el f¢lf¿Û£ Hhw pw¢hd¡e f¢lf¿Û£z

HLC OVe¡ÙÛm ®c¢M−u HS¡q¡lL¡l£ LaѪL ¢ae¢V fªbL ®j¡LŸj¡

c¡−ul Hhw Eš² L¢ba OVe¡ÙÛm q−a a¡−L f§el¡u −NËga¡l ®cM¡−e¡ HS¡q¡lL¡l£pq HacOVe¡l p¢qa BCe-nª´Mm¡ h¡¢qe£l pw¢nÔø pLm hÉ¢š²N−Zl ®hBCe£ J HM¢au¡l¢hq£e, BC−el pLm ¢h¢d-¢hd¡−el

f¢lf¿Û£ Hhw pw¢hd¡e f¢lf¿Û£ LjÑz  

Sëa¡¢mL¡u h¢ZÑa 22 †_‡K 33 bs Kjv‡g ewY©Z AvjvgZmg~n

AÎ AvcxjKvix Wv³vi CwkZvi wbKU n‡Z D×vi n‡q‡Q wKbv Zrg‡g©

wd½vi wcÖ›U G·cvU© Gi Kwc Awf‡hvM c‡Îi mv‡_ `vwLj  bK vivq GwU cÖgvwYZ ‡h, Dc‡i ewY©Z RãZvwjKvi AvjvgZmg~n KvíwbK|

GQvovI cÖvq 5 wjUvi g‡`i †evZj wb‡q Wv³vi BkivZ iwdK Ii‡d  CwkZv  mKvj  9.30  NwUKvi  mgq  XvKv  gnvbMi¯’  kvnAvjx _vbvaxb wgicyi-1 †MvjPË¡‡ii DËi cv‡k gy³evsjv gv‡KUi ©  ‡`w¶Y

cv‡k dzU Ifvi eªx‡Ri wb‡P cvKv l¡Ù¹¡l Efl c¡¢s−u b¡L¡ pwœ²¡−¿¹

 a¡¢mL¡¢V,  H.Hp.BC  jDe¤m  ®q¡−pe  Hl  Ah¡Ù¹h  Hhw  Apv

E−Ÿ−nÉ fÐÙ¹¤aL«a Sëa¡¢mL¡ fÐj¡¢Zaz

GRvnviKvix, Avmvgx Wv³vi BkivZ iwdK CwkZvi c~e© cwiwPZ wQ‡jv| Zvnv‡K mvgvwRKfv‡e †nqcªwZcbœ Kiv I wg_¨v gvgjvq Ro‡ vbvi Rb¨ gv`K e¨emvqx `‡ji mwµq m`m¨ h−m cª_‡gB GRvnv‡i D‡jøL K‡i‡Qb| wKš‘ wKfv‡e wZwb Rvb‡jb Wvt CwkZv GKRb gv`K e¨emvqx `‡ji mµxq m`m¨, Zrg‡g©

†Kvb e¨vL¨v Ges e³e¨ Zvi GRvnv‡i †bB|

p¡¢hÑL fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡u H¢V Øfø fË¢auj¡e ®k, HS¡q¡lL¡l£ ¢e−Sl Apv E−Ÿ−nÉ Hhw A−eÉl à¡l¡ fÐi¡¢ha q−u fТp¢LEne f−rl pLm p¡r£−cl pq−k¡N£a¡u ¢jbÉ¡i¡−h Bf£mL¡l£−L ¢jbÉ¡ j¡jm¡u A¢ik¤š² L−l ®j¡LŸj¡¢V c¡−ul L−l−Rz Bf£m¢V j”¤l−k¡NÉ


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AaHh, B−cn qu ®k, Bf£m¢V j”¤l Ll¡ q−m¡z

B−cn qu ®k, ¢h‘ p¡Ch¡l VÊ¡Ch¤Ée¡m, Y¡L¡ La«ÑL p¡Ch¡l VÊ¡Ch¤Ée¡m j¡jm¡ ew- 270/2023-H fËcš ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 20.09.2023 a¡¢l−Ml fËcš l¡u J B−cn Haà¡l¡

h¡¢am Ll¡ qm z

 Bf£mL¡l£  Cnl¡a  l¢gL  Jl−g  D¢na¡-−L    −j¡LŸj¡l  A¢i−k¡N fË¢p¢LEnefr fËj¡e Ll−a pÇf¤ZÑl©−f hÉbÑ qJu¡u A¢i−k¡−Nl c¡u q−a AhÉ¡q¢a f§hÑL a¡−L ®hLp¤l M¡m¡p fËc¡e Ll¡ q−m¡z Bf£mL¡l£ J a¡l S¡¢jec¡l−L S¡¢jee¡j¡l c¡u

q−a AhÉq¢a fËc¡e Ll¡ q−m¡z

BlJ B−cn qu ®k, l¡u J B−c−nl Ae¤¢m¢f fË¡¢çl flha£Ñ 3(¢ae) j¡−pl

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