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Microsoft Word - Crl. Rev. 294 of 2007 _PC_ _Abated & Absolute_ _23.4.24_



Mr. Justice Md. Shohrowardi

Criminal Revision No. 294 of 2007

Shafi Mia and another



The State

...Opposite party

Mr. Dewan Abdun Naser, Advocate

...For the convict-petitioners

Mr. S.M. Golam Mostofa Tara, D.A.G with

Mr. A. Monnan, A.A.G

...For the State

 Heard  on  17.01.2024,  31.01.2024,  07.02.2024 and


 Judgment delivered on 23.04.2024

On  an  application  filed  under  Section  439  of  the  Code  of Criminal Procedure, 1898 Rule was issued calling upon the opposite party to show cause as to why the impugned judgment and order dated 09.04.2006 passed by Additional Sessions Judge, Court No. 2, Dhaka in Criminal Appeal No. 6 of 2002 affirming the judgment and order of conviction  and  sentence  dated  9.12.2001  passed  by  Metropolitan Magistrate,  Dhaka  arising  out  of  Hajaribag  P.S.  Case  No.  2  dated 2.8.1999,  corresponding  G.R.  No.  3202  of  1999  convicting  the petitioners under Section 406 of the Penal Code, 1860 and sentencing them to suffer rigorous imprisonment for 6(six) months should not be set aside and/or to pass such other or further order or orders as to this court may deem fit and proper.

Relevant fact for disposal of the Rule is that the informant Sufia Begum was the wife of late Nazrul Islam who was the owner of two shops situated at Moneshar Lane, Hazaribagh. After the death of Nazrul Islam, the accused persons executed a contract with the informant to run the shops. After that, they partly paid the profit to the informant following the contract. The accused No. 1 is the uncle of the accused No. 2. After a few days, in connivance with each other, the accused persons by selling the  goods of the two shops misappropriated the entire  money  on  05.07.1999  and  fled  away  on  05.07.1999  and 03.07.1999  respectively.  They  fraudulently  and  dishonestly misappropriated total Tk. 1,43,480. The informant claimed that she went to the village home of the accused persons but they did not pay the misappropriated money.

Police  took  up  the  investigation  of  the  case.  During  the investigation, the investigating officer visited the place of occurrence, recorded the statement of witnesses under Section 161 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 and after completing the investigation found prima facie truth of the allegation against the  accused persons  and submitted charge sheet under Sections 420/406 of the Penal Code, 1860 against them. During trial, charge was framed under Sections 420/406 of the Penal Code, 1860 which was read over and explained to them and  they  pleaded  not  guilty  to  the  charge  and  claimed  to  be  tried following the law.  The prosecution  examined 04(four) witnesses to prove the charge against the accused persons. After examination of the prosecution  witnesses,  the  accused  persons  were  examined  under Section 342 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 and they declined to adduce any D.W.

After concluding the trial, the trial Court by judgment and order dated 09.12.2001 convicted the accused under Section 406 of the Penal Code, 1860 and sentenced them to suffer rigorous imprisonment for 6(six)  months  against  which  the  convict-petitioners  filed  Criminal Appeal No.  06  of  2002 before  the  Sessions  Judge.  Dhaka  and  the appeal was transferred to the Additional Sessions Judge, Court No. 2, Dhaka for disposal. The appellate Court below by impugned judgment and order affirmed the judgment and order of conviction passed by the trial Court against which the convict-petitioners obtained the instant Rule. 

P.W.  1  Sufia  Begum  is  the  informant.  She  stated  that  the accused Shafi Mia  fled away  from her shop  along with money  on 02.07.1999  and  the  accused  Mohiuddin  fled  away  on  03.07.1999. Subsequently stated on 05.07.1999. They were the employees of her shops. They used to look after her shops. There was an agreement regarding the payment of profit of Tk. 135 everyday by Shafi Mia. The accused took Tk. 43,580 in cash. There were two freezes, fans and goods in the shops. She proved the FIR as exhibit 1 and her signature as exhibit 1/2. During cross-examination, she stated that nothing was stated in the FIR as to the date of appointment of the accused persons. The contract was executed on 03.06.1997. During lifetime, her husband appointed the accused persons in his shop as employees. She denied the suggestion that after the death of her husband, she did not pay the salary of the accused persons for ten months for which she compelled them to leave the shops.

P.W. 2 Md. Nurul Islam stated that he could not remember the date  of  occurrence  which  took  place  about  3/4  years  back.  The informant is her sister. Two shops were situated beside Hazaribagh. There was a contract between the accused Shafi and the informant to pay Tk. 135 every day to the informant. Another accused Mohiuddin was the employee. A shalish took place and subsequently, the accused persons fled away. He denied the suggestion that the accused persons did not flee away along with the money.

P.W. 3 Md. Abdus Satter stated that the occurrence took place on 02.07.1999 at 9.00 pm. The husband of the informant was the owner of the shops and the accused persons used to run the shops. They fled away without paying the rent. There was total debt of Tk. 99,900 to Mohiuddin and Tk. 43,580 to Shafi Mia. After shalish they fled away. The accused persons were the employees of the shops. They used to pay  the  rent.  He  denied  the  suggestion  that  after  the  death  of  the husband of the informant, no salary was paid to the accused persons.

P.W. 4 S.I Sirajul Islam Molla is the Investigating Officer. He visited the place of occurrence and prepared the sketch map and index. He proved the sketch map as exhibit 2 and index as exhibit 3. He recorded the statement of witnesses and seized the contract. He proved the  seizure  list  as  exhibit  4  and  his  signature  as  4/1.  During  the investigation, he found the prima facie truth of the allegation against the accused persons and submitted charge sheet against them. During cross-examination,  he  stated  that  on  10.09.1999  he  recorded  the statement of witnesses Satter and Selim and recorded the statement of Nurul Islam on 24.09.1999. The adjacent shops were closed for which he could not record the statement of the owner of those shops. On 10.09.1999 he seized the documents. He denied the suggestion that he did not visit the place of occurrence.      

Learned  Advocate  Mr.  Dewan  Abdun  Naser  appearing  on behalf of the convict-petitioners submits that they were employees of the husband of the informant and after the death of her husband their salary  was  not  paid  by  P.W.  1  informant  Sufia  Begum  and  under compelling circumstances, they left the shop due to non-payment of the salary  by  P.W.  1.  He  further  submits  that  admittedly  there  was  a contract between the informant and the accused persons. Therefore it is a pure and simple civil dispute between the parties and no offence under Section 406 of the Penal Code, 1860 was committed by the accused-persons. Therefore, he prayed to make the Rule absolute. 

Learned Deputy Attorney General Mr. S.M. Golam Mostofa Tara appearing on behalf of the State submits that there is a fiduciary relation  between  the  accused  persons  and  the  informant  and  they committed breach of trust. The informant handed over two shops after the death of her husband to the accused and they sold all the goods of the  shops  and  misappropriated  the  money  and  fled  away  from  the shops. Therefore, they committed an offence under Section 406 of the Penal Code, 1860.

I have considered the submission of the learned Advocates of both parties, perused the evidence, impugned judgments and orders passed by the Courts below and the records.

The  learned  Advocate  Mr.  Dewan  Abdun  Naser  filed  an application for abatement of the Rule so far relates to convict-petitioner Shafi Mia and annexed a death certificate issued by the Registrar, No. 7 Gangutia  Union  Parishad,  Dhamrai,  Dhaka  stating  that  during  the pendency  of  the  Rule,  the  accused  Shafi  Mia  died  on  24.02.2024. Therefore, in view of the provision of Section 431 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898, the Rule so far it relates to convict-petitioner Shafi Mia is abated.

On perusal of the records, it appears that the accused persons were  the  employees  of  the  shops  owned  by  the  husband  of  the informant P.W. 1 and after the death of the husband of P.W. 1, they were appointed by P.W. 1. Admittedly there is a contract between the accused-persons and the informant P.W. 1. The dispute has arisen out of the agreement executed between P.W. 1 and the convict-petitioners to run the business. Therefore, it is a pure and simple civil dispute between P.W. 1 and the convict petitioners. Both the Courts below failed to consider that the dispute between the convict-petitioners and P.W. 1 is civil in nature and no criminal offence was committed.

Because  of  the  above  facts  and  circumstances  of  the  case, evidence, findings and proposition, I am of the view that no offence under  Section  406  of  the  Penal  Code,  1860  is  committed  by  the convict-petitioner  Mohiuddin.  However,  the  informant  P.W.  1  is  at liberty to file a money suit before the civil Court for realization of the money, if so advised.

In the result, the Rule so far relates to Shafi Mia is abated and the Rule so far relates to Mohiuddin is made absolute.

The impugned judgments and orders of conviction and sentence passed by the Courts below against convict-petitioner Mohiuddin are hereby set aside.

Send down the lower Court’s records at once.