An application under Article 102 of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
Md. Abu Taher
....... Petitioner.
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh represented by the Secretary, Ministry of Law, Justice and parliamentary Affairs and others.
Mr. Touhidul Hasan, Advocate
. . For the applicant/respondent No.8.
Mr. Rakibul Islam, Advocate
. . . For the petitioner.
The 22nd January, 2024.
Mr. Justice J. B. M. Hassan
Mr. Justice Razik Al Jalil
This is an application for discharging the Rule.
After placing the application, Mr. Touhidul Hasan, learned Advocate for the applicant(respondent No.8) submits that the petitioner obtained this Rule Nisi and interim order of release stating that he was convicted in 03(three) criminal cases and had already served out the sentences under those three criminal cases. But the writ petitioner was convicted in 04(four) criminal cases. Thus, suppressing the facts, the petitioner obtained the Rule Nisi and interim order of release. As such, the Rule is liable to be discharged for suppression of facts.
Mr. Rakibul Islam, learned Advocate for the writ petition could not make any satisfactory submissions to assail the submissions of the learned Advocate for the applicant.
We have gone through the writ petition and the application as well.
During hearing of the application, we also directed the learned Deputy Attorney General (DAG) to communicate with the jail authority. Accordingly today learned DAG has produced a letter issued by the Senior Jail Superintendent, Chattogram Central Jial issued on 20.01.2024 which is as follows:
“fœ eðl-58.04.1500. a¡¢lM 20S¡e¤u¡l£ 2024
¢houx L u¢c ew 9594/H ®j¡x Bh¤ a¡ ql, ¢fa¡ ®j¡x Bh¤m q¡ nj, p¡w- fË¡x a¡ ql A V¡ ®j¡h¡Cm, ®cJu¡eq¡V, QVÊNË¡j ¢WL¡e¡-NË¡j-e¤l¦õ¡f¤l, b¡e¡ J ®Sm¡ mr£f¤lL S¡¢je j¤¢š² fËc¡e fËp‰z
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jq¡cul pcu AhN¢al SeÉ S¡e¡e¡ k¡µR ®k, ¢hou¡š² h¢¾c ¢ejÀh¢ZÑa œ²¢jL 01 ew j¡jm¡u p¡lS¡l fl¡u¡e¡ j¤m ¢h‘ k¤NÈ jq¡eNl c¡ul¡ SS 2u Bc¡ma, QVÊNË¡j Na 02.03.2021 ¢MËx Aœ L¡l¡N¡l BNje L lez flha£Ñ a œ²¢jL 02ew j¡jm¡l p¡S¡l fl¡u¡e¡ Na 02.04.2021, œ²¢jL 03ew j¡jm¡l p¡S¡l fl¡u¡e¡
Na 26.06.2021, œ²¢jL 4, 5 J 6 ew j¡jm¡l p¡S¡l fl¡u¡e¡ Na 19.07.2021 ¢MËx Aœ cçl f¡Ju¡ k¡uz
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01 | c¡ul¡ 3375/19 ¢p.Bl 913/18 d¡l¡-He.BC Hƒl 138 | ¢h‘ k¤ jq¡eNl c¡ul¡ SS 2u Bc¡ma, QVÊNË¡j | NÈ 02 j¡ pl ¢he¡nËj L¡l¡cä, S¢lj¡e¡ 1,50,000/- V¡L¡ AbÑc | 02/03/2021 ä | Aœ j¡jm¡l p¡S¡l ®ju 01/05/2021 ¢MËx qJu¡l œ²¢jL 02 e j¡jm¡l p¡S¡ öl¦z |
02 | c¡ul¡ 398/17 ¢p.Bl 68/16 d¡l¡- He.BC Hƒl 138 | ¢h‘ k¤ Sm¡ J c¡ul¡ SS, mr£f¤l | NÈ 05 j¡ pl ¢he¡nËj L¡l¡cä, S¢lj¡e¡ 3,50,000/- V¡L¡ AbÑc | 02/04/2021 (mr£f¤l) ä | Aœ j¡jm¡l p¡S¡l ®ju 01/10/2021 ¢MËx qJu¡l œ²¢jL 03 e j¡jm¡l p¡S¡ öl¦z |
03 | c¡ul¡ 1799/19 ¢p.Bl 1425/18 d¡l¡-He.BC Hƒl 138 | ¢h‘ k¤ jq¡eNl c¡ul¡ SS 3u Bc¡ma, QVÊNË¡j | NÈ 01 hR ll ¢he¡nËj L¡l¡cä, S¢lj¡e¡ 9,77,400/- V¡L¡ AbÑc | 26/06/2021 ä | Aœ j¡jm¡l p¡S¡l ®ju 01.10.2022 ¢MËx qJu¡l œ²¢jL 04 e j¡jm¡l p¡S¡ öl¦z |
04 | c¡ul¡ 2469/18 ¢p.Bl 1955/16 | ¢h‘ k¤ jq¡eNl | NÈ 01 hR ll ¢he¡nËj | 19/07/2021 | ¢h‘ k¤NÈ jq¡eNl c SS, 5j Bc¡ma, QVÊ |
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| d¡l¡-He.BC Hƒl 138 | c¡ul¡ SS, 5j Bc¡ma, QVÊNË¡j | L¡l¡cä, S¢lj¡e¡ 7,78,217/- V¡L¡ AbÑc | ä | Hl pÈ¡lL ew 116, a¡ 03.08.2023 ¢ ®j¡a¡ hL S¡¢j 03.08.23 ¢MËxz |
05 | c¡ul¡ 3548/19 ¢p.Bl 856/18 d¡l¡-He.BC Hƒl 138 | ¢h‘ k¤ jq¡eNl c¡ul¡ SS, 2u Bc¡ma, QVÊNË¡j | NÈ 02 j¡ pl ¢he¡nËj L¡l¡cä, S¢lj¡e¡ 1,70,000/- V¡L¡ AbÑc | 19/07/2021 ä | ¢h‘ k¤NÈ jq¡eNl c SS, 2u Bc¡ma, QVÊ Hl pÈ¡lL ew 173(1), a¡¢lM 07.08.2023 ¢ ®j¡a¡ hL j¤¢š²e¡j f¡Ju¡u 07.08.23¢ j¤¢š² fËc¡e Ll¡ quz |
06 | c¡ul¡ 9530/18 ¢p.Bl 1373/18 d¡l¡-He.BC Hƒl 138 | ¢h‘ k¤ jq¡eNl c¡ul¡ SS, 2u Bc¡ma, QVÊNË¡j | NÈ 02 j¡ pl ¢he¡nËj L¡l¡cä, S¢lj¡e¡ 1,50,000/- V¡L¡ AbÑc | 19/07/2021 ä | ¢h‘ k¤NÈ jq¡eNl c SS, 2u Bc¡ma, QVÊ¡j Hl pÈ¡lL ew 173, a¡ 07.08.2023 ¢ ®j¡a¡hL j¤¢š²e f¡Ju¡u 07.08.23¢ j¤¢š² fËc¡e Ll¡ quz |
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cä i¡N öl¦ q hz HR¡s¡ L¡l¡ ¢h¢d 1j M äl 527 d¡l¡l ¢hd¡e j a ®L¡e p¡S¡fË¡ç h¢¾c HL¡¢dL cä¡ cnfË¡ç qm ph…m¡ cäl ®ju¡cL ®k¡N Ll HL¢V cä ¢qp¡h NZe¡ Ll a¡l j¤¢š²l ¢ce d¡kÑ Ll a q h j jÑ E õM
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EõMÉ ®k, Eš² h¢¾cl œ²¢jL 01, 02 J 03 ew j¡jm¡l p¡S¡ ®no œ²¢jL 04 ew j¡jm¡l p¡S¡ NZe¡ öl¦
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Bc¡ma, QVÊNË¡j Hl pÈ¡lL ew 173 J 173(1), a¡¢lM 07.08.2023 ¢MËx ®j¡a¡hL j¤¢š²e¡j¡ f¡Ju¡u 07.08.23
j§m œ²¢jL 05 Hhw 06 ew j¡jm¡l j¤¢š²e¡j¡ f¡Ju¡u Hhw AeÉ ®L¡e j¡jm¡ e¡ b¡L¡u Na 07.08.2023 ¢MËx Aœ
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pwk¤¢š²x L¡l¡ ¢h¢d 1j Mäl 521 J 527 d¡l¡l R¡u¡¢m¢f 02(c¤C) ¢Vz
j¤q¡Çjc j”¤l ®q¡ pe
¢p¢eul ®Sm p¤f¡l
QVÊNË¡j ®L¾cУu L¡l¡N¡lz” From the aforesaid memo, it appears that the petitioner did not disclose all the
criminal cases under which he was convicted and thereby suppressing materials facts, he obtained the Rule Nisi and interim order of release.
In the circumstances, the application finds merit.
Hence, the application is allowed. Resultantly, the Rule Nisi is discharged without any order as to costs.
The petitioner is directed to surrender before the concerned Court forthwith .
Communicate a copy of this order to the respondents and the Police Station of petitioner’s residence at once.