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Microsoft Word - CustomsAppealNo.386of2019




Mr. Justice Md. Iqbal Kabir


Mr. Justice Md. Akhtaruzzaman CUSTOMS APPEAL NO. 386 OF 2019


An  Appeal  under  section  196D  of  the  Customs  Act, 1969.



Commissioner  of  Customs,  Customs  Bond Commissionarate, 342/1, Segunbagicha, Dhaka.

                   ....... Appellant.


Customs,  Excise  and  VAT  Appellate  Tribunal,  Jiban Bima Bhaban (3rd floor), 10 Dilkusha Commercial Area,

Dhaka and another.

  ..... Respondents. Mr. Elin Imon Saha, Assistant Attorney General.

                                             ….. For the Appellant. Mr. Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman with

Mr. Nahid Sultana Jenny, Advocates.

             ..... For the Respondent No. 2.

Heard on 25.04.2024. Judgment on: 30.07.2024.

Md. Akhtaruzzaman, J.

This Appeal under section 196D of the Customs Act, 1969 is directed

against  the  judgment  and  order  dated  06.08.2019  under  Nathi  No. CEVT/CASE(CUS)-38/2019/1189 dated 25.08.2019 passed by the Customs, Excise and VAT Appellate Tribunal (Respondent No. 1) allowing the appeal partly and reversing the Order No. 8/Bond Circle-02/2019 dated 09.01.2019 passed by the Commissioner, Customs Bond Commissionerate, Dhaka.

Facts, relevant for disposal of this appeal, in a nutshell are that on the basis of secret information a preventive team of customs authority initiated an investigation in the bonded warehouse of respondent No. 2 M/S Hossain


Dying  and  Printing  Mills  Limited,  Pagar,  Tongi,  Gazipur  who  illegally removed the raw materials imported violating the provisions of sections 13(1), 86, 97 and 114 of the Customs Act, 1969 read with the conditions of bond license as well as the provisions of Bonded Warehouse Licensing Rules, 2008. It is further contended that the assessable value of illegally removed raw materials is Tk. 23,81,00,302.90 and imposable duties and taxes on it is Tk. 4,19,55,757.78. Thereafter, the appellant on 25.09.2018 made a demand for the said amount along with a show cause notice upon the respondent No. 2. The respondent No. 2 on 11.10.2018 submitted a written reply contending submitted that they have lost as well as misplaced some of the documents of the imported raw materials for which the occurrence was happened. It is further stated in the written reply that by this time, they have already paid Tk. 4,19,55,757.21 into the government treasury and they have promised  not  to  commit  such  types  of  wrong  in  future.  Eventually,  on 11.11.2018  a  hearing  was  held  wherein  the  Managing  Director  of  the Respondent No.2 took part. The Commissioner of Customs observed that since respondent No.2 admitted its guilt for doing wrong and since the said occurrence took place  by them for the first time, as such, the customs authority  imposed  Tk.  2,00,00,000.00  as  penalty  under  section  156  and Clause 1 and 90 of the schedule annexed to the Custom Act, 1969 vide order dated 06.01.2019.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the said judgment and order dated 09.01.2019 passed by the Commissioner of Customs, the Respondent No.2 preferred an appeal before Respondent No.1 which was registered as CEVT/CASE(CUS)-38/2019/2  and after hearing the appeal, the Tribunal allowed  the  same  in  part  on  06.08.2019  by  reversing  the  order  of  the Commissioner of Customs dated 09.01.2019.

Being  aggrieved  by  the  said  judgment  and  order  passed  by  the Tribunal the customs authority preferred this appeal contending interalia that the Tribunal has failed to appreciate the evidences and materials on record and illegally passed the impugned judgment and order which is liable to be set aside.

Mr. Elin Imon Saha, the learned Assistant Attorney General appearing for  the  appellant  submits  that  the  Tribunal  has  failed  to  conceive  and consider that respondent No. 2 most illegally and deliberately removed the imported goods outside the bonded warehouse in violation of Section 13, 86, 97 and 114 of the Customs Act read with the relevant provisions of the Bonded  Warehouse  Licensing  Rules,  2008  which  is  punishable  under section 156 of the Customs Act. Mr. Saha further submits that the Tribunal below has failed to consider that Respondent No. 2 had failed to produce any proper  documents  and  legal  permission  against  the  short  founded  raw materials and subsequently they have confessed to their fault at the time of hearing of the appeal, but the Tribunal without taking into consideration of the materials illegally passed the impugned judgment and order which is liable to be set aside.

On the other hand, Mr. Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman with Ms. Nahid Sultana Jenny, the learned Advocates appearing for the respondent No. 2 submits  that  respondent  No.  2  did  not  commit  any  wrong  but  due  to misplacing  of  some  documents  the  occurrence  was  held.  The  learned Advocate  submits  that  the  respondent  No.  2  has  already  realized  Tk.

4,19,55,757.21  to  the  government  treasury  through  Chalan  but Commissioner  of  Customs  vide  Order  dated  09.01.2019  most  illegally imposed Tk. 2,00,00,000/-(two crore) as penalty against which they filed an appeal before the Tribunal below and the Tribunal upon hearing the parties partly allowed the appeal reducing the fine and imposed Tk. 15,00,000/- (fifteen  lac)  instead  of  Tk.  2,00,00,000/-  (two  lac)to  be  paid  by  the respondent No. 2. Mr. Moniruzzaman finally submits that the Tribunal with a meticulous observations had allowed the appeal in part but the appellant without cogent grounds preferred the appeal which is liable to be dismissed. In  support  of his  submission,  the  learned  Advocate  put  reliance  on  the decision reported in 26 BLD (HC) 471.

Heard the submission put forward by the learned Advocates of both the sides and perused the impugned judgment and order along with relevant laws. Admittedly, Respondent No. 2 legally obtained the bonded warehouse license from the proper authority and has been duly exporting goods upon importing raw materials and paying government revenues regularly. On the disputed matter respondent No. 2 admitted that they have no intention to conceal the documents of the imported goods but those were mistakenly displaced. It is further admitted that they have paid the customs duties with an amount of Tk. 4,19,55,757,78/- timely. In spite of that the Commissioner of Customs vide its order dated 09.01.2019 imposed Tk. 2,00,00,000/- as fine  upon  them  against  which  they  had  preferred  an  appeal  before  the Tribunal and the Tribunal upon taking hearing from the respective parties vide judgment and order dated 06.08.2019 revised the order passed by the Commissioner of Customs and allowed the appeal in part imposing Tk. 15,00,000/-(fifteen lac) as fine. Being aggrieved by the said judgment and order passed by the Tribunal the customs authority preferred the instant appeal.

On  perusal  of  the  impugned  judgment  and  order  passed  by  the Tribunal below it appears that the Tribunal has taken into consideration of the business performance of the respondent No.2, its conduct in realization of customs duties and other activities and thereafter passed the impugned judgment and order. The relevant portion of the said judgment is reproduced below:

“U«vBe¨ybvj  ch©v‡jvPbvq  Av‡iv  †`L‡Z  cvq  †h,  AvcxjKvix  c«wZôvb   myweavq Avg`vwbK…Z KvuPvgvj/DcKiY w`qv ‰Zix cY¨ h_vixwZ ib ß  vK wiv n‡q‡Q Ges AvcxjKvix c«wZôv‡bi

wbKU `vexK…Z cvIbv KviY `k©v‡bv †bvwUk Rvixi c~‡i e‡ © k cv wa Kiv n‡q‡Q| myZivs AvcxjKvixi

wbKU miKv‡ii mKj c«vc¨Zv eve` 4,19,55,757.78 UvKv (Pvi †KvwU Dwbk j¶ cÂvbœ nvRvi

mvZkZ mvZvbœ `kwgK mvZ AvU) UvKv cwi‡kvwaZ hv weÁ Kwgkbv‡ii RvixK…Z Av‡`‡k D- ‡j L

Kiv n‡q‡Q| myZivs miKv‡ii †Kvb ivR¯^ ¶wZ nqwb, Z‡e ivR¯^ nvwbi †h‡nZy m¤¢ebv wQj hv AvcxjKvix  c«wZôv‡bi  mswk- ó  evwYwR¨K  Kg©KZ©vi  wbKU  nB‡Z  Avg`vwbK…Z  cY¨ j Pv‡ vbi WKy‡g›UmM isplaced nIqv Ges AÁZv ekZt AvBGg-4 Gi gva¨‡g Avg`vwbK…Z Y c¨i ‡ GwUwf

cwi‡kva Kiv nq bvB e‡j D‡j- L K‡i‡Qb|

U«vBe¨ybvj ch©v‡jvPbvq Av‡iv †`L‡Z cvq †h, c«wZô bwU wbqwgZ miKvix f¨vU c«`vb K‡i

Avm‡Q| B‡Zvc~‡e© c«wZôv‡bi wei“‡× Giƒc †Kvb gvgjv nqb w| ZvQvov ZwK©Z gvgjvi †¶‡Î

2017-18  A_©  eQ‡i  AvcxjKvix  18,143,880.14  gvwK©b i W  ji vßvwb  K‡i‡Qb,  GQvov AvcxjKvixi  c~‡e©i  ißvwbi  KvMRcÎ  ch©v‡jvPbvq  †`Lv  hvq †h,  2013-14  A_©  eQ‡i 17,374,018.13 gvwK©b Wjvi, 2014-15 A_© eQ‡i 16,1962 ,19.33 gvwK©b Wjvi, 2015-16

A_© eQ‡i 15,277,060.02 gvwK©b Wjvi, 2016-17 A_© eQ‡i1 4,891,068.80 gvwK©b Wjvi

Ges ZwK©Z mg‡qi c‡i A_©vr 2018-19 A_© eQ‡i-15,450,53. 871 gvwK©b Wjvi ißvwb K‡i‡Qb

hv AvcxjKvixi `vwLjK…Z ißvwb WKy‡g›U ‡_‡K †`LvQ h| v‡  

‡h‡nZy GwU Zv‡`i c«_g Aciva, †m‡nZy Kv÷gm AvB‡bi weab v jsN‡bi `v‡q AvBb Gi

wbw`ó avivi (we‡klZ aviv 156(1) Gi `dv 90] AvIZvq AvcxjKvix c«wZôv‡bi Dci Av‡ivwcZ

K‡Vvi (Harsh) e‡j U«vBeybv‡ji wbKU c«Zxqgvb n‡q‡Q| †m‡¶‡Î Av‡ivwcZ Gi AsK 2,00,00,000/-(`yB †KvwU) UvKv n‡Z n«vm K‡i 15,00,000/- (c‡bi j¶) UvKv Av‡ivc

Kiv n‡j b¨vq wePvi wbwðZ n‡e Ges Zv AvBbvbyM b¨vqvbyM n‡e e‡j U«vBeybvj g‡b K‡i|

Dwj- wLZ Av‡jvPbv I ch©‡e¶Y Gi wfwˇZ U«vBe¨ybvj GBwm ×v‡š— DcbxZ nq †h, weÁ

Kwgkbvi, Kv÷gm Kwgkbv‡iU, †m¸bevwMPv, XvKv-10 KZ©…K c«`Ë ZwK©Z Av‡`kwU n¯— ‡¶c‡hvM¨|”

In the case of M/S Diplomat Garment (Pvt.) Ltd. v. The Commissioner of Customs, Customs House, Dhaka and others reported in 26 BLD (HCD) 471 it

has been observed by a Division Bench of this Court that

“In determining the issue whether the goods imported under back to back without payment of customs duty were exported & negotiation amount reimbursed to Bangladesh, there is prima facie proof of the use and export of the materials imported in due course, the allegation of avoidance in payment of duty, tax and other charges, do not stand and is without any basis. As it appears that the petitioner company has exported the goods in reference and the Sonali Bank has confirmed the realization of the bill amount relating to the export”

We have meticulously scrutinized the judgment and order passed by the Tribunal along with the relevant laws and case laws submitted by the respective parties. On going through the judgment and order it appears that the impugned judgment is self speaking which is based on legal foundation. It needs no interference by this Court. Accordingly, we are of the view that the appeal is liable to be dismissed.

In the result, the Appeal is dismissed without any order as to costs.

The judgment and order dated 06.08.2019 passed by the Customs, Excise and VAT Appellate Tribunal (Respondent No. 1) is affirmed.

The Respondent No. 2 is hereby directed to deposit Tk. 15,00,000/- (fifteen  lac)  as  contained  in  the  impugned  judgment  and  order  within 15(fifteen) days from the date of receipt of this judgment in accordance with law.

Communicate this judgment and order at once.

 Md. Iqbal Kabir, J.

I agree.