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Microsoft Word - C.R. No.1066 of 2023


Mr. Justice Bhishmadev Chakrabortty

Civil Revision No.1066 of 2023

Mamtaz Begom and others   ......petitioners                               -Versus-

Sanoara Begum and others

......opposite parties 

Mr. Ruhul Amin, Advocate

                                  ...... for the petitioners Mr. Md. Mubarak Hossain, Advocate

         ...... for opposite parties 1-5, 7 and 14 

Judgment on 30.07.2024

The leave was granted and Rule was issued calling upon opposite parties 1-14 to show cause as to why the judgment and order of the Additional District Judge, Court No.2, Cumilla passed on  31.10.2022  in  Civil  Revision  No.10  of  2021  allowing  the revision  thereby  reversing  the  order  of  the  Assistant  Judge, Debidwar, Cumilla passed on 27.01.2021 in Miscellaneous Case No.04 of 2017 rejecting the application under section 151 of the Code of Civil Procedure (the Code) shall not be set aside and/or such other or further order or orders passed to this Court seem fit and proper. 

The material facts for disposal of the Rule, in brief, are that the opposite parties herein as plaintiffs instituted Title Suit No.27 of  1987  against  the  present  petitioners  and  others  praying  for partition of the suit land as detailed in the schedule to the plaint. The suit was decreed in preliminary form on 11.11.1999. The


contesting  defendants  then preferred  appeal  before the  District Judge, Cumilla being Title Appeal No.31 of 2000. The transferee Court heard the said appeal and dismissed it on 11.08.2010. The contesting  the  defendants  then  moved  in  this  Court  in  Civil Revision  No.4405  of  2010.  The  Rule  issued  in  the  aforesaid revision  was  discharged  on  15.04.2014  and  the  judgment  and decreed passed by the trial Court was upheld. Then on the prayer of the plaintiffs and defendants 1-10 and 25 who got saham an Advocate Commissioner was appointed to allocate saham to the plaintiffs and the above defendants. The Commissioner submitted his report on 20.01.2016. The trial Court accepted the report and final decree was drawn up on 10.10.2016. The plaintiffs then filed execution  Case  No.03  of  2016  for  getting  possession.  At  that moment it came up to the knowledge of the petitioners that an ex parte  decree  was  passed  against  their  predecessor  late  Amir Hossain  Sarker.  Then they  filed  Miscellaneous  Case  No.04 of 2017 under Order 9 Rule 13 of the Code for setting aside the ex parte decree passed against their predecessor. In the miscellaneous case  they  stated  that  their  predecessor  Amir  Hossain  was  the owner  of  plot  817  who  owned  and  possessed  the  same constructing  a  house  over  it  surrounded  by  a  boundary  wall. During his possession and enjoyment over the land he died on 09.01.2010 leaving behind the petitioners as heirs and they are living therein. In the miscellaneous case they further stated that no summons was served upon their predecessor. They came to learn from one of the defendants on 25.05.2017 that the plaintiff got an ex parte decree against their predecessor. When the plaintiff and others went to take possession of the land through Court then they filed the miscellaneous case for setting aside the ex parte decree passed against them.

Opposite  parties  herein  appeared  in  the  case  and  filed written objection denying the facts stated in the miscellaneous case.  They  contended  that  the  petitioners  had  full  knowledge about the suit and the judgment and decree passed against them. The  judgment  of  the  suit  was  passed  on  11.11.1999  and  the Advocate Commissioner submitted report in the year 2016. The petitioners have filed the miscellaneous case only to frustrate the Execution Case 03 of 2016 and as such the miscellaneous case would be rejected.

At the fag end of disposal of the miscellaneous case, the opposite parties to the case filed an application under section 151 of the Code prying for dismissal of the miscellaneous case on the ground that the judgment and decree of the suit has been merged with the judgment passed in Civil Revision No.4405 of 2010 and since there is no existence of the judgment of the trial Court, the miscellaneous  case  would  be  rejected  being  not  maintainable. Learned Assistant Judge rejected the application on the findings that this is a miscellaneous case under Order 9 Rule 13 of the Code and allegation of the petitioners is that no notice of the suit was served upon their predecessor and ex parte decree was passed behind their back which is to be decided in the case. The learned Judge  then  fixed  the  next  date  to  08.02.2021  for  hearing  of arguments of the case. The opposite parties to the miscellaneous case then file a revision under section 115(2) of the Code before the District Judge, Cumilla challenging the aforesaid order. The Additional  District  Judge,  Court  No.2,  Cumilla  heard  the  said revision  on  transfer  and  by  the  judgment  and  order  under challenge in this revision allowed it and set aside the judgment and order passed by the Assistant Judge. The revisional Court further directed the Assistant Judge to dispose of the application filed under section 151 of the Code as per the observation and direction given in the body of the judgment. Being aggrieved by the petitioners of the miscellaneous case approached this Court and leave was granted and Rule was issued with an interim order.

Mr. Ruhul Amin, learned Advocate for the petitioners takes me through the judgment and orders passed by the Courts below and other materials on record and submits that the petitioners filed the miscellaneous case under Order 9 Rule 13 of the Code alleging that the summons of the original suit was not served upon their predecessor and the decree was passed ex parte against him. The subject  matter  of  the  miscellaneous  case  is  that  whether  the summons was served or not upon their predecessor. The judgment and ex parte  decree passed against their predecessor has been affirmed up to the High Court Division in revision and there is nothing in this case about merger of the trial Courts judgment with the appellate or revisional judgment. The revisional Court below misdirected and misconstrued in the approach of the matter and allowed the revision directing the Assistant Judge to dispose of the application  filed  under  section  151  of  the  Code  as  per  the guideline and direction because the Assistant Judge disposed of the application on merit. The revisional Court cannot send the matter  again  to  the  same  Court  for  disposal.  Moreover,  the revisional Court made no specific observation in the impugned judgment which is to be complied with by the Assistant Judge. In passing the impugned judgment and order the revisional Court below committed error on an important question of law which has resulted in an error in such decision occasioning failure of justice. The Rule, therefore, would be made absolute.

Mr. Md. Mubarak Hossain, learned Advocate for opposite parties 1-5, 7 and 14 on the other hand opposes the Rule. He submits that in the miscellaneous case the petitioners did not state the quantum of land their predecessor used to possess and they possess.  Even  they  did  not  tell  how  their  predecessor  Amir Hossain got a part of the suit property. Since the execution case is pending for execution of the judgment and decree passed in the suit, the petitioners ought to have challenged the execution case in this miscellaneous case. He further submits that it is evident in the Commissioner’s report that there is residuary saham measuring an area of .1777 acres and the present petitioners can get their saham by submitting their claim in the execution case. The revisional Court below on correct interpretation of law and fact found that the judgment and decree passed by the Assistant Judge has been merged with the judgment of appeal and revision, and as such the miscellaneous case is not maintainable. In the premises above, the Rule, having no merit would be discharged.


I have considered the submissions of the learned Advocates of both the sides, gone through the revisional application, grounds taken therein, particularly the impugned revisional judgment and order  passed  by  the  Additional  District  Judge,  Court  No.2, Cumilla. It is admitted fact that opposite parties 1-14 as plaintiffs instituted Title Suit No.27 of 1987 against the predecessor of the petitioners  and  others  praying  for partition  in the suit  land  as described in the schedule to the plaint. It is also admitted that the predecessor of these petitioners was defendant 27 in the suit. On holding trial the trial Court decreed the suit on contest against defendants 1-15, 18-19, 21-24 and 25 and ex parte against the others.  The  trial  Court  allocated  saham  to  the  plaintiffs  and defendants  1-10  and  25.  The  suit  was  decreed  against  the predecessor of these petitioners ex parte. The judgment and decree passed by the trial Court was upheld by the appellate Court and affirmed  by  this  Division  in  a  civil  revision.  Thereafter,  the plaintiffs and defendants 1-10 and 25 filed an application to the trial Court for preparation of final decree. The Court appointed an Advocate  Commissioner  who  submitted  a  report.  In  three consecutive  dates  after  filing  the  report  no  one  raised  any objection against it. The trial Court then accepted the report and accordingly final decree was prepared. The petitioners alleged that at that time they came to learn about the judgment and ex parte decree  passed  against  their  predecessor  and  then  filed  the miscellaneous case under Order 9 Rule 13 of the Code for setting aside the ex parte decree. The miscellaneous case was filed in the year  2017  and  the  plaintiffs,  i.e.,  opposite  parties  herein  filed written objection on 22.04.2018. The witnesses of the parties have been examined and the case is fixed for hearing of argument. At this stage, the plaintiffs filed the application under section 151 of the Code for dismissal of the suit being not maintainable. In the application  it  has  been  alleged  that  the  judgment  and  decree passed by the trial Court has been merged with the judgments of

I have gone through the cases as referred to by the parties and relied on by the Additional District Judge. In the instant case, the judgment and decree passed by the Assistant Judge in the original suit has been affirmed up to this Court. Therefore, the point raised by the opposite parties to the miscellaneous case that the judgment passed by the Assistant Judge has been merged in the judgment of appeal and revision does not arise at all. The judgment and decree passed by the trial Court remained as it is without any modification. The plaintiffs and the defendants who got  saham  in  the  suit  land  have  filed  the  execution  case  for executing  the  decree  passed  by  the  Assistant  Judge  as  it  is. Therefore, the fact of merger as claimed by the opposite parties to the miscellaneous case appears to me meaningless and against their own execution case. The ratio laid in the cases as relied on by the Additional District Judge is found not applicable in this case. It is only to be decided in the miscellaneous case whether the summons  was  served  upon  the  predecessor  of  the  petitioners because  the  judgment  was  passed  against  him  ex  parte.  It  is further found that in the meantime the parties examined witnesses in the miscellaneous case and the next date of it has been fixed for hearing of argument.

Considering the statements made in the miscellaneous case, I find that it is required to be disposed of on merit. Although the application filed under section 151 of the Code was rejected by the Assistant Judge on merit but the Additional District Judge by the impugned judgment again directed the Assistant Judge to dispose of the application on merit as per the direction given in the body of the judgment. On going through the judgment passed by the Additional  District  Judge,  I  do  not  find  that  any  specific observation  was given to the Assistant Judge in disposing the application. The judgment passed by the revisional Court below is found perverse and non application of the mind on the judgments referred to by him and ratio laid in those cases. Mr. Mobarak Hossain, learned Advocate for the opposite parties argued that in the miscellaneous case the petitioners did not state the quantum of land their predecessor used to possess and how he got a part of the suit property. The above point of law can raised in the argument of miscellaneous case. His submission as to non mentioning of the quantum  of  land  which  Mr.  Amir  Hossain  alleged  to  have possessed and that there is residuary saham of .1777 acres as per the report of the Commissioner and final decree is found to be correct but this Court has nothing to do with those because it is not the subject matter of this revision. He can raise those points as and when necessary, if so advised. 

I view of the discussion made hereinabove, I find merit in this Rule. Accordingly, the Rule is made absolute. However, no order  as  to  costs.  The  judgment  and  order  passed  by  the Additional  District  Judge  in  Civil  Revision  No.10  of  2021  is hereby set aside and that of the Assistant Judge is restored.

However, the Assistant Judge is directed to dispose of the miscellaneous case within a short span of time, preferably within 3(three) months from the date of receipt of this judgment and order. In dealing with the miscellaneous case, the Assistant Judge shall  not  allow  either  party  any  adjournment  without  dire necessity.

Communicate this judgment to the concerned Courts.