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Microsoft Word - Absolute W.P. No. 612 of 2023 dt. 05.09.2024


                     Mr. Justice A.K.M. Asaduzzaman


                     Mr. Justice Muhammad Mahbub Ul Islam

                Writ Petition No. 612 of 2023

       Md. Rakibuzzaman Khan

           ……………Petitioner.           -Versus-

                                    Government of Bangladesh and others               ……….Opposite parties.

       Mr. Faysal Hasan Arif, Advocate

          …. For the petitioner

      Mr. Syeda Shajia Sharmin, D.A.G.

             …. For the respondents.

Heard and judgment on 5th September, 2024. A.K.M.Asaduzzaman,J.

This rule was issued calling upon the respondents to show cause as to why failure and inaction of the respondent Nos.2 and 6 in  dealing  with  the  petitioner’s  application  dated  30.10.2022 (Annexure-F) for taking up inquiry to determine the actual convict being  convicted  by  the  judgment  and order  of  conviction  and sentence  dated  13.07.2014  passed  by  the  1st  Additional Metropolitan Sessions Judge and Special Tribunal No.2, Dhaka in


Special  Tribunal  Case  No.  8346  of  1999  arising  out  of Mohammadpur  Police  Station  Case  No.  44  dated  16.08.1999 should not be declared illegal without lawful authority and is of no legal effect.

Petitioner filed this writ petition and obtained the instant


Mr. Faysal Hasan Arif, the learned advocate appearing for the petitioner drawing our attention to the report submitted on 29.06.2024 pursuant to a direction given by this court submits that the Narsindi Police Super after enquiry into the matter gave a report that:

"Bfe¡l AhN¢al SeÉ S¡e¡−e¡ k¡−µR ®k, h¢ZÑa j¡jm¡l fËLªa Bp¡j£ HpHj l¢Lh¤‹¡j¡e @ l¡¢Lh @ ¢jW§

(fm¡aL), ¢fa¡-X¡x ®j¡x L¡jl¦‹¡j¡e M¡e ¢ql¦, p¡w-

h¡Se¡h ®~pucf¡s¡, b¡e¡-®hm¡h, ®Sm¡-el¢pwc£, H¢f p¡w- ¢h,¢S ®fËp ø¡g ®L¡u¡VÑ¡l, b¡e¡- ®aSNy¡J, Y¡L¡ Na 16/08/1999 ¢MÊx a¡¢lM ®j¡q¡Çjcf¤l b¡e¡l j¡jm¡ ew- 44 a¡w-16/08/99 ¢MÊx, d¡l¡-1878 p¡−ml AØœ BC−el 19- H/19-Hg j§−m ®NËga¡l q−u ®Sm¡ q¡S−a −fË¢la qe Hhw Na 23/02/2006 ¢MËx a¡¢l−M S¡¢je fË¡ç qez HC pj−ul

j−dÉ p§−œ h¢ZÑa ¢lV ¢f¢Vn−el B−hceL¡l£ ®p±¢c Bl−h Nje¡Nje L−l−Rez h¢ZÑa j¡jm¡l fËL«a p¡S¡fË¡ç Bp¡j£

Hhw ¢lV ¢f¢Vn−el B−hceL¡l£ c¤CSe Bm¡c¡ Bm¡c¡ hÉ¢š² j−jÑ ¢hou¢V f¤¢mn Ae¤på¡−e fËa£uj¡e q−u−Rz fËL«a p¡S¡fÊ¡ç Bp¡j£ fm¡aL b¡L¡u a¡−L ®NËga¡l Ll¡ pñh

qu¢ez a−h fËL«a p¡S¡fË¡ç fm¡aL Bp¡j£−L ®NËga¡−ll

SeÉ f¤¢mn avfl l−u−Rz ®L¡e ¢el£q h¡ ¢elfl¡d hÉ¢š²−L qul¡¢e Ll¡ q−h e¡z"

In that view of the matter when it has been detected by the Superintendent of Police of Narsingdi that the petitioner is not the person who has been convicted or been sentenced in connection with the Special Tribunal Case No. 8346 of 1999, petitioner may be released from the arrest of the illegal charge from the said criminal case as well as allowed him to go abroad on recalling the directive to deposit his current passport from respondent No.8.

The learned Deputy Attorney General on the other hand although opposes the  rule  but  found it difficult  to oppose the submission of the learned advocate for the petitioner, as well as in view of the inquiry report submitted by the Narsingdi Police Super dated 29.06.2024.

Having  regard  to  the  submission  made  by  the  learned advocate for the petitioner together with the report submitted by the Narsingdi Police Super dated 29.06.2024, we find substances.

We thus find merits in the rule.

In the result, the Rule is made absolute.

The  petitioner  Md.  Rakibuzzaman  Khan,  son  of  Md. Kamruzzaman  Khan  and  Rabeya  Begum of  53/1,  Uttar Dhanmondi, Kolabagan, Post Office -Newmarket, Police Station- Dhanmondi, District-Dhaka is hereby directed to release from any kind of harassment in connection of Special Tribunal Case No. 8346 of 1999 arising out of Mohammadpur Police Station Case No. 44 dated 16.08.1999 and the passport as has been deposited in court pursuant to the order dated 23.01.2023 is hereby recalled and respondent is hereby directed to release the passport in favour of the petitioner forthwithly. The petitioner is at liberty to go abroad for treatment if so be needed.

Communicate the judgment at once. Muhammad Mahbub Ul Islam, J:

I agree.