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Microsoft Word - WritPetitionNo.2988of2023

Writ Petition No. 2988 of 2023


Mr. Justice Md. Iqbal Kabir


Mr. Justice Md. Riaz Uddin Khan


Mr. Md. Bodruddoza, Advocate with

….For the Petitioner

Mr. Md. Manirul Islam, Advocate

      ....For the respondent No. 2

At  the  midst  of  the  hearing,  the learned Advocate for the petitioner submits that  he  has  received  instruction  from  his client  not  to  proceed  with  the  Rule. According  to  him,  the  Rule  may  be discharged for non-prosecution.

In the light of the above, the Rule is discharged for non-prosecution.

The interim order granted at the time of issuance of the Rule is hereby recalled and vacated.

However, at the time of the hearing, the  learned  Advocate  for  the  respondent No. 2 Bank brought notice to this Court that the petitioner challenged the legality of the order dated 23.02.2023 based on which the Rule was issued and an interim order has passed.  According  to  him  petitioner annexed  a  manipulated/improper  certified copy of the order No. 9 dated 23-02-2023 (Annexure-B and C) to the petition.

He  brought  to  notice  to  this  Court that respondent No. 2 filed an affidavit-in- opposition along with a certified photocopy of  the  order  No.  9  dated  23.02.2023 showing  such  order,  respondent  claimed that the petitioner annexed a manipulated/ improper certified copy of the order No. 9 dated  23.02.2023  and  relying  upon  the manipulated  document  took  ground.

According to him the order annexed by the petitioner  is  a  manipulated  one  and  the order annexed by respondent No. 2 in the affidavit-in-opposition is the genuine one.

For  our  better  understanding,  the order No. 09 dated 23-02-2023 passed in Artha Rin Case No. 260 of 2022 (Annexure- B and C) is hereby reproducing below:

B−cn ew-09, a¡¢lM-23/02/2023 x-

AcÉ 2000/- V¡L¡ Cost pq ¢hh¡c£f−r ¢m¢Ma

Sh¡h c¡¢M−ml SeÉ ¢ce d¡kÑÉ B−Rz h¡c£f−r q¡¢Sl¡ pq j¡jm¡l pjbÑ−e ¢g¢l¢Ù¹ ®k¡−N j¤m L¡NSfœ c¡¢M−ml SeÉ pj−ul  B−hce  L−lz  ¢g¢l¢Ù¹  ®k¡−N  Q¡m¡e  ew-745,  a¡w- 22/2/23 q~w j¤−m 2000/- V¡L¡ Cost Hl V¡L¡ Sj¡l j¤m

L¢f c¡¢Mm L−lez e¢b B−c−nl SeÉ ®fn Ll¡ q−m¡z

ö¢em¡jz ¢hh¡c£ f−rl c¡¢Mm£ pj−ul clM¡Ù¹ J e¢b fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡ L¢lm¡jz e¢b fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡u ®cM¡ k¡u ®k, 1, 2, 5 J

6 ew ¢hh¡c£fr Na 25-10-2022 Cw a¡¢l−M ea¥e JL¡mae¡j¡−k¡−N Bc¡m−a q¡¢Sl qCu¡ Sh¡h c¡¢M−ml SeÉ pj−ul fÊ¡bÑe¡ L¢l−mJ AcÉ¡h¢c Eš² ¢hh¡c£fr ¢m¢Ma Sh¡h c¡¢Mm L−l e¡Cz AbÑ GZ Bc¡ma BCe, 2003 HL¢V ¢h−no BCez Eš² BC−el 10(1) d¡l¡l ¢hd¡e j−a ¢edÑ¡¢la pju

p£j¡ C−a¡j−dÉ A¢ah¡¢qa qJu¡u ¢hh¡c£ f−rl AcÉL¡l c¡¢Mm£ pj−ul clM¡Ù¹ ¢h−hQe¡ Ll¡l BCeNa p¤−k¡N ®eCz Hja¡hÙÛ¡u 1, 2, 5 J 6 ew ¢hh¡c£f−rl c¡¢Mm£ pj−ul clM¡Ù¹ e¡j‘¤l Ll¡ qCmz

Aaxfl e¢b öe¡e£A−¿¹ HLalg¡ B−c−nl SeÉ

®eJu¡ qCmz

e¢b fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡u ®cM¡ k¡u ®k, ®j¡LŸj¡l ¢hh¡c£−cl ¢hl¦−Ü Bc¡ma J X¡L ®k¡−N pje Cpɤ Ll¡ qCu¡−Rz f¡n¡f¡¢n ¢hh¡c£−cl e¡j£u pje ®~~c¢eL f¢œL¡l j¡dÉ−j S¡l£ Ll¡ qCu¡−Rz AbÑ GZ Bc¡ma BCe, 2003 Hl

7(1) d¡l¡l ¢hd¡e −j¡a¡−hL pje Cpɤl 15 ¢ch−pl j−dÉ

S¡l£ qCu¡ ®gla e¡ B¢p−m ¢Lwh¡ avf§−hÑ ¢he¡ S¡l£−a ®gla B¢p−m Eq¡l flhaÑ£ 15 ¢ch−pl j−dÉ h¡wm¡ S¡a£u ®~~c¢eL f¢œL¡l j¡dÉ−j pje S¡l£l ¢h‘¢ç fËL¡n Ll¡ qC−m a¡q¡ BCe¡e¤N S¡l£ j−jÑ NZÉ−k¡NÉz ¢hh¡c£−cl fË¢a pje ¢h‘¢ç BCe¡e¤N S¡l£ NZÉ qCu¡−Rz

E−õMÉ ®k, AbÑ GZ Bc¡ma BCe, 2003 Hl 6(4)

d¡l¡l ¢hd¡e ®j¡a¡−hL h¡c£fr H¢g−X¢hVpq Bl¢S c¡¢Mm Llax a¡q¡l p¡−b pw¢nÔø fËj¡efœ c¡¢Mmf§hÑL ®j¡LŸj¡ c¡−ul L¢l−m ®j¡LŸj¡l HLalg¡ a¡vr¢eL ¢eÖf¢šl

®r−œ ®L¡e p¡r£−L fl£r¡ hÉ¢a−l−L qmge¡j¡k¤š² Bl¢S,


Writ Petition No. 2988 of 2023

pw¢nÔø c¡¢m¢mL fËj¡e¡¢c ¢h−nÔoef§hÑL l¡u h¡ B−cn fËc¡e  omission  or  malepulation  the  meaning  of Ll¡ k¡uz Aœ ®j¡LŸj¡l h¡c£fr Bl¢Sl p¢qa qmge¡j¡  the order has been changed.

c¡¢Mm  L¢lu¡−Re  k¡q¡  Eš²  BC−el  6(4)  d¡l¡u  However, on scrutiny, it appears that Substantive evidence h¡ ®j±¢mL p¡rÉ ¢q−p−h NeÉ

at least three people or official working in qC−hz

the section were involved in preparing or −lLXÑ fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡u ®cM¡ k¡u ®k, h¡c£fr ¢hNa 18-

06-2022  Cw  a¡¢lM  fkÑ¿¹  121,03,19,097.85  (HLna  supplying such manipulated or fake certified HL¥n ®L¡¢V ¢ae mr E¢eL q¡S¡l p¡a¡eîC V¡L¡ fyQ¡¢n copy of order No. 9 dated 23-02-2023 and

fup¡  j¡œ)  V¡L¡  Bc¡−ul  ¢e¢j−š   ®j¡LŸj¡  c¡−ul those persons are Mr. Nure Alam Howlader L¢lu¡−Rez h¡c£fr Eš² c¡h£l pjbÑ−e ¢g¢l¢Ù¹ ®k¡−N ¢qp¡h  (e§−l Bmj q¡Jm¡c¡l, Ae¤¢m¢f L¡lL, Ae¤¢m¢f ¢hi¡N, ®Sm¡ ¢hhlZ£pq  pw¢nÔø  j§m  L¡NSfœ¡¢c  c¡¢Mm  L¢lu¡−Rez J  c¡ul¡  SS  Bc¡ma,  Y¡L¡),  Ashraful  Hoque

®j¡LŸj¡l  Bl¢S,  h¡c£f−r  c¡¢Mm£  ¢g¢l¢Ù¹k¤š²  j§m

(Bnl¡g¥m qL, a¥me¡ pqL¡l£, Ae¤¢m¢f ¢hi¡N, ®Sm¡ J c¡ul¡ L¡NSfœ¡¢c,  qmge¡j¡pq  pjÙ¹  ®lLXÑ  fkÑ−m¡Qe¡  L¢lm¡jz

fkÑ−m¡Qe¡u h¡c£f−rl c¡h£ BCe¡e¤Ni¡−h fËj¡¢ea qCu¡−R SS  Bc¡ma,  Y¡L¡) and Administrative Officer,

j−jÑ  fËa£uj¡e  quz  p¤al¡w  h¡c£fr  fË¡bÑ£a  j−a  fË¢aL¡l District Judge Adalat, Dhaka who attested f¡C−a BCeNa qLc¡lz  the certified copy of the order.

fËcš ®L¡VÑ ¢g p¢WLz  It is clear to us that at the instance of AaHh,  the petitioner alleged certified copy of the


order  has  been  prepared  and  petitioner qu  ®k,   ®j¡LŸj¡¢V  ¢hh¡c£f−rl  ¢hl¦−Ü

HLalg¡ p§−œ MlQ¡pq Na 18-06-2022 Cw a¡¢lM fkÑ¿¹ tried be benefited using such certified copy. 121,03,19,097.85 (HLna HL¥n ®L¡¢V ¢ae mr E¢eL It  is  noted  that  the  petitioner  is  the

q¡S¡l p¡a¡eîC V¡L¡ fyQ¡¢n fup¡ j¡œ) V¡L¡l ¢Xœ²£ qCmz  beneficiary  of  such  certified  copy  of  the ¢hNa 29-06-2022 ¢MËØV¡ë ®b−L ¢Xœ²£L«a V¡L¡ Bc¡u e¡ order. However, the persons or officials of qJu¡ fkÑ¿¹ AbÑ GZ Bc¡ma BCe, 2003 Hl 50(2) d¡l¡l  the  Dhaka  Judge  Court  /  District  and ¢hd¡e j−a ¢edÑ¡¢la p¤c h¡ ®rœ j−a, j¤e¡g¡ pq fË¡ç qC−hz

Sessions  Judge,  Dhaka  who  prepared  or ¢hh¡c£−cl−L l¡u fËQ¡−ll 60 (o¡V) ¢ch−pl j−dÉ ¢Xœ²£L«a

supplied such certified copy to the petitioner V¡L¡ p¤c j¤e¡g¡pq h¡c£f−rl Ae¤L¥−m f¢l−n¡−dl ¢e−cÑn

®cJu¡  qCmz  hÉbÑa¡u  h¡c£fr  Bc¡ma  ®k¡−N  BCe¡e¤N are required to bring under the law.

fÜ¢a−a ¢Xœ²£L«a V¡L¡ Bc¡u L¢lu¡ ¢e−a f¡¢l−hz  Thus, the Sessions Judge, Dhaka is

j¡jm¡ Qm¡L¡m£e pj−u ¢hh¡c£fr k¢c ®L¡e V¡L¡ directed to look into the matter and initiate f¢l−n¡d  L¢lu¡  b¡−L  a¡q¡  ¢h¢d  ®j¡a¡−hL  pjeÄu  Llax departmental  proceedings  including  penal flhaÑ£ L¡kÑœ²j NËq−Zl SeÉ ¢e−cÑn fËc¡e Ll¡ qCmz  action for the alleged acts and or supply the

On perusal of the order No. 9 dated  manipulated/forge  certified  copy  of  the 23.02.2023  (Annexure-B  and  C)  to  the  order  No.  9  dated  23-02-2023 against petition  and  annexed  in  the  affidavit-in- those who are involved with including the opposition, it appears that some sentences  above mentioned three officials as stated were manipulated in the certified copy of  above,  in  accordance  with  law  with  in the  order  dated  23.02.2023  (Annexure-B  60(sixty) days from the date of receipt of and  C)  annexed  to  the  petition  and  or  this order.

different  from  the  order  annexed  to  the  Communicate the order. affidavit-in-opposition,  and  due  to  such