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Microsoft Word - Civil Revision No. 4715 of 2022 disposed of




Mr. Justice Zafar Ahmed

Civil Revision No. 4715 of 2022

Md. Sarwar Pramanik and others

........ Petitioners -Versus-

Most. Taposhi Khatoon and another

.... Opposite parties

Mr. Md. Amimul Ehsan, with Mr. Mohammad Ali, Advocates

........ For petitioners Mr. Ala Uddin Ahmed, Advocate

.... For opposite parties Heard and Judgment on: 11.11.2024

In the instant revisional application filed under Section 115(1) of the Code of Civil Procedure (CPC) at the instance of the defendant- appellant-petitioners, this Court on 14.11.2022 issued a Rule calling upon  the  plaintiff-opposite  parties  to  show  cause  as  to  why  the judgment  and  order  dated  17.08.2022  passed  by  the learned  Joint District Judge, 2nd Court, Bogura in Miscellaneous Appeal No. 105 of 2021 rejecting the miscellaneous appeal and affirming the order No. 9 dated  26.09.2021  passed  by  the  learned  Assistant  Judge,  Dhunat, Bogura in Other Class Suit No. 57 of 2021 allowing the application


for temporary injunction under Order XXXIX rule 1 of the Code of Civil Procedure should not be set aside.

At the time of issuance of the Rule, this Court passed an ad interim order staying operation of the order dated 17.08.2022 passed in Miscellaneous Appeal No. 105 of 2022.

Plaintiff-opposite parties have entered appearance in the Rule and have filed a joint counter affidavit.

I have heard the learned Advocates of both sides and perused the materials on record. Considering the facts and circumstances the case,  I  am  of  the  view  that  an  order  of status  quo  in  respect  of possession and position of the suit land to be maintained by the parties till disposal of the suit would serve the ends of justice. The learned Advocates of both sides candidly bowed down to the view of the Court.

Accordingly, the parties to the suit are directed to maintain status quo in respect of possession and position of the suit land till disposal of the suit.

With  the  above  observations  and  directions,  the  Rule  is disposed of.

Mazhar, BO