দায়বর্জন বিবৃতি (DISCLAIMER)

এই ওয়েবসাইটে প্রকাশিত রায় বা আদেশ আপনি google translation এর মাধ্যমে বাংলায় দেখতে পাচ্ছেন তা সুপ্রীম কোর্ট কর্তৃক বাংলায় অনূদিত নয়। জনসাধারণের বিচার-প্রক্রিয়ায় সহজ অভিগম্যতা নিশ্চিতকরণের অভিপ্রায়ে বাংলায় অনূদিত রায়-আদেশ দেখার ব্যবস্থা রাখা হয়েছে। অনূদিত রায় বা আদেশের অনুলিপি সইমোহরী/জাবেদা নকলের (certified copy) বিকল্প হিসেবে অথবা অন্য কোন উদ্দেশ্যে ব্যবহার করা যাবে না। রায় ও আদেশ বাস্তবায়নের ক্ষেত্রে মামলার নথিতে বিধৃত মূল রায় বা আদেশ প্রণিধানযোগ্য।









An application under Section 115 (1) of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.

- AND -


Anwar Hossain Sheikh and others ..... Petitioners.


Md. Amin Hossain Sheikh and others.

…… Opposite parties.

Ms. Suria Nasrin, Advocate

….. For the petitioners. Mr. Md. Rafiqul Islam, with

Mr. Md. Giash Uddin (MIthu)

         ….. for the opposite Party parties.

Heard on: 24.04.2024, 25.04.2024, 08.05.2024

 and Judgment on: 09.05.2024.

On an application of the petitioner Anwar Hossain Sheikh and others under section 115 (1) of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, the Rule was issued calling upon the opposite party No.1 to show cause as to why the impugned judgment and decree dated 28.03.2022 (decree signed on 03.04.2022) passed by the learned Special Judge, Special Judge Court, Faridpur, in Other Class Appeal No.70 of 2016, allowing the  appeal  and  thereby  reversing  the  judgment  and  decree  dated 08.03.2016  (decree  signed  on  19.04.2016)  passed  by  the  learned Senior Assistant Judge, Faridpur, in Other Class Suit No.78 of 2010, decreed the suit, shall not be set-aside and/or such other or further order or orders passed as to this Court may seem fit and proper.

Facts necessary for disposal of the Rule, in short, is that the opposite party as plaintiff instituted Other Class Suit No.70 of 2016 in

the Court of Senior Assistant Judge, Faridpur for cancellation of the impugned deed contending inter-alia, is that the plaintiff is the owner

of the disputed land and he got the same by inheritance. The land of moujua No. 29, S.A. khation No.2844, hal DP. 710, land measuring 39 decimal, S.A. No. 2640, hal-1328, land measuring 5 decimal, S.A. No. 2640, hal-711, land measuring 13 decimal, and along with 14 decimal

of S.A. khation No.2841 and total land measuring 62 decimal owned

by the plaintiff and his home state is  situated at dag No.534/535, while  the  remaining  lands  are  currently  under  the  plaintiff’s possession and cultivation. The said scheduled land was described in

kha schedule  and the  registered deed no.  3743  is  explained  in  Ka schedule. The plaintiff owned and possessed the said land by kabala deed No. 5756, dated. 26.09.1982. The plaintiff is a very old man, he

has six sons and one daughter and also his wife is dead. On the other hand the defendant lives in plaintiff’s residence and the plaintiff has

no  property  apart  from  the  disputed  land.  Defendant  No.4  is  his divorced  daughter  and  resides  with  the  plaintiff,  while  defendant         No.5-7 mainly attend to the plaintiffs needs and are responsible for his maintenance.  On  15.05.2008,  the  plaintiff  called  all  his  sons  and daughter to distribute his property equally among them. Defendant Nos.1-7 accepted the said offer and executed a gift deed. During this meeting, the defendant No.2 arrived and declared that the said land is owned by a gift deed in the names of defendant Nos.1-4 and claiming that  there  is  no  right  and  possession  over  the  said  property  of defendant Nos.5-7. After that the plaintiff obtained the said deed from the Modhukhali Sub-Registry office and asserted stated that the said gift deed, in question, is false, fabricated, unlawful and he did not execute it. As he is an illiterate and an elderly man of faith, so he does not have any intention to deprive his heirs. Hence the suit.

The said suit was not contested by the defendants and there was  no  file  written  statement.  The  defendant  side  since  did  not contest the suit, the matter was taken as an ex-parte hearing and during which the plaintiff deposed as P.W-1 before the Court. After the  deposition,  the  plaintiff  passed  away  on  26.04.2021  and thereafter, the defendant Nos.5, 6 and 7 submitted an application for substitution on 08.06.2011 but in the meantime, by the order of the Court, P.W-2 presented the balam book and validated the registered deed (Exhibit-4) on the date fixed which is on 25.07.2011.

By the said order, the Court also allowed the application for substitution and accordingly the defendant No.5, 6 and 7 became the plaintiff No.1(ka)-1(Ga) and thereafter the plaintiff filed an application for amendment of the plaint on 29.02.2012 with a prayer for partition of the suit land and accordingly the said application for amendment was allowed on 29.02.2012. Thereafter, the added plaintiff No.1 (ka), Md. Amin Hossain Sheikh, deposed as P.W-3 in support of their case.     

The trial Court, after hearing the plaintiff and also considering the papers and documents as available on the record, dismissed the suit by its order No.66 dated 13.04.2016.

Against  the  said  judgment  and  decree  the  plaintiff  opposite party preferred the Title Appeal No.70 of 2016 before the learned District Judge, Faridpur. The said appeal was heard and disposed of by the learned Special Judge, Special Judge Court, Faridpur who, after hearing the learned Advocate and on perusal of the record and the provisions of law, allowed the appeal and thereby setting-aside the judgment and decree of the trial Court and decreed the suit by its judgment and decree dated 28.03.2022.  

Being  aggrieved  by  and  dissatisfied  with  the  impugned judgment of the Appellate Court, the defendants, as petitioners, filed this revisional application under Section 115(1) of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 and obtained the Rule.

It appears that after disposal of the appeal by the Appellate Court, the final decree was drawn up on 03.04.2022 but the appellant side did not challenge the said final decree.

Mr. Md. Rafiqul Islam, along with Mr. Md. Giash Uddin (Mithu),

the  learned  Advocate  appearing  on  behalf  of  the  opposite  parties through vokalatnama to oppose the Rule.

Ms. Suria Nasrin, the learned Advocate appearing on behalf of

the petitioners, as plaintiff, now the opposite party, all of whom are siblings and the heirs of the original plaintiff, namely Md. Amzid Ali Sheikh. She further submits that the said Amzid Ali Sheikh executed a

gift  deed  in  favour of  the  petitioners  and  the  said  deed  was  duly registered  therefore  it  cannot  be  canceled  as  such  the  impugned judgment and decree is liable to be set-aside. She further submits that

the suit was dismissed though the defendant did not contest the suit

during the trial even in the Appellate stage but the Appellate Court without  considering  the  facts  that  the  appellant  side  failed  to demonstrate any breach of the terms and conditions of the deed. She further submits that since the original plaintiff gifted the land in favour

of the defendant petitioners and in such a case after his death the said

deed should not be canceled or revoked. But the Appellate Court did

not consider the said vital facts of the case and erroneously passed the impugned judgment. She prayed for making the Rule absolute.

On the contrary,  Mr. Md. Rafiqul  Islam,  along  with Mr. Md.

Giash Uddin (MIthu), submits that the Appellate Court rightly passed

the  impugned  judgment.  He  further  submits  that  admittedly              Mr. Amzid Ali Sheikh gifted the suit land and accordingly executed the

deed  but  the  possession  has  not  been  given  to  the  defendant petitioners. He further submits  that in the plaint as  well  as  in his deposition it is found that Amzid Ali Sheikh expressed his intention to gift the suit property equally to his six sons and one daughter but the defendant No.1 fraudulently obtained the registered deed, excluding the other three sons, who are the current opposite parties. He further submits that since the father, who executed the deed, has challenged it, asserting that it was obtained by the defendant No.1 fraudulently, who succeeded in registering it but the desire of the donor is that he gifted the suit land in favour of his six sons and one daughter equally and the said facts came to the light of the plaintiff, the executant, after opening the deed and accordingly before delivery of possession, he filed the instant suit. He further submits that inadvertently the schedule of the plaint wrongly mentioned the impugned deed and thus  the  trial  Court  on  technical  grounds  took  view  that  the statements  made in the plaint and the deed  were  not  similar. He further submits that subsequently at the appellate stage, the plaintiff side amended the said mistake. He also submits that since the deed obtained by the defendant No.1 fraudulently, excluding the three sons of the original plaintiff and the original plaintiff filed the suit on the ground that the said deed obtained by the defendant petitioner by committing fraud and since the plaintiff categorically said that he has no such intention to gift the deed in favour of the defendants only and in  such  a  case  the  Appellate  Court  rightly  passed  the  impugned judgment.  He  further  submits  that  after  the  death  of  the  original plaintiff, the subsequent plaintiffs, and the defendants, all of whom are siblings, have claimed their respective shares of the contested land and accordingly the Appellate Court since declared the gift deed illegal and fraudulent thus pass an order for partition and as such there is no error in the impugned judgment of the Appellate Court. He prays for discharging the Rule. 

 I have heard the learned Advocate of both the sides, perused the  impugned  judgment  of  the  Courts  below  and  the  papers  and documents as available on the record.

The fact of the suit is that the original plaintiff late Amzid Ali Sheikh filed this suit, believing that he had equally gifted the land to his six sons and one daughter but the present petitioners collusively and fraudulently succeeded to execute the deed, thereby excluding the present opposite parties, the three sons of the original plaintiff.

It appears that the deed was executed on 27.11.2008 and the plaintiff filed the suit on 01.08.2010 and in the plaint he stated the details that as per his desire the aforesaid deed has not been executed and after he had come to know about the said facts, after procuring the certified copy of the same, he filed the case. In his deposition, as well as, in the plaint the, P.W-1 the donor specifically mentioned that he has six sons and one divorcee daughter. She resided in his house and in presence of all, he disclosed that he executed a gift deed in favour  of  all  of  them  with  equal  share  and  accordingly  he  had authorized  the  defendant  No.1  to  register  the  deed  but  the  said defendant No.1, the son, without the desire of the plaintiff and with ill-motive, fraudulently executed the deed, excluding his three sons and also in the deed it appears that the daughter only obtained two decimal of land. Thus he filed the case but unfortunately before the pronouncement  of  judgment  the  original  plaintiff  had  expired  and subsequently an application for substitution was made, resulting in defendants Nos.5-7 becoming the plaintiffs but the defendant side did not contest the suit. It appears that in the revisional application the petitioner did not raise any question that no summons were served upon them. It appears that the suit was taken up for ex-parte hearing and after the deposition of P.W-1 he died and thereafter the P.W-2 and 3 were examined and in the meantime the plaintiff side filed an application for amendment with a prayer for partition and which was also allowed. It appears that the trial Court only considering the facts that dismissed the suit to the effect that:

আরজি র () দপায় প্রার্নথাাংশল, পররদ র জি ার মধখা ী  াফ-জরজি িঃ

অরপশ র রফগত ইাং ২৭-১১-2008 তাররশখর জরজি রি কত 3743 ew ®j±¢ML c¡efœ p¤lr¡ ®O¡oe¡ c¢mm lc, l¢qa Hhw h¡¢a­ml ­O¡oe¡ j§mL ¢Xœ²£ c¡h£ Ll¡ qC m J Bl¢Sl agn£m f¢lQu "L' ¢qp¡ h g¢lcf¤l pcl p¡h- ®l¢S¢øÊ A¢g pl ®l¢S¢øÊL«a ¢hNa Cw 28-07-2008 a¡¢l Ml 3743 নাং

জমৌরখক দান ত্র  রক্ষা জঘা না  দর রদ, রর ত এফাং  ফারতশ জঘা না ম রি ক্রী দাফী করা  ইয়াশে । পশ আরজি প্রার্নথা এফাং তপলীশ ২টি

র্ক  াফ-জরজি ষ্ট্রী  অরপ   তাররশখর  উশে  র্াকায়  রনরদথষ্ট  প্ররতকার অইশনর  ৩৯/৪২  ধারার  রফধান  জমাতাশফক  অরনরদথষ্ট  রফ শয়  জকান জঘা নাম প্ররতকার প্রদান করা যায় না।"

Inadvertently,  in  the  plaint  it  has  been  mentioned  that  the registered deed being No.3743 dated 27.11.2008, which was claiming to  be  registered  in  Sub-Register  Office,  Modhukhali  but  in  the schedule of the plaint it has been found that the said deed No.3743 dated 28.07.2008 was  executed  and registered  in the  Sub-Register Office,  Faridpur  thus  the  Court  took  view  that  the  discrepancy  in paragraph No.5 of the plaint and the schedule was contradictory, thus dismissed the suit without discussing the entire material facts of the suit.

It appears that at the appellate stage the plaintiff opposite party amended the said mistakes and thereafter the Appellate Court, after consideration of the evidence on record and the laws as well as facts and circumstances of the case, allowed the appeal and setting-aside the impugned judgment of the trial Court and decreed the suit.

It  has  already  been  considered  that  the  petitioner  filed  this revisional  application,  challenging  the  only  preliminary  decree whereas it appears that in the meantime the final decree was drawn up but the petitioner did not  take any step  to  challenge the final decree. On considering the evidence on record it is found that the

original plaintiff gifted 62 decimal of land and in his plaint as well as in

his  deposition,  categorically  mentioned  that  he  gifted  the  entire

portion of the land in favour of his six sons and one daughter equally.

But since the said desire of the donor has not been reflected in the

deed  thus  he  filed  the  suit.  It  also  appears  from  the  facts  and circumstances  of  the  case  that  the  said  property  has  not  been physically transferred.

However,  the  provision  of  the  three  essentials  of  a  gift  as mentioned  in  Article  No.149  of  the  D.F  Mulla’s  Mahomedan  Law, wherein, the three conditions have been disclosed that:

“It is essential to the validity of a gift that there should be

  1. a declaration of gift by the donor,
    1.   an acceptance of the gift, express or implied, by or on

behalf of the donee, and

  1.   delivery of possession of the subject of the gift by the

donor to the donee as mentioned in Section-150.”                                 And Article 150 states that:

“(1) It is essential to the validity of a gift that there should

be a delivery of such possession as the subject of the gift is susceptible of (1). As observed by the Judicial Committee,

"the taking of possession of the subject-matter of the gift

by  the  donee,  either  actually  or  constructively,"  is necessary to complete a gift.”

And sub-article 2 of article 150 specifically states the procedure of the registration of a deed of gift does not cure the want of delivery of possession.

And  in  the  Article  152  of  D.F  Mulla’s  Mahomedan  Law specifically mentions that:

“A gift of immovable property of which the donor is in actual  possession  is  not  complete,  unless  the  donor physically departs from the premises with all his goods and  chattels,  and  the  done  formally  enters  into possession.”

And in the Article 167 of D.F Mulla’s Mahomedan Law describes the provision of revocation of gifts as follows:

“(1) A gift may be revoked by the donor at any time before delivery of possession. The reason is that before delivery there is no completed gift at all. (2) Subject to the provisions of sub-sec. (4), a gift may be revoked even after delivery of possession except in the following cases-

  1.   when the gift is made by a husband to his wife or by wife to her husband;
  2.   when  the donee is related to the  donor within the prohibited degrees;
  3.    when the donee is dead;
  1.    when the thing given has passed out of the donee's possession by sale (e), gift or otherwise;
  2.    when the thing given is lost or destroyed;
  3.      when the thing given has increased in value, whatever be the cause of the increase;
  4.    when the thing given is so changed that it cannot be identified,  as  when  wheat  is  converted  into  flour  by grinding;
  5.    when the donor has received something in exchange (iwaz) for the gift.”

The  original  donor  is  the  father  of  the  either  side  and accordingly he had desired to gift the suit property in faovur of his six sons and one daughter equally and accordingly he vested the power to his one son, the defendant-petitioner No.1, but upon obtaining the certified  copy,  the  donor  found  that  the  intentions  were  not accordingly reflected in the deed thus immediately after knowing the said facts, he filed the suit for cancellation of the said gift deed.

It appears that the plaintiff also deposed before the Court and categorically stated the said the facts and the P.W-3 also supported the said deposition of P.W-1. Considering the entire provisions of law and the facts and circumstances of the case, it appears that the donor expressed his intention to gift the land in favour of his six sons and one  daughter  equally  and  accordingly  vested  the  power  to  the

defendant-petitioner  No.1  but  ultimately  the  defendant  petitioner register the said gift deed excluding the defendant Nos.5-7 the other three  sons  of  the  original  plaintiff  and  no  case  that  the  father physically transferred the possession of the suit land in favour of the three sons and one daughter and no case that the father left that house after executing the deed and he categorically mentioned that the said gift was fraudulently executed by his son, the defendant- petitioner No.1.

After considering the aforesaid facts and circumstances of the suit and the provisions of law, it is my view that the Appellate Court rightly passed the impugned judgment and did not commit any error in  law  resulting  in  an  error  in  the  decision  occasioning  failure  of justice.

Therefore, the Appellate Court passed a decree of partition, and accordingly Advocate Commissioner was appointed and the Advocate Commissioner  physically  delivered  the  possession  to  the  opposite parties and accordingly final decree was drawn up, but the petitioner has not taken any action to contest the final decree.

However, it is my considered view that the gift deed executed by the original plaintiff was obtained against his will and accordingly I do not find any merit in the Rule.

In the result, the Rule is discharged without any order as to cost. The impugned judgment and decree dated 28.03.2022 (decree signed on 03.04.2022) passed by the learned Special Judge, Faridpur, in Other Class Appeal No.70 of 2016, allowing the appeal and thereby reversing the  judgment  and  decree  dated  08.03.2016  (decree  signed  on 19.04.2016) passed by the learned Senior Assistant Judge, Fridpur in Other Class Suit No.78 of 2010 is hereby upheld.

Sent down the lawyer Court records at once.

B.O. Obayedur