দায়বর্জন বিবৃতি (DISCLAIMER)

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Mr. Justice Md. Shohrowardi

Criminal Appeal No. 2897 of 2023. Kazi Imdadul Haque

.…… appellant


The State and another

……………. Respondent

Mr.   Mohammad  Saifullah  Mamun, Advocate

…for the appellant

Mr. Mohammad Ashraf Uddin Bhuiyan, Advocate

   ……For the respondent No. 2 ACC

Mr. S.M. Golam Mostofa Tara, DAG with Mr. A. Monnan, AAG

For the respondent

Heard on: 28.02.2024, 21.04.2024, 28.04.2024, 13.05.2024

Judgment on: 27.05.2024

This  appeal  under  Section  10  of  the  Criminal  Law Amendment  Act,  1958  is  directed  challenging  the  legality  and propriety  of  impugned  judgment  and  order  of  conviction  and sentence dated 24.08.2003 passed by the Divisional Special Judge, Khulna in Special Case No. 10 of 2003 arising out of Khalishpur P.S.  Case  No.  5  dated  06.05.1995,  G.R.  No.  436  of  1995 convicting the appellant under section 409 of the Penal Code, 1860 read with section 5(2) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 and sentencing him thereunder to suffer rigorous imprisonment for 05(five)  years  and  fine  of  Tk.  50,000,  in  default,  to  suffer imprisonment for two years and convicting the appellant under section  468  of  the  Penal  Code,  1860  and  sentencing  him thereunder to suffer rigorous imprisonment for 5 (five) years and to pay  a  fine  of  Tk.  10,000  (ten  thousand),  in  default,  to  suffer imprisonment for 06 (six) months which will run concurrently.

The prosecution case, in short, is that the accused No. 1. former  Manager  Abdul  Hai  Ahmmad,  2.  Cashier  Md.  Serajul Islam, 3. Stenographer Manik Lal Odhikari and 4. LDA-Cum- Typist  Manuranjan  Das,  Printing,  Writing  Materials  and Publications Department, Khalishpur, Khulna in connivance with each other and misusing the power forged the signature of P.W. 6 Md.  Jashim  Uddin,  Assistant  Controller  of  Printing,  Writing Materials and Publications Department, Dhaka Office on the letter dated 02.06.1992 and distributed the form materials showing false delivery to fake person LDA-Cum-Typist Abdus Satter based on a fake  letter  of  the  authority  of  the  Additional  Deputy Commissioner,  Barisal  through  Monuranjan  Das  and  Cashier Serajul Islam. The accused persons in connivance with each other creating forged documents distributed form materials to the fake person  Abdus  Satter  and  misappropriated  the  forms  and  other materials valued at Tk. 49,999.99.

During the inquiry, the handwriting expert opined that the signature  of  P.W.  6  Md.  Jashim  Uddin,  Assistant  Controller, Admin-1, contained in memo No. 2458/2(6) dated 02.06.1992 and Md. Abdul Khaleque, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Barisal on  the  allotment  letter  contained  in  memo  No.  104/Zai  dated 09.06.1992  are  fake  and  forged.  The  Additional  Deputy Commissioner,  Barisal  did  not  send  LDA  Abdus  Satter  as  his representative to receive forms of the Printing, Writing Materials and Publications. The accused persons Abdul Hai Ahamed, Serajul Islam, Manik Lal Adhikari and Monuranjan Das in connivance with  each  other  fraudulently  forged  the  allotment  letter  dated 09.06.1992  and  letter  dated  02.09.1992.  The  accused  persons distributed  the  Printing  and  Forms  Materials  valued  at  Tk. 49,999.99 to a fake person.

P.W. 1 informant S.I. Abul Kashem Mollah took up the investigation  of  the  case  and  during  the  investigation,  total  6 investigating  officers  were  appointed  and  after  completing  the investigation P.W. 12 K.M. Mesbah Uddin submitted charge sheet against the accused  (1) Abdul Hai Ahmmad (2) Serajul Islam (3) Manik Lal Adhikari and (4) appellant Kazi Imdadul Haque under sections 419/420/109/409/467/468 of the Penal Code, 1860 read with section 5(2) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 and accused Monuranjan Das was not sent up in the charge sheet. After that, the case record was sent to the Senior Special Judge, Khulna who sent the case to the Divisional Special Judge, Khulna. In the meantime, the state withdrew the case against the accused Serajul Islam and Manik Lal Adhikari.

During  the  trial,  the  charge  was  framed  under  sections 409/468/467/109 of the Penal Code, 1860 read with section 5(2) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 against the accused Abdul Hai Ahmmed and accused Kazi Imdadul Haque which was read over  and  explain  to  the  accused  Abdul  Hai  Ahmmed  and  he pleaded not guilty to the charge and claimed to be tried following the  law.  The  prosecution  examined  12  witnesses to  prove  the charge  against  the  accused  persons.  After  examination  of  the prosecution  witnesses,  the  accused  Abdul  Hai  Ahmmed  was examined under section 342 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 and he declined to adduce any DW. The trial court after concluding  the  trial,  by  impugned  judgment  and  order  dated 24.08.2003 convicted the accused Kazi Imdadul Haque as stated above and acquitted accused Abdul Hai Ahmmed against which the appellant preferred this appeal.

P.W. 1 Md. Abul Kashem Mollah is the Sub-Inspector of Police(Rtd.). He stated that on 03.05.1995 he was posted at the District Bureau of Anti-Corruption, Khulna as Assistant Inspector. Inspector Mohidul Islam after inquiry submitted the report to the Bureau of  District  Anti-Corruption, Khulna. After that, he was transferred and the record was handed over to him and after getting approval from the Bureau of Anti-Corruption, he lodged the FIR against 4(four) accused persons. The accused Abul Hai Ahmmed instructed cashier Md. Serajul Islam on 05.06.1992 to supply the stationery goods amounting to Tk. 50,000 following a memo dated 02.06.1992 issued by the Md. Jashim Uddin, Assistant Controller, Forms and Publication, Dhaka and following the said memo Store Keeper  Manik  Lal  Adhikari  and  LDA-Cum-Typist  Monuranjan Das distributed the stationary goods on 10.06.1992 following the instruction  of  accused  Md.  Serajul  Islam  to  LDA  accused  A. Satter. During the inquiry, the handwriting expert found that the signature  of  the  Md.  Jashim  Uddin,  Assistant  Controller, Directorate of Forms and Publications on memo No. 2458/2(6) dated  02.06.1992  is  not  identical  and  the  said  memo  dated 02.06.1992  is  fake  and  forged.  The  Additional  District Commissioner, Barishal Md. Abdul Khaleque did not issue the requisition  dated  09.06.1994  contained  in  memo  No.  105 appointing LDA Abdus Satter as his representative. The accused persons creating forged documents misappropriated the forms and publications material valued at Tk. 49,999.99. He proved the FIR as exhibit-1 and his signature on the FIR as exhibit-1/1. He took up investigating of the case following the instruction of the District Anti-corruption  Officer,  Khulna.  During  the  investigation,  he recorded the statement of witnesses, visited the place of occurrence and thereafter he was transferred. He handed over the records to the  Assistant  Inspector  Komal  Kumar  Roy.  During  cross- examination, he stated that based on the inquiry report submitted by Mohidul Islam, he lodged the FIR. The allotment letter issued from the Tajgaon office in the name of Deputy Commissioner, Barishal was sent personally, not by post. The accused informed that the allotment letter was sent by registered post. He demanded the envelope from the accused but he could not give the envelope. He interrogated Abdul Hai, Monuranjan Das, Manik Lal Adhikari and Serajul Islam. He could not remember whether he interrogated any witness.

P.W. 2 Komal Kumar Roy is the Assistant Inspector of the Bureau of District Anti-Corruption, Khulna. He stated that he took up  the  investigation  of  the  case  on  11.12.1995.  During  the investigation,  he  seized  the  alamat.  On  26.12.1995  he  seized alamat from the UDA Hasmat Ali Chowdhury of the Printing, Stationery,  Forms  and  Publication  Department,  Area  Office, Khulna. He proved the seizure list as exhibit-2 and his signature as exhibit-2/1 and handed over all the alamats to Md. Hasmat Ali Chowdhury  and  signed  the  seizure  list.  Thereafter,  he  was transferred and he handed over the records to Assistant Inspector Ashraf Ali.

P.W. 3 Md. Mofizul Islam is a Warrant Officer(Rtd.). He stated that on 20.01.1994 he was discharging his duty as Inspector of DAB, Khulna and he was appointed as Investigating Officer. He proved the ER as exhibit 3. On 14.02.1994 he seized documents from Abul Kashem Mia. He proved his signatures on the seizure list as exhibit 2 (Ka) and 2(Kha)/9. He proved the allotment letter dated 02.06.1992 signed by Jashim Uddin  as  exhibit-4, receipt register  as  exhibit-5,  letter  of  authority  dated  09.06.1992  as exhibit-6, requisition letter as exhibit-7, one copy photograph as exhibit-8, acknowledgement receipt of the goods as exhibit-9, note sheet  as  exhibit-10,  issue  voucher  as  exhibit-11,  specimen signature  as  exhibit-12,  memo   No.  502  dated  08.12.1992  as exhibit-13, letter of representative dated 09.06.1992 as exhibit-14, issue  voucher  as  exhibit-15,  specimen  signature  (Bikash

Chowdhury) as exhibit-16, the acknowledgement receipt of goods letter No. 1657 as exhibit-17, photo of Bari Akand as exhibit-18, memo  No.  2175,  2449  and  2450  as  exhibit-19  series.  On 15.06.1994  he  also  seized  documents  from  the  office  of  the Ohiduzzaman, Deputy  Controller, Forms  and Stationery Office, Tajgaon. He proved his signature on the Zimmanama as exhibit 2 (Ka) and 2(Ka)/1. He proved two seized memos as exhibits 20 and 20(Ka). On 10.02.1994  and 09.06.1994 he visited the place of occurrence. He sent memo No. 1159 dated 02.06.1992 allegedly signed  by  Jashim  Uddin,  Assistant  Controller  (3  pages)  and  a forged  letter  of  authority  allegedly  issued  by  Abdul  Khaleque, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Barishal (4 pages) for report of the handwriting expert, CID, Dhaka. The handwriting expert of CID  vide  memo  No.  774  dated  24.10.1994  opined  that  the signature of Jashim Uddin, Assistant Controller on the allotment letter dated 02.06.1994 and the signature of the Additional District Commissioner, Barisal on the letter of authority dated 09.06.1994 are  forged.  He  proved  the  report  of  the  handwriting  expert  as exhibit-21. He proved the specimen signature of Jashim Uddin on 3 pages as exhibit-22-22(Kha). He proved the specimen signature of Abdul Khaleque, ADC, Barishal on 4 pages as exhibit-22(Ga) - 22(Cha). He proved the extended 11 vouchers as exhibit-23 series. After  completing  the  inquiry,  he  submitted  the  report  on 22.11.1994 to lodge the FIR against the accused Manager Abdul Hai  Ahammed, Cashier  Serajul  Islam,  Storekeeper  Manik  Lal Adhikari  and  LDA  cum-typist  Sree  Monuranjan  Das.  Sree Monoranjan Das noted the allotment letter in the register but he could not remember whether he obtained the envelope. As per Register,  the  Manager  received  the  letter  on  06.06.1992  and marked the same to Seraj who had given the note to supply the goods to Abdus Satter Mia. In the letter of authority, a photo was attested and his photo and the signature were also attested. Seraj was responsible for examining the photo and signature. On the

same  date,  Manik  Lal  Adhikari  supplied  the  goods.  The  fake representative of Barishal came on 10.06.1992 and on that day Seraj had given the note. The signature of Jashim Uddin of Dhaka Office is not kept in the Area Office, Khulna. On 02.06.1994 he also seized two admitted signatures of Jashim Uddin and sent to handwriting  expert.  He  proved  the  signatures  as  exhibit- 19(Ka)/19(Kha).  He  denied  the  suggestion  that  those  two signatures are identical to the disputed signatures.

P.W.  4  Shafiqul  Islam  is  the  Store  Keeper,  Forms  and Stationary  Office,  Khalishpur,  Khulna.  He  stated  that  on 14.02.1994 he was discharging his duty as LDA Cum-Typist in the said office. On that day, the inquiry officer seized the alamats from Manager Abul Kashem. He signed the seizure list. He proved his signature on the seizure list (2 Ka) as exhibit 2 (Ka)/2.

P.W. 5 Ashraf Ali Khan is the D.I.O, Bangladesh Police, Special  Branch,  Khulna.  He  stated  that  on  22.01.1996  he  was discharging his duty as Assistant Inspector of DAB, Khulna. On that day, he took up investigation of the case from Investigating Officer Komal Kumar Roy. During the investigation, he recorded the statement of 07 witnesses under section 161 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 and visited the place of occurrence. He submitted the memo of evidence against the accused Abdul Hai, Serajul  Islam  and  Manik  Lal  Adhikari  and  thereafter  he  was transferred.

P.W. 6 Md. Jashim Uddin is the Assistant Controller (Rtd.) Forms  and  Publication  Tejgaon,  Dhaka.  He  stated  that  on 02.06.1992 he was discharging his duty in the said office. He did not  sign  the  allotment  letter  (exhibit-4)  and  his  signature  was forged. During the inquiry, the inquiry officer sent his 3 signatures to the handwriting expert to compare the alleged signatures on

exhibit  4.  He  proved  his  signatures  as  exhibit-22,  22(Ka)  and 22(Kha). The forms of exhibit 4 are not genuine.

P.W. 7 Abu Sayed Talukder is the Office Assistant Cum- Typist, Forms and Publications Directorate, Area Office, Khulna. He stated that on 26.12.1995 he was posted in that office. On that day, the investigating officer seized the alamats in his presence from UDA Hasmat Ali. He proved his signature on the seizure list (exhibit-2) as exhibit-2/3 and the seized alamats were handed over to  Hasmat  Ali  (now  dead).  He  proved  the  seized  alamats  (3 registers) as exhibit-24 series.

P.W. 8 Md. Anwar Hossain is the UDA of the Forms and Publication Office, Tajgaon, Dhaka. He stated that on 02.6.1992 he was discharging his duty in the said office. The allotment letter (exhibit-4) was not issued from his office. The allotment letter is not sent through post. Exhibit 4 is forged and the same was not issued from his office. He denied the suggestion that the allotment letter was sent from his office by registered post.

P.W.  9  Md.  Majnul  Ahasan  was  tendered  by  the prosecution and declined by the defence.

P.W. 10 Md. Abul Hossain is the Inspector, Dhaka Force-2, BAC, Dhaka. He stated that on 29.07.1998 he was posted in the office of the DAB, Khulna in the same post and on that he took up the investigation of the case from Assistant Inspector Rais Uddin. During the investigation, on 23.09.1998 he recorded the statement of M.A. Sobhan, TNO, Zajira, Shariatpur and Account Assistant Md. Selim Mia. Subsequently, he was transferred and he handed over the records to Inspector K.S. Mejbah Uddin.

P.W. 11 Md. Mosharaf Hossain is a retired Head Assistant at the Collectorate Office, Barishal. He stated that on 26.06.1994, he was posted there. On that day the Inquiry Officer seized alamats from Office Assistant Salma Haque of the Establishment Branch. He signed the seizure list. He proved his signature as exhibit 2 (Ga) and (Ga)/1. He proved the opinion of the Additional District Magistrate  dated  05.03.1994  and  the  application  for  leave  of Additional  District  Commissioner(General)  Abdul  Khaleque  as exhibits 25, 26 and 27.

P.W. 12 K.M. Mesbah Uddin is the Inspector of the Bureau of Anti-Corruption, Sunamganj. He stated that on 26.06.1999 he took up investigation of the case from Inspector Abul Hussain. After investigation, he submitted the memo of evidence against Manuranjan Das, Manik Lal Adhikari, and M.S. Mirajul Islam and after getting approval, he submitted charge sheet. He proved the approval as exhibit-28.

The learned Advocate Mr. Mohammad Saifullah Mamun appearing  on  behalf  of  the  convict  petitioner  submits  that  the accused is neither named in the FIR nor any prosecution witness mentioned his  name in their evidence and he did  not sign the power of authority dated 09.06.1992 (exhibit-6) allegedly issued by  the  Additional  Deputy  Commissioner,  Barishal.  The handwriting  expert  in  his  report  (exhibit-21)  opined  that  the signature of P.W. 6 Jashim Uddin, Assistant Controller of Forms and  Publication,  Tajgaon,  Dhaka  on  the  allotment  letter  dated 02.06.1992 (exhibit-4) is not identical to the admitted signature of P.W. 6. The accused Abdul Hai Ahamed, accused Md. Serajul Islam, accused Manik Lal Adhikari and accused Monuranjan Das were  serving  in  the  Office  of  the  Printing  and  Publication Department, Area Office, Khulna and the goods were delivered on 10.06.1992 by them. He further submits that the accused LDA Monuranjan  Das  was  not  sent  up  in  the  charge  sheet,  the prosecution  against  the  Store  Keeper  Manik  Lal  Adhikari  and Cashier Serajul Islam had been withdrawn by the State and the accused Abdul Hey Ahamed was acquitted by the trial court. He also  submits  that  the  accused  Kazi  Imdadul  Haque  is  a Stenographer of the Office of UNO, Zajira and there is no iota of evidence against him. The trial court without proper assessment and evaluation of the evidence illegally convicted the appellant. He prayed for allowing the appeal.

The learned Advocate M/S. Chowdhury Nasima appearing on behalf of respondent No. 2 ACC submits that the trial court convicted  the  accused  considering  the  letter  of  withdrawal  of prosecution against the accused Abdul Hai Ahamad issued by the Director General of the Bureau of Anti-Corruption holding that the letter of authority issued by Abdul Khaleque, Additional Deputy Commissioner(General) in favour of Abdus Satter Bhuiyan is fake and the photograph of accused Kazi Imdadul Haque was attested with the letter of authority (exhibit-6). The prosecution proved the charge against the accused beyond all reasonable doubt and the trial court on proper assessment and evaluation of the evidence legally passed the impugned judgment and order. He prayed for the dismissal of the appeal.

I have considered the submission of the learned Advocate Mr. Mohammad Saifullah Mamun who appeared on behalf of the appellant and the learned Advocate Ms. Chowdhury Nasima who appeared  on  behalf  of  respondent  No.  2  ACC,  perused  the evidence, impugned judgment and order passed by the trial court and the records.

At the very outset, it is noted that the accused Monuranjan Das was not sent up in the charge sheet and the prosecution against the  accused  Serajul  Islam  and  Manik  Lal  Adhikari  had  been withdrawn by the state and the accused Abdul Hai Ahamed was acquitted by the trial court. During the trial of the case, the letter issued by Major General M.A. Motin, Director General, Bureau of

Anti-Corruption withdrawing the prosecution against the accused persons was not proved.

On perusal of the evidence, it appears that P.W. 6 Md. Jashim  Uddin,  Assistant  Controller,  Forms  and  Publications Department,  Tajgaon,  Dhaka  stated  that  he  did  not  issue  the allotment  letter  dated  02.06.1992(exhibit-4)  and  the  same  is forged.  During  the  trial,  no  envelope  was  proved  by  the prosecution  to  show  that  the  allotment  letter  dated  02.06.1992 (exhibit-4) was sent by post. Furthermore, the handwriting expert in  his  report(exhibit-21)  contained  in  memo  No.  774  dated 24.10.1994 opined that the signatures of Jashaim Uddin on the allotment letter dated 02.06.1992(exhibit-4) and signature of Abdul Khaleque, Additional Deputy Commissioner(General), Barishal on the  letter  of  authority  dated  09.06.1992  (exhibit-6)  are  forged. Therefore,  I  am  of  the  view  that  the  forms  and  publication materials were delivered based on the forged letter of authority dated 09.06.1992 (exhibit-6) and the fake allotment letter dated 02.06.1992  (exhibit-4)  by  accused  Manik  Lal  Adhikari,  Store Keeper, Forms and Publications Department, Area Office, Khulna and Manuranjan Das, LDA-Cum-Typist of the said office on the recommendation  of  accused  Serajul  Islam.  But  the  accused Monuranjan  Das  was  not  sent  up  in  the  charge  sheet  and prosecution against the accused Manik Lal Adhikari and accused Serajul Islam had been withdrawn by the State.

It has been alleged that the photograph of the accused Kazi Imdadul  Haque  was  attested  with  the  letter  of  authority  dated 09.06.1992(exhibit-6).  During  the  investigation,  the  alleged signature of Kazi Imdadul Haque on the letter of authority dated 09.06.1992  (exhibit-6)  was  not  sent  for  the  report  of  the handwriting expert to ascertain his signature. Mere attachment of a photograph of the accused Kazi Imdadul Haque with the letter of authority dated 09.06.1992(exhibit-6) is not proof that he received the  goods  from  the  Office  of  the  Forms  and  Publications Department, Khulna unless his alleged signatures on the letter of authority dated 09.06.1992 (exhibit-6) are found identical to his admitted signature.

No evidence has been adduced by the prosecution that the allotment letter dated 02.06.1992 (exhibit-4) allegedly issued by the P.W. 6 and letter of authority (exhibit-6) dated 09.06.1992 were  sent  by  post.  Therefore,  I  am  of  the  view  that  the  said allotment letter dated 02.09.1992 (exhibit-4) and letter of authority dated 09.06.1992 (exhibit-6) were forged by the concerned staff of the Forms and Publications Department, Khulna and the appellant is a scapegoat who is a stenographer of the office of UNO, Zajira, Shariatpur.

In view of the above evidence, findings, observation and proposition, I am of the view that the prosecution failed to prove the charge against the accused Kazi Imdadul Haque beyond all reasonable doubt.

The impugned judgment and order passed by the trial court against accused Kazi Imdadul Haque are hereby set aside.

I find merit in the appeal.

In the result, the appeal is allowed. Send down the L.C.R at once.