An application under Article 102 of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
-AND -
BASIC Bank Limited
... Petitioner -VS-
Judge, Artha Rin Adalat No. 1, Dhaka and others
.......Respondents Mr. M Mohiuddin Yousuf,
…..For the Petitioner Mr. Md. Kamrul Alam (Kamal), Advocate
… For the respondent No. 2
Mr. Justice Zafar Ahmed
Mr. Justice Sardar Md. Rashed Jahangir
Heard on: 19.05.2024 and 03.07.2024 Judgment on : 10.07.2024
Zafar Ahmed, J.
In the instant writ petition, this Court issued a Rule
Nisi on 05.06.2022 calling upon the respondent Nos. 1-6 to show cause as to why Order No. 7 dated 20.04.2022 passed by the Artha Rin Adalat No. 1, Dhaka in Artha Rin
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Execution Case No. 290 of 2021 arising out of Artha Rin Suit No. 95 of 2017 so far as it relates to accepting the bid of respondent No. 2 as the highest bidder in the auction held
on 18.04.2022 under Section 33(1) of the Artha Rin Adalat Ain, 2003 upon rejecting the application dated 20.04.2022 filed by the petitioner under Section 33(2Ga) of the said Ain should not be declared to have been passed without lawful authority and is of no legal effect.
At the time of issuance of the Rule Nisi, this Court passed an interim order staying all further proceedings of the Artha Rin Execution Case No. 290 of 2021 so far as it relates to accepting the bid of respondent No. 2.
BASIC Bank Ltd., which is the plaintiff and decree holder, is the petitioner before us. Respondent No. 2 Atiqur Rahman Khan, who is the 3rd party highest bidder in the auction, bid price being Tk. 65,00,000/-, contested the Rule by filling an affidavit-in-opposition.
The relevant portions of the impugned order dated 20.04.2022 passed by the Artha Rin Adalat No. 1, Dhaka in Artha Rin Execution Case No. 290 of 2021 are reproduced below:
[the application was filed under Section 33(2Ga)]
[respondent No. 2]....
It appears from the impugned order that while
accepting the bid of the respondent No. 2 the Adalat considered the market rate published by the National Housing Authority on 07.03.2011 as well as the mouza rate of the year 2016 of Dhanmondi, Dhaka Sub-registry office. It further appears from the written objection filed by the bank under Section 33(2Ga) that the bank referred to a survey report dated 19.04.2022 prepared by a private surveyor (Annexure-D2) in which the total forced sale value of the
auction property in question was shown to the tune of Tk. 1,36,49,600/-. Be that as it may, there is no reflection of the survey report and the value mentioned therein in the impugned order although the same was before the Adalat. The survey was conducted at the behest of the decree- holder bank.
We have heard the learned Advocates of both sides, perused the materials on record, the relevant provision of the Ain, 2003 and case laws cited by the learned Advocate appearing for the petitioner bank.
Section 33(2Ga) of the Ain, 2003 runs as follows:
It is held in Duthc Bangla Bank Ltd. vs. Judge, Artha Rin Adalat No. 3, Dhaka and others, 68 DLR 340:
“Vide sub-Section 2(ga) of Section 33 it is the requirement of law that if it has been informed by the decree holder bank that the proposed bid offer is shockingly low the Adalat upon endorsing the reason thereof may reject the proposal of the highest bidder. In the present case, such reason is absolutely
absent for the Adalat has accepted the highest bid in spite of objection being raised by the decree-holder bank observing, inter-alia,
Thus it is apparent that the impugned order has been passed by the executing Adalat in derogation of the requirement as prescribed under Section 33(2ga) of the Ain, 2003.”
It is held in Agrani Bank Ltd. vs. Secretary, Ministry
of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and others, 20 BLC 329:
“Therefore, the Adalat is not obliged to sell the property in any manner or at any price for satisfaction of the decree, particularly when the decree holder specifically raises objection to the highest offer being abnormally low and that the amount is too inadequate to satisfy the decretal dues.”
It is held in Agrani Bank Ltd. vs. The Judge, Artha Rin
Adalat, 1st Court, Dhaka and others, 18 ALR 285:
“Under the Artha Rin Adalat Ain, in course of realization of Banks’ loan when the property is mortgaged as security, the Adalat disposes the same for the interest of the Bank in order to recover its dues and in doing so the Adalat acts as an handling agent. By the decree under artha rin suit and on
failure to pay it by the judgment-debtor, the Act, 2003 provides procedure to dispose of mortgaged property by the Adalat under Section 33 of the said Act by way of selling the same through auction or by issuing certificate in favour of the decree-holder- Bank under Section 33(5) of the said provision whereby the Bank itself can again sell the said property through auction and thirdly, the Bank has
got another option to get the property by way of title certificate under Section 33(7) of the Act. Therefore, the Adalat is not obliged to sell the property even at the lower price, particularly, when
the Bank (decree-holder) raises objection to the value and it has the scope to dispose of the said property under Sections 33(5) and or 33(7) of the Act, 2003. But contrary to the said position, here the Adalat was in a hurry to sell the mortgaged property which raises a serious doubt in handling
the auction process by the Adalat in this particular case. This view of ours finds support from the case
of Agrani Bank Ltd. vs. Secretary, Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and others reported in 20 BLC 329=19 MLR 330.”
In view of the reported cases and the relevant
provisions of the Ain, 2003, we do not find merit in the submission advanced on behalf of the respondent No. 2 (highest bidder) that the Adalat committed no illegality in accepting the highest bid considering the mouza rate of 2016. On the contrary, we find force in the submission advanced on behalf of the petitioner bank that the Adalat committed illegality in accepting the bid in spite of written objection of the bank which appears to be reasonable based on cogent facts. The bid of the respondent No. 2, albeit the highest, is no doubt shockingly low inasmuch as the respondent No. 2’s bid was Tk. 65,00,000/-, whereas as per the survey report dated 19.04.2022 the forced sale value of the property was Tk. 1,36,49,600/-. However, we are also shocked that the survey report submitted by the bank before the Adalat was not mentioned in the impugned order.
In view of the foregoing discussions, we find merit in
the Rule.
In the result, the Rule is made absolute. The impugned Order No. 7 dated 20.04.2022 is set aside. The concerned Adalat is directed to return the bid money to the respondent No. 2 forthwith. The Adalat is directed to proceed with the matter expeditiously in accordance with law.
Sardar Md. Rashed Jahangir, J.
I agree.
Arif, ABO