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এই ওয়েবসাইটে প্রকাশিত রায় বা আদেশ আপনি google translation এর মাধ্যমে বাংলায় দেখতে পাচ্ছেন তা সুপ্রীম কোর্ট কর্তৃক বাংলায় অনূদিত নয়। জনসাধারণের বিচার-প্রক্রিয়ায় সহজ অভিগম্যতা নিশ্চিতকরণের অভিপ্রায়ে বাংলায় অনূদিত রায়-আদেশ দেখার ব্যবস্থা রাখা হয়েছে। অনূদিত রায় বা আদেশের অনুলিপি সইমোহরী/জাবেদা নকলের (certified copy) বিকল্প হিসেবে অথবা অন্য কোন উদ্দেশ্যে ব্যবহার করা যাবে না। রায় ও আদেশ বাস্তবায়নের ক্ষেত্রে মামলার নথিতে বিধৃত মূল রায় বা আদেশ প্রণিধানযোগ্য।
Microsoft Word - Criminal Revision No. 463 of 2006----- Absolute----- 20.07.2023----- Short New Formate----------OK

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¢hQ¡lf¢a Se¡h ®j¡x Bnl¡g¥m L¡j¡m

−g±Sc¡l£ ¢l¢ine ew- 463/2006

gSm Bq¡Çjc

-----Bp¡j£-clM¡Ù¹L¡l£z -he¡j-



HÉ¡X−i¡−LV −nM S¡q¡‰£l Bmj

--- Bp¡j£-clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ f−rz HÉ¡X−i¡−LV −j¡x e¤lEp p¡¢cL ®Q±d¤l£, ®Xf¤¢V HÉ¡Ve£Ñ ®Se¡−lm pw−N  HÉ¡X−i¡−LV m¡L£ ®hNj, pqL¡l HÉ¡VeÑ£ ®Se¡−lm    HÉ¡X−i¡−LV ®gl−c±p£ Bš²¡l, pqL¡l£ HÉ¡Ve£Ñ ®Se¡−lm

-- --l¡øÊ-fТah¡c£ f−r  z öe¡e£ a¡¢lMx 13.07.2023 Hhw l¡u fËc¡−el a¡¢lMx 20.07.2023z

¢hQ¡lf¢a Se¡h ®j¡x Bnl¡g¥m L¡j¡mx

¢h‘ A¢a¢lš² jq¡eNl c¡ul¡ SS, 3u Bc¡ma, Q–NË¡j LaªÑL ®g±Sc¡l£ Bf£m ®j¡LŸj¡ ew-268/2005-H fËcš ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 09.01.2006 a¡¢l−Ml l¡u J B−c−nl

¢hl¦−Ü ®g±Sc¡l£ ¢l¢inez

Bp¡j£-clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ f−r ¢h‘ HÉ¡X−i¡−LV −nM S¡q¡‰£l Bmj ¢hÙ¹¡¢lai¡−h k¤¢š²aLÑ EfÙÛ¡fe L−lez Afl¢c−L, l¡øÌ-fТah¡c£ f−r ¢h‘ ®Xf¤¢V HÉ¡VeÑ£ ®Se¡−lm HÉ¡X−i¡−LV ®j¡x e¤lEp p¡¢cL ®Q±d¤l£ ¢hÙ¹¡¢lai¡−h k¤¢š²aLÑ EfÙÛ¡fe L−lez

−g±Sc¡l£ ¢l¢ine clM¡Ù¹ J eb£ fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡ Llm¡jz Bp¡j£-clM¡Ù¹L¡l£

f−rl ¢h‘ HÉ¡X−i¡−LV −nM S¡q¡‰£l Bmj Hhw l¡øÌ fТah¡c£ f−rl ¢h‘ ®Xf¤¢V HÉ¡VeÑ£ ®Se¡−lm HÉ¡X−i¡−LV ®j¡x e¤lEp p¡¢cL ®Q±d¤l£ Hl k¤¢š²aLÑ nÐhZ Ll¡ qmz

…l¦aÅf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u ¢h‘ j¤MÉ jq¡eNl q¡¢Lj, Q–NË¡j La«ÑL ¢S. Bl. j¡jm¡ ew-  236/2003-H  fËcš  ¢hNa  Cw−lS£  30.08.2005  a¡¢l−Ml  l¡u  J

âøhÉ x- L¡−m¡ L¡¢m−a A¢gp ®e¡−Vl HL¢V œ²¢jL eðl Hhw m¡m L¡¢m ®L¡−VÑl B−cn pj§−ql ¢iæ eðl ¢c−a q−hz ¢p-21/18-19(m)/a¡¢lM 25-11-18

NieÑ−j¾V ¢fТ¾Vw ®fÐp- L¢ÇfEV¡l n¡M¡-¢h-885/2018-2019/(mx)-27-11-2018-1,00,000 L¢fz

1 q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1

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cä¡−cn ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x-

Prosecution case in brief is that the parties had conflict  in  connection  with  land–property.  On 04.04.2003  at  about  10.30  A.M.  the  accused  person crossed the boundary of Informant's land and started make House. Being verbally opposed by informants wife and daughters the accuseds bit them.

Accused Fazal Ahmed with an intention to kill P. W. Zahanara, the Informant's Daughter stroke with Kiris (Knife) which hurt her left Palm at the joint of thumb and index finger. FIR was lodged with Karnafuli P.S. and thereby Case No.03 dated.11. 04. 2003 of the said P.S. started Business with the treatment of the victim was cited as the cause of delay to lodge the FIR.

Police after investigation submitted charge sheet against  05(five)  accused  persons  with  allegation  of offences u/s 447/326/324/323/307 Penal Code.

On hearing at the trial stage, charge was framed against accused (1) Fazal Ahmed, (2) Rafique Ahmed and (3) Md. Shafique for offence u/s. 447/323/326/307 Penal  Code  to  which  they  pleaded  not  guilty  and claimed to be tried. Other two accds. were discharged u/s. 241(a) Cr.P.C.

Prosecution  examined  06  (six)  witnesses.  They ware  cross-examined  by  the  defence.  The  accused persons examined u/s. 342 CR.P.C. The defence case is that the accds, are not guilty. No such occurrence as alleged occurred, Prosecution case is a false one, the Informant stated the against them out of enmity Defence adduced were no witnesses.

Points for determination :-

  1.     Whether the accds. on 04.04.2003 trespassed into Informant's land.

âøhÉ x- L¡−m¡ L¡¢m−a A¢gp ®e¡−Vl HL¢V œ²¢jL eðl Hhw m¡m L¡¢m ®L¡−VÑl B−cn pj§−ql ¢iæ eðl ¢c−a q−hz ¢p-21/18-19(m)/a¡¢lM 25-11-18

NieÑ−j¾V ¢fТ¾Vw ®fÐp- L¢ÇfEV¡l n¡M¡-¢h-885/2018-2019/(mx)-27-11-2018-1,00,000 L¢fz

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  1.        Whether  they  beat  informant's  wife  and  two daughters.
  2.     whether  accd.  Fazal  Ahmed  caused  grievous hurt/hurt to P. W. Zahanara with kiris (Knife).
  3.     Whether the needs, intended to kill PW Zahanara.
  4.        Whether the prosecution has been able to prove the case beyond any reasonable doubt.?

Discussion of Evidences

P.W.  1  the  informant  Khyer  Ahmed  deposed corroborating his F.I.R. He stated that the accds. beat his two wives and stroke his daughter Zahanara with knife (Kiris) at her left palm.

P.W. 2 Md. Rafique son of Lokman Chowdhury stated that hearing hue and cry he went to the P. O. There was altercation among the women. Fazal Ahmed caused hurt at the joint of thumb at the left Palm of Zahanara. He (PW2) snatch the kiris away from accused Fazal Ahmed.

P. W. 3 Zahanara deposed corroborating the case and she showed her wound at the Joint of thumb and Index under finger of the left Palm. She also described the Incident of beating by the accds.

P. W. 4 Nurzahan is the wife of P. W. 1. She showing by acting how her daughter P.W-3 was hurt at the Palm by accd. Fazal with kiris.

P.W. 5. Ayesha is also another wife of P. W. 1. She deposed and corroborated the case.

P.W. 6 M. O. deposed and marked the M/C. and his Signature. He denied the suggestion that the wound was from "Boti" while cutting vegetables.

Findings with Reasoning’s-

All  the  P.Ws  corroborated  each  other  and  the Case.  No  major  discrepancy  is  found  in  the  cross

âøhÉ x- L¡−m¡ L¡¢m−a A¢gp ®e¡−Vl HL¢V œ²¢jL eðl Hhw m¡m L¡¢m ®L¡−VÑl B−cn pj§−ql ¢iæ eðl ¢c−a q−hz ¢p-21/18-19(m)/a¡¢lM 25-11-18

NieÑ−j¾V ¢fТ¾Vw ®fÐp- L¢ÇfEV¡l n¡M¡-¢h-885/2018-2019/(mx)-27-11-2018-1,00,000 L¢fz

1 q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1

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examinations.  The  P.  W.  3  admitted  that  there  was conflict in connection with land properties but denied the suggestion put by the defence that the case was a false one. Defence tried to make notice that no neighbor was examined as P. W. 2 stated in cross-examination that woman and children from adjacent houses came at the P.O. out of those P. W. 2 Rafique was examined.

Though P. W. 1, P. W. 3, P. W. 4 and P. W. 5 are related  and from  the  same family  they seemed  to  be confident and truthful.

P. W. 3 the victim Zahanara deposed confidently which was noted down while recording her statement in cross examination and showed the wound on 27.10.2004


about 1 2 year after the occurrence.

I  thing  only  P.  W.  2  Rafique’s  statement  is sufficient  to  prove  the  case.  He  was  a  neighbour, independent  and  seemed  to  be  reliable  witness.  He deposed with confidence (noted down by the court while recording his deposition) that he himself snatched away the  kiris  from  accd.   Fazal  Ahmed.  No  major discrepancy  of  fatal  point  came  out  of  cross- examination.

The existence of cut wound by a sharp cutting weapons is admitted by the defence. They suggested that would right be with a Boti while cutting vegetables. The M. O. denied that. He stated in the cross-examination that the situation suggested that the wound was not a such one. It was inflicted.

P. W. 1, P. W. 3 P. W. 4 stated that the accds. were making house of informant’s land and they also beat other P.Ws. But only in dependant witness P. W. 2 Rafique said nothing in this connection. He only stated

âøhÉ x- L¡−m¡ L¡¢m−a A¢gp ®e¡−Vl HL¢V œ²¢jL eðl Hhw m¡m L¡¢m ®L¡−VÑl B−cn pj§−ql ¢iæ eðl ¢c−a q−hz ¢p-21/18-19(m)/a¡¢lM 25-11-18

NieÑ−j¾V ¢fТ¾Vw ®fÐp- L¢ÇfEV¡l n¡M¡-¢h-885/2018-2019/(mx)-27-11-2018-1,00,000 L¢fz

1 q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1

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about the injury caused by Fazal Ahmed upon P. W. Zahanara. He also did not say that the stroke was aimed at the Head of PW Zahanara with an intention to kill her as alleged in the FIR. So the matter of hurt at the left plam of PW Zahanara caused by accd. Fazal Ahmed appears to be proved beyond any reasonable doubt but the matters of Criminal trespass, beating other PW 3 attempt to commit murder remains not proved.

The hurt at the palm may not be taken as grievous as it did not endanger life and it did not make the victim unable  to  perform  her  normal  life  for  more  than  20 (twenty) days. It may be said that the hurt was not a grievous one.


From FIR. C.S. M/C. and evidences it appears that the prosecution has been able to prove the offence u/s.  324  against  accd.  Fazal  Ahmed  beyond  any reasonable doubt. He is liable to be punished for the offence committed. But as the offender is not a habitual one  and  it  was  in  incidental  offence  the  extent  of punishment  may  be  Lessened.  The  other  allegation against him and all other accd. persons are not proved beyond any reasonable doubt.

So, accd. Faza Ahmed is found guilty of offence u/s.  324  penal  Code  and  other  accds.  are  not  found guilty of any offences. Hence it is


That  accused  Fazal  Ahmed  is  convicted  and sentenced  u/s.  245  (2)  CR.P.C.  to  suffer  a  simple imprisonment of 06 (six) months only.

Other accds are acquitted us. 245 (I) Cr.P.CF.

Sd/- Sheikh Md. Mobarak Hossain


(®nM ®j¡x ®j¡h¡lL ®q¡−pe) j¤MÉ jq¡eNl q¡¢Lj, Q–NË¡jz

âøhÉ x- L¡−m¡ L¡¢m−a A¢gp ®e¡−Vl HL¢V œ²¢jL eðl Hhw m¡m L¡¢m ®L¡−VÑl B−cn pj§−ql ¢iæ eðl ¢c−a q−hz ¢p-21/18-19(m)/a¡¢lM 25-11-18

NieÑ−j¾V ¢fТ¾Vw ®fÐp- L¢ÇfEV¡l n¡M¡-¢h-885/2018-2019/(mx)-27-11-2018-1,00,000 L¢fz

1 q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1

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œ²¢jL ew  a¡¢lM  −e¡V J B−cn

…l¦aÅf§ZÑ  ¢hd¡u  ¢h‘ A¢a¢lš²  jq¡eNl c¡ul¡  SS,  3u Bc¡ma, Q–NË¡j La«ÑL ®g±Sc¡l£ Bf£m j¡jm¡ ew- 268/2005-H fËcš ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 09.01.2006 a¡¢l−Ml l¡u J cä¡−cn ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x-

AÎ PÆMÖvg wm, Gg, Gg, Av`vj‡Zi wR, Avi, 236/2003 bs gvgjvi  cÖwmwKDkb    gvgjvi  Avmvgx  dRj  Avnvg`,  iwdK Avnv¤§`, †gvt kwdK, Rwibv †eMgI eyjeywj †eM‡gi i“‡× `Û wewa 323/307 I 326 aviv g‡Z Awf‡hvM Avbvqb Kivi ci we‡Á wm, Gg,

Gg, Rbve †kL †gvt ‡gveviK †nv‡mb mv¶x cÖgvb MÖnb‡š— Dc‡iv³ AvmvgxM‡bi g‡a¨ ïaygvÎ Avmvgx dRj Avnvg`‡K `Û wewa 324 aviv

g‡Z  †`vlx  mve¨¯‘  K‡i  06  (Qq)  gvm  Kviv`Û  w`‡q  I  Ab¨vb¨ Avmvgx‡`i‡K Lvjvm w`‡q 30.08.2005 Zvwi‡L †h ivq cÖKvk K‡i‡Qb

Zvi Am¤§wZ‡Z D³ Avmvgx dRj Avnvg` KZ©…K AÎ †dŠR`viA x vcxjwU Avbvqb Kiv n‡q‡Q|

cÖwmwKDkb c‡¶i gvgjv ms‡¶‡c GB †h, GRvnviKvix Aveyj Lv‡qi Avnvg‡`i PÆMÖvg †Rjvi KY©dzjx _vbvi DËi wkKjevnv wej- v cvov¯’ cyivZb evoxi mxgvbv AwZµg K‡i 1bs Avmvgx dRj Avnvg` I

Ab¨vb¨ Avmvgx‡`i‡K wb‡q Ni wbg©vb Ki‡Z _vK‡j GRvnviKvixi †g‡q Rvnvbviv †eMg, †mv‡bvqviv †eMg I ¯¿x b~i Rvnvb †eMg AvmvgxMb‡K evuav w`‡Z ‡M‡j AvmvgxMY Zv‡`i‡K G‡jvcvZvix gviai K‡iI k- xjZvnvbx

K‡i I Avmvgx dRj Avnv¤§` Rvnvbviv †eMg‡K nZ¨vi D‡Ï‡k¨ wKwiP

w`‡q †Kvc w`‡j Zvi evg n‡Z †Kvc jv‡M I ¸i“Z¡i i³v³ RLg nq|

AZtci GRvnviKvix Zv‡`i †kvi wPrK‡i NUbv¯n‡j GwM‡q †M‡j 2/3

bs Avmvgx iwdK Avnvg` I †gvt kwdK Z‡K gviai K‡i †`q, AZtci

RLgx‡`i wPwKrmv Kivi ci Avmvgx‡`i wei“‡× GRvnvi `v‡qi Kiv nq|

bw_ ch¨©v‡jvPbvq †`Lv qvq †h, weÁ wbæ Av`vjZ cÖwmwKDk‡bi 6 Rb mv¶xi mv¶¨ MÖnY Kivi ci AvcxjKvix‡K Dc‡iv³ g‡Z `Ûv‡`k

†`qvi Kvi‡b AvcxjKvix AÎ AvcxjwU Avbvqb K‡i Avcx‡ji †g‡gv‡Z

D‡j- L K‡ib †h, weÁ wbæ Av`vjZ Avmvgx AvcxjKvix‡K `Ûv‡`k w`‡q abÉNa J BCeNa i¥m L−l−Re, fТp¢LEne fr Bf£mL¡l£l ¢hl¦−Ü j¡jm¡ fÐj¡Z Ll−a hÉbÑ qJu¡ p−aÅJ ¢h‘ ¢ejÀ Bc¡ma Eš²

âøhÉ x- L¡−m¡ L¡¢m−a A¢gp ®e¡−Vl HL¢V œ²¢jL eðl Hhw m¡m L¡¢m ®L¡−VÑl B−cn pj§−ql ¢iæ eðl ¢c−a q−hz ¢p-21/18-19(m)/a¡¢lM 25-11-18

NieÑ−j¾V ¢fТ¾Vw ®fÐp- L¢ÇfEV¡l n¡M¡-¢h-885/2018-2019/(mx)-27-11-2018-1,00,000 L¢fz

1 q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1

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œ²¢jL ew  a¡¢lM  −e¡V J B−cn

¢hou¢V ¢h−hQe¡ L−le e¡C, ac¿¹L¡l£ c¡−l¡N¡ p¡rÉ fÐc¡e e¡ Ll−mJ

¢h‘  ¢ejÀ  Bc¡ma  Eš²  ¢hou¢V  ¢h−hQe¡   L−l  cä¡−cn  ¢c−u  i¥m L−l−Re, Bf£m¢V j”¤l q−u ¢h‘ ¢ejÀ Bc¡m−al a¢LÑa l¡u J

cä¡−cn lc-l¢qa qJu¡ BhnÉL Hhw Bp¡j£ Bf£mL¡l£ M¡m¡p ®f−a

qLc¡l j−jÑ Bcn qJu¡ BhnÉLz

¢hQ¡kÑÉ ¢hou

1z  fТp¢LEne  fr  p¡r£  fÐj¡Z  à¡l¡  p−¾cq¡a£ai¡−h  Bp¡j£

Bf£mL¡l£l ¢hl¦−Ü Be£a A¢i−k¡N fÐj¡Z Ll−a prj q−u−Re


2z  ¢h‘ ¢ejÀ Bc¡m−al a¢LÑa l¡u J cä¡−cn hq¡m ®k¡NÉ ¢L?

fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡ J ¢pÜ¡¿¹

1-2ew ¢hQ¡kÑ ¢houx- fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡ J ¢pÜ¡−¿¹l p¤¢hd¡−bÑ ¢hQ¡kÑ ¢hou…¢m−L  HL−œ  ¢eÖf¢šl  SeÉ  NËqe  Ll¡  qmz  frN−el  ¢h‘ ®L±öm£N−el hš²hÉ nÐhe¡−¿¹ ¢h‘ ¢ejÀ Bc¡m−al e¢b, a¢LÑa l¡u J cä¡−cn, p¡r£ fÐj¡Z, L¡NS fœ CaÉ¡¢c fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡ Ll¡ qmz Bf£mL¡l£

f−rl ¢h‘ ®L±öm£ j¿¹hÉ L−le ®k, fТpLEne fr p¡r£ fÐj¡Z à¡l¡

Bp¡j£ Bf£mL¡l£l ¢hl¦−Ü Be£a A¢i−k¡N fÐj¡Z Ll−a hÉbÑ qJu¡

p−šÆJ ¢h‘ ¢ejÀ Bc¡ma a¡−L cä¡−cn ¢c−u ®k l¡u fÐc¡e L−l−Re a¡

hq¡m ®k¡NÉ euz AeÉ¢c−L ®lpfe−X¾V f−rl ¢h‘ ®L±öm£ j¿¹hÉ L−le

®k, Bp¡j£ Bf£mL¡l£l ¢hl¦−Ü Be£a A¢i−k¡N p−¾cq¡a£ai¡−h fÐj¡¢Za

qJu¡u ¢h‘ ¢ejÀ Bc¡ma Bp¡j£−L cä¡−cn ¢c−u ®k l¡u fÐL¡n L−l−Re

a¡−a ®L¡e fÐL¡l ï¡¢¿¹ e¡ b¡L¡u a¢LÑa l¡u J cä¡−cn qÙ¹−rf ®k¡NÉ

euz f¡rN−Zl ¢h‘ ®L±öm£N−Zl j¿¹hÉ pÇf−LÑ ¢pÜ¡−¿¹ Efe£a qJu¡l

SeÉ p¡r£ fÐj¡Z ¢e−u B−m¡Qe¡ Ll¡ fÐ−u¡Sez

e¢b  fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡u  ®cM¡  k¡u  ®k,  j¤m  j¡jm¡l  A¢i−k¡N  f−œ E−õ¢Ma 11 Se p¡r£l j−dÉ ¢h‘ ¢ejÀ Bc¡ma 6 Se p¡r£l p¡rÉ NËqZ

L−l−Re J Bp¡j£ Bf£mL¡l£l ¢hl¦−Ü Be£a A¢i−k¡N fÐj¡¢ea q−u−R

j−jÑ a¡−L Ef−l¡š² j−a p¡S¡ fÐc¡e L−l−Rez Eš² p¡r£Ne q−µRe ¢f,

X¡¢hÔE- 1 HS¡q¡lL¡l£ M¡−ul Bq−Çjc, ¢f, X¡¢hÔE- 2 ®j¡x l¢gL, ¢f,

X¡¢hÔC- 3 ¢iL¢Vj S¡q¡e¡l¡ ®hNj, ¢f, X¡¢hÔE- 4 e¤l S¡q¡e ®hNj, ¢f,

X¡¢hÔE- 5 B−un¡ ®hNj J ¢f, X¡¢hÔE- 6 X¡x Hj, ¢h, p¡m¡E¢Ÿez j§m

j¡jm¡l HS¡q¡lL¡l£ ¢f, X¡¢hÔE- 1 ®cM¡ k¡u a¡l j¡jm¡l HS¡q¡l−L

f¤−l¡f¤¢l  pjbÑe  L−l  p¡rÉ  ¢c−u−Re  J  ¢iL¢Vj  S¡q¡e¡l¡ ®hNj  ¢f,

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eðl ................................ 20

œ²¢jL ew  a¡¢lM  −e¡V J B−cn

X¡¢hÔE- 3 ¢qp¡−h ¢f, X¡¢hÔE- 1 ®L f¤−l¡f¤¢l pjbÑe L−l p¡rÉ ¢c−u−Rez HR¡s¡ ¢f, X¡¢hÔE- 2, 4 J 5 ph¡C H−L Afl−L pjbÑe L−l p¡rÉ ¢c−u

fÐj¡Z L−l−Re ®k, Bp¡j£ Bf£mL¡l£ gSm Bq¡jc d¡l¡−m¡ AÙ» AbÑ¡v ¢L¢lQ  ¢c−u  BO¡a  L−l  OVe¡l  a¡¢l−M  J  pj−u  OVe¡ÙÛ−m  ¢iL¢Vj S¡q¡e¡l¡  ®hNj−L  lš²¡š²  SMj  L−l¢R−mez  ¢f,  X¡¢hÔE-  6 X¡š²¡l p¡m¡E¢Ÿe ¢iL¢V−jl ¢Q¢Lvp¡ L−l¢R−me J a¡−L d¡l¡−m¡ AÙ» à¡l¡ OVe¡l a¡¢l−M BO¡a Ll¡ q−u¢Rm j−jÑ a¡l ¢Q¢Lvp¡u dl f−s−R j−jÑ E−õM L−l−Rez p¡r£N−el hš²hÉ q−a ®cM¡ k¡−µR ®k, ¢fV,X¢hÔE-1,3,4 J 5 HLC f¢lh¡l i¥š² ®m¡L Sez a−h ¢f,X¢hÔE-2 l¢gL fТa−hn£ J HLSe

¢el−fr p¡r£z HS¡q¡lL¡l£l BaÈ£u p¡r£Ne p¡rÉ fÐc¡e Ll¡l pj−u

®L¡e fÐL¡l Apj¢bÑa p¡rÉ e¡ ®cu¡u Hhw a¡−cl−L A¢hnÄ¡p Ll¡l ja ®L¡e fÐL¡l abÉ a¡−cl ®Sl¡u fÐL¡n e¡ f¡Ju¡u a¡−c p¡rÉ à¡l¡ J fÐj¡¢ea q−u−R ®k, OVe¡l a¡¢l−M J pj−u OVe¡ÙÛ−m Bf£mL¡l£ gSm Bq¡jc ¢iL¢Vj−L d¡l¡−m¡ AÙ» à¡l¡ SMj L−l¢R−mez Ef−l¡š² HLSe ¢el−fr  p¡r£  ¢f,  X¢hÔE-2  Hl  hš²hÉ  à¡l¡  fÐj¡¢ea  q−u−R ®k, HS¡q¡lL¡l£l  LeÉ¡  ¢iL¢Vj−L  OVe¡l  a¡¢l−M  J  pj−u  OVe¡ÙÛ−m Bf£mL¡l£ d¡l¡−m¡ AÙ» à¡l¡ SMj L−l¢R−mez Hhw X¡š²¡−ll fl£r¡−a J

a¡l pjbÑe f¡Ju¡ ¢N−u−Rz a¡C H−r−œ j¡jm¡l ac¿¹L¡l£ LjÑLaÑ¡ p¡rÉ

e¡ ¢c−m J av à¡l¡ fТp¢LEne ®lpfe−X¾V f−rl j¡jm¡ AfÐj¡¢ea h¡ p−¾cqSeL qu e¡z ®Lee¡ ac¿¹L¡l£ LjÑLaÑ¡ OVe¡l Q¡r¤p p¡r£ ee, hlw

¢a¢e  HLSe  glj¡m  p¡r£  j¡œz  a¡C  H  ®r−œ  Bf£mL¡l£l  ¢hl¦−Ü cä¢h¢dl 323/307 J 326 d¡l¡l A¢i−k¡N fÐj¡¢ea e¡ q−m J cä ¢h¢d

324 d¡l¡l A¢i−k¡N fÐj¡¢ea qJu¡u ¢a¢e n¡¢Ù¹ f¡Ju¡l ®k¡NÉz g−m ¢h‘

¢ejÀ Bc¡ma a¡−L cä ¢h¢d 324 d¡l¡l A¢i−k¡−N ®c¡o£ p¡hÉÙ¹ L−l ®k cä¡−cn fÐc¡e L−l−Re a¡−a ®L¡e fÐL¡l ï¡¢¿¹ ®cM¡ k¡−µR e¡z

cä ¢h¢d 324 d¡l¡u ®cM¡ k¡u ®k, Eš² d¡l¡l A¢i−k¡−Nl SeÉ L¡E−L 03 (¢ae) hvpl fkÑ¿¹ L¡l¡cä h¡ AbÑ cä h¡ Eiu c−ä c¢äa

Ll¡ ®k−a f¡−l j−jÑ E−õM Ll¡ q−u−Rz ¢h‘ ¢ejÀ Bc¡m−al cä¡−c−n B−c± A¢al¢”a Ll¡ qu e¡C j−jÑ fÐj¡¢ea q−µRz

Ef−l¡š² B−m¡Qe¡, p¡r£ fÐj¡e J L¡NS fœ fkÑÉ¡−m¡Qe¡ Hhw f¡¢lf¡¢nÄÑL  AhÙÛ¡  ¢h−hQe¡u    Bc¡ma  ¢pÜ¡−¿¹  B−p  ®k, Bp¡j£ Bf£mL¡l£l ¢hl¦−Ü Be£a A¢i−k¡N fÐj¡¢ea qJu¡u Bp¡j£ Bf£mL¡l£

n¡¢Ù¹ f¡Ju¡l ®k¡NÉz g−m ¢h‘ ¢ejÀ Bc¡ma a¡−L cä¡−cn ¢c−u ®k l¡u

âøhÉ x- L¡−m¡ L¡¢m−a A¢gp ®e¡−Vl HL¢V œ²¢jL eðl Hhw m¡m L¡¢m ®L¡−VÑl B−cn pj§−ql ¢iæ eðl ¢c−a q−hz ¢p-21/18-19(m)/a¡¢lM 25-11-18

NieÑ−j¾V ¢fТ¾Vw ®fÐp- L¢ÇfEV¡l n¡M¡-¢h-885/2018-2019/(mx)-27-11-2018-1,00,000 L¢fz

1 q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1

eðl ................................ 20

œ²¢jL ew  a¡¢lM  −e¡V J B−cn

fÐL¡n L−l−Re a¡−a ®L¡e fÐL¡l ï¡¢¿¹ e¡ b¡L¡u a¢LÑa l¡u J cä¡−cn qÙ¹−rf ®k¡NÉ eu Hja¡hÙÛ¡u Bc¡m−al N¢Wa ¢hQ¡kÑ ¢hou…¢m Eš² j−a ¢eÖf¢š Ll¡ qmz


B−cn qu ®k,

®g±Sc¡l£ Bf£m¢V ®c¡alg¡ p¤−œ e¡j”¤l qm Hhw ¢h‘ ¢ejÀ Bc¡ma  a¡l  Bc¡m−al  ¢S,  Bl  236/2003  ew  j¡jm¡u  Bp¡j£ Bf£mL¡l£−L cä¡−cn ¢c−u ®k l¡u fÐL¡n L−l−Re hq¡m lCmz Bp¡j£  Bf£mL¡l£l  S¡¢je  h¡¢am  Ll¡  qm  J  a¡−L  Bc¡m−a BaÈpjfÑ−el ¢e−cÑn ®cu¡ qmz AeÉb¡u a¡l ¢hl¦−Ü ®NËga¡l£ f−l¡ue¡ Cp¤É Ll¡ ®q¡Lz l¡−ul Ae¤¢m¢f pq ¢h‘ ¢ejÀ Bc¡m−al e¢b paÅl

¢h‘ ¢ejÀ Bc¡m−a ®fÐle Ll¡ −q¡Lz

Bj¡l Sh¡e£−a V¡CfL«a, Hhw Bj¡l à¡l¡ öܤL«az

ü¡/- H, Hg Hj, j¡qh¤h¤m qL  ü¡/- AØfø

a¡w 09.01.2006  a¡w 09.01.2006
A¢a¢lš² jq¡eNl c¡ul¡ SS,  (H, Hg Hj, j¡qh¤h¤m qL) 3u Bc¡ma, Q–NË¡jz  A¢a¢lš² jq¡eNl c¡ul¡ SS,

3u Bc¡ma, Q–NË¡jz

ü£L«a j−aC    ®j¡LŸj¡l  OVe¡l  a¡¢lM  ¢hNa  Cw−lS£ 04.04.2003 a¡¢lM ®hm¡ 10.30 O¢VL¡z HS¡q¡lL¡l£ Bh¤m M¡−ul Bq−jc HS¡q¡l¢V LZÑg¥m£ b¡e¡u c¡−ul L−l−Re OVe¡l 07 (p¡a) ¢ce fl ¢hNa

Cw−lS£ 11.04.2003 a¡¢lM ®hm¡ 9x30 O¢VL¡uz

HS¡q¡lL¡l£ a¡l HS¡q¡−l h−m−Re ®k, ¢Q¢Lvp¡l L¡−S hÉÙ¹ b¡L¡u

j¡jm¡ c¡−ul Ll−a ¢hmð quz HS¡q¡lL¡l£ ¢f,X¢hÔE-1 ¢q−p−h a¡l −Sl¡u

h−me Bp¡j£−cl p¡−b a¡−cl ®cJu¡e£ ®j¡LŸj¡ B−Rz OVe¡ÙÛm ®b−L Bd¡

j¡Cm c¤−l ¢pHj¢pHCQz XÊ¡Ci¡−ll e¡j S¡¢ee¡z B¢j OVe¡l p¡−b p¡−b j¡jm¡


X¡x ®j¡x p¡m¡E¢Ÿe, Hj¢h¢hHp, Hj¢p¢fHp Q–NË¡j ®j¢X−Lm L−mS q¡pf¡a¡m, Q–NË¡j fËcš ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 05.04.2003 a¡¢l−Ml “Report

on injury” fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡ Llm¡jz X¡x ®j¡x p¡m¡E¢Ÿe ¢f,X¢hÔE-6 ¢q−p−h

a¡l ®Sl¡u h−me ®k, kMj£ Idenfier ®L a¡ ®mM¡ e¡Cz ¢a¢e a¡l ®Sl¡u

âøhÉ x- L¡−m¡ L¡¢m−a A¢gp ®e¡−Vl HL¢V œ²¢jL eðl Hhw m¡m L¡¢m ®L¡−VÑl B−cn pj§−ql ¢iæ eðl ¢c−a q−hz ¢p-21/18-19(m)/a¡¢lM 25-11-18

NieÑ−j¾V ¢fТ¾Vw ®fÐp- L¢ÇfEV¡l n¡M¡-¢h-885/2018-2019/(mx)-27-11-2018-1,00,000 L¢fz

1 q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1

eðl ................................ 20

œ²¢jL ew  a¡¢lM  −e¡V J B−cn

BlJ h−me ®k, HCl©f SMj Accident à¡l¡ q−a f¡−lz

e¢b fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡ H¢V fËa£uj¡e ®k, ®j¡LŸj¡l ®L¡e Q¡r¥p p¡r£

e¡Cz ®L¡e Së a¡¢mL¡ h¡ Bm¡ja h¡c£fr Bc¡m−a EfÙÛ¡fe Ll−a f¡−l

e¡Cz −j¡LŸj¡l ac¿¹L¡l£ LjÑLaÑ¡ p¡rÉ fËc¡e L−le e¡Cz L¢ba OVe¡l

7(p¡a) ¢ce fl b¡e¡u HS¡q¡l c¡−ul Ll¡ quz ¢hm−ð HS¡q¡l c¡¢M−ml hZÑe¡ p−¿¹¡oSeL euz

HS¡q¡lL¡l£  a¡l  ®Sl¡u  h−me  ®k,  OVe¡l  p¡−b  p¡−b  j¡jm¡ L−l¢Rz h¡c£ a¡l ®Sl¡u BlJ ü£L¡l L−le ®k, OVe¡ÙÛ−m B−nf¡−n L¡E−L

¢a¢e p¡r£ j¡eÉ L−le e¡Cz

p¡¢hÑL fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡u H¢V fÐa£uj¡e ®k, S¡uN¡ pÇf¢š ¢e−u ¢h−l¡−dl L¡l−e HS¡q¡lL¡l£ clM¡Ù¹L¡l£−L qul¡e£ Ll¡l q£ej¡e−o ¢jbÉ¡ ®j¡LŸj¡¢V c¡−ul L−l−Rz l¡øÌ fr clM¡Ù¹L¡l£l ¢hl¦−Ü cä¢h¢dl 324 d¡l¡l A¢i−k¡N  fÐj¡Z  Ll−a  pÇf§ZÑl©−f  hÉbÑ  q−u−Rz  ¢h‘  ¢hQ¡¢lL Hhw  Bf£m Bc¡ma c¡¢m¢mL J −j±¢ML p¡rÉ p¢WLi¡−h fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡ hÉ¢a−l−L l¡u fÐc¡e L−l−Re k¡ qÙ¹−rf ®k¡NÉz l¦m¢V Q¤s¡¿¹ ®k¡NÉz

AaHh, B−cn qu ®k, l¦m¢V Q§s¡¿¹ Ll¡ q−m¡z

¢h‘ A¢a¢lš² jq¡eNl c¡ul¡ SS, 3u Bc¡ma, Q–NË¡j LaªÑL ®g±Sc¡l£ Bf£m ®j¡LŸj¡ ew-268/2005-H fËcš ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 09.01.2006 a¡¢l−Ml l¡u J B−cn Haà¡l¡ h¡¢am Ll¡ qmz

j¡jm¡l A¢ik¤š²-clM¡Ù¹L¡l£- gSm Bqjc, ¢fa¡- jªa L¡m¡ ¢ju¡, p¡w- Ešl ¢nLmh¡q¡ Ljm¡ f¡s¡, b¡e¡- LZÑg¥m£, ®Sm¡- Q–NË¡j-®L cä¢h¢dl 324 d¡l¡l Afl¡−dl A¢i−k¡N ®b−L M¡m¡p fÐc¡e Ll¡ q−m¡z

A¢ik¤š²-clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ Hhw a¡l S¡¢jec¡l−cl−L S¡¢jee¡j¡l c¡u q−a AhÉ¡¢qa −cJu¡ q−m¡z

l¡−ul Ae¤¢m¢fpq AdxÙ¹e Bc¡m−al e¢b pw¢nÔø Bc¡m−a â¦a ®fÐlZ Ll¡ qELz

(¢hQ¡lf¢a ®j¡x Bnl¡g¥m L¡j¡m)

âøhÉ x- L¡−m¡ L¡¢m−a A¢gp ®e¡−Vl HL¢V œ²¢jL eðl Hhw m¡m L¡¢m ®L¡−VÑl B−cn pj§−ql ¢iæ eðl ¢c−a q−hz ¢p-21/18-19(m)/a¡¢lM 25-11-18

NieÑ−j¾V ¢fТ¾Vw ®fÐp- L¢ÇfEV¡l n¡M¡-¢h-885/2018-2019/(mx)-27-11-2018-1,00,000 L¢fz