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In the Supreme Court of Bangladesh



Writ Petition No. 2239 of 2022. In the matter of:

An application under article 102 (2) of the Constitution  of  the  People’s  Republic  of Bangladesh.

-And- In the matter of:

Md. Anamul Hoque and 3 (three) others.

     ...... Petitioners -Versus-

Government  of  the  People’s  Republic  of Bangladesh  represented  by  the  Secretary, Ministry  of  Public  Administration  and others.

.    . . . Respondents.

Mr. Jahirul Islam, Advocate

. . . For the petitioners.

Mr. Md. Abdur Rahman, Advocate

. . . For the respondent No.6.

Ms. Rimi Nahrin with

Mr. Manash Mridha, Advocates.

. . . For the respondent No. 4.


Mr. Justice J. B. M. Hassan                and

Mr. Justice Razik Al Jalil   

Heard  on  03.08.2023  and  Judgment on 22.08.2023.

J. B. M. Hassan, J.

The petitioners obtained the Rule Nisi calling upon the respondents to

show cause as to why the promotion process under the “mvavib exgv K‡c©v‡ikb Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix c‡`vbœwZ bxwZgvjv, 2021Ó (as contain in Annexure-G) should not be declared to be without lawful authority and is of no legal effect and as to

why the respondents should not be directed to promote the petitioners in the

post of Manager as recommended by the respondents No. 5-7 in the 610th


Board Meeting held on 19.01.2020 by keeping the petitioners in the waiting

list for promotion in the post of Manager (As contained in Annexure-F) and/or pass such other or further order or orders as to this Court may seem

fit and proper.

Relevant facts leading to issuance of the Rule Nisi are that all the petitioners joined the Sadharan Bima Corporation (the Corporation) as Assistant Manager and having promotion, they are now serving as Deputy Manager. In the year 2019, the petitioners were selected for promotion to the post of Manager but they were kept in the waiting list by the decision of the 610th Board meeting dated 19.01.2020. In the meantime, by the “p¡d¡lZ h£j¡

L fÑ¡ ln el LjÑLaÑ¡/LjÑQ¡l£ f c¡æ¢a e£¢aj¡m¡, 2021 (Na 13.12.2021 a¡¢l M Ae¤¢ùa 641aj ®h¡XÑ pi¡u Ae¤ j¡¢ca e£¢aj¡m¡ Bw¢nL pw n¡¢da)” (the amended Nitimala, 2021), promotion criteria has been changed. In the circumstances, The petitioners filed this writ petition and obtained the present Rule Nisi alleging that the petitioners’ right has been violated by the aforesaid amended Nitimala, 2021.

The Managing Director of the Corporation as respondent No.6 has filed  an  affidavit  in  opposition  denying  the  petitioners’  assertions  and contending, inter alia, are that the waiting list was for one year i.e for the year 2020 and it expired long before of filing the writ petition. Secondly, the petitioners  were given  scope  to  participate  in  the  subsequent  promotion process  but  they  refrained  themselves  from  appearing  in  the  relevant examination due to which they could not be promoted.  

 Mr. Jahirul Islam, learned Advocate for the petitioners has drawn our attention to the previous Nitimala by which the petitioners were kept in the waiting list. He submits that without implementing the said waiting list, the Corporation has introduced a new Nitimala and thereby the petitioners’ right to promotion has been violated. He further submits that some new criteria have  been  introduced  in  the  new  Nitimala  and  thereby,  the  petitioners’ accrued right have been affected. As such, those new Nitimala can not be applied in the consideration of petitioners’ promotion. 

Mr.  Md.  Abdur  Rahman,  learned  Advocate  appearing  for  the respondent No.6 (The Corporation) contends that as per regulation 6 of the “p¡d¡lZ h£j¡ L fÑ¡ ln el LjÑQ¡l£ fË¢hd¡ej¡m¡, 1992” (the Regulations, 1992), the promotion  of  the  employees  are  given  on  consideration  of  merit  and seniority. He further contends that the petitioners were in the waiting list for promotion in the year 2020 for one year and after expiry of the said period they can not claim promotion on the basis of said waiting list. He also contends that during the subsequent promotion process, the petitioners were asked to appear in the relevant test but they did not attend due to which their promotion could not be considered.

We have gone through the writ petition, affidavit in opposition and other materials on record.

It appears that regulation 6 of the Regulations, 1992 incorporates the following provisions for promotion:

“6z f c¡æ¢al j¡dÉ j ¢e u¡Nx (1) ag¢p ml ¢hd¡e¡hm£ p¡Å f r ®L¡e LjÑQ¡l£ L flha£Ñ EµQal f c f c¡æ¢al SeÉ ¢h hQe¡ Ll¡ k¡C a f¡ lz

  1.   ®Lhmj¡œ ®~Sùa¡l L¡l­e hÉ¢š² A¢dL¡l ¢qp¡­h a¡q¡l f­c¡æ¢al c¡h£ L¢l­a f¡¢l he¡z
  1.         V¡L¡ 6300-8050 J ac¤­ ®haeœ²­jl fcpj§­q f­c¡æ¢a ®jd¡ Hhw ®~~Sùa¡l ¢i¢š­a qC­hz
  2.         ®L¡e LjÑQ¡l£­L a¡q¡l Ap¡d¡lZ L«¢aš, LaÑhÉ¢eù¡ Hhw Q¡L¥l£L¡­m EµQal f cl SeÉ ­u¡Se£ua¡ ®fn¡Na fl£r¡u Eš£ZÑ qJu¡l L¡l­e, hÉ¢aœ²j£ ®rœ

¢q­p­h, f¡m¡ A¢aœ²j Llax f­c¡æ¢a ­cJu¡ k¡C­a f¡­lz

In accordance with to the Regulations, 1992 by the Board meeting of

the Corporation dated 13.02.2017, earlier the following promotion criteria was inserted in the Nitimala:

fc¢i¢šL f­c¡æ¢al e£¢aj¡m¡x

1z jÉ¡ eS¡l q a ac¤dÑÅ fcpj¤­ql f­c¡æ¢al ®r­œx

Na 27.02.2014 a¡¢l M Ae¤¢ùa L fÑ¡ ln el 530aj ®h¡XÑ pi¡l ¢pÜ¡¿¹ ®j¡a¡ hL jÉ¡ eS¡l q a ac¤dÄÑ fkÑ¡­ul fcpj¤­q f­c¡æ¢al ®r­œ 100(HLn) eð­ll j¡¢LÑw h¡ ¢i¢š l¡M¡ q u R k¡l h¾Ve ¢ejÀl©fx

œ²¢j ew

L ¢hou ¢i¢šL j¡¢LÑw M¡apj§q

p hÑ¡µQ eðl hl¡Ÿ



h¡¢oÑL ®N¡fe£u fË¢a hce (ACR)


h¢ZÑa  e£¢aj¡m¡u  ®jd¡  k¡Q Hl  SeÉ  p¡r¡vL¡l  NËq f¤ hÑC  ®L¡u¡¢mg¡Cw (fyQ¡¢n) b¡L a q hz


®fn¡Na  ®k¡NÉa¡ (BIA Diploma/ACII)



f¢lµRæ Q¡L¥l£L¡m



¢nr¡Na ®k¡NÉa¡l ¢i¢š





phÑ j¡V


C ¡


eðl  85

Pursuant  to  the  said  Nitimala  and  considering  service  record,  the petitioners along with others were considered for promotion by the Board meeting dated 19.01.2020. In the said decision 39 other employees were promoted and the petitioners along with 24 others were kept in the waiting list for one year in order to fill up the vacant posts, in future. Since the said one year has already been expired, subsequently the petitioners can not claim promotion on the basis of said waiting list.

In the  meantime,  the  Corporation has introduced  a  new  Nitimala, namely, “p¡d¡lZ h£j¡ L fÑ¡ ln el LjÑLaÑ¡/LjÑQ¡l£ f c¡æ¢a e£¢aj¡m¡, 2021 (shortly, Nitimala 2021) by the 64th Board meeting dated 13.12.2021 to assess the incumbents  for promotion on  consideration of their  merit and  seniority. Relevant portions of the said Nitimala, 2021 are as follows.



wdWvi c (eZ©gvb c )

c‡`vbœwZi  Rb¨ c  

‡eP¨ wemvÿvrKvi  MÖn‡Y

†KvqvwjdvB  b¤^ (90 b¤^‡ii g‡a¨)

i  Rb¨  c‡`vbœwZ KwgwU

 i 1. e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK, mve©xK            -mfvcwZ

  1. A_© gš¿Yvj‡qi Avw_©K cÖwZôvb Dchy³ cÖwZwbwa|                            - m m¨ (DcmwPe ev Z`yaŸ© ch©v‡qi Kg©KZ
  2. exgv Dbœqb I wbqš¿b KZ©„c‡ÿi Gb Dchy cÖwZwbwa|                                     -m m¨ (cwiPvjK ev Z`yaŸ© ch©v‡qi Kg©KZ
  3. †Rbv‡ij g¨v‡bRvi (gvbe m¤ú`), mve-m m¨
  4. †WcywU †Rbv‡ij g¨v‡bRvi (gvbe m

- m m¨ mw

‡WcywU g¨v‡

bRvi g¨v‡bRvi


mnKvix g¨v‡b

iRv ‡WcywU g¨v‡b

Rvi 65

Rywbqi Awd

vim mnKvix g¨v‡bR

iv 63

D”Pgvb mnKv

ix Rywbqi Awdm

iv 60

wefv‡Mi GKRb

)©v KR&³

)©v K©x ¤ú`)| Pe

g¨v‡bRvi, †WcywU g¨v‡bRvi c‡` c‡`vbœwZi we‡ePbvi Rb¨ cÖv_©x‡`i Aek¨B ¯œvZK ev mggv‡bi wWMÖxavix n‡Z n‡e| Z‡e g¨v‡bRvi c‡` c‡`vbœwZi we‡ePbvi †ÿ‡Î †ckvMZ ‡hvM¨Zv A_©vr GwmAvBAvB/GKPz¨qvwi/weAvBG  wW‡cøvgv/  GgAvBAviGg/GgGGm-Gi  wWMÖxavixMY  AMÖvwaKvi


K‡cv©‡ik‡bi gvbe m¤ú` wefvM g¨v‡bRvi, †WcywU g¨v‡bRvi, mnKvix gv¨v‡bRvi I Rywbqi Awdmvi

c‡` c‡`vbœwZi Rb¨ 90 b¤^‡ii g‡a¨ †KvqvwjdvBs b¤^icÖvß cÖv_©w‡`i GKwU ZvwjKv cÖYqb K‡i

†hvM¨ cÖv_©w‡`i †gŠwLK cixÿv/mvÿvrKvi MÖn‡Yi wbwg‡Ë mswkøó ZvwjKv wbe©vPbx †ev‡W©i wbKU

Dc¯’vcb Ki‡e|

DwjøwLZ c‡`vbœwZ‡hvM¨ c‡` c‡`vbœwZ we‡ePbvi Rb¨ c‡`vbœwZ‡hvM¨ cÖv_©xM‡Yi wkÿvMZ †hvM¨Zv, exgv wel‡q AwR©Z wWwMÖ (wW‡cøvv), g PvKzix Rxe‡b mZZv I ˆbwZKZv Ges evwl©K †Mvcbxq vby‡e`b

BZ¨vw` we‡ePbv K‡i me©‡gvU 100 (GKkZ) b¤^‡ii wfwˇZ wbe©vPbx †evW© cÖv_©xMb‡K mvwe©K g~j¨vqb Ki‡e| D³ 100 (GKkZ) b¤^‡ii welqwfwËK wefvRb (Break-up) wb¤œiæc n‡et-



b¤^i e›U

(1) evwl©K ‡Mvcbxq cÖwZ‡e`b (ACR)


(2) wkÿvMZ †hvM¨Zv-

  1. ¯œvZ‡KvËi/Pvi eQi †gqv`x ¯œvZK (m¤§vb)/GgweweGm ev mggv-                    10

(1 g †kÖbx ev mggv‡bi †MÖW-10, 2q †kªYx ev mggv‡bi †MÖW-9 I Zq †kÖYx ev mggv‡bi †MÖW-8 b¤^i cv‡eb)

  1. wZb eQi †gqv`x ¯œvZK (m¤§vb)/weweG/GjGjwe ev mggvb-                           9 (1 g †kÖbx ev mggv‡bi †MÖW-9, 2q †kªYx ev mggv‡bi †MÖW-8 I Zq †kÖYx ev mggv‡bi †MÖW-7 b¤^i cv‡eb)
  1. ¯œvZK ev mggvb-   8 (1 g †kÖbx ev mggv‡bi †MÖW-8, 2q †kªYx ev mggv‡bi †MÖW-7 I Zq †kÖYx ev mggv‡bi †MÖW-6 b¤^i cv‡eb)
  1. GBP. Gm. wm. ev mggvb-     7 (1 g †kÖbx ev mggv‡bi †MÖW-7, 2q †kªYx ev mggv‡bi †MÖW-6 I Zq †kÖYx ev mggv‡bi †MÖW-5 b¤^i cv‡eb)




(O) Gm. wm. wm. ev mggvb-    6

(1 g †kÖbx ev mggv‡bi †MÖW-6, 2q †kªYx ev mggv‡bi †MÖW-5 I Zq †kÖYx ev mggv‡bi †MÖW-4 b¤^i cv‡eb)


(3) ‡ckvMZ †hvM¨Zv-

  1. weAvBG wW‡cøvgv-(wW‡cøvgv cvk mvwU©wd‡KUavix n‡Z n‡e)                                8
  1. GwmAvBAvB/ GKPz¨qvwi-                                                                   9
  1. GgAvBAviGg/GgGGm ev mggvb/exgv welqK †cv÷ MÖvRy‡qU wWMÖx ev wcGBPwW-                           1


(4) PvKzwiKvj-

(eZ©gvb c‡` cÖwZeQ‡ii Rb¨ 1 b¤^i Ges c~e©eZ©x eQimg~‡ni Rb¨ 0.25 b¤^i †hvM n‡e)


(5) Kw¤úDUvi Ávb-


(6) K) RvZxq ï×vPvi †KŠkj Kg©-cwiKíbv-                                               


L) evwl©K Kg©m¤úv b Pzw³ (GwcG)-                                                        2.50


(7) †gŠwLK cixÿv-




                               Ó In the new Nitimala, the Corporation has introduced some new tests

including computer test and qualifying number has been reduced to 67 from 85. Referring to this criteria learned Advocate for the petitioners submits that due to changing the qualifying criteria, the petitioners’ accrued right under the earlier Nitimala has been affected. Considering the submission, we have again examined both the guidelines for assessment as mentioned above.

Now, it is the era of artificial intelligence. Irrespective of literate or illiterate  person,  everybody  is  operating  mobile  phone.  It  can  not  be imagined  now  a  day  without  computer.  Considering  these  aspects,  the authority has introduced the requirement of computer literacy which is not an academic degree here. It is not impossible for any person to acquire minimum computer literacy at any time. Therefore, it can not be said that a person who intends to go for a higher post, will not acquire such possible computer literacy, as it is an inalienable requirement to run any office in the present context.    

We also find that the reduction of qualifying score and requirement of computer literacy test are applicable for all the incumbents. Therefore, it does not affect the petitioners’ right.

In view of above, we do not find any merit in this Rule Nisi.

In the result, the Rule Nisi is discharged without any order as to


Communicate a copy of this judgment and order to the respondents at once. 

Razik Al Jalil, J                                                          I agree.