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Microsoft Word - T_19114_Md_Habibullah_Netrokona_RULE_BAIL_DICTATION

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−Sm¡: Netrokona     (Under Section 498 of the Code of Criminal Procedure)

−g±Sc¡l£ L¡kÑ¢h¢d BC−el 435 d¡l¡l Ad£−e ¢l¢ine


Md. Habibullah  B−hceL¡l£

j¡dÉj        Ms. Suria Nasrin, Advocate


The State

Mr. Sujit Chatterjee, D.A.G. with Mr. Moududa Begum, A.A.G.

Mr. Mirza Md. Soyeb Muhit, A.A.G. Mr. Mohammad Selim, A.A.G.

Mr. Zahid Ahmed (Hero), AAG



fËbj Bc¡ma

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  Mr. Justice S M Kuddus Zaman


            Mr. Justice A.K.M. Rabiul Hassan

Bf£m Bc¡ma   a¡¢lM   20

L¡NSfœ h¡ B−c−nl  a¡¢lM  −e¡V Hhw B−cn  ü¡rl

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   Let  a  Rule  be issued  calling upon  the opposite party to show cause as to why the petitioner should not be  enlarged  on  bail  in  Atpara  Police  Station  Case No.14 dated 31.08.2023 corresponding to G.R. Case No.118 of 2023 under Sections 406/420/467/468/34 of the Penal Code, now pending Chief Judicial Magistrate, Netrokona and/or pass such other or further order or orders as to this Court may seem fit and proper.

       The Rule is made returnable within 6(six) weeks from date.

         In this case under Sections 401/420 of the Penal Code the name of the petitioner stands at serial No.1 in the  FIR  and  it  has  been  alleged  he  has  obtained 4,45,000/- on the false assurance of giving a job to the victim which he did not have any lawful capacity to provide. The learned Advocate for the petitioner has submitted a Supplementary Affidavit stating that if the petitioner is granted ad-interim bail for a limited period then he would arrange payment of above money to the victim within six months and submit an Affidavit of Compliance in this regard. 

       On  consideration  of  above  submissions  of  the learned Advocate for the petitioner and the statements made in the Supplementary Affidavit we are inclined to grant  ad-interim  bail  to  the  petitioner  for  a  limited period.

         Pending  disposal  of  the  Rule,  let  accused petitioner  Md.  Habibullah,  son  of  Abdul  Haque  be enlarged  on  ad-interim  bail  for  a  period  of  6(six) months on condition that before expiry of above bail he would submit a compliance as stated above.

        If  the  petitioner  fails  to  submit  a  compliance above bail shall not be extended further and he shall also execute bail bond to the satisfaction of the learned Chief Judicial Magistrate, Netrokona.

       The concern Court is at liberty to cancel the bail, if the accused-petitioner misuses the privilege of bail.

Let this matter be place in the list for hearing on 28.08.2024.

âøhÉx L¡−m¡ L¡¢m−a A¢gp ®e¡−Vl HL¢V œ²¢jL eðl Hhw m¡m L¡¢m−a ®L¡−VÑl B−c−nl B−lL¢V œ²¢jL eðl qC−hz    ew pfj (h¡x h¡x ®L¡x)/®i¢Vw/g-110/85-3583

E:\MASUD B.O\RULE AND BAIL\T_19114_Md_Habibullah_Netrokona_RULE_BAIL_DICTATION.doc