q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew-35
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q¡C−L¡VÑ ¢hi¡N
Bf£m pÇf¢LÑa −g±Sc¡l£
−Sm¡ Dhaka (Under section 561A of the CrPC)
−g±Sc¡l£ L¡kÑ¢h¢d BC−el d¡l¡l Ad£−el
Abu Yousuf and others B−hceL¡l£
j¡dÉj Mr. M Tashdid Anwar, Advocate
The State
Mr. Sujit Chatterjee, D. A. G with
Ms. Moududa Begum, A. A. G
Mr. Mirza Md. Soyeb Muhit, A. A. G. Mr. Mohammad Selim, A.A.G.
Mr. Zahid Ahmed (Hero), A. A. G.
fËbj Bc¡ma
jÉ¡¢S−øÊV, a¡¢lM 20 n¡¢Ù¹ J cä¡−cn
Mr. Justice S M Kuddus Zaman
Mr. Justice A.K.M. Rabiul Hassan
Bf£m Bc¡ma a¡¢lM 20
L¡NSfœ h¡ B−c−nl a¡¢lM −e¡V Hhw B−cn ü¡rl
œ²¢jL ew
Let a Rule be issued calling upon the opposite party to show cause 08.07.2024 as to why the judgment and order dated 16.04.2023 passed by the learned
Additional Metropolitan Sessions Judge, 8th Court, Dhaka in Criminal
Revision No.482 of 2021 allowing the Criminal Revision on contest against the opposite parties and setting aside the order dated 24.03.2021 passed by the learned Metropolitan Magistrate, Court No.29 in G. R. Case No.23 of 2017 arising out of Bimanbandar Police Station Case No.32 dated 25.06.2017 stopping the proceedings 249 of the Code of the Criminal Procedure and releasing the accused persons should not be quashed and/or pass such other or further order or orders as to this Court
may seem fit and proper.
The Rule is made returnable within 6 (six) weeks from date.
Pending hearing of the Rule, let operation of the judgment and order dated 16.04.2023 be stayed till disposal of the Rule as far as the petitioner is concerned.
Let this matter be placed in the list for hearing on 30.10.2024.