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−Sm¡ Chattogram (Under section 561A of the CrPC) −g±Sc¡l£ L¡kÑ¢h¢d BC−el d¡l¡l Ad£−el
Md. Ziaul Islam B−hceL¡l£
j¡dÉj Mr. Mohammd Noor Hossain, Advocate
The State and another
Mr. Sujit Chatterjee, D. A. G with
Ms. Moududa Begum, A. A. G
Mr. Mirza Md. Soyeb Muhit, A. A. G. Mr. Mohammad Selim, A.A.G.
Mr. Zahid Ahmed (Hero), A. A. G.
fËbj Bc¡ma
jÉ¡¢S−øÊV, a¡¢lM 20 n¡¢Ù¹ J cä¡−cn
Mr. Justice S M Kuddus Zaman
Mr. Justice A.K.M. Rabiul Hassan
Bf£m Bc¡ma a¡¢lM 20
L¡NSfœ h¡ B−c−nl a¡¢lM −e¡V Hhw B−cn ü¡rl
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Supplementary affidavit do form part of the main application. 08.07.2024
Let a Rule be issued calling upon the opposite parties to show cause as to why the proceedings in C. R. Case No.68 of 2020 (Chandgaon) and (B-766/20) under sections 420 of the Penal Code, now pending in the court of learned Senior Judicial Magistrate, Brahmanbaria should not be quashed and/or pass such other or further order or orders as to this Court may seem fit and proper.
The Rule is made returnable within 6 (six) weeks from date.
Pending hearing of the Rule, let all further proceedings of C. R. Case No.68 of 2020 (Chandgaon) and (B-766/20) be stayed till disposal of the Rule as far as the petitioners are concerned. Let this matter be placed in the list for hearing on 30.10.2024.