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Microsoft Word - W.P. No. 11868 of 2021 with another_Absolute & Disd-MK.Zaman,J._



Writ Petition No. 11868 of 2021                        With

Writ Petition No. 11008 of 2021

In the matter of:

An application under article 102(2)(a)(ii) of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.


In the matter of:

Identification  System  for  Enhancing Access  to  Services  (IDEA)  Project  (2nd Phase),  a  Project  of  the  Election Commission  of  Bangladesh,  represented by the Chief Election Commissioner,

…Petitioner(In W.P. No. 11868/2021)                        With

Jamuna Star Save Guard Services Limited represented by its Managing Director Md. Salim Raza

Petitioner(In W.P No.11008/2021)


Central  Procurement  Technical Unit(CPTU),  Implementation  Monitoring and  Evaluation  Division,  Ministry  of Planning,  Sher-E-Bangla  Nagar,  Dhaka, represented by the Director-General,

...Respondents (In W.P.No.11868/2021)

Bangladesh  Election  Commission represented  by  the  Chief  Election Commissioner  of  Nirbachan  Bhaban, Agargaon, Dhaka and others,

...Respondents (In W.P.No.11008/2021)

Mr. Towhidul Islam, Advocate,

                ..For petitioner (In W.P.No.11868/2021)

Mr. Mahbub Shafique with

Mr. Sifat Mahmud, Advocates,

              ..For petitioner (In W.P.No.11008/2021)

Mr. Mahbub Shafique with

Mr. Sifat Mahmud, Advocates,

..For respondent (In W.P.No.11868/2021)

Mr. Towhidul Islam, Advocate,

..For petitioner (In W.P.No.11008/2021)


Judgment on: 15.03.2022


Mr. Justice Md. Khasruzzaman


Mr. Justice Md. Mahmud Hassan Talukder

Md. Khasruzzmaman, J.

Since on single judgment and order dated 10.11.2021 passed

by the Review Panel No.02, Central Procurement and Technical Unit (CPTU) in Review Appeal No. 076 of 2021 both the aforesaid two Rules Nisi have arisen and since the facts and law involved in both the Rules Nisi are same and similar and since the Rule Nisi in Writ Petition No. 11868 of 2021 has been directed to be heard along with Writ Petition No. 11008 of 2021, both the Rules Nisi are taken up for hearing and disposal together and are being disposed of by this single judgment.

In Writ Petition No. 11868 of 2021 under article 102 of the Constitution, on 12.12.2021 Rule Nisi was issued in the following terms:

“Let a Rule Nisi be issued calling upon the respondents to show cause  as  to  why  the  impugned  judgment  and  order  dated 10.11.2021 passed by the respondent Nos. 2 to 5 in Review Application  076  of  2021  in  respect  of  Tender  process  of Invitation of Tender No. ECS/IDEA Project (2nd Phase)/ NCS- 9/2021 dated 11.06.2021 for Package No. NCS-9, Lot No.01 for ‘Section for Service Providing Firm for Delivery of Scanning & Equipment Maintenance Operators’ for Identification System for Enhancing  Access  to  Services  (IDEA)  Project  (2nd  Phase) (Annexure-R) shall not be declared illegal and has been done without lawful authority and is of no legal effect and/or pass such other or further order or orders as to this Court may seem fit and proper.”

In Writ Petition No. 11008 of 2021 under article 102 of the Constitution, on 22.11.2021 Rule Nisi was issued in the following terms:

“Let a Rule Nisi be issued calling upon the respondents to show cause as to why the respondents should not be directed to implement the judgment and order dated 10.11.2021 passed by the Review Panel No.02, Central Procurement and Technical Unit( CPTU) in Review Appeal No. 076 of 2021 (Annexure-J) and/or pass such other or further order or orders as to this Court may seem fit and proper.”

Upon  going  through  the  terms  of  both  the  Rules  Nisi  as quoted above, we are of the view that for proper adjudication of the issue involved in both the Rules Nisi, Writ Petition No. 11868 of 2021 is required to be taken up at first for disposal since the finding  and  decision  of  same  will  govern  the  Rule  Nisi  in  Writ Petition No. 11008 of 2021.

Facts necessary for disposal of the Rule Nisi of Writ Petition No. 11868 of 2021, in short, are as follows:

That the petitioner through the Project Director published a Invitation for Tender vide Tender Reference No. ECS/IDEA Project (2nd Phase) Pro/ NCS-9/2021 dated 10.06.2021 in two national dailies for the supply of 519 personnel Scanning and Equipment Maintenance Operators for the Identification System for Enhancing Access to Services (IDEA) Project (2nd Phase) (Annexure-A). As many as 12 Manpower Supplying Firms including the respondent No.6 have  purchased  the  said  tender  documents  and  submitted  the same  along  with  all  necessary  papers  in  accordance  with  law. Thereafter,  the  petitioner  authority  by  letter  dated  11.08.2021 requested  the  Inspector  General,  Department  of  Inspection  of Factories and Establishment (DIFE) to give updated information of the  aforesaid  firms  (Annexure-C). In  reply,  the  Department  of Inspection  of  Factories  and  Establishment  by  its  Memo  dated 16.08.2021 gave updated information of those 12 firms including the  respondent  No.6  (Annexure-D)  stating  inter  alia  that  the respondent  No.6  held  a  ‘B’  category  licence  under  Licence  No. 025/2016-17 which was valid upto June, 2021 and the respondent No.  6  is  competent  to  supply  manpower  upto  500  persons  at maximum as evident from the chart enclosed with the said Memo of the Department of the Inspection of Factories and Establishments. However, 06(six) Manpower Outsourcing Firms participated in the competition  including  the  respondent  No.6  and  the  Tender Evaluation Committee evaluated those 6 tenderers on 11.08.2021 and  submitted  Evaluation  Report  on  12.09.2021  finding  four tenderers as non-responsive in primary evaluation including the respondent No.6 and also finding two tenderers as responsive and they  were  recommended  for  further  financial  evaluation.  The technical  evaluation  report  was  accepted  and  approved  by  the petitioner vide Memo dated 15.09.2021(Annexure-F) and thereafter, the  respondent  No.6  by  its  Memo  dated  06.10.2021  and 14.10.2021  requested  the  relevant  authority  to  re-evalute  their tender  proposals  but  the  same  were  not  considered  by  the petitioner.  In  the  meantime,  the  technically  responsive  two tenderers  were  financially  evaluated  on  20.09.2021  and  the Committee submitted financial evaluation report to the Election Commission vide Memo dated 04.10.2021 recommending to sign a

Finding no other alternative, the petitioner has challenged the aforesaid judgment and order dated 10.11.2021 in the instant writ petition No. 11868 of 2021 in the form of certiorari under article 102 of the Constitution and obtained the Rule Nisi in the manner as quoted hereinabove. On the other hand, the respondent No.6 has filed Writ Petition No. 11008 of 2021 seeking direction upon the present petitioner to execute the aforesaid judgment and order dated  10.11.2021  passed  by  the  Review  Panel  No.02,  CPTU  in Review Appeal No. 076 of 2021 and obtained the Rule Nisi in the manner as quoted hereinabove.

Respondent No. 6 has filed affidavit-in-opposition contending inter alia that section 3A of the Bangladesh Labour Act, 2006 is not applicable for the petitioner project as per section 1(4)(ka) of the said Ain since the project is admittedly funded by the Government of Bangladesh and as such, the petitioner project do not have any legal authority to ask for the Manpower Outsourcing Licence as per the provision of the Bangladesh Labour Act, 2006. It is stated that there is no bar/restriction in law on the contractor to supply more than the number mentioned in its category of licence and as such, the  contention  of  the  petitioner  that  the  respondent  No.6  is competent to supply manpower up to 500 persons at maximum is not  only  misconceived  but  also  misleading.   Therefore,  on 06.10.2021  the  respondent  No.6  submitted  written  complaint before the authority as per section 29 of the Public Procurement Act, 2006 read with rules 56 and 57 of the Public Procurement Rules, 2008. But the petitioner did not pay any heed to the same and as such, on 11.10.2021 and 14.10.2021 the respondent No.6 submitted written complaints before the authority, but the same did not see the light of the day. Hence, the respondent No.6 had filed Review Appeal No. 76 of 2021 before the Review Panel of the CPTU as per rule 57(12) of the Public Procurement Rules, 2008 whereupon the Director General, CPTU by letter dated 21.10.2021 directed the petitioner not to issue any notification of award in respect of the tender. The Chairperson of the Review Panel-2 of the CPTU also by letter dated 27.10.2021 directed the petitioner not to issue any notification of award in respect of the tender. However, after hearing both the parties, the Review Panel No.2 of the CPTU vide judgment and order dated 10.11.2021 allowed the said review appeal declaring the respondent No.6 to be technically responsive with  direction  upon  the  authority  to  conclude  the  financial evaluation of the respondent No.6 by the judgment and order dated 10.11.2021. It is alleged that although the said judgment and order dated  10.11.2021  passed  by  the  Review  Panel-2,  CPTU  was communicated to the petitioner authority, they did not implement the same till date. Hence, the respondent No.6 made representation dated  11.11.2021  requesting  the  authority  to  implement  the aforesaid  judgment  and  order  dated  10.11.2021  passed  by  the Review Panel-2, CPTU but they did not take any steps on the same. Lastly, the respondent No.6 issued notice demanding justice upon the  petitioner  authority  along  with  relevant  authority  on 16.11.2021  to  implement  the  judgment  and  order  dated 10.11.2021 passed by the Review Panel-2 of the CPTU but they did not pay any heed to the same. Hence, the respondent No.6 has filed Writ Petition No. 11008 of 2021 in the form of mandamus and obtained the Rule Nisi and as such it is prayed that the Rule Nisi in Writ Petition No. 11868 of 2021 is liable to be discharged and that of Writ Petition No. 11008 of 2021 is liable to be made absolute.

Mr. Md. Tawhidul Islam, the learned Advocate appearing on behalf of the petitioner (in writ Petition No. 11868 of 2021) submits that the respondent No.6 having accepted the terms and conditions of the tender document participated in the tender process and as such, now he cannot deny adherence to any provisions, terms and conditions  of  the  tender  document.  He  further  submits  that admittedly  the  respondent  No.6  is  holding  ‘B’  category  licence pursuant to which he is competent to supply manpower upto 500 persons at maximum not beyond that and as such, the same do not meet the requirement of the tender notice and therefore, the Technical  Evaluation  Committee  has  rightly  declared  the respondent No.6 to be non responsive in the primary evaluation process but the Review Panel No.02, CPTU without considering this legal  aspect  has  passed  the  judgment  and  order  which  is  not sustainable  in  the  eye  of  law.  Referring  to  section  3A  of  the Bangladesh  Labour  Act,  2006  the  learned  Advocate  for  the petitioner also submits that the manpower supplying contractor has to have licence from the Government to carry on the manpower supplying activities and since the respondent No.6 does not have any such licence he is incompetent to supply manpower as per the requirement of the tender document to the petitioner. Referring to rule 60 of the Public Procurement Rules, 2008 he submits that the CPTU is empowered under the law to make recommendations or suggestions in a tender process i.e. it does not have any authority to  declare  any  tenderer  as  responsive  either  technically  or financially and as such, the judgment and order passed by the Review  Panel  No.2  of  the  CPTU  declaring  the  petitioner  as technically responsive is beyond the law and as such the same has no binding effect in the eye of law. Referring to the finding of the Review Panel No.2, CPTU to the effect that “the issuance of the letter of acceptance during the pendency of the objection of the respondent No.6 is not in accordance with law” is not sustainable because such letter of acceptance was issued on 13.10.2021 which is  much  before  the  petitioner  has  received  the  letter  dated 21.10.2021 from the office of the CPTU requesting the petitioner not  to  further  proceed  with  the  signing  of  contract  with  the successful tenderer and as such, the finding and decision arrived at by the Review Panel No.02, CPTU being not based on proper appreciation of fact and law, the same suffers from legal infirmities and as such call for interference by this Division. Hence, the Rule Nisi issued in the instant writ petition No. 11868 of 2021 is liable to be made absolute.

Mr. Mahbub Shafique, the learned Advocate appearing on behalf of the respondent No.6 (in Writ Petition No. 11868 of 2021) submits that as per the provision of sections 1(4)(a), 2(31) and 2(65) of the Bangladesh Labour Act, 2006 the requirement of Manpower Outsourcing Licence under section 3A of the said Ain, 2006 is not applicable for the instant tender and as such, the Review Panel No.02, CPTU has rightly considered the legal aspect of the case and  allowed  the  appeal  by  the  judgment  and  order  dated 10.11.2021 declaring the petitioner as technically responsive. He further  submits  that  although  the  outsourcing  licence  is  not required in case of the petitioner, the petitioner also filed such

licence along with the tender document and the respondents did not mention regarding category of licence in the tender document and as such, the Review Panel-2 CPTU considering this aspect rightly allowed the appeal by the impugned judgment and order in this Rule Nisi. He also submits that as per rule 60(5) of the Public Procurement Rules, 2008 the decision of the Review Panel stands as final and all concerned parties must act upon such decision and as such, the respondents are under a legal obligation to execute the judgment and order dated 10.11.2021 passed by the Review Panel No.02, CPTU in Review Appeal No. 076 of 2021 and hence he has prayed for discharging the Rule Nisi in Writ Petition No. 11868 of 2021 with a direction to implement the aforesaid judgment and order of Review Panel No.2 CPTU in accordance with law as sought for in Writ Petition No.11008 of 2021. Regarding the binding effect of  the  aforesaid  impugned  judgment  and  order  the  learned Advocate for the petitioner in Writ Petition No. 11008 of 2021 has relied in the case of Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited,  Telephone  Revenue  Bhaban,  Sher-e-Bangla  Nagar, Dhaka  Vs.  Netas  Telekommunikasyon  A.S.  Turkey,  10  ADC (2013) 909 and submits that the decision of the Review Panel shall be final and that all relevant parties shall act as per the aforesaid decision. Finally he submits that the Review Panel constituted by the CPTU is part and parcel of the Public Procurement Ain, 2006 and the Public Procurement Rules, 2008 and as such, the decision of the Review Panel cannot be ignored or avoided by the respondent authority. In support of his submission, he has relied in the case of Bangladesh  Telecommunication  Regulatory  Commission (BTRC) and another Vs. KM Alam and Company and others, 19 BLC (AD) (2014) 134. Upon making the aforesaid submissions, the learned  Advocate  for  the  respondent  No.6  has  prayed  for discharging the Rule Nisi in writ Petition No. 11868 of 2021 and thereby making the Rule Nisi in Writ Petition No. 11008 of 2021 absolute with a direction as prayed for therein.

Heard  the  learned  Advocates  appearing  on  behalf  of  their respective  parties  and  perused  the  writ  petition  along  with supplementary  affidavit,  affidavits-in-opposition  and  papers annexed thereto.

To  determine  as  to  whether  the  impugned  judgment  and order of the Review Panel No.02, CPTU is lawful and in accordance with law, we need to see the legal and factual aspect of the case of the both the parties.

It is not disputed that on 11.06.2021 the respondent has issued  the  tender  for  supply  of  519  Personnel  Scanning  and Equipment Maintenance Operators for the project office operations. Admittedly, the respondent No.6 is holding a ‘B’ category Licence under Licence No. 025/2016-17. From the materials on record, it appears  that  06(six)  outsourcing  firms  were  participated  in  the competition including the instant respondent No.6 and the tenders submitted by them were evaluated on 11.08.2021 by the Tender Evaluation  Committee  and  after evaluation,  the  said  committee submitted  its  report  dated  12.09.2021  showing  four  tenderers including  the  respondent  No.6  as  non  responsive  in  primary evaluation  and  the  rest  two  tenderers  were  found  technically responsive  and  as  such,  they  were  recommended  for  further financial  evaluation.  After  evaluating  those  two  technically responsive  tenderers  in  the  Financial  Evaluation  process,  one ‘iPeople Limited’ was recommended by the Committee for signing a two year contract. Now, the question is whether the finding and declaring  the  respondent  No.6  to  be  non  responsive  is  in accordance with law.

On perusal of the Tender, it appears that clause C to the Tender Data Sheet (Section-2) has provided qualification criteria wherein it has been stated as follows:

  1.                A proven track record of at least 5(five) years’ experience in  conducting  large  scale  recruitment  and  selection  of outstanding staff in projects of similar nature.
  2.              Must have Manpower Outsourcing valid License.
  3.           Experience of conducting Computer bases examination.
  4.            Experience  to  work  with  different  semi government/government  organizations/multinational/ financial sector/donor  agency like UNDP, World Bank, Asian Development Bank etc.”

The most important and key criteria for being qualified or responsive in the tender process is that the Manpower Supplying Firm  must  have  Manpower  Outsourcing  valid  Licence.  The respondent  No.6  although  argued  that  section  3A  of  the Bangladesh  Labour  Act,  2006  is  not  applicable  in  case  of  the respondent No.6 but it claims that the respondent No.6 has such type of licence issued by the authority under section 3A and 326 of the Bangladesh Labour Act, 2006 read with rules 7(7) and 355(1) of the Bangladesh Labour Rules, 2015 which has been annexed as Annexure-E to the writ petition No. 11008 of 2021. It appears from section  3A  of  the  Bangladesh  Labour  Act,  2006  that notwithstanding  anything  contained  in  any  other  law,  any contractor firm in whatever the name, who supplies manpower in different posts to different organizations, cannot carry on such type of activities without having any valid licence from the Government. In section 3Ka(2) of the said Act, it has been provided that the contractor  firm  must  obtain  the  licence  from  the  Government within 06(six) months from the date of promulgation of Bangladesh Labour Rules and in section 3A(4) it has been stated that the issuance of registration/licence will be guided by the provision of the  Bangladesh  Labour  Rules.  Admittedly,  Bangladesh  Labour Rules, 2015 has come into force on and from 15.09.2015 vide SRO No. 291-Ain/2015. The relevant provision regarding issuance of licence to a manpower has been provided in rules 7 and 355 of the Rules, 2015. In rule 355(1) it has been stated that the Inspector General of the Mills and Factories on receiving the fees specified in schedule-7 attached to the Rules shall issue licence under form-78 to  the  applicant  in  respect  of  the  number  of  manpower  to  be supplied. If we go through the schedule-7 of the Rules then it will make  us  clear  that  a  chart  has  been  given  under  serial  No.6 wherein it is found that against outsourcing firm under ‘B’ category licence, the number of manpower/personnel to be supplied, has been shown as 201 to 510. Admittedly, the respondent No.6 is “B’ the category licence holder and as such, his capacity to supply

manpower is from 201 to 510 personnel but not more than that. In

the  instant  case,  the  petitioner  has  asked  for  delivery  of  519

personnel  scanning  and  equipment  maintenance  operators.  As

such,  the  Tender  Evaluation  Committee  in  primary  evaluation

found the respondent no.6 as non-responsive in the bids. As such,

the findings of the Review Panel No.02 of the CPTU to the effect

that Ó ZvQvov category †Kvb AvBbMZ welq n‡Z cv‡i bv| Bnv †KejB cÖkvmwbKe l wq hv cwieZ©bkxjÓ made in the judgment and order in respect of the

manpower licence of the petitioner is illegal and without lawful

authority. When law provides in section 3A(3) of the Bangladesh

Labour Act, 2006 that the labours supplied to different authorities

by the contractor firm would be treated and termed as the labour of

the concerned contractor firm and they will be governed by the

Labour Ain and as such, the findings of the Review Panel No.02 of

the CPTU to the effect that “wbe©vPb Kwgk‡bi Kg©PvixMY‡K †Kvb fv‡eB kªwgK wn‡m‡e MY¨ Kiv hvq bv| Kv‡RB kÖg AvBb‡K GLv‡b †MŠY welq aiv evÄbxq wQj| GQvovI kÖg AvBb miKvi ev

miKv‡ii Aaxb¯’ Awd‡mi Kg©Pvix wb‡qv‡Mi ‡ÿ‡G cÖ‡hvR¨ q b|Ó is illegal and inconsistent

with the law. In respect of the observation of the Review Panel of

the CPTU that the issuance of the Letter of Acceptance during the

pendency  of  the  objection  before  it  in  the  appeal  is  not  in

accordance  with  law,  we  have  already  found  that  the  financial

evaluation report was accepted and approved by the respondent on

11.10.2021  and  the  project  authority  has  issued  letter  of

acceptance under Memo dated 13.10.2021 to the said responsive

firm namely, iPeople Limited notifying that their proposal dated

15.07.2021 has been approved by the respondent. On the other

hand,  the  petitioner  project  has  received  the  letter  dated

21.10.2021 from the office of the CPTU requesting the authority not to further proceed with the signing of contract with the successful tenderer. As such, the observation and findings on the issuance of the letter of acceptance in the judgment and order of the Review Panel No.02 of the CPTU is not a actual findings and not based on proper appreciation of fact.

Now comes to the submission of the learned Advocate for the petitioner  made  on  the  provision  of  rule  60  of  the  Public Procurement Rules, 2008 as stated hereinabove. Rule 60 is relating to disposal of appeal by the Review Panel. On perusal of the said rule 60, it appears that the Review Panel has been empowered to make recommendations or suggestions in respect of declaring any tenderer  as  responsive  or  non  responsive  either  technically  or financially in a tender process. But in the instant case the Review Panel No.02 of the CPTU has declared the respondent No.6 to be responsive and as such, the Review Panel has travelled beyond its jurisdiction by declaring him to be technically responsive which is not in accordance with law. The decisions referred to by the learned Advocate for the respondent no.6 has no manner of application in the facts and circumstances of the present case.

We have noticed that in one breath the respondent No.6 has argued that section 3A of the Bangladesh Labour Act, 2006 is not applicable and immediately in the same breath the respondent No.6 has  claimed  that  he  has  such  type  of  licence  issued  by  the authority under the provision of the Bangladesh Labour Act and the authority could have considered the licence of the respondent no.6 and as such, we are of the view that the respondent No.6 is playing hot and cold in the same breath to achieve the goal which he cannot approbate and reprobate that his tender ought to have considered by the authority. As a Rule of law, as per the terms of the tender notice a tenderer had to satisfy the eligibility criterion for technical capability and competence as well as financial capacity and organizational resources. In the present case, the respondent No.6 does not have the valid licence to compete the tender process which has been rightly looked into by the Evaluation Committee in accordance with law.

In view of the aforesaid discussions, the findings and decision arrived at by the Review Panel of the CPTU being not based on proper appreciation of law and fact, the same calls for interference by this Division in this Rule Nisi and as such the same does not bear any binding effect on the petitioner authority. Accordingly, we find merit in the Rule Nisi issued in Writ Petition No. 11868 of 2021 which is liable to be made absolute.

In the result, the Rule Nisi in Writ Petition No. 11868 of 2021 is made absolute and hence, the impugned judgment and order dated 10.11.2021 passed by the respondent Nos. 2 to 5 in Review Application 076 of 2021 in respect of Tender process of Invitation of Tender  No.  ECS/IDEA  Project  (2nd  Phase)/  NCS-9/2021  dated 11.06.2021  for  Package  No.  NCS-9,  Lot  No.01  for  ‘Section  for Service  Providing  Firm  for  Delivery  of  Scanning  &  Equipment Maintenance  Operators’  for  Identification  System  for  Enhancing Access to Services (IDEA) Project (2nd Phase) (Annexure-R) is hereby declared to have been passed without lawful authority and is of no legal effect.

It appears from the term of the Rule Nisi in Writ Petition No. 11008 of 2021 that  Rule Nisi was issued as to why a direction should  not  be  given  upon  the  respondents  to  implement  the aforesaid judgment and order of the Review Panel No.02, CPTU.

Since the judgment and order dated 11.10.2021 passed by the Review Panel No.02, CPTU in Review Application No. 076 of 2021 has been declared to be without lawful authority in Writ Petition No. 11868 of 2021, the Rule Nisi in Writ Petition No. 11008 of 2021 is liable to be discharged.

In the result, the Rule Nisi in Writ Petition No. 11008 of 2021 is discharged.

However, there will be no order as to costs. Communicate the order.         

MD. Mahmud Hassan Talukder, J.

I agree.