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h¡wm¡−cn p¤fË£j ®L¡VÑ

q¡C−L¡VÑ ¢hi ¡N       (®cJu¡e£ ¢l¢i ne A¢d−r œ)


¢hQ¡lf¢a Se¡h ®j¡x Bnl¡g¥m L¡j¡m

¢p¢i m ¢l¢i ne ew 1289/ 2021

¢hN hp L−f¡Ñ−lne ¢m¢j−VX f−r ®~puc ®lS¡Em ®q¡−pe L¡S£, hÉhÙÛ¡fe¡ f¢lQ¡mL, p¡w L«o·Q¨s¡ HÉ¡f¡VÑ−j¾V ew 1/¢X, gÓ¡V ew

40, ®l¡X ew-21, hÔL-¢h, he¡e£, Y¡L¡-1213z

…. fТafr--clM¡Ù¹L¡l£


B¢jÑ J−um−gu¡l VÊ¡ØV (HX¢hÔE¢V) f−r p¢Qh, fËk−aÁ-HÉ¡XS− ¤V¾V ®Se¡−lm n¡M¡, LmÉ¡e J f§ZÑh¡pe f¢lcçl, ®pe¡h¡¢qe£ pcl

cçl, Y¡L¡ ®pe¡ ¢eh¡p, b¡e¡-Y¡L¡ LÉ¡¾Ve−j¾V, Y¡L¡z

......B−hceL¡l£-fТah¡c£ HÉ¡X−i¡−LV Cj¢au¡S jCe¤m Cpm¡j

…. fТafr-clM¡Ù¹L¡l£f−r Ae¤f¢ÙÛa

...... B−hceL¡l£-fТah¡c£ f−r

öe¡e£l a¡¢lMx 15.06.2022, 19.06.2022, 27.06.2022, 25.07.2022 Hhw l¡u fËc¡−el a¡¢lMx 08.08.2022z

¢hQ¡lf¢a Se¡h ®j¡x Bnl¡g¥m L¡j¡mx

fТafr-clM¡p¹L¡l£ La«ÑL ®cJu¡e£ L¡kÑ¢h¢dl 115(1) Hl ¢hd¡e ®j¡a¡−hL clM¡Ù¹ c¡¢M−ml ®fË¢r−a ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 19.07.2021 a¡¢l−M ¢ejÀh¢ZÑai¡−h l¦m¢V Cp¤É Ll¡ q−u¢Rmx

H¢V 1908 p¡−ml −cJu¡e£ L¡kÑ¢h¢d d¡l¡ 151(1) ®j¡a¡−hL c¡−ulL«a HL¢V ¢p¢im ¢l¢ine clM¡Ù¹z

¢hh¡c£-clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ f−r ¢h‘ HÉ¡X−i¡−LV Cj¢au¡S jCe¤m Cpm¡j k¤¢š²aLÑ EfÙÛ¡fe f§hÑL fËb−jC ¢e−hce L−le ®k, a¢LÑa p¡¢mn£ ®l¡−uc¡c pwMÉ¡N¢lø p¡¢mnL¡l£ (3 Se p¡¢mnL¡l£l j−dÉ 2 Se) LaªL Ñ ü¡r¢la Hhw

1 Se p¡¢mnL¡l£ ü¡rl e¡ Ll¡l L¡lZJ ®l¡−uc¡−c E−õM Ll¡ q−u−R ¢hd¡u B−m¡QÉ p¡¢mn£ ®l¡−uc¡c p¡¢mn BCe, 2001 Hl 38(2) d¡l¡ Ae¤k¡u£ pÇf§ZÑ ®~~hd HL¢V p¡¢mn£ ®l¡−uc¡cz

Afl¢c−L, a¡j¡¢c BCe, 1908 Hl 5 d¡l¡ ®j¡a¡−hL B¢fm, ¢l¢iE, ¢l¢ine CaÉ¡¢cl ®r−œ üuw¢œ²ui¡−h L¡kÑLl q−mJ ®k−L¡e ¢h−no


BC−el Ad£e Bf£m ¢l¢ine h¡ ¢l¢iEl ®r−œ Eš² BCe à¡l¡ p¤¢e¢cÑøi¡−h

hm¡ e¡ b¡L−m a¡j¡¢c BCe Eš² ¢h−no Bq~−el ®r−œ fË−k¡SÉ qu e¡z

¢h‘ HÉ¡X−i¡−LV Cj¢au¡S jCe¤m Cpm¡j BlJ ¢e−hce L−le ®k, p¡¢mn BCe, 2001 Hl 42 d¡l¡ ®j¡a¡−hL 60 (o¡V) ¢c−el j−dÉ p¡¢mn ®l¡−uc¡c QÉ¡−m” Ll¡l p¤−k¡N fËc¡e Ll¡ q−u−Rz ¢L¿º Eš² p¡¢mn£ BCe,

2001 Hl 42 d¡l¡ ®j¡a¡−hL 60 (o¡V) ¢ce A¢ah¡¢qa qJu¡l fl a¡j¡¢c

BCe 1908 Hl d¡l¡ 5 ®j¡a¡−hL ¢hmð j¡SÑe¡l p¤−k¡N fËc¡e Ll¡ qu e¡Cz

¢L¿º ¢h‘ ®Sm¡ SS, Y¡L¡ BCe O¢Va i¤−ml L¡l−Z Bl¢h¢Vne¢h d B−hce¢V c¡¢M−m a¡j¡¢c pju jJL¥g L−l BCeNa i¥m L−l−Rez

Ef¢l¢õ¢Ma k¤¢š²a−LÑl pjbÑ−e ¢h‘ HÉ¡X−i¡−LV 52 ¢X,Hm,Bl (H¢X) 178; ¢p¢im B¢fm ew-1/1984 Hl l¡u, 64 ¢X,Hm,Bl (2012)

245 ¢pÜ¡¿¹ pj§q EfÙÛ¡fe L−lez

Aœ ¢p¢im ¢l¢ine clM¡Ù¹ Hhw Hl p¡−b pwk¤š² pLm pwk¤¢š² ¢hÙ¹¡¢lai¡−h fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡ Ll¡ q−m¡z ¢h‘ HÉ¡X−i¡−LV Cj¢au¡S jCe¤m

Cpm¡j Hl k¤¢š²aLÑ nËhZ Ll¡ q−m¡z

e¢b amh Ll¡ ®q¡Lz

−Sm¡ SS, Y¡L¡ LaѪL Bl¢h−VÊne ¢h¢hd B−hce ew 166/2021-

H fËcš ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 13.06.2021 a¡¢l−Ml B−cn ®Le lc J l¢qa Ll¡

q−h e¡ Hhw Aœ Bc¡ma LaѪL p¢WL Hhw kb¡kb j−e Ll−m BlJ AeÉ¡eÉ

h¡ A¢a¢lš² B−cn h¡ B−cnpj§q ®Le fËc¡e Ll¡ q−h e¡ j−jÑ fË¢af−rl

fË¢a L¡lZ cnÑ¡−e¡f§hÑL l¦m ¢e¢n S¡l£ Ll¡ qmz

l¦m¢V ¢eÖf¢š qJu¡ fkÑ¿¹ ®Sm¡ SS, Y¡L¡ Bc¡m−a ¢hQ¡l¡d£e Bl¢h−VÊne ¢h¢hd B−hce ew 166/2021 Hl pLm L¡kÑœ²j BN¡j£ 06 (Ru) j¡−pl SeÉ ÙÛ¢Na Ll¡ qmz

AcÉL¡l  a¡¢lM  q−a  04  (Q¡l)  pç¡−ql  j−dÉ  l¦m¢V  S¡l£  q−u ®gla−k¡NÉz

amh¡e¡ 02 (c¤C) gcÑ 03 (¢ae) LjÑ ¢ch−pl j−dÉ k¡l 01 (HL)

gcÑ ®l¢S¢øÊ X¡L−k¡−N Hhw AeÉ gcÑ ü¡i¡¢hL ¢eu−j c¡¢Mm Ll¡l SeÉ clM¡Ù¹L¡l£−L ¢e−cÑn fËc¡e Ll¡ q−m¡z

l¦m¢V ¢eØf¢šl m−rÉ OVe¡l pw¢rç ¢hhlZ HC ®kx-

B¢jÑ J−um−gu¡l VÊ¡ø Hl p¡−b clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ ¢hN hp L−fÑ¡−lne ¢m¢j−V−Xl ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 27.11.2018 a¡¢l−M pÇf¡¢ca Q¤¢š²l naÑ Ae¤k¡u£ ¢hN hp L−fÑ¡−lne ¢m¢j−VX p¡¢mn£

®j¡LŸj¡ ew- 01/2019 c¡−ul Ll−m ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 15.06.2019 a¡¢l−M Eiu f−rl

p¡¢mnL¡l£NZ (Bl¢h−VÊVlp) p¡¢mn£ VÊ¡Ch¤Ée¡−ml ®Qu¡ljÉ¡−el pÇj¤−M Ef¢ÙÛa b¡L−m p¡¢m−nl L¡kÑœ²j Eš² a¡¢lM ®b−L öl¦ quz Aaxfl B¢jÑ J−um−gu¡l VÊ¡ØV ab¡ p¡¢mn£ −j¡LŸj¡l 1j

fr pj−ul clM¡Ù¹ Ll−m p¡¢mn£ VÊ¡Ch¤Ée¡m a¡ j”¤l L−l Hhw ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 13.07.2019 a¡¢l−M

öe¡e£l flhaÑ£ a¡¢lM ¢edÑ¡lZ L−lez ¢L¿º ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 13.07.2019 a¡¢l−M B¢jÑ J−um−gu¡l

VÊ¡ØV Hl f−r −LE Ef¢ÙÛa e¡ b¡L¡u eÉ¡u ¢hQ¡−ll ü¡−bÑ p¡¢mn£ VÊ¡Ch¤Ée¡m p¡¢mn£ L¡kÑœ²j ÙÛ¢Na

L−l ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 27.07.2019 a¡¢l−M ea¥e öe¡e£l a¡¢lM ¢edÑ¡le L−lez Aaxfl ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 27.07.2019 a¡¢l−M B¢jÑ J−um−gu¡l VÊ¡ØV Hl f−r ®LE Ef¢ÙÛa e¡ b¡L¡u flhaÑ£ a¡¢lM ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 09.08.2019 ¢edÑ¡le Ll¡ quz Aaxfl B¢jÑ J−um−gu¡l VÊ¡ØV f−rl ¢ek¤¢š²u p¡¢mnL¡lL ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 29.07.2019 a¡¢l−M f−œl j¡dÉ−j p¡¢mn£ VÊ¡Ch¤Ée¡m−L Ah¢qa L−le ®k, ¢a¢e hÉ¢š²Na L¡l−Z p¡¢mnL¡lL ®b−L ¢e−Sl e¡j fÐaÉ¡q¡l L−l ¢e−hez

Aaxfl ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 09.08.2019 a¡¢lM B¢jÑ J−um−gu¡l VÊ¡øÌ Ef¢ÙÛa e¡ b¡L¡u flhaÑ£ öe¡e£l a¡¢lM ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 13.08.2019 a¡¢lM ¢edÑ¡le L−l hÉbÑa¡u HLalg¡ öe¡e£ q−h j−jÑ B−cn fÐc¡e L−lez Aaxfl ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 13.8.2019 a¡¢l−M B¢jÑ J−um−gu¡l VÊ¡ø ab¡ fÐbj

fr Ef¢ÙÛa e¡ b¡L¡u p¡¢mn£ VÊ¡Ch¤Ée¡m ®j¡LŸj¡¢V HLalg¡ öe¡e£ ®no L−le Hhw ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 14.09.2019 a¡¢l−M p¡¢mn£ ®l¡−uc¡c fÐc¡−el SeÉ ¢ce ¢edÑ¡le L−l Hhw Eš² ¢ce ®l¡−uc¡c fÐc¡e L−lez Aaxfl ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 14.09.2019 a¡¢l−Ml ®l¡uc¡c h ¢a−ml ¢e¢j−š B¢jÑ J−um−gu¡l VÊ¡ø ab¡ p¡¢mn£ ®j¡LŸj¡ ew- 01/2019 Hl fÐbj fr p¡¢mn£ BCe, 2001 Hl 42

J 43 d¡l¡l ¢hd¡e j−a clM¡Ù¹ c¡¢Mm Ll−m clM¡Ù¹¢V Bl¢h−VÊne ¢jp ®LCp ew- 166/2021 e¡ð¡−l ¢eh¢åa quz clM¡Ù¹¢V c¡−u−l 118 ¢ce ¢hmð qJu¡u ¢hmð jJL¤−gl ¢e¢j−š a¡j¡¢c

BC−eJ Afl HL¢V clM¡Ù¹ c¡¢Mm Ll¡ quz ¢h‘ ®Sm¡ SS, Y¡L¡ 188 ¢ce a¡j¡¢c j”¤l Llax

p¡¢mn£ BCe, 2001 Hl 42 J 43 d¡l¡l clM¡Ù¹¢V öe¡e£l SeÉ NËqZ L−le Hhw ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 14.09.2019 a¡¢l−Ml ®l¡−uc¡c Hl pLm L¡kÑœ²j flhaÑ£ ¢e−cÑn e¡ ®cJu¡ fkÑ¿¹ ÙÛ¢Na L−lez ¢h‘ ®Sm¡ SS, Y¡L¡ LaѪL Bl¢h−VÊne ¢h¢hd ®j¡LŸj¡ ew- 166/2021-H fÐcš ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 13.06.2021 a¡¢l−Ml B−c−n pwr¥ì q−u fТafr ¢p¢im ¢l¢ine ®j¡LŸj¡¢V c¡¢Mm L−l

l¦m¢V fСç qez

fË¢afr -clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ f−r l ¢h‘ HÉ¡X−i ¡−LV Cj¢au¡S jCe¤m Cpm¡j ¢p¢im ¢l¢ine clM¡−Ù¹l 06 ®b−L 10 ew fÉ¡l¡ EfÙÛ¡fe f§hÑL ¢hÙ¹¡¢lai¡−h k¤¢š²aLÑ fËc¡e L−lez …l¦aÄf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u ¢p¢im ¢l¢ine clM¡−Ù¹l 06 ®b−L 10 ew fÉ¡l¡ ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x

“06. That, admittedly there has been a delay of 188 days in filling the setting aside application under section 42 of the 2001 Act on 25.05.2021. Counting from the date of filling, admittedly, the respondent came to know about the award on 17.11.2020. The respondent sought condonation of 188 days and the Learned District Judge, Dhaka on 13.06.2021, vide his Order No. 2, condoned the said delay by applying section 5 of the 1908 Act. This Order is hereby impugned;

  1. That is is stated that an application under section 42 of

the 2001 Act is the only application that can be preferred to set aside an arbitration award and the time to prefer such application is fixed to be 60 days from the date of knowledge/ receiving of the award. The respondent admitted this time limit by filing the application for condonation of delay and the only issue remaining to adjudicate is whether by applying section 5 of the 1908 Act, the learned Court can condone the said delay in filling an application under section 42 of the 2001 Act;

  1. That, it is most humbly submitted that sectin 5 of the

1908 reads as:

“5. Any appeal or application for a revision or a review of judgment or for leave to appeal or any other application to which this section may be made application by or under any enactment for the time being in force may be admitted after the period of limitation prescribed therefor, when the appellant or applicant satisfied the Court that he had sufficient cause for not preferring the appeal or making the application within such period.

Explanation- the fact that the appellant or applicant was misled by any order, practice or judgment of the High Court Division in ascertaining or computing the prescribed period of limitation may be sufficient cause within the meaning of this section.”

For plain reading of section 5 of the 1908 Act, it is conspicuously evident that in case of  applicatins other than revision application, review application or civil petition for leave to appel, section 5 of the 1908 has to be specifically made applicable by or under any enactment; otherwise section 5 of the 1908 Act shall not be applicable to that application;

  1. That, it is most humbly submitted that an example of the

specific application of section 5 of the 1908 Act in cases of “other applications” can be witnessed from Order 9 Rule 9 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (CPC);

  1. That, it is most humbly submitted that section 42 of the

2001 Act did not specifically made section 5 of the 1908 Act applicable to condone delay in filling a setting aside application hence the Learned District Judge, Dhaka committed an error of law resulting in an error in Order No. 2 dated 13.06.2021 passed in Arbitration Miscellaneous Case No. 166 of 2021 occasioning failure of justice.”

Afl¢c−L B−hceL¡l£-fË¢ah¡c£ fr Ae¤f¢ÙÛaz

Aœ ¢p¢i m ¢l¢i ne clM¡Ù¹ Hhw eb£ fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡ Llm¡jz fТafr - clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ f−r l ¢h‘ HÉ¡X−i ¡−LV Hl k¤¢š²aLÑ nËhZ Llm¡jz

…l¦aÄf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u  Avwg© I‡qj‡dqvi Uªvó Hhw ¢hNhp L−fÑ¡−lne ¢m¢j−VX Hl j−dÉ pÇf¡¢ca Q¥¢š²fœ¢V (Annexure-A)  ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x

Aviwe‡Uªkb Pzw³cÎ

AÎ Pzw³cÎ A`¨ 27 b‡f¤^i, 2018 Bs Zvwi‡L wb¤œ wjwLZ fr M‡Yi g‡a¨ m¤úvw`Z nBj|

Avwg© I‡qj‡dqvi Uªvó (HX¢hÔE¢V), c−r mwPe K‡Y©j †gvnv¤§` BKevj †nv‡mb, cÖh‡Zœ- Avwg© I‡qj‡dqvi Uªvó, †mbvevwnbx m`i `ßi, G¨ WRy‡W›U †Rbv‡ij kvLv, Kj¨vY I cybe©vmb cwi`ßi, XvKv †mbvbxevm, XvKv (cieZ©x‡Z Bnvi DËivwaKvix ¯ j’ eZ©x Iqvwik Ges AvBbvbyM cÖwZwbwaMY AÎ Pzw³c‡Îi Avek¨Kxq cr wnmv‡e MY¨ nB‡e)|

-------cÖ_g fr|


weMem K‡c©v‡ikb wjwg‡UW I kvwbjv d¨vkb wjwg‡UW, c‡r Bnvi e¨e¯’vcK cwiPvjK- ˆmq` †iRvDj †nv‡mb KvRx, wcZv- ˆmq` Aveyj †nv‡mb KvRx, ¯ v’ qx wVKvbvt MÖvg I WvKNi- †PŠÏ-eywoqv, _vbv- bjwQwU, †Rjv- SvjKvwV, eZ©gv‡b- K…òPzov G¨vcvU©‡g›U bs- 1/wW, d¬¨vU bs- 40, †ivW bs2 -1 , hÔK-we, ebvbx, XvKv- 1213, †ckv- e¨emv, ag©- Bmjvg, RvZxqZv- evsjv‡`kx| Z`c −r- rj Zv cÖvß cÖwZwbwa- Bnvi †Rbv‡ij g¨v‡bRvi Rbve KvRx g¡l¦L¥‹¡j¡e wcZv- KvRx Avãyj nvwKg, mvs- B-13, ga¨ evÇv, †j‡fj-11, ¸jkvb, XvKv- 1212| (cieZ©x‡Z Zvnv‡`i DËivwaKvix, ¯ j’ eZ©x Iqvwik Ges AvBbvbyM cÖwZwbwaMY Pzw³c‡Îi Avek¨Kxq fr wnmv‡e Mb¨ nB‡e)|

---------wØZxq fr


cig Ll¦e¡ju I Amxg, `qvjy Bõ¡q Zvqvjvi bvg ¯§iY Kwiqv AÎ Aviwe‡Uªkb Pyw³c‡Îi eqvb Avi¤¢ Kwi‡ZwQ| †h‡nZy Aviwe‡Uªkb Pyw³c‡Îi

c¶Øq MvRxcyi †Rjvi Rq‡`ecyi _vbvaxb "mviv‡evÓ †gŠRvi m¤úwË h nvi hvnvi cªwZôv‡bi bv‡g µq Kwiqv‡Q|

‡h‡nZy MvRxcyi †Rjvi Rq‡`ecyi _vbvi "mviv‡ev" †gŠRvi m¤úwË cª_g c¶

I wØZxq c¶ hvnvi hvnvi Lwi`v `wjj g~‡j gvwjKvbv `vx e Kwi‡Z‡Q Ges †h‡nZy ewY©Z †gŠRvi m¤úwËi KZK `v‡Mi m¤úwËi ¯^Ë¡ m¤ú‡K© c¶Ø‡qi g‡a¨ we‡iva †`Lv †`Iqvq c¶Ø‡qi wn‰Zlx I ïfvKv•Lx‡`i civg‡k© Ges wb‡Riv Avjvc-Av‡jvPbv Kwiqv Aviwe‡Uªkb Gi gva¨‡g Zvnv‡`i we‡ivaxq welqwU wb®ú Ë Kwi‡Z AvMªn cªKvk Kivq Ges Dfq c‡¶i g‡a¨ we‡iva wb®úwËi Rb¨ Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBeyb¨vj MV‡bi j‡¶¨ GKwU Aviwe‡Uªkb Pyw³ m¤úv`‡bi Avek¨KxqZv †`Lv †`Iqvq c¶Øq

Pyw³c‡Î Ave× nB‡jb |


‡h‡nZy cª_g I wØZxq c‡¶i Av‡jvPbvi wfwˇZ ewY©Z Òmviv‡ev" †gŠRvi m¤úwËi ¯^Z¡ msµ¡¿¹ we‡iva mn Z` msµv¿ ¹hveZxq welqvw` wb®úwË Kivi Rb¨ G¶‡Y cª_g I wØZxq c¶Øq cvi®úwiK Avjvc Av‡jvPbvi wfwˇZ GKgZ nBqv wbgœ ewY©Z kZ©vejxi Av‡jv‡K AÎ Aviwe‡Uªkb Pyw³cÎ m¤úv`b Kwi‡jb|

-t kZ©mg~n t-

  1. Dfq c‡¶i ga¨Kvi we‡iva wb®úwËi Rb¨ Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi Kvh©¨µg cwiPvjbvi Rb¨

cª_g c‡¶i Awdm h_v XvKv¯’ wgicyi 17 Bwmwe m‡¤§jb K‡¶ Aviwe‡Uªkb Gi Kvh©vµg cwiPvwjZ nB‡e |

  1. Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBeyb¨vj Gi wbKU `vwLjK„Z m¤úwË msµv¿ ¹we‡iva Gi AvBbvbyM, b¨vq msMZ Ges c¶cvZnxb fv‡e Aviwe‡Uªkb G¨v± Gi weavb AbymiYc~e©K Aviwe‡Uªkb Kvh©¨µg ïl¦ nIqvi w`b nB‡Z 90 (beŸB) Kvh©¨ w`e‡mi g‡a¨ Aviwe‡Uªkb Kvh©µg mgvß Kiv nB‡e | hw` wba©vwiZ Zvwi‡Li g‡a¨ Aviwe‡Uªkb Kvh©¨µg mgvß Kiv m¤¢e bv nq Z‡e Dfq c‡¶i m¤§wZ‡Z Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi mgq e„w× Kiv hvB‡e |
  2. Aviwe‡Uªkb Kvh©¨µg ïl¦ nIqvi cÖv°v‡j Dfq c¶ Zvnv‡`i `vexK„Z m¤úwË m¤ú‡K© wjwLZ e³e¨ Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBeyb¨v‡ji wbKU Dc¯ v’ cb Kwi‡eb Ges `vexi ¯^c‡¶ `wjjvZ I KvMRc‡Îi d‡UvKwc wjwLZ e³‡e¨i mwnZ `vwLj Kwi‡eb Ges

GK c‡¶i wjwLZ e³‡e¨ I Dnvi m½xq `wjjvZ I KvMRc‡Îi d‡UvKwc Aci

c¶‡K Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBeyb¨v‡ji gva¨‡g cª`vb Kwi‡Z nB‡e Ges GKc¶ Aci c‡¶i

wjwLZ e³e¨ I `vwLjx KvMRcÎ I `wjjvZ cix¶v Kwiqv UªvBeyb¨v‡j ïbvbxi mg‡q ïbvbx‡Z Ask MªnY Kwi‡eb|

  1. ewY©Z "mviv‡ev" †gŠRvi ¯ v’ bxq f~wgi gvwjKMY c¶Ø‡qi Aviwe‡UªkbK„Z LwZqvb I `v‡Mi m¤úwˇZ †Kvb cªKvi `vex `vIqv DÌvcb Kwi‡j I we‡iva m„wó nB‡j Zvnviv Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBeyb¨v‡j Dcw¯ Z’ nBqv Zvnv‡`i m¤úwË msµv¿¹ h³e¨, weeiY I `vex

`vIqv Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBeyb¨v‡ji wbKU wjwLZfv‡e †ck Kwiqv Z„Zxq wnmv‡e Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBeyb¨v‡j Ask MªnY Kwi‡Z cvwi‡eb Ges weÁ Aviwe‡UªUiMY cª_g c¶

I wØZxq c‡¶i gZ GKB mv‡_ ewY©Z Z„Zxq c‡¶i e³e¨ kªeb Kwiqv I KvMRcÎ

cix¶v Kwiqv Zvnv‡`i wel‡q GKB mv‡_ ivq cª`vb Kwi‡eb| Z‡e †m‡¶‡Î ewY©Z ¯ v’ bxq e¨w³MY hvnviv Z„Zxq c¶ wnmv‡e Ask MªnY Kwi‡b e Zvnviv Aviwe‡Uªkb- UªvBeyb¨v‡ji ivq gvwbqv †bIqvi Rb¨ Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBeyb¨vj eive‡i A½xKvibvgv cª`vb Kwi‡Z nB‡e| Ab¨_vq Zvnviv Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBeyb¨v‡j Ask MªnY Kwi‡Z cvwi‡eb bv|

  1. Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBeyb¨vj Gi Kvh©¨µg Aviwe‡Uªkb G¨v±- 2001 Gi weavb †gvZv‡eK cwiPvwjZ nB‡e Ges mKj c¶ UªvBeyb¨vj Gi Kvh©µg mwVK fv‡e cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBeyb¨vj‡K me©vZ¥K fv‡e mn‡hvMxZv Kwi‡eb | 
  2. Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBeyb¨vj MV‡bi Rb¨ Dfq 01 (GK) Rb Kwiqv Aviwe‡UªUi (Arbitrator) g‡bvbqb cª`vb Kwi‡eb

Ges c¶Ø‡qi g‡a¨ g‡bvbxZ Aviwe‡UªUiMb GKgZ nBqv Z„Zq x

01 (GK) Rb‡K Aviwe‡Uªkb UvBeyb¨v‡ji †Pqvig¨vb wnmv‡e g‡bvbqb cª`vb Kwi‡eb| ewY©Z 03 (wZb) R‡bi mgš^‡q Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBeyb¨vj MwVZ nBqv Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBeyb¨v‡ji Kvh©¨µg cwiPvwjZ nB‡e|

  1.   cª_g Zvnv‡`i c‡¶ Aemicªvß †Rjv RR Rbvi Avwbmy¾vgvb‡K Aviwe‡UªUi wnmv‡e g‡bvbqb Kwiqv‡Qb|
  2.   wØZxq c¶ Zvnv‡`i c‡¶ Aemicªvß †Rjv RR Rbve †gvt

GKivgyj nK †PŠayix‡K Aviwe‡UªUi wnmv‡e g‡bvbqb Kwiq‡Q vb|

  1. c¶M‡Yi g‡bvbxZ Aviwe‡UªUiM‡Yi gva¨‡g Aviwe‡Uªkb †evW© Dfq c‡¶i wjwLZ e³e¨ kªeb I KvMRcÎ ch©&hv‡jvPbv Kwiqv we‡ivaxq welqwU wb®úwË Kwi‡eb| Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBeyb¨vj †h ivq/‡iv‡q`v` (Award) cª`vb Ki‡eb, ewY©Z ivq/‡iv‡q`v` ( Award) Pyov¿¹ ewjqv MY¨ nB‡e Ges mKj cª‡¶i Dci DËivq/‡iv‡q`v` (Award) eva¨Ki nB‡e Ges mKj c¶ Zvnv gvb¨ Kwi‡Z eva¨ _vwK‡eb |
  1. c¶Ø‡qi g‡a¨ we‡ivaxq welqwU Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBeyb¨vj Gi gva¨‡g wb®úwË A‡šÍ ivq/‡iv‡q`v` (Award) cª`vb m¤¢e bv nB‡j AÎ Aviwe‡Uªkb AKvh©¨Ki ewjqv MY¨ nB‡e  Ges  †m‡¶‡Î  c¶MY  Zvnv‡`i  we‡iva  I  `vex  `vIqv  m¤ú‡K©  †`Iqvbx Av`vj‡Zi ¯§iYvcbœ nB‡Z cvwi‡eb| Bnv‡Z †Kvb c‡¶i †Kvb IRi AvcwË _vwK‡e

bv I †Kvb cªKvi AvB‡bi cªwZeÜKZv _vwK‡e bv|

  1. Av‡iwe‡Uªkb UªvBeyb¨v‡ji ivq/‡iv‡q`v` (Award) gvwbqv jB‡Z m¤§Z Av‡Qb g‡g© c¶MY Avjv`v GKwU A½xKvibvgvq †hŠ_ ¯^v¶i cª`vb Kwi‡eb, hvnv‡Z Avwg© I‡qj‡dqvi  Uªvó  (GWweøDwU)  Ges  weMem  K‡c©v‡ikb  wjwg‡UW  I  kvwbjv  d¨vkb wjwg‡UW, (G¨vc‡UK N˦f) Gi c‡¶ ¶gZv cªvß ˆea cªwZwbwa ¯^v¶i Kwi‡eb| †Kvb Z„Zxq c¶ cieZ©x‡Z AÎ Avwiwe‡Uªk‡b Ask MªnY Kwi‡Z Pwn v‡j Zvnviv cª_g c¶ I

wØZxq  c‡¶i  mwnZ  Avjvc-Av‡jvPbv  Kwiqv  †hŠ_  fv‡e  A½xKvi  bvgvq  ¯^v¶i Kwi‡eb|

  1. Aviwe‡Uªkb  UªvBeyb¨v‡j  DÌvwcZ  we‡iva  ïbvbx  A‡šÍ  cª`Ë  ivq/‡iv‡q`v` (Award). Kw¤úDUv‡i K‡¤úvRK„Z nB‡e Ges Dnv‡Z UªvBeyb¨v‡j† iP q ig¨v I m`m¨M‡Yi ¯^v¶ihy³ nB‡Z nB‡e|
  2. †Kvb c‡¶i g„Zy¨‡Z AÎ Aviwe‡Uªkb Pyw³cÎ evwZj ne B  ‡bv eis g„Z c‡¶i AvBbvbyM  IqvwikM‡Yi  Dci  Zvnv  eva¨Ki  _vwK‡e  Ges  GB  Pyw³c‡Îi  hveZxq kZ©vejx fwel¨‡ZI IqvwikM‡Yi Dci mgfv‡e eZ©vB‡e|
  3. †Kvb    Aviwe‡Uªkb  Pyw³cÎ  evwZj  Kwi‡Z  Pvwn‡j Pyw³cÎ  evwZj cªv_©bvKvix c¶ KZ©…K Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBeyb¨v‡ji wbKU †mB g‡g© h_vh_ KviY D‡jøL c~e©K  wjwLZ  fv‡e  Zvnv  `vwLj  Kwi‡eb  Ges  †mB  wel‡q  Aviwe‡Uªkb  UªvBeyb¨vj cª‡qvRbxq c`‡¶c MªnY Kwi‡eb|
  4. AÎ Aviwe‡Uªkb Pyw³cÎ Abyhvqx UªvBeyb¨vj Gi Kvh©¨µg wb®úwË bv nIqv ch©šÍ c¶M‡Yi  hvnvi  hvnvi  `vexK„Z  m¤úwËi  `Lj  c~‡e©i  b¨vq vwK _‡e  Ges  GKc¶ Ab¨c¶‡K †Kvb cªKvi evav we‡Nœi m„wó Kwi‡Z cvwi‡eb bv| Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBeyb¨v‡ji ivq/‡iv‡q`v` (Award) nIqvi ci ivq Abymv‡i hvnvi hvnvi cªvß m¤úwˇZ †fvM `Lj Kwi‡eb |
  5. AÎ Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBeyb¨vj Gi gvbbxq †Pqvig¨vb g‡nv`‡qi m¤§vbx Dfq c‡¶i wb‡qvwRZ weÁ Aviwe‡UªUiMY gvbbxq †Pqvig¨vb Gi mwnZ Avj c-Av‡jvPbv Kwiqv

AÎ c¶M‡Yi mwnZ civgk© µ‡g wba©vib Kwi‡eb Ges gvbbxq †Pqvig¨vb g‡nv`‡qi

Rb¨ wba©vwiZ m¤§vbx eve` †`q UvKv cª_g I wØZxq c¶ 50% nv‡i cwi‡kva Kwi‡eb

Ges c¶Ø‡qi wbhy³xq Aviwe‡UªUiM‡Yi m¤§vbx c¶MY wbR wbR Znwej nB‡Z enb


GZØv‡_© †¯^”Qvq, ¯^Áv‡b Ges A‡b¨i webv cª‡ivPbvq c¶MY AÎ Pyw³c‡Îi

kZ© mgyn  cvV Kwiqv  I Dnvi gg© I djvdj m¤ú‡K© m¤ú~Y© AeMZ nBqv AÎ Aviwe‡Uªkb Pyw³cÎ m¤úv`b Kwi‡jb|

AÎ Pzw³cÎ †gvU 06 (Qq) cvZvq Kw¤úDUv‡i K‡¤úvRK…Z G   s^vr£ 03 (wZb) Rb


(Avwg© I‡qj‡dqvi Uªvó (GWweøDwU), cÖwZwbwa‡Z¡- Bnvi mwPe K‡Y©j †gvnv¤§`  BKevj  †nv‡mb,  cÖh‡Zœ-  Avwg©  I‡qj‡dqvi  Uªvó, †mbvevwnbx  m`i  `ßi,  G¨vWRy‡W›U  †Rbv‡ij  kvLv,  Kj¨vY I cybe©vmb cwi`ßi, XvKv †mbvbxevm, XvKv)|

(weMem K‡c©v‡ikb wjwg‡UW I kvwbjv d¨vkb wjwg‡UW, f−r Bnvi e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK- ˆmq` †iRvDj †nv‡mb KvRx, wcZv- ˆmq`

Aveyj †nv‡mb KvRx, acÚf−r rja¡ cÖvß cÖwZwbwa- Bnvi †Rbv‡ij g¨v‡bRvi Rbve KvRx g¡l¦L¥¾vgvb, wcZv- KvRx Avãyj nvwKg,

mvs- B-13, ga¨ evÇv, †j‡fj-11, ¸jkvb, XvKv- 1212|

p¡r£N−Zl bvg I wVKvbvt

1| †gvt mvBdzj Bmjvg, wcZv- g„Z nvRx Avãyi ingvb, MÖvg- gvBSvBj, _vbv- Avïwjqv, Dc‡Rjv- mvfvi, †Rjv- XvKv|

2| †gvt Av‡qk DwÏb, wcZv- g„Z dvjy wgqv, MÖvg- jwZdcyi, †cvt mvi`vMÄ, _vbv- Rq‡`ecyi, †Rjv- MvRxcyi|

3| †gvt Bgivb †nv‡mb, wcZv- KvIQvi Avjx, Avwg© I‡qj‡dqvi Uªvó Kj¨vb I c~be©vmb cwi`ßi, XvKv †mbvwbevm, XvKv|

4| †gvt eveyj †nv‡mb, wcZvt Avnv¤§` Avjx, wVKvbvt evmv bs- 09, †ivW bs- 16, †giæj evÇv, XvKv|

…l¦aÄf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u p¡¢mn£ ®j¡LŸj¡ ew- 01/2019-H fÐcš ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 14.09.2019 a¡¢l−Ml p¡¢mn£ −l¡−uc¡c (Annexure-B) ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x


(Certified Copy of Award

Office of the Arbitrator

10/1, Shegunbagicha, Dhaka-1000



Army Welfare Trust---------------- First Party


Big Boss Corporation Ltd and another ---- Second Parties


  1. Justice Md. Shamsul Huda (Former Judge Appellate Division) Supreme Court of Bangladesh, Chairman.
  2. Mr. Md. Anisuzzaman (Rtd. District Judge)

Arbitrator (Appointed by the First Party)

  1. Mr. Md. Ekramul Hoque Chowdhury (Rtd. District Judge) Arbitrator (Appointed by the Second Party)



  1. Both the First Party Army Welfare Trust and the Second Party Big Boss Corporation Ltd and Shalina Fashion Ltd claim the ownership and possession of some land properties in the Sarabo Mouza under Joydevpur P.S. of District Gazipur. They claim the properties from the same plots of the same khatians of the disputed area. Both the parties admit the purchase and possession of the properties by the other but only for a small portion of land dispute arose between the parties and both the parties tried amicably to settle the issues and reached at settlement in almost all the matters but failing to resolve the issue of possession and matter of exchange regarding a small portion of land for which both the parties agreed to refer the matter to settle through arbitration by a panel of arbitrators and for that end in view they entered into an agreement of arbitration on 27 November 2018 and in the said agreement of arbitration it is stated that Mr. Md. Anisuzzaman (Rtd. District Judge) will act as an Arbitrator having been appointed by the First Party and Mr. Md. Ekramul Hoque Chowdhury (Rtd. District Judge) will be acting as an Arbitrator being appointed by the Second Party.
  1. Subsequently these two arbitrators jointly proposed Justice Md. Shamsul Huda (Retd. Justice Appellate Division) to act as the Chairman of the Panel of Arbitration vide letter dated 20.12.2018 and the proposal has been formally accepted by him.
  2. Thereafter, the Chairman of the Panel to started the arbitration proceeding, issued notices of arbitration to the Arbitrators mentioning the date as 16.01.2019 and also time and venue of arbitration. On the fixed date the 1st Party prayed for time through an official letter but Arbitrator ob their side did not appear and hence the time was allowed and the next date was fixed as 15.06.2019. On 15.06.2019 the Arbitrators of both the sides were present before the Chairman and as such the proceeding of arbitration started on that day. But the first party again prayed for time to adjourn the proceeding and the prayer was allowed and 13.07.2019 was fixed for next date of hearing. On 13.07.2019 arbitrators of the both the parties were present but no representative of the First Party was found present and for ends of justice the hearing was again adjourned fixing next date as 27.07.2019. On 27.07.2019 again arbitrators of the both the parties were present; but no interested person of the First Party was found present and again the date of hearing was adjourned to 09.08.2019. On 09.08.2019 the second party was found present but the first party remained absent and it was found that the arbitrator appointed by the first party has  informed vide letter dated 29.07.2019 to withdraw himself from the proceeding for his personal cause and for that reason the hearing was again postponed and 13.08.2019 and fixed for submission of written statements by the first party, failing which ex-parte hearing.
  3. On 13.08.2019 the First Party again remained absent and the second party was present through their representative and as the first party failed to submit the written statements and also failed to present in the hearing. As process of arbitration in the present case is a joint process and both the parties conjointly started the arbitration proceeding by appointing their respective arbitrators here in the eye of law both the parties can be treated as the applicant and none of the parties can be treated as the respondents. Here as the second party is found all along present in all the dates of hearing fixed for arbitration proceeding and this first party can also be treated as the applicant or petitioner in the same proceeding and as such they are entitled to have the result of arbitration ex-parte and the absence of the first party cannot render the process to be worth of abandonment merely on the technical ground of their intentional absence. Therefore the Chairman of the Arbitration proceeding has decided to proceed ex-parte and recorded the deposition of the representative of the second party and marked the documents as exhibits accordingly.
  1. In these facts in view the Chairman of the present Arbitration Proceeding considers that justice will be met if award is given on the basis of the deposition of the witnesses and on the basis of the papers and documents submitted before the Panel of Arbitrators.


The case, in brief, of the second party Big Boss Corporation Ltd and Shanila Fashion Ltd, as transpires from their written statements is as follows;

That the suit land is situated at Mouza Saraba under Gazipur Sadar Thana of District Gazipur, formerly Keranigonj Thana of District Dhaka. That the suit C.S. Khatian No.63 is comprising of C.S. Plot No.453 entirely containing 7.09 acres of land, Plot No. 459 containing in all .27 acres of land, Plot No. 543 containing in all 1.10 acres of land and Plot No. 457 containing totally .76 acres of land and thereby in four plots totally having 09.22 acres of land. That another suit C.S. Khatian No. 64 of the same locality comprising C.S. Plot No. 3 containing totally 0.3400 acres of land, Plot No.452 containing 5.6900 acres of land, Plot No. 454 containing 3.3800 acres of land and Plot No. 484 containing 1.1400 acres of land and thereby in four plots totally 10.5500 acres of land. Thus these two suit C.S. Khatians totally contains 19.7700 acres of land and this property was owned and possessed by Jurai Bepari, Fazar Munshi @ Fazar Bepari and Sumu Bepari @ Shom Bepari, equally each having 5 anas 6 gonda 2 kora and 2 kranti shares and C.S. Khatian No.63 and 64 were prepared and published accordingly. That Jurai Bepari became the owner and possessor of .6600 acres of land in C.S. Plot No.455 of C.S. Khatian No. 66 of the same locality by way of purchase and note of that purchase is found in the remarks column of the concerned Khatian.

That Jurai Bepari while in the title and possession transferred 1.78 acres of land from C.S. Plot No. 453, 457, 459 and 543 of C. S. Khatian No. 63 and .55 acres of land out of 0.66 acres of land from C.S. Plot No. 455 of C.S. Khatian No. 66 in favor of his two grandsons namely Ratan Bepari and Tota Bepari @ Habibur Rahman vide Heba Bil Ewaj deed no. 252 dated 25.01.1950 and thereafter Jurai Bepari died leaving behind two sons Nabi Hossain Bepari and Pochu Bepari and one daughter Ayman Nesa as his heirs in his rest of the property in C.S. Khatian No. 63 and 64.

That Nabi Hossain Bepari being owner as his father's heir and Ratan Bepari and Tota Bepari @ Habibur Rahman being owner by way of hiba deed transferred .7250 acres of land out of the property in C.S. Plot Nos. 453, 457, 459, 543 of C.s. Khatian No. 63 .1100 acres of land out of .66 acres of land from C.S. Plot No. 455 of C.S. Khatian No. 66 in favor of Pochu Bepari vide registered sale deed no. 3137 dated 09.09.1950.

That thereafter Nabi Hossain died leaving behind his for sons namely, Ratan Bepari, Tota Bepari @ Habibur Rahman, Montaj Bepari and Intaj Bepari and six daughters namely, Jiron Nesa, Roshida Begum, Shamsunnahar, Rekha Begum, Nilufa Yasmin and Setara Begum as his heirs in his property.

That Rashida Begum being owner by way of inheritance from her father transferred .1300 acres of land from C.S. Plot Nos. 453, 459, 543, 457 of C.S. Khatian No. 63 and also from C.S. Plot Nos. 452, 454, 484 of C.S. Khatian No. 64 and also from C.S. Plot No. 455 of C.S. Khatian No. 66 in favor of her brother Ratan Bepari and Tota Mia @ Habibur Rahman vide deed of heba bil ewaj dated 16.11.1991.

That thereafter Tota Mia @ Habibur Rahman mutated his name in the concerned Khatian and paid the rents accordingly and then transferred to Rahat Reality Ltd .8500 acres of land from C.S. Plot Nos. 453 and 543 out of the C.S. Plot Nos. 453, 557, 543, 452, 459, 454, 484 vide registered deed no. 2867 dated 07.03.2012, plus 0.2675 acres of land from C.S. and S.A. Plot No. 455 corresponding to R.S. Plot No. 760 of C.S. Khatian No.66 corresponding to S.A. Khatian No.119 corresponding to R.S. Khatian No. 238 vide registered sale deed no. 6233 dated 14.05.2011, plus .8500 acres of land from C.S. and S.A Plot No. 53 and 543 out of C.S. and S.A. Plot No. 453, 557, 543, 452, 459, 454, 484 of C.S. Khatian No. 63 and 64 corresponding to S.A. Khatian No.116 corresponding to R.s. Khatian No. 128 vide registered sale deed no. 2867 dated 01.03.2012 and after purchase of this property Rahat Reality Ltd mutated their names in the concerned khatian and paid rents accordingly.

That Ratan Bepari died leaving behind his wife Sufia Begum, three sons namely, Masud Rana, Ismail Hossain and Faruk Hossain and two daughters namely, Renu Akter Baby and Selina Akter as his heirs in his property. That Ismail Hossain, son of Ratan Bepari, appointed his brother Rana as his Power of Attorney holder in his .4660 acres of land in C.S. Plot Nos. 453, 454, 452, 543, 459, 547, 484 vide registered deed of power of attorney no. 11804 dated 22.09.2011. This appointed power of attorney holder himself and on behalf of Isamil Hossain, along With Sufia Khatun, Renu Akter Baby and Selina Akter transferred 1.6000 acres of land from C.S and S.A Plot Nos. 454, 453, 543, 452 out of C.S. and S.A. Plot Nos. 453, 457, 543, 452, 459, 454, 484 of C.S. Khatian No. 63 and 64 corresponding to S.A. Khatian No. 116 corresponding to R.S. Khatian No. 128 in favor of Rahat Reality Ltd vide registered sale deed no. 2868 dated 01.03.2012.

That Pochu Bepari being owner by way of inheritance from his father transferred .1800 acres of land from C.S. Plot No.453, 457, 459, 543 of C.S. Khatian No. 63 and .0300 acres of land out of .6600 acres of land from C.S. Plot No.455 of C.S. Khatian No.66 in favor of his adopted son Abdur Rashid Mia vide registered deed of heba no.6342 dated 26.09.1967. That this Abdur Rashid Mia thereafter mutated his name in the Khatian and paid rents accordingly and thereafter transferred 0.2600 acres of land from C.S. Plot Nos. 453, 457, 543, 452, 459, 454, 484, 453, 457, 543 to Rahat Reality Ltd. vide registered sale deed no.13452 dated 20.10.2011. Thereafter Pochu Bepari died leaving behind his wife Amatan Nesa, son Noor Mohammad and two daughters Fatema and Panwara Begum and dead daughter's daughter Laki Begum and son Sabdar Ali to inherit his rest of the property.

That Noor Mohammad and Fatema Begum jointly appointed K.M. Shahed Kamal as their Power of Attorney holder vide registered Deed of Power of Attorney no.19919 dated 23.09.2004 and this appointed attorney transferred his property infavor of Mahbub Kazi and Harun ar Rashid vide registered deed no.12688 dated 10.05.2009 and these purchasers mutated their names in the concerned khatian and thereafter transferred .4450 acres of land from C.S. Khatian No.453 in favor of Rahat Reality Ltd vide registered deed no. 5842 dated 05.05.2011. That on that same date K.M.Shahed Kamal transferred 0.4340 acres of land from C.S. Khatian No. 453 and 454 out of C.S. Plot Nos. 452, 453, 459, 457, 454, 443, 484 vide registered sale deed no. 12689 in favor of Mahbubul Alam who mutated his name in the concerned khatian and transferred 3.1220 acres of land from C.S. and S.A. Plot Nos. 453 and 454 corresponding to R.S. Plot Nos. 757, 759 and 762 of C.S. Khatian No. 116 corresponding to R.S. Khatian No. 128 vide registered sale deed no. 8076 dated 13.10.2010 in favor of Rahat Reality Ltd.

Thus Rahat Reality Ltd after being the owner and possessor of the property by way of purchase through several sale deeds transferred 8.9295 acres of land out of their property in C.S. Plot Nos. 452, 484, 459, 453, 543, 454, 455 and 457 vide registered sale deed no. 226 dated 11.01.2014 in favor of Big Boss Corporation Ltd.

That Abul Hossain, Shiuli Akter and Shamsuddin's daughter Samsad Parveen jointly appointed Syed Rejaul Hossain Kazi as their attorney by the registered Power of Attorney Deed No. 3253 dated 21.04.2016 and this Attorney transferred .4350 acres of land from C.S and S.A. Plot Nos. 453, 547, 543, 459, 454, 484, 452 of C.S. Khatian No. 63 and 65 corresponding to S.A. Khatian No. 117 corresponding to R.S. Khatian No. 48 in favor of Big Boss Ltd vide registered sale deed no. 8040 dated 20.10.2016. 

That Abdul Jabbar being the owner by way of inheritance from his father transferred .3300 acres of land from S.A. Plot No. 453 of S.A. Khatian No. 116 in favor of his four sons Fasiuddin, Showkat Hossain, Emarat Hossain and Ashrafuddin vide registered hiba deed no. 2165 dated 27.01.2004. This Abdul Jabbar also transferred .7500 acres of land from C.S. Plot No. 452, 484, 459, 453, 543, 454, 547 in favor of Fasiuddin, Showkat Hossain, and Ashraf Ali vide registered deed no. 4396 dated 13.07.2010 and transferred .1300 acres of land from C.S. Plot No. 452, 484, 459, 453, 543, 454, 547 in favor of his sons Fasiruddin, Showkat Hossain, and Ashraf Ali and six daughters Bilkis, Rehana, Misron, Mohela, Nasima, Sanowara vide registered hiba deed no. 4399 dated 13.07.2010 and died leaving behind five sons Fasiruddin, Showkat Hossain, Emarat Hossain and Ashraf Ali, Chan Mia and six daughters Bilkis, Rehana, Misron, Mohela, Nasima, Sanowara as heirs in his rest of the property.

That this Showkat Hossain thereafter mutated his name in the Khatian and paid rents accordingly and thereafter transferred 0.2425 acres of land from C.S. Plot Nos. 453, 457, 543, 452, 459, 454, 584, to Rahat Reality Ltd. vide registered sale deed no. 5263 dated 11.05.2013.

That thereafter Abdur Rahman and Abdul Hakim's son Abdus Salam jointly transferred 0.1200 acres of land from C.S and S.A. Plot No. 454 corresponding to R.S. Plot No. 128 out of C.S. and S.A. Plot No. 454, 452, 453 corresponding to R.S. Plot No. 759, 661, 757 of C.S. Khatian No. 63 corresponding to S.A. Khatian No.116 corresponding to R.S. Khatian No. 128 Sadekur Rahman vide registered sale deed no.10082 dated 01.08.2011 and this Sadekur Rahman thereafter mutated his name in the Khatian and paid rents accordingly and thereafter transferred 0.1200 acres of land from C.S. Plot Nos. 454 out of C.S. Plot No. 452, 453 and 454 of C.S. Khatian No. 63 corresponding to S.A. Khatian No.116 corresponding to R.S. Khatian No. 128 to Shanila Fashion Ltd. vide registered sale deed no.7916 dated 29.06.2014. The same Abdur Rahman transferred .0600 acres of land in favor of his son Saiful Islam from his property situated in C.S Plot Nos. 454 and 452 of C.S. Khatian No. 63 corresponding to S.A. Khatian No.116 corresponding to R.S. Khatian No. 128 vide deed of hiba no. 2361 dated 26.05.2010 and this son Saiful Islam transferred 0.0500 acres of land from C.S. and S.A. Plot Nos. 454 corresponding to R.S. Plot No. 759 of C.S. Khatian No. 63, 64 corresponding to S.A. Khatian No.116 corresponding to R.S. Khatian No. 128 vide registered sale deed no. 5243 dated 16.05.2014 in favor of Shanila Fashion Ltd. The same Abdur Rahman again transferred .4550 acres of land from the land situated in C.S. Plot Nos. 453 and 454 vide registered sale deed no.5244 dated 16.05.2014 in favor of Shanila Fashion Ltd. The same Abdur Rahman again transferred vide registered hiba deed no. 4093 dated 14.05.2015 1.1000 acres of land from the property in the C.S. Plot Nos. 453, 547, 543, 452, 459, 454, 484 in favor Saiful Islam, Abdul Karim, Shariful Islam, Sohel Rana, Rahim and Sohag Hossain and thereafter these six persons conjointly transferred 0.2500 acres of land from the property lying in C.S. Plot Nos. 453, 547, 459, 454, 484 of C.S. Khatian No. 63, 64 corresponding to S.A. Khatian No.116, 117 orresponding to R.S. Khatian No. 48 vide registered sale deed no. 7627 dated 06.10.2016 in favor of Big Boss Corporation Ltd.

That Somu Bepari @ Somo Bepari died leaving behind two sons Kafiluddin and Hafijuddin and two daughters Peton Nesa and Amaton Nesa as his heirs in his property.

That Kofiluddin being owner by way of inheritance transferred 2.0950 acres of land from C.S. Plot Nos. 454, 459, 553, 484, 142, 193, 438, 442 vide registered hiba deed no. 4609 dated 07.09.1981 in favor of his son Ibrahim Khalil who mutated his name in the concerned khatian and paid rents accordingly and thereafter transferred 0.9200 acres of and from C.S. Plot Nos. 484, 459, 453, 543, 454, 457 vide registered sale deed no. 5112 dated 20.01.2011 in favor of Rahat Reality Ltd.

That Ibrahim Khalilullah transferred 0.1000 acres of land from C.S. Plot No. 454 out of the property in C.S. Plot Nos. 453 and 454 vide registered sale deed no. 3638 dated 24.06.2010 in favor of Masud Hossain and Sharimin Akter and these two purchasers again transferred that same property in favor of Shanila Fashion Ltd. vide registered sale deed no. 3908 dated 13.04.2014. 

That Kofiluddin being owner by way of inheritance transferred 2.0950 acres of land from C.S. Plot Nos. 454, 459, 553, 557, 484, 142, 193, 438, 442 vide registered hiba deed no. 4610 dated 07.09.1981 in favor of his son Nasirullah who mutated his name in the concerned khatian and paid rents accordingly and thereafter transferred 0.9075 acres of land and from C.S. Plot Nos. 452, 453, 543, 454 vide registered sale deed no. 3109 dated 10.03.2011 in favor of Rahat Reality Ltd.

That during S.A. operation one Subani Mondol got her name recorded in S.A. Plot No. 465 of S.A. Khatian No. 36 appertaining to Mouza Saraba under District Dhaka formerly Gazipur and sold out the same and transferred possession to Md. Kafiluddin who had his name recorded in the R.S. Plot No. 662 of R.S. Khatian No. 150 and died leaving behind his wife Mosammat Joynab Bibi, two sons Md. Nasirullah and Ibrahim Khalilullah and three daughters Mosammat Fatema Begum, Mosammat Ayesha Begum and Mosammat Rokeya Begum as his heirs in that property. That the heirs Joynab Bibi, Fatema Begum and Ayesha Begum appointed Md. Nasirullah as their attorney for management of 0.2064 acres of land out of their share vide registered deed of Power of Attorney No. 6946 dated 27.05.2011 and this Nasirullah on his own behalf and as the attorney of Joynab Bibi, Fatema Begum and Ayesha Begum transferred .4425 acres of land from C.S. and S.A. Plot No. 465 corresponding to R.S. Plot No. 662 in favor of Mrs. Khadiza Islam vide registered sale deed no. 1320 dated 31.01.2012 and this purchaser mutated her name in the concerned khatian and paid rents accordingly and thereafter transferred 0.4425 acres of and vide registered sale deed no. 227 dated 12.01.2014 in favor of Big Boss Corporation Ltd.

That after death of Kafiluddin his two sons Nasir Ullah and Ibrahim Khalil Ullah and three daughters Fatema Begum, Ayesha Begum and Rokeya Sultana became the owner in his rest of the property as his heirs who transferred 1.2025 acres of land in favor of Big Boss Corporation Ltd vide registered sale deed no. 225 dated 12.01.2014.

That thereafter Hafij Uddin died leaving behind his three sons Shamsuddin, Shafiuddin, and Abdus Salam and two daughters Monwara Begum and Hasina Akter as his heirs in his property and subsequently Shamsuddin died leaving behind wife Momtaj Begum, son Selim Al Din, daughter Parvin Akter @ Shamsad Parvin as his heirs. These Momtaj Begum, Selim Al Din, Parvin Akter @ Shamsad Parvin conjointly transferred .2400 acres of land from C.S. Plot No. 452 vide registered sale deed no. 4838 dated 07.03.2005 in favor of Sheikh Sarah Samamah Islam who mutated her name in the concerned khatian and paid rents accordingly and thereafter transferred .1200 acres of land from C.S. Plot No. 452 vide registered kabala no. 2095 dated 23.05.2010 in favor of Bayezid Ali and Jahangir Alam and these purchasers also mutated their names in the concerned khatian and paid rents accordingly and thereafter appointed Morzina Akter as their attorney vide deed of power of attorney no. 7055 dated 09.09.2015 and this attorney transferred .1200 acres of land of her own and that of her principal vide registered sale deed no. 6846 dated 01.09.2016 in favor of Big Boss Corporation Ltd.

That thereafter Sheikh Samama Islam transferred .1200 acres of land vide registered kabala no. 2096 dated 23.05.2010 in favor of Shahjahan Shajau and vide registered sale deed no. 2097 in favor of Najir Ahmmed and these purchasers also mutated their names in the concerned khatian and paid rents accordingly and thereafter transferred .1200 acres of land from C.S. Plot No. 452 vide registered sale deed no. 6847 dated 01.09.2016 in favor of Big Boss Corporation Ltd. That Monwara Begum transferred .2500 acres of land from C.S. Plot Nos. 454, 453, 484, 452 vide registered sale deed no. 5418 dated 19.05.2014 in favor of Abdul Karim, Saiful Islam, Shoriful Islam and Sohel Rana and they mutated their names in the concerned khatian and paid rents accordingly. Thereafter Hasina Akter died leaving behind two daughters Sumayia Akter, Sultana Yasmin one minor son Rezwanul Kabir and these heirs transferred .2500 acres of land from C.S. Plot Nos. 454, 453 and 584 vide registered sale deed no. 7626 dated 06.10.2016 in favor of Big Boss Corporation Ltd. Thereafter Samsad Parvin, Shiuli Akter and Abul Hossain appointed Syed Rezaul Hossain Kazi as their attorney vide registered deed of power of attorney no. 3253 dated 21.04.2013 in respect of .4350 acres of land and this attorney transferred the same .4350 acres of land from C.S. Plot Nos. 453, 547, 543, 459, 454, 484, 452 vide registered sale deed no.8040 dated 20.01.2016 in favor of Big Boss Corporation Ltd.

Thus Big Boss Corporation Ltd. has become the owner and possessor of 1.2025 acres of land vide sale deed no. 225 dated 11.01.2014 and 8.9295 acres of land vide sale deed no. 226 dated 11.01.2014 and .4425 acres of land vide sale deed no. 227 dated 11.01.2014 and .1200 acres of land vide sale deed no. 6846 dated 01.09.2016 and 1200 acres of land vide sale deed no. 6847 dated 01.09.2016 and 2500 acres of land vide sale deed no. 7626 dated 06.10.2016 and .2500 acres of land vide sale deed no. 7627 dated 06.10.2016 and .5480 acres of land vide sale deed no. 8039 dated 20.10.2016 and .4350 acres of land vide sale deed no. 8040 dated 20.10.2016. On the other hand Shanila Fashion Ltd has become the owner and possessor of 1000 acres of land vide sale deed no. 3908 dated 13.04.2014 and .0500 acres of land vide sale deed no. 5243 dated 16.05.2014 and .4550 acres of land vide sale deed no. 5244 dated 16.05.2014 and .1200 acres of land vide sale deed no. 7169 dated 29.06.2014.

That thus Big Boss Corporation Ltd and Shanila Fashion Ltd have become the owner and possessor in 13.0225 acres of land in total. 

That the Army Welfare Trust has also become the owner and common possessor of some property in the disputed area and to remove the difficulties in the possession of the respective parties both have tried to settle the issues amicably and reached at the decision to enjoy the northern side of the disputed area by Army Welfare Trust and the southern side by the Big Boss Corporation Ltd. and Shanila Fashion Ltd. to effect the amicable partition and therefore the second party got possession in 11.38674 acres of land on the southern side of the disputed area and the first party got possession in 1.63576 acres of land. Out of this share of the 1st party the second party handed over their purchased portion in the C.S./S.A. Plot No. 484 corresponding to R.S. Plot No. 723 and also their share in purchased property in the C.S/S.A. Plot No. 459 corresponding to R.S. Plot No. 757 and in the C.S/S.A. Plot No. 457 corresponding to R.S. Khatian No. 762 to ensure the amicable partition are in the disputed land.

That thereafter after discussion with the 1st party and to their knowledge and consent the second party has erected 15 feet height boundary wall around their saham of property and also constructed three factory buildings to run 100% export oriented garments industry. In those factories near about 10000 persons both of national and foreign are working and the second party are earning huge amount of foreign currencies.

That the second party has purchased .4100 acres of land from C.S/S.A Plot No.452 corresponding to R.S. Plot No. 661 and C.S/S.A Plot No.453 corresponding to R.S. Plot No. 757 and C.S/S.A Plot No.557 corresponding to R.S. Plot No. 762 and S/S.A Plot No.543 corresponding to R.S. Plot No. 758 and C.S/S.A Plot No.459 corresponding to R.S. Plot No. 754 and C.S/S.A Plot No.454 corresponding to R.S. Plot No. 759 and C.S/S.A Plot No.484 corresponding to R.S. Plot No.723 vide registered deed no. 636 dated 18.01.2018 from Chan Mia and .2400 acres of land from C.S/S.A. Plot No. 452 corresponding to R.S. Plot No. 661 and C.S/S.A Plot No.453 corresponding to R.S. Plot No. 757 and C.S/S.A Plot No.557 corresponding to R.S. Plot No. 762 and C.S/S.A Plot No.543 corresponding to R.S. Plot No. 758 and C.S/S.A Plot No.459 corresponding to R.S. Plot No. 754 and C.S/S.A Plot No.454 corresponding to R.S. Plot No. 759 and C.S/S.A Plot No.484 corresponding to R.S. Plot No.723 vide registered deed no. 1289 dated 19.02.2018 from Md. Emarat Hossain and as such totally 0.6500 acres of land vide two kabalas to construct dormitory building for the garment factory labors and the construction work has been started accordingly.

That in fact there exists no sort of dispute in the lands owned and possessed by both the parties. Even though there exists no actual point of dispute relating to the ownership and possession of their respective lands the first party is trying to raise some unfounded claim and as such to remove the possibility of any unfounded claim this arbitration proceeding has been initiated by both the parties. 

In support of the above contention of the Second Party their authorised representative Mr. Kazi Farukuzzaman, the General Manager of Big Boss Corporation Ltd and Shanila Fashion Ltd deposed before the Panel of Arbitrators and submitted all the required documents namely copies of all the registered sale deeds establishing the chain of title of this second party in the disputed khatians and plots, the copies of the C.S., S.A. and R.S. porchas, all the mutation porchas, rent receipts and other related documents in support of the ownership and possession of their claimed properties. On perusal of these submitted documents and on perusal of the deposition as recorded it has been found that the second party namely Big Boss Corporation has successfully proved their title and possession in 12.9475 acres of land and the Shanila Fashion Ltd has successfully proved their title and possession in .7250 acres of land in the disputed Sarabo mouza.

Hence it is considered

  1. That the Second Party is well in title and possession in entirely 13.6725 acres of land in the disputed Sarabo mouza under Joydevpur P.S. of District Gazipur.
  2. That the parties to this arbitration proceeding shall take necessary measures to show mutual respect to each other regarding their respective title and possession in the disputed mouza.
  3. That both the parties shall carry their respective cost of arbitration as per provision of law and the agreement of arbitration.

This Award of Arbitration has been signed by me on this 14th day of the month of September, 2019.

(Md. Shamsul Huda)


Office of the Arbitrator


Former Justice Bangladesh Supreme Court (Appellate Division)


…l¦aÄf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u −Sm¡ J c¡ul¡ SS hl¡hl B¢jÑ J−um−gu¡l VÊ¡ØV LaѪL c¡¢MmL«a clM¡Ù¹¢V (Annexure-C) ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x

−Sm¡ J c¡ul¡ SS Bc¡ma c¡¢Mmx

25 May 2021

Avwg© I‡qj‡dqvi Uªv÷ (HX¢hÔEwU) c‡r mwPe cÖh‡Zœ- G¨vWRy‡U›U †Rbv‡ij kvLv Kj¨vY I cyY©evmb cwi`ßi

‡mbvevwnbx m`i `ßi, XvKv †mbv wbevm _vbv- XvKv K¨v›Ub‡g›U, XvKv|


= ebvg =

weMem K‡c©v‡ikb wjwg‡UW I kvwYjv d¨vkb wjwg‡UW c‡¶ e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK mvs-K„òP~ov G¨vcvU©‡g›U bs-1/wW, gÓ¡V 40, ‡ivW bs- 21, eøK-we, ebvbx, XvKv-1213|


Aviwe‡Uªkb G¨v± 2001 Gi 42 I 43 avivi weavb g‡Z Aviwe‡Uªkb †Km 1/2019 b¤^i †gvKÏgvq Aviwe‡Uªkb G¨v‡±i cwicwš’‡Z AÎ `iLv¯ÍKvixi AÁv‡Z †eAvBbx I A‰eafv‡e GK Zidvfv‡e weMZ 14/09/2019 Bs Zvwi‡L cªPvwiZ †eAvBbx I A‰ea GIqvW© i`, iwnZ I evwZ‡ji Av‡e`b |

Zvq`v`-1,00,00,000/- UvKv | `i M¡Ù¹L¡l£ f−r mwebq wb‡e`b GB †h,

1|   `i M¡Ù¹L¡l£ I cªwZc‡¶i g‡a¨ MvRxcyi †Rjvi Rq‡`ecyi _vbvaxb mviv‡ev

†gŠRvi m¤úwË m¤ú‡K© gvwjKvbvi wel‡q we‡iva m„wó nB‡ jDfqc‡¶i wn‰Zlx I ïfvKvw•L‡`i civg‡k© Dfqc¶ Avjvc-Av‡jvPbv Kwiqv ewY©Z

m¤úwË msµv¿¹ we‡iva Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi gva¨‡g wb®úwËi wm×všÍ jBqv Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi Kvh©c×wZ m¤ú‡K© Dfqc¶ weMZ 27/11/2018 Bs Zvwi‡L

GK Aviwe‡Uªkb Pyw³ m¤úv`b K‡ib|

2|     ewY©Z Pyw³c‡Îi 1bs k‡Z© D‡õM _v‡K †h, Dfqc‡¶i gva¨‡g we‡iva

wb®úwËi wel‡q Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi Kvh©µg cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ c‡¶i Awdm h_v XvKv¯’ wgicyi 17 Bwmwe m‡¤§jb K‡¶ Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi K h©µg cwiPvwjZ nB‡e| ewY©Z Pyw³c‡Îi 5bs `dvq kZ© _v‡K †h,

Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡ji Kvh©µg Aviwe‡Uªkb G¨v± 2001 Gi weavb †gvZv‡eK cwiPvwjZ nB‡e Ges ewY©Z Pyw³c‡Îi 6bs `dvq kZ© _v‡K †h, Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybvj MV‡bi Rb¨ Dfqc¶ GKRb Kwiqv Aviwe‡UªUi (Arbitratior) g‡bvbqb cª`vb Kwi‡eb Ges Dfqc‡¶i g‡bvbxZ Aviwe‡UªUiMY GKgZ nBqv Z„Zxq GKRb‡K Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvB¨ eybv‡ji †Pqvig¨vb wnmv‡e g‡bvbqb cª`vb Kwi‡eb Ges ewY©Z wZbR‡bi mgš^‡q Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybvj MwVZ nBqv Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡ji Kvh©µg cwiPvwjZ nB‡e| ewY©Z Pyw³c‡Îi 7bs 7bs `dvq D‡jøL _v‡K ‡h, `iLv¯ÍKvix cª_gc‡¶i c‡¶ Aemicªvß †Rjv RR Rbve Avwbmy¾vgvb mv‡ne‡K Aviwe‡UªUi wnmv‡e g‡bvbqb cª`vb Kiv nq Ges 8bs `dvq D‡õM

_v‡K †h, cªwZc¶ 2q c‡¶i c‡¶ Aviwe‡UªUi wnmv‡e Aemi cªvß †Rjv RR

Rbve †gvt GKivgyj nK †PŠayix mv‡ne‡K g‡bvbqb cª`vb K‡ib | ewY©Z Pyw³c‡Îi 9bs `dvq Av‡iv kZ© _v‡K †h, Dfqc‡¶i g‡bvbxZ Aviwe‡UªU‡ii gva¨‡g MwVZ Aviwe‡Uªkb †evW© Dfqc‡¶i wjwLZ e³e¨ I KvMRcÎ ch©v‡jvPbv Kwiqv we‡ivaxq welqwU wb®úwË Kwi‡eb Ges Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybvj †h †iv‡q`v` cª`vb Kwi‡eb Dfqc¶ Zvnv gvb¨ Kwi‡Z eva¨ _vwK‡eb| Pyw³c‡Îi 12bs `dvq Av‡iv kZ© _v‡K †h, Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡j DÌvwcZ we‡iva ïbvbx A‡šÍ cª`Ë †iv‡q`v` (Award)

Kw¤úDUvi K‡¤úvRK„Z nB‡e Ges Dnv‡Z Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi †Pqvg i¨vb I m`m¨M‡Yi A_©vr Aviwe‡UªUiM‡Yi ¯^v¶ihy³ nB‡Z nB‡e |

3| ewY©Z Pyw³cÎ m¤úv`‡bi ci Dfqc‡¶ wbhy³xq weÁ Aviw‡ eUªUiMY

Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡ji †Pqvig¨vb wnmv‡e Aemicªvß wePvicwZ Rbve AvwRRyj nK mv‡ne‡K g‡bvbxZ Kwiqv‡Qb g‡g© Rvbvb nq| wKš‘ cieZ©x‡Z AÎ `iLv¯Í Kvixi AÁv‡Z Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡ji †Pqvig¨vb wnmv‡e Aemicªvß| wePvicwZ Rbve Gg.wW kvgmyj û`v‡K g‡bvbxZ Kiv nB‡j AÎ `iLv¯ÍKvix welqwU ÁvZ nBqv D³ Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡ji weÁ †Pqvig¨vb g‡nv`‡qi g‡bvbq‡bi wel‡q Am¤§wZ Ávcb Kwiqv Zvnv `iM¡Ù¹L¡l£ c‡¶i

weÁ Aviwe‡UªUi Rbve Avwbmy¾vgvb‡K ÁvZ Kiv nq|

4| ewY©Z cªKv‡i Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡ji weÁ †Pqvig¨vb wePvicwZ Rbve

Gg.wW. kvgmyj û`v mv‡n‡ei g‡bvb‡qi wel‡q Am¤§wZi welq we‡ePbvaxb _vKv Ae¯ v’ q Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi weÁ †Pqvig¨vb wePvicwZ Rbve Gg. W. kvgmyj û`v mv‡ne KZ©…K weMZ 08/01/2019 Bs Zvwi‡L ‡bvwUk gvidZ Pyw³c‡Î D‡jøwLZ Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi Kvh©µg cwiPvwjZ nBevi ¯ v’ b XvKvi wgicyiw¯ Z’ 17 Bwmwm m‡¤§jb K‡¶i cwie‡Z© XvKvi 10/1, †m¸b evwMPv −NÔ¡hwbev‡m Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi Kvh©µg ï nB‡e g‡g© `iM¡Ù¹L¡l£ c¶‡K ‡bvwU‡ki gva¨‡g Abyhvqx Rvbv‡bv nB‡j `iM¡Ù¹L¡l£ †bvwUk cªvß nBqv weMZ 15/01/2019 Bs Zvwi‡Li GKcÎ Øviv weÁ †Pqvig¨vb g‡nv`q‡K R bv‡bv nq †h, BwZc~‡e© ewY©Z cªKv‡i weÁ †Pqvig¨vb g‡bvb‡qiwe l‡q `iM¡Ù¹L¡l£ c‡¶i Aviwe‡UªUi Rbve Avwbmy¾vgvb mv‡ne `iM¡Ù¹L¡l£ c¶‡K †Kvb wKQy

ÁvZ bv Kivi wel‡q D‡õM Kwiqv Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi Kvh©µg ¯ w’ MZ Kwievi Av‡e`b Rvbv‡bv nq| cieZ©x‡Z weÁ †Pqvig¨vb g‡nv`q cybivq 18/04/2019  Bs  Zvwi‡L  GK  †bvwUk  Øviv  15/06/2019  Bs  Zvwi‡L Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡ji `߇i nvwRi nIqvi Rb¨ Aby‡iva Rvbvb nB‡j

`i M¡Ù¹L¡l£ D³ †bvwUk cªvß nBqv weMZ 11/06/2019 Bs Zvwi‡Li GK

 Øviv  weÁ  ‡Pqvig¨vb  g‡nv`q‡K  Rvbv‡bv  nq  †h,  `iM¡Ù¹L¡l£   I

cªwZc‡¶i g‡a¨ Rwg msµv¿¹ we‡iva Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi gva¨‡g wb®úwËi Rb¨ Pyw³ Kiv  m‡Ë¡I  cªwZc¶  ev`x ¯^iƒ‡c  `iM¡Ù¹L¡l£ c¶‡K weev`x ¯^iƒ‡c

c¶f~³ Kwiqv MvRxcyi 1g hyM¥ ‡Rjv RR Av`vj‡Z †`Iqvbx 0 7/2018,

72/2018 I 84/2018 bs †gvKÏgv mg~n `v‡qi Kwiqv‡Q hvnvi ‡cªw¶‡Z

Ges  BwZc~‡e©  ewY©Z  †Pqvig¨vb  g‡bvbq‡bi  wel‡q  Am¤§wZ _vKvq Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi  Kvh©µg  ¯ w’ MZ  ivwLevi  Rb¨  Av‡e`b  Kiv  nq  Ges  †mB †cªw¶‡Z weÁ †Pqvig¨vb g‡nv`q weMZ 15/06/2019 Bs Zvwi‡Li Av‡`k

Øviv Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi Kvh©µg ¯ w’ MZ K‡ib| `iM¡Ù¹L¡l£ UªvBe¨ybv‡j nvwRi

bv nBqv c‡Îi gva¨‡g †hvMv‡hv‡Mi Kvi‡b `iM¡Ù¹L¡l£ Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi Kvh©µg m¤ú‡K© †Kvb wKQy ÁvZ wQ‡jb bv |

5|  cieZ©x‡Z  `iM¡Ù¹L¡l£  Zvnv‡`i  wbhy³xq  weÁ  Aviwe‡UªUi  Rbve

Avwbmy¾vgvb mv‡ne‡K BwZc~‡e©i ewY©Z NUbv m¤ú‡K© ÁvZ Kv iB‡j wZwb `i M¡Ù¹L¡l£ c¶‡K Rvbvb ‡h, weÁ Aviwe‡UªUi Rbve Avwbmy¾vgvb mvn ‡e weMZ 29/07/2019 Bs Zvwi‡Li cÎ Øviv Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡ji weÁ †Pqvig¨vb wePvicwZ Gg.wW kvgmyj û`v mv‡ne eive‡i GK cÎ cª`v‡b wZwb

e¨w³MZ Amyweavi Kvi‡b Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡j Avwg© I‡qj‡dqvi Uªv‡÷i

c‡¶ Aviwe‡UªUi wnmv‡e `vwqZ¡ cwiPvjbv Kwi‡Z cvwi‡eb bv g‡g© ÁvZ

KivBqv w`qv‡Qb Ges †mB †cªw¶‡Z Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi Kvh©µg ¯w ’MZ nBqv wMqv‡Q|  `iM¡Ù¹L¡l£  Zvnv‡`i  g‡bvbxZ  weÁ  Aviwe‡UªUi  Rbve Avwbmy¾vgvb mv‡n‡ei wbKU nB‡Z Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡ji Kvh©µg ¯ w’ MZ

nIqvi wel‡q ÁvZ nBqv cieZ©x‡Z Avi †Kvb c`‡¶c Mªnb K‡ib bvB |

6|  ewY©Ziƒ‡c Ae¯ v’ _vKve¯ v’ q Ges †`‡k gnvgvix K‡ivbvi Kvi‡b jK WvDb

_vKvq Awdm Av`vj‡Zi Kvh©µg mxwgZ AvKv‡i Pvjy nB‡j `iM¡Ù¹L¡l£  I

cªwZc‡¶i  ga¨Kvi  mviv‡ev  †gŠRvi  Rwg  msµvšÍ  we‡iva  Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi

gva¨‡g wb®úwËi Rb¨ cªwZc¶ KZ©…K ev`x ¯^iƒ‡c MvRxcyi 1g hyM¥ ‡Rjv RR

Av`vj‡Zi BwZc~‡e© ewY©Z cªKv‡i `vwLjx ‡`Iqvbx 70/208 1, 72/2 18 I

84/2018 bs †gvKÏgv mg~n cªwZc¶ KZ©…K D‡Ëvjb Kwiqv Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi Kvh©µg  cwiPvjbvi  Rb¨  `iM¡Ù¹L¡l£ KZ©…K  cªwZc¶  eive‡i  weMZ 22/03/2021 Bs Zvwi‡L GK cÎ cª`vb Kwi‡j cªwZc¶ D³cÎ cªvß nBqv

cªwZc‡¶i  wbhy³xq  weÁ  †KŠmyjx  Rbve  †gvnv¤§`  Igi  dK vi  æcvi‡fR

gva¨‡g weMZ 29/03/2021 Bs Zvwi‡Li GK wjM¨vj †bvwUk †cªiY Kwiqv

Dnv‡Z D‡jøL K‡i †h, Dfqc‡¶i ga¨Kvi we‡iva wb®úwËi Rb¨ MwVZ Aviwe‡Uªkb  UªvBe¨ybv‡ji  Aviwe‡Uªkb  1/2019  bs  ‡gvKÏgvq weMZ 14/09/2019 Bs Zvwi‡L GKZidvfv‡e GIqvW© †NvlYv Kiv nBq ‡Q weavq

Dfqc‡¶i ga¨Kvi we‡iva cybivq Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi gva¨‡g wb®úwË nIqvi

AvBbMZ  †Kvb  my‡hvM  bvB|  cªwZc‡¶i  wbhy³xq  weÁ  ‡KŠmi yj  x†cªwiZ wjM¨vj  †bvwUk  cªvß  nBqv  `iM¡Ù¹L¡l£  nZevK  nBqv  hvb|  KviY

`i M¡Ù¹L¡l£ ewY©Z Aviwe‡Uªkb ‡gvKÏgvi ïbvbx‡Z Ask MªnY K‡ib bvB

Ges P~ov¿¹ ïbvbx m¤ú‡K© †Kvb wKQy ÁvZ wQ‡jb bv Ges `iM¡Ù¹L¡l£  c‡¶i

weÁ Aviwe‡UªUi Rbve Avwbmy¾vgvb P~o¿ v¹ ïb x Avi¤¢ nBevi c~‡e©B I 14/09/2019  Bs  Zvwi‡L  GIqvW©  cªPv‡ii   c~‡e©  A_©vr  weZ M 29/07/2019 Bs Zvwi‡Li c‡Îi gva¨‡g Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡ji Kvh©µg

nB‡Z Ae¨vnwZ MªnY Kwiqv‡Qb |

7|  ewY©Z wel‡q ÁvZ nBqv `iM¡Ù¹L¡l£  c‡¶i `ßi nB‡Z Aviwe‡Uªkb †Km-

1/2019 †gvKÏgvi ZwK©Z GIqv‡W©i mwn ‡gvnix bKj msMªn Kwievi Rb¨ mswnÔø  Kg©KZ©v‡K  weMZ  04/04/2021  Bs  Zvwi‡L  `vwqZ¡  †`Iqv  nB‡j gnvgvix K‡ivbvi Kvi‡b miKvi KZ©…K 05/04/2021 Bs ZvwiL n ‡Z †`‡k

jK WvDb Kiv nB‡j `iM¡Ù¹L¡l£ c‡¶i Awdm mn miKvix †emiKvix wewfbœ `߇ii Kvh©µg eÜ nBqv hvq Ges cieZ©x‡Z ¯^í cwim‡i miKvix Awdm Av`vj‡Zi Kvh©µg ïiæ nB‡j `iM¡Ù¹L¡l£ c‡¶i ms¢nÔø Kg©KZ©v Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡ji †Pqvig¨vb wePvicwZ Rbve Gg.wW kvgmyj û`v Gi Kvh©vj‡q

hvBqv Rvwb‡Z cv‡ib †h, wZwb Amy¯’ nBqv nvmcvZv‡j Av‡Qb | cieZ©x‡Z

gvbbxq ‡Pqvig¨vb g‡nv`q myô nBqv evmvq Avmvi wel‡q ÁvZ nBqv

`i M¡Ù¹L¡l£ ZwK©Z Aviwe‡Uªkb †Km 1/2019 Gi GIqv‡W©i mwn †gvnix bK‡ji Rb¨ weMZ 20/05/2021 Bs Zvwi‡L Av‡e`b Kwiqv MZ 23/05/2021 Bs Zvwi‡L ZwK©Z GIqvW© mn ewY©Z †gvKÏgvi AW©vimx‡Ui

mwn †gvnix bKj cªvß nBqv †`wL‡Z cvb †h, Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡ji weÁ ‡Pqvig¨vb g‡nv`q Aviwe‡Uªkb G¨v± 2001 Gi AvB‡bi cwicwš’‡Z Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡ji Kvh©µg Kwiqv m¤ú~Y© ‡e-AvBbx I A‰eafv‡e ZwK©Z Aviwe‡Uªkb 1/2019 bs ‡gvKÏgv `iM¡Ù¹L¡l£i AÁv‡Z GKZidv

fv‡e ïbvbx Kwiqv ‡eAvBbx I A‰eafv‡e `iM¡Ù¹L¡l£i wel¦−Ü AevÙ¹h

‡eAvBbx I b¨vq-bxwZi cwicwš’‡Z GIqvW© cª`vb Kwiqv‡Qb Òhvnv †cªw¶‡Z

AÎ `i M¡Ù¹L¡l£ c‡¶i ¶wZi KviY NwUqv‡Q| †mKvi‡b AÎ `iM¡Ù¹L¡l£ c¶'

weÁ †Pqvig¨vb KZ©…K ZwK©Z Aviwe‡Uªkb †Km 1/2019 bs †gvKÏgvq weMZ 14/09/2019 Zvwi‡L cª`Ë †eAvBbx I A‰ea GIqvW© evwZ‡ji Rb¨ Aviwe‡Uªkb G¨v± 2001 Gi 42 I 43 avivi weavb g‡Z AÎ Aviwe‡Uªkb

†gvKÏgv `v‡qi Kwi‡jb|

8 |  ZwK©Z Aviwe‡Uªkb 1/2019 bs †gvKÏgvq Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡ji

†Pqvig¨vb wePvicwZ Rbve †gvt kvgmyj û`v (Gg.wW kvgmyj û`v) KZ©…K ¯^v¶wiZ weMZ 14/09/2019 Bs Zvwi‡L cª`Ë GIqvW© i`, iwnZ I evwZ‡ji cªv_©bvq wbgœwjwLZ KviY I hyw³mg~‡ni G (rounds) wfwˇZ AÎ Aviwe‡Uªkb wgm †gvKÏgv `v‡qi Kiv nBj |

KviY I hyw³ mg~n (Grounds) :

(1)              †h‡nZy Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡ji weÁ †Pqvig¨vb AÎ †gvKÏgi cªwZc¶ h_v Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi 2qc‡¶i `vexi ¯^c‡¶ `vwLjx wjwLZ e³e¨ I cªwZc‡¶i

`vwLjx KvMRcÎ Ges cªwZc‡¶i ¯^v¶¨ cªgvY ch©v‡jvPbv I we‡ePbv bv

Kwiqv cªK„Z Ae¯ v’ i cwicwš’‡Z cªwZc¶ h_v wØZxqc‡¶i w cZ ª c¶cvZg~jK

fv‡e †eAvBbx, ZÂKZv I `yb©xwZi Avkª‡q A‰eafv‡e Aviwe‡Uªkb 1/2019

bs †gvKÏgvq GIqvW© cª`vb Kwiqv‡Q †m‡nZy cªPvwiZ GIqvW© ABb m½Z nq b‡n Ges Dnv i`, iwnZ I evwZj‡hvM¨ e‡U |

(2)              †h‡nZy clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ I cªwZc‡¶i g‡a¨ m„ó Rwg msµv¿¹ we‡iva Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi gva¨‡g Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybvj MVb KiZt Dnvi gva¨‡g wb®úwËi Rb¨ Dfqc‡¶i g‡a¨ weMZ 27/11/2018 Bs Zvwi‡L m¤úvw`Z Pyw³c‡Îi 1, 5, 9 I 12 bs `dvi k‡Z©i cwicwš’‡Z Aviwe‡Uªkb Kvh©µg cwiPvwjZ nBqv Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi weÁ †Pqvig¨vb cªwZc‡¶i Øviv cªfvweZ& nBqv `~b©xwZi Avkª‡q ZÂKZv I c¶cvZg~jKfv‡e Aviwe‡Uªkb G¨v± 2001 Gi weav‡bi cwicwš’‡Z cªwZc‡¶i wb‡`©wkZ g‡Z Ab¨vq, †eAvBbx I cªK„Z

Ae¯ v’ i GIqvW© cª`vb Kwiqv‡Qb †h‡nZy cªPvwiZ GIqvW© AvBb m½Z nq bvB

Ges Dnv i`, iwnZ I evwZj‡hvM¨ e‡U |

(3)              †h‡nZy Dfqc‡¶i g‡a¨ m¤úvw`Z 27/11/2018 Zvwi‡Li Pyw³c‡Îi 1bs

`dvq ewY©Z cªKv‡i Dfqc‡¶i ¯^xK„Z ¯’v‡b Aviwe‡Uªk‡biK vh©µg cwiPvwjZ

bv nBqv clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ c‡¶i B”Qvi ¢hl¦−Ü Pyw³c‡Îi k‡Z©i ewnf©~Zfv‡e Aci GKwU ¯’v‡b cªwZc‡¶i B”Qv Abymv‡i †eAvBbx I A‰eafv‡e Aviwe‡Uªk bi Kvh©µg cwiPvwjZ nBqv‡Q hvnv Pyw³i k‡Z©i ewnf©~Z I AvBb m½Z b‡n ‡m‡nZy cªPvwiZ GIqvW© i`, iwnZ I evwZj‡hvM¨ e‡U |

(4)              †h‡nZy Dfqc‡¶i ga¨Kvi we‡iva wb®úwËi Rb¨ MwVZ Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡ji †Pqvig¨vb wb‡qv‡Mi wel‡q clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ c‡¶i gZvgZ I B”Qv cªwZdwjZ nq bvB Ges weÁ †Pqvig¨v‡bi cªwZ clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ M‡Yi †Kvb Av¯ v’

wQj bv Ges †h‡nZy welqwU weÁ UªvBe¨ybv‡ji wbKU DÌvwcZnIqv m‡Ë¡I Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡ji weÁ †Pqvig¨vb welqwU D‡c¶v Kwiqv †m wel‡q

†Kvb ¢pÜ¡¿¹ MªnY bv Kwiqv AwZ `ªZZvi mv‡_ cwZc‡¶i B”Qv I civgk© Abymv‡iA h¡Ù¹h I wfwËnxb avibvi ekeZ©x nBqv GKZidv fv‡e Aviwe‡Uªkb †gvKÏgv wb®úwË Kwiqv GKZidv fv‡e †eAvBbx, A‰ea I f¶cvZg~jK

GIqvW© cª`vb Kwiqv‡Qb †m‡nZy cªPvwiZ GIqvW© AvBb m½Z nq bvB Ges

†mKvi‡b Dnv i`, iwnZ I evwZj‡hvM¨ e‡U |

(5)              †h‡nZy Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybvj †gvKÏgv Q¨s¡¿¹ ïbvbx Avi¤¢ nIqvi c~‡e©B wZbRb Aviwe‡UªU‡ii g‡a¨ GKRb Aviwe‡UªUi Aemicªvß †Rjv RR Rbve Avwbmy¾vgvb weMZ 29/07/2019 Bs Zvwi‡L Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡ji

‡Pqvig¨vb eive‡i GKc‡Îi gva¨‡g Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi Kvh©µg cwiPvjbv Kwi‡Z

cvwi‡eb bv g‡g© Ae¨vnwZ MªnY Kwiqv‡Qb Ges welqwU weÁ †Pqvig¨vb g‡nv`q Aviwe‡Uªkb 1/2019 bs †gvKÏgvi 09/08/2019 Bs Zvwi‡Li

Av‡`k c‡Î ewY©Z welq E−õM KiZt Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi Kvh©µg ¯ w’ MZ Kwiqv I Aviwe‡Uªkb G¨v± 2001 Gi 15 I 16 avivi cwicwš’‡Z weMZ 23/08/2019 Bs Zvwi‡L ZwK©Z Aviwe‡Uªkb ‡gvKÏgvq †eAvBbxfv‡e AÎ clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ c‡¶i AÁv‡Z GKZidv ïbvbx Kwiqv cieZ©x‡Z AvBb I b¨vqbxwZ cwicwš’‡Z weMZ 14/09/2019 Bs Zvwi‡L GKZidv m~‡Î ‡eAvBbx I A‰ea GIqvW© cª`vb Kwiqv‡Qb †m‡nZy cªPvwiZ GIqvW© AvBb m½Z nq bvB Ges Dnv i`, iwnZ I evwZj‡hvM¨ e‡U|

(6)              †h‡nZy Aviwe‡Uªkb G¨v±, 2001 Gi 38 avivi weav‡bi cwicwš’‡Z ZwK©Z Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡ji weÁ †Pqvig¨vb KZ…©K GKK ¯^v¶i ‡A_©vr Aci Aviwe‡UªUiM‡Yi civgk© Qvov I Zvnv‡`i ¯^v¶i MªnY e¨wZZ GIqvW© cª`vb Kwiqv‡Qb hvnv Aviwe‡Uªkb AvB‡bi cwicwš’ †m‡nZy cªPvwiZ GIqvW© AvBb

msMZ nq bvB Ges Zvnv i`, iwnZ I evwZj‡hvM¨ e‡U |

(7)              †h‡nZy cªwZc¶ h_v Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi wØZxqc¶ Aviwe‡Uªkb Pyw³c‡Îi kZ© mg~n AMªvn¨ Kwiqv we‡ivaxq welq m¤ú‡K© MvRxcyi 1g hyM¥ †Rjv RR Av`vj‡Z 70/2018, 72/2018 I 84/2018 b¤^i wZbwU †gvKÏgv clM¡Ù¹L¡l£l ¢hl¦−Ü `v‡qi Kivq Aviwe‡Uªkb Pyw³i ei‡Ljv‡ci Kvi‡b Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡ji Kvh©µg AvBb m½Z wQj bv Ges ‡h‡nZy clM¡Ù¹L¡l£

KZ©…K Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡ji weÁ ‡Pqvig¨v‡bi wbKU wjwLZ fv‡e welqwU Dc¯ v’ cb Kiv m‡Z¡I weÁ †Pqvig¨vb g‡nv`q Zvnv D‡c¶v Kwiqv

cªwZc¶ h_v-wØZxqc‡¶i B”Qv I wb‡`©wkZ g‡Z c¶cvZ g~jK, ZÂKZvi I

`~b©xwZi Avkª‡q cªwZc‡¶i wfwËnxb `vex‡K mg_©b KwiqA m¤ú~Y© Ab¨vq I †eAvBbxfv‡e, cªwZc‡¶i c‡¶ GIqvW© cª`vb Kwiqv wePvi weå U NUvBqv‡Qb

hvnv b¨vq I wbi‡c¶ nq bvB †m‡nZy cªPvwiZ GIqvW© i`, iwnZ I evwZj‡hvM¨ e‡U |

(8)              †h‡nZy ZwK©Z Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡ji weÁ †Pqvig¨vb cªwZc¶ h_v wØZxqc‡¶i `vwLjx wjwLZ e³e¨ I Dnvi mg_©‡b `vwLjx `wjjvZ KvMRcÎ b¨vq-bxwZi Av‡jv‡K wbi‡c¶fv‡e cix¶v I we‡ePbv bv Kwiqv m¤ú~Y© Ah¡hÙ¹h i¡−h cªK„Z Ae¯’vi cwicwš’‡Z cªwZc¶ h_v wØZxqc‡¶i wb‡`©wZ k g‡Z cªwZc‡¶i c‡¶ GIqvW© cª`vb Kwiqv wePvi weåvU NUvBqv‡Qb †m‡nZy cªPvwiZ GIqvW© AvBb m½Z nq bvB Ges Dnv i`, iwnZ I evwZj‡hvM¨


(9)              †h‡nZy ZwK©Z Aviwe‡Uªkb †gvKÏgvq Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡j weÁ †Pqvig¨vb Aviwe‡Uªkb G¨v‡±i I Dfqc‡¶i Pyw³i cwicwš’‡Z GKKfv‡e ¢pÜ¡¿¹  jBqv

†eAvBbx I A‰eafv‡e GIqvW© cª`vb Kwiqv‡Qb †m‡nZy cªPvwiZ GIqvW© AvBbZ; wZóbxq b‡n Ges †m‡nZy cªPvwiZ GIqvW© i`, iwnZ I evwZj‡hvM¨


(10)          AÎ wgm †gvKÏgvi ïbvbxKv‡j Acivci KviY I hyw³mg~n Dc¯v ’cb Kiv


Dc‡iv³ KviY I Ae¯ v’ ax‡b clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ h_v Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi 1g

c‡¶i mwebq cªv_©bv GB †h, ûRyi Av`vjZ AbyMªnc~e©K AÎ Aviwe‡Uªkb wgm †gvKÏgvwU ïbvbxi Rb¨ MªnY KiZt cªwZc¶ h_v Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi wØZxqc¶ eive‡i †bvwUk cª`v‡b Dfqc‡¶ ïbvbx A−¿¹ Aviwe‡Uªkb 1/2019 bs †gvKÏgvq wZbRb Aviwe‡UªU‡ii g‡a¨ GKRb Aviwe‡UªUi h_v weÁ †Pqvig¨vb Rbve †gvt kvgmyj

û`v (Gg.wW kvgmyj û`v) KZ©…K h_v GKKfv‡e I GK Zidv m~‡Î cª`Ë weMZ 14/09/2019 Bs Zvwi‡Li †eAvBbx, A‰ea, c¶cvZg~jK, `yb©xwZ I ZÂKZv g~jK GIqvW© i`, iwnZ I evwZ‡ji Av‡`k `v‡b mywePvi Kwi‡Z gwR© nq |


BZ¨em‡i AÎ Aviwe‡Uªkb wgm †gvKÏgv wb®úwË bv nIqv fkÑ¿¹

ZwK©Z Aviwe‡Uªkb 1/2019bs †gvKÏgvq weMZ 14/9/2019 Bs Zvwi‡L Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBe¨ybv‡ji ‡Pqvig¨vb KZ©…K ¯^v¶wiZ †eAvBbx I A‰ea GIqv‡W©i Kvh©KvwiZv ¯ w’ MZ (stay) iv Levi h_vwenxZ Av‡`k `v‡b mywePvi Kwi‡Z gwR© nq |


Avwg, Bgivb †nv‡mb, wcZv-‡gvt KvImvi Avjx, mvs-Avwg© I‡qj‡dqvi Uªv÷, Kj¨vY I cybe©vmb cwi`ßi, A¨vWRy‡U›U †Rbv‡ij kvLv, †mbv m`i,X vKv †mbvwbevm, _vbv-XvKv K¨v›Ub‡g›U, †Rjv-XvKv, RvwZ-gymjgvb, ag©-Bmjvg RvZxqZv- evsjv‡`kx, eqm-35

ermi, †ckv-PvKyix, cªwZÁv c~e©K †NvlYv Kwi‡ZwQ †h,

1|  Avwg †gvKÏgvi clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ cªwZôv‡bi AvBb Kg©KZ©v Ges

†gvKÏgvi clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ c‡¶ ZwØiKviK Ges †gvKÏgvi hveZxq welq m¤ú‡K© mg¨K AeMZ AvwQ| 

2| njdbvgvi 1bs `dvq Ges m½xq Aviwe‡Uªkb wgm †gvKÏgvi

clM¡−Ù¹  ewY©Z weeiY Avgvi Ávb g‡Z mZ¨ |

A`¨ 25/05/2021 Bs Zvwi‡L †ejv 11.05 NwUKvi mgq AÎv`vj‡Zi njdbvgv Kwkbv‡ii m¤§y‡L Dcw¯ Z’ nBqv AÎ njdbvgvi gg ©I djvdj mg¨K AeMZ nBqv AÎ njdbvgv m¤úv`b Kwijvg|

¯^v/- †gvt Bgivb †nv‡mb


AcÉ 25.05.2021 Cw ®j¡a¡−hL --- qmgL¡l£ Bj¡l f¢l¢Qa Hhw AcÉ h¡w a¡¢lM ®hm¡ 11x05 O¢VL¡u Y¡L¡l 25/05/2021 Cw a¡¢l−M Aœ¡c¡m−al ®Sm¡ SS Bc¡m−a Bj¡l pÇj¤−M qmge¡j¡ L¢jne¡−ll pÇj −¤ M a¡q¡−L Ef¢ÙÛa qCu¡ paÉf¡W f§hÑL Ef−l¡š² pe¡š² L¢lm¡jz

®O¡oZ¡ L¢l−mez ®O¡oZ¡L¡l£

HÉ¡X−i¡−LV Se¡h p¤n¡¿¹ L¥j¡l hp¤

LaѪL pe¡š²L«az

ü¡x/AØfø L¢jne¡l


ü¡/-AØfø HÉ¡X−i¡−LV

25.05.2021         (Susanta Kumar Basu) Advocate

Bangladesh Supreme Court 49, Jhonson Road (5th


Sutrapur, Dhaka-1100. Mob. 01715-052125


…l¦aÄf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u a¡j¡¢c BC−el 5 d¡l¡l ¢hd¡ej−a c¡¢MmL«a clM¡Ù¹¢V (Annexure-D) ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x


−Sm¡ J c¡ul¡ SS Bc¡ma


25 MAY 2021


wRjv XvKvi wWw÷ª± RR Av`vjZ I Aviwe‡Uªkb UªvBey¨bvj, XvKv|

Aviwe‡Uªkb wgm †Km bs- 166/2021

Avwg© I‡qj‡dqvi Uªv÷ 

------- clM¡Ù¹L¡l£

=  ebvg =

weMem K‡c©v‡ikb wjwg‡UW I kvwYjv d¨vkb wjwg‡UW


Zvgvw` AvB‡bi 5 avivi weavb g‡Z `iLvÙ|¹

clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ f−r  mwebq wb‡e`b GB †h,

1|  clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ Aviwe‡Uªkb 1/2019 bs †gvKÏgvq weÁ †Pqvig¨vb KZ©…K GKK

¯^v¶‡i GKZidvfv‡e Aviwe‡Uªkb G¨v± 2001 Gi cwicwš’‡Z weMZ 14/09/2019 Bs Zvwi‡L cª`Ë †eAvBbx I A‰ea GIqvW© i`, iwnZ I

evwZ‡ji Rb¨ AÎ †gvKÏgv `v‡qi K‡ib

2|  clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ g~jK Aviwe‡Uªkb †gvKÏgvq Ask MªnY K‡ib bvB Ges g~j

Aviwe‡Uªkb †gvKÏgvq clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ c‡¶i g‡bvbxZ Aviwe‡UªUi Aviwe‡Uªkb †gvKÏgvi Kvh©µg Ask MªnY Kwi‡eb bv g‡g© wb‡R‡K cªZ¨vnvi Kivi †cªw¶‡Z g~j Aviwe‡Uªkb †gvKÏgv ¯ w’ MZ Kiv nq Ges wZbRb Aviwe‡UªU‡ii

g‡a¨ ïaygvÎ †Pqvig¨vb GKKfv‡e Aviwe‡Uªkb †gvKÏgv ïbvbx Kwiqv Aviwe‡Uªkb G¨v‡±i cwicwš’‡Z †eAvBbxfv‡e 14/09/2019 Bs Zvwi‡L clM¡Ù¹L¡l£i AÁv‡Z GKZidv fv‡e GIqvW© cª`vb K‡ib| hvnv clM¡Ù¹L¡l£

ÁvZ wQ‡jb bv |

3|  clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ I cªwZc‡¶i g‡a¨ m¤úvw`Z Aviwe‡Uªkb Pyw³i †cªw¶‡Z

cªwZc¶ KZ©…K we‡ivaxq m¤úwË m¤ú‡K© cªwZc¶ KZ©…K clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ c‡¶i wel¦−Ü `vwLjx †`Iqvbx †gvKÏgv D‡Ëvjb c~‡e©K Aviwe‡Uªkb Pyw³i Abymv‡i we‡iva wb®úwËi Rb¨ clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ KZ©…K weMZ 22/03/2021 Bs Zvwi‡L cªwZc¶ eive‡i GKcÎ cª`vb Kwi‡j cªwZc¶ D³ fœ fË¡ç nBqv Zvnv‡`i wbhy³xq weÁ †KŠmyjxi gva¨‡g weMZ 29/03/2021 Bs ZvwiL ‡i wjM¨vj †bvwUk gva¨‡g clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ c¶‡K ÁvZ Kivq †h we‡ivaxq m¤úwË m¤ú‡K© Aviwe‡Uªkb 1/2019 bs †gvKÏgvq weMZ 14/09/2019 Bs Zvwi‡L GIqvW©

cª`Ë nBqv‡Q Ges Zvnv‡`i KiYxq wKQyB bvB| cªwZc‡¶i †cªiZ weMZ 29/03/2021 Bs Zvwi‡Li ewY©Z wjM¨vj †bvwUk clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ weMZ 04/04/2021 Bs Zvwi‡L cªvß nb Ges cieZ©x‡Z 05/05/2021 Bs ZvwiL

nB‡Z gnvgvix K‡ivbvi Kvi‡b jKWvDb †NvwlZ nB‡j ‡`‡ki miKvix I †emiKvix mKj Awd‡mi Kvh©µg eÜ nBqv hvq Ges cieZ©x‡Z ¯^í cwim‡i

miKvix I †emiKvix cªwZôv‡bi Kvh©µg ï nB‡j clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ ZwK©Z Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi †Pqvig¨vb mv‡n‡ei Awd‡m hvBqv Rvwb‡Z cv‡ib †h, wZwb Amy¯’ nBqv nvmcvZv‡j Av‡Qb Ges weÁ ‡Pqvig¨vb nvmcvZvj nB‡Z 18/05/2020 Bs Zvwi‡L evmvq Avwm‡j clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ welqwU ÁvZ nBqv weMZ 25/05/2021 Bs Zvwi‡L Aviwe‡Uªk‡bi weÁ †Pqvig¨vbmv‡n‡ei Awd‡m hvBqv ZwK©Z Aviwe‡Uªkb 1/2019 bs ‡gvKÏgvi mwn †gvnix bK‡ji

clM¡Ù¹ w`qv 23/05/2021 Bs Zvwi‡L ewY©Z GIqv‡W©i mwn †gvnix bKj cªvß nBqv †gvKÏgv `v‡qi Kwi‡Z 188 w`b wej¤^ nBqv‡Q| `iLv¯ÍKvixc¶ g~j Aviwe‡Uªkb †gvKÏgvq GKZidv ïbvbx I ivq cªPv‡ii

wel‡q cªwZc‡¶i cª`Ë wjM¨vj †bvwUk-04/04/2021 Bs Zvwi‡L cªvß nIqvi

c~‡e© ÁvZ wQ‡jb bv Ges me© cª_g cªwZc‡¶i wjM¨vj †bvwUk ‡i gva¨‡g 04/04/2021 Bs Zvwi‡Li ZwK©Z GIqvW© wel‡q Rvwb‡Z cv‡ib| ewY©Z

wej‡¤^i wel‡q clM¡Ù¹L¡l£i †Kvb GPwU bvB weavq ewY©Z 188 w`b wej¤^ gIKyd KiZt †gvKÏgvwU ïbvbxi Rb¨ Mªn‡Yi Av‡`k nIqv MZ

Avek¨K | Ab¨_vq clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ c‡¶i Ac~iYxq ¶wZi KviY NwU‡e|

Dc‡iv³ KviY I Ae¯ v’ ax‡b clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ c‡¶ mwebq cªv_©bv GB †h, ûRyi Av`vjZ AbyMªn c~e©K b¨vq wePv‡ii ¯^v‡_© AÎ †gvKÏgv `v‡q‡i 188 w`b wej¤^ gIKyd KiZt AÎ †gvKÏgvwU ïbvbxi Rb¨ MªnY Kwievi Av‡`k `v‡b mywePvi Kwi‡Z gwR© nq|


Avwg, Bgivb †nv‡mb, wcZv-‡gvt KvImvi Avjx, mvs-Avwg I‡qj‡dq i Uªv÷, Kj¨vY I cybe©vmb cwi`ßi, A¨vWRy‡U›U †Rbv‡ij kvLv, †mbv m`i,X vKv †mbvwbevm, _vbv-XvKv K¨v›Ub‡g›U, †Rjv-XvKv, RvwZ-gymjgvb, ag©-Bmjvg RvZxqZv- evsjv‡`kx, eqm-35

ermi, †ckv-PvKyix, cªwZÁv c~e©K †NvlYv Kwi‡ZwQ †h,

1 |  Avwg †gvKÏgvi clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ cªwZôv‡bi AvBb Kg©KZ©v Ges

†gvKÏgvi clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ c‡¶ ZwØiKviK Ges ‡gvKÏgvi hveZxq welq m¤ú‡K© mg¨K AeMZ AvwQ|

2| njdbvgvi 1bs `dvq Ges m½xq Aviwe‡Uªkb wgm ‡gvKÏgvi

`iLv‡Ù¹ ewY©Z weeiY Avgvi Ávb g‡Z mZ¨

A`¨ 25/05/2021 Bs Zvwi‡L †ejv 11.05 NwUKvi mgq AÎv`vj‡Zi njdbvgv Kwgkbv‡ii m¤§y‡L Dcw¯ Z’ nBqv AÎ njdbvgvi gg© I djvdj mg¨K AeMZ nBqv njdbvgv m¤úv`b Kwijvg |

¯^v/- †gvt Bgivb †nv‡mb


AcÉ 25.05.2021 Cw ®j¡a¡−hL --- qmgL¡l£ Bj¡l f¢l¢Qa Hhw AcÉ h¡w a¡¢lM ®hm¡ 11x05 O¢VL¡u Y¡L¡l 25/05/2021 Cw a¡¢l−M Aœ¡c¡m−al ®Sm¡ SS Bc¡m−a Bj¡l pÇj¤−M qmge¡j¡ L¢jne¡−ll pÇj¤−M a¡q¡−L Ef¢ÙÛa qCu¡ paÉf¡W f§hÑL Ef−l¡š² pe¡š² L¢lm¡jz

®O¡oZ¡ L¢l−mez ®O¡oZ¡L¡l£

HÉ¡X−i¡−LV Se¡h p¤n¡¿¹ L¥j¡l hp¤

LaѪL pe¡š²L«az

ü¡x/AØfø L¢jne¡l


ü¡/-AØfø HÉ¡X−i¡−LV

25.05.2021         (Susanta Kumar Basu) Advocate

Bangladesh Supreme Court 49, Jhonson Road (5th


Sutrapur, Dhaka-1100. Mob. 01715-052125


…l¦aÄf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u ¢h‘ ®Sm¡ SS, Y¡L¡ La«ÑL Bl¢h−VÊne ¢jp ®Lp ew- 166/2021-H fÐcš ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 13.06.2021 a¡¢l−Ml l¡u J A¡−cn  ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x-


B−hc−el ®fË¢r−a e¢b EfÙÛ¡fe Ll¡ q−m¡z AcÉ NËqZ−k¡NÉa¡ öe¡e£l SeÉ ¢ce d¡kÑÉ B−Rz clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ fr q¡¢Sl¡ c¡¢Mm L¢lu¡−Rz NËqZ−k¡NÉa¡ öe¡e£l SeÉ e¢b ®fn Ll¡ q−m¡z

Heard the learned lawyer for the petition, perused the stay petition & petition under Section 5 of the Limitation Act for condonation of delay o f 188 days in preferring the case which has

been satisfactorily explained by the petitioner.

Considering the grounds narrated in the petition of condonation of delay, I do condone delay in filing of the case & accordingly the case is admitted for hearing.

Issue notice upon the O.P. fixing 13.07.2021 for S.R. &


The petitioner is directed to file postal receipts by


The Operation of the impugned award dated 14.09.2019 be stayed until further order.

Dictated & Corrected by me.

Sd/-Mohammad Showkat Ali Chowdhury District Judge, Dhaka.

¢hNa Cw−lS£ 27.11.18 a¡¢l−M pÇf¡¢ca Bl¢h−VÊne Q¥¢š²f−œl fËbj fr B¢jÑ J−um−gu¡l VÊ¡ØV Ahpl fÐ¡ç ®Sm¡ SS B¢ep¤‹ ¡j¡e−L a¡−cl p¡¢mnL¡l£ ¢e−u¡N L−lez Aaxfl fËbj fr B¢jÑ J−um−gu¡l VÊ¡ØV Hl p¡¢mnL¡l£l Ef¢ÙÛ¢a−a p¡¢mn£ L¡kÑœ²j öl¦ quz Ahpl fÐ¡ç ®Sm¡ SS B¢ep¤‹ ¡j¡e p¡¢mn£ L¡kÑœ²j Qm¡L¡−m HL fkÑ¡−u ®L¡e L¡lZ E−õM L−l p¡¢mn£ L¡kÑœ²j ®b−L ¢e−S−L fÐaÉ¡q¡l L−lez Aaxfl p¡¢mn£ VÊ¡Ch¤Ée¡m ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 14.09.2019 a¡¢l−M p¡¢mn£ ®l¡−uc¡c fËc¡e L−lez Ef¢l¢õ¢Ma p¡¢mn£ ®l¡−uc¡c fË¡¢çl 188 ¢ce fl p¡¢mn£ Q¥¢š²l fËbj fr B¢jÑ J−um−gu¡l VÊ¡ø p¡¢mn£ ®l¡−uc¡c h¡¢a−ml ¢e¢j−š p¡¢mn£ BCe 2001 Hl d¡l¡ 42 ®j¡a¡−hL clM¡Ù¹ c¡¢Mm Ll−m ¢h‘ ®Sm¡ SS 188 ¢ce ¢hmð jJL¥g L−l clM¡Ù¹¢V öe¡e£l SeÉ NËqZ L−lez ®Sm¡ SS, Y¡L¡ LaѪL Ef¢l¢õ¢Ma ¢hmð jJL¥−gl ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 13.06.2021 a¡¢l−Ml B−c−n pwr ¥ì q−u clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ Aœ ¢p¢i m ¢l¢i ne ®j¡LŸj¡ c¡¢Mm L−lz

Aœ ®j¡LŸj¡u Bc¡m−al p¡j−e fÐnÀ q−m¡- p¡¢mn£ BCe, 2001 Hl 42 d¡l¡u fÐcš 60 (o¡V) ¢ce pjup£j¡ A¢aœ²¡¿¹ qJu¡l fl ®L¡e fr LaѪL p¡¢mn£ ®l¡−uc¡c h¡¢a−ml B−hce c¡¢M−m a¡j¡¢c BC−el 5 d¡l¡l p¤−k¡N ®f−a qLc¡l ¢Le¡? AbÑ¡v p¡¢mn£ ®l¡−uc¡c h¡¢a−ml B−hce BC−e h¢ZÑa ¢edÑ¡¢la pju A¢aœ²¡¿¹ qJu¡l fl pwr ¥ì fr ¢hm−ðl clM¡Ù¹pq c¡¢Mm Ll−a BCeNai ¡−h HM¢au¡l pÇfæ ¢Le¡?

…l¦aÅf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u The Limitation Act, 1908 Contents (As modified up to 2007) Hl d¡l¡ 3 ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x

“3.Dismissal of suits, etc. instituted, etc., after period of limitation- Subject to the provisions contained in sections 4 to 25 (inclusive), every suit instituted, appeal preferred and application made, after the period of limitation prescribed thereof by the first schedule shall be dismissed, although limitation has not been set up as a defence.”

“ d¡l¡ 3z a¡j¡¢cl ®ju¡c ®n−o c¡−ulL«a j¡jm¡ CaÉ¡¢c M¡¢lSz- HC BC−el 4 ®b−L 25 d¡l¡l (Eiu d¡l¡pq) p¡−f−r fËbj ag¢p−m HacÚŸ¤−nÉ ¢edÑ¡¢la a¡j¡¢cl ®ju¡c Eš£ÑZ qJu¡l fl j¡jm¡, Bf£m h¡ clM¡Ù¹ c¡−ul h¡ c¡¢Mm Ll¡ q−m ¢hh¡c£ fr k¢c a¡j¡¢cl fËnÀ E›¡fe e¡J L−l, ah¤J Eš² j¡jm¡, Bf£m h¡ clM¡Ù¹ M¡¢lS h−m ¢h−h¢Qa q−hz”

(a¡j¡¢c BCex ašÅ J ¢h−nÔoZ, ®j¡x Bë¤m q¡¢mj, hÉ¡¢lØV¡l-HV-m Hl hC q−a pwNªq£a)

Ef¢l¢õ¢Ma a¡j¡¢c BC−el d¡l¡ 3 ®j¡a¡−hL a¡j¡¢c BC−el 4 ®b−L 25 d¡l¡l (Ei u d¡l¡pq) ¢hd¡e p¡−f−r a¡j¡¢c BC−el fËbj ag¢p−m fËcš ¢edÑ¡¢la pju Eš£ZÑ qJu¡l fl j¡jm¡, B¢fm clM¡Ù¹ c¡−ul Ll−m ¢hh¡c£fr h¡ fË¢afr h¡ Aflfr a¡j¡¢cl fËnÀ E›¡fe e¡J Ll−m Eš² j¡jm¡, Bf£m h¡ clM¡Ù¹ M¡¢lS h−m ¢h−h¢Qa q−hz AbÑ¡v a¡j¡¢c BC−el fËbj ag¢p−m h¢ZÑa pj−ul j−dÉC pLm j¡jm¡, Bf£m h¡ clM¡Ù¹ c¡¢Mm Ll−aC q−hz

HMe Bjl¡ ®cMh Hl ®L¡e hÉ¢aœ²j Ll¡ k¡u ¢Le¡? Ešl qm qÉy¡ Ll¡ k¡uz L¢afu ¢h−no ®r −œ fËbj ag¢p−m h¢eÑa ®ju¡c hª¢Ü Ll¡ k¡−hz −p pÇf−LÑ a¡j¡¢c BC−el d¡l¡ 5 H h¢ZÑa q−u−Rz …l¦aÅf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u The Limitation Act, 1908 Hl d¡l¡ 5 ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x

5.  Any appeal or application for a revision or a review of judgment or for leave to appeal or any other application to which this section may be made applicable by or under any enactment for the time being in force may be admitted after the period of limitation prescribed therefor, when the appellant or applicant satisfies the Court that he had sufficient cause for not preferring the appeal or making the application within such period.”

d¡l¡ 5z L¢afu ¢h−no ®r −œ ®ju¡c hª¢ÜLlZz- ®L¡e Bf£m h¡ l¡u f¤e¢hÑQ¡l h¡ f¤el£r −Zl clM¡Ù¹ h¡ Bf£m Ll¡l Ae¤j¢a fË¡bÑe¡l clM¡Ù¹ h¡ AeÉ ®L¡e clM¡Ù¹, k¡l

Efl HC d¡l¡ haÑj¡−e L¡kÑLl AeÉ ®L¡e BC−el à¡l¡ h¡ Ad£−e fË−k¡SÉ Ll¡ qu, a¡l ¢e¢cÑø a¡j¡¢cl ®ju¡c Eš£ZÑ qJu¡l fl Nªq£a q−a f¡−l, k¢c Bf£mL¡l£ h¡ clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ HC j−jÑ Bc¡ma−L p¿ºø Ll−a f¡−l ®k, ¢edÑ¡¢la ®ju¡−cl j−dÉ Bf£m c¡−ul h¡ clM¡Ù¹¢V c¡¢Mm Ll¡l k−bø L¡lZ ¢Rmz

(a¡j¡¢c BCex ašÅ J ¢h−nÔoZ, ®j¡x Bë¤m q¡¢mj, hÉ¡¢lØV¡l-HV-m Hl hC q−a pwNªq£a)

Ef¢l¢õ¢Ma d¡l¡ 5 pqS plm f¡−W H¢V Ly¡−Ql ja Øfø ®k, −L¡e Bf£m l¡u f¤e¢hÑQ¡l f¤el£r −Zl clM¡Ù¹ h¡ Bf£m Ll¡l Ae¤j¢a fСbÑe¡l clM¡Ù¹ h¡ AeÉ ®L¡e clM¡Ù¹, k¡l Efl HC d¡l¡ hajÑ¡−e L¡kÑLl AeÉ ®L¡e BC−el à¡l¡ h¡ Ad£−e fÐ−k¡SÉ Ll¡ qu, a¡l ¢e¢cÑø a¡j¡¢cl ®ju¡c Eš£ZÑ qJu¡l fl Nªq£a q−a f¡−l, k¢c Bf£mL¡l£ h¡ clM¡Ù¹L¡l£ HC j−jÑ Bc¡ma−L p¿ºø Ll−a f¡−l ®k, ¢edÑ¡¢la ®ju¡−cl j−dÉ Bf£m c¡−ul h¡ clM¡Ù¹¢V c¡¢Mm e¡ Ll¡l k−bø L¡lZ ¢Rmz

Ab¡Ñv ®L¡e Bf£m c¡−u−l, l¡u f¤e¢hÑQ¡l c¡−u−l, f¤e¢e¢lr −el clM¡Ù¹ c¡−u−l Bf£m Ll¡l Ae¤j¢a fË¡bÑe¡u Hhw AeÉ ®L¡e clM¡Ù¹ c¡−u−l haÑj¡−e L¡kÑLl ®L¡e BCe à¡l¡ h¡ ®L¡e BC−el Ad£e a¡j¡¢c BC−el 5 d¡l¡l ¢hd¡e fË−k¡SÉ Ll¡ q−m a¡j¡¢cl ¢e¢cÑø ®ju¡c Eš£ZÑ qJu¡l flJ Bc¡m−al p¿º¢ø p¡−f−r Bf£m c¡−ul h¡ clM¡Ù¹ Nªq£a q−a f¡−lz

…l¦aÅf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u The Limitation Act, 1908 Contents (As modified up to 2007) Hl d¡l¡ 29 ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x

“29. Savings-(1) Nothing in this Act shall affect section 25 of the Contract Act, 1872.

(2)    Where any Special law prescribes for

any suit, appeal or application a period of limitation different from the period prescribed therefor by the first schedule, the provisions of section 3 shall apply, as if such period were prescribed therefor in that schedule, and for the purpose of determining any

period of limitation prescribed for any suit, appeal or application by any special law-

(a)  the provisions contained in section 4, sections 9 to 18,

and section 22 shall apply only insofar as, and to the extent to which, they are not expressly excluded by such special law; and

(b) the remaining provisions of this Act shall not apply.

(3)    Nothing in this Act shall apply to suits under the

Divorce Act, 1869.

(4) Sections 26 and 27 and the definition of “easement” in

section 2 shall not apply to cases arising in territories to which the Easements Act, 1882, may for the time being extend.”

29z pwlrZz-(1) HC BC−el −L¡e ¢hd¡e 1872 p¡−ml Q¥¢š² BC−el (1872 p¡−ml 9ew BCe) 25 d¡l¡−L fËi¡¢ha Ll−h e¡z

(2)®k ®r −œ ®L¡e ¢h−no BC−e ®L¡e j¡jm¡, Bf£m h¡ clM¡−Ù¹l SeÉ HC BC−el fËbj ag¢p−m ¢edÑ¡¢la ®ju¡c A−fr ¡ ¢i æal a¡j¡¢cl ®ju¡−cl ¢hd¡e B−R, ®p−r −œ HC BC−el 3 d¡l¡l ¢hd¡epj§q Hjei ¡−h fË−k¡SÉ q−h, ®ke Eš² ¢iæal ®ju¡c HC BCe Ae¤k¡u£ ®L¡e j¡jm¡, Bf£m h¡ clM¡−Ù¹l a¡j¡¢cl ®ju¡c NZe¡l


(L) HC BC−el 4 d¡l¡, 9 ®b−L 18 d¡l¡ J 22 d¡l¡l ¢hd¡epj¤q ®pC

f¢lj¡−Z fË−k¡SÉ q−h, ®k f¢lj¡Z a¡ Eš² ¢h−no BC−el Øfø h¢qi¥Ña e¡, Hhw

(M) HC BC−el Ah¢nø ¢hd¡epj§q fË−k¡SÉ q−h e¡z

(3) HC BC−el ®L¡e ¢hd¡e ¢hh¡q ¢h−µRc BCe (1869 p¡−ml 4ew BCe)

Ae¤p¡−l Be£a j¡jm¡l ®r−œ fË−k¡SÉ q−h e¡z

(4)  ®k pLm Hm¡L¡ 1882 p¡−ml p¤M¡¢dL¡l BC−el BJa¡i¥š²®p pLm

Hm¡L¡ ®b−L Eá¤a j¡jm¡l ®r−œ BC−el 26 J 27 d¡l¡ Hhw 2 d¡l¡u h¢ZÑa p¤M¡¢dL¡lHl pw‘¡ fË−k¡SÉ q−h e¡z

(a¡j¡¢c BCex ašÅ J ¢h−nÔoZ, ®j¡x Bë¤m q¡¢mj, hÉ¡¢lØV¡l-HV-m Hl hC q−a pwNªq£a)

a¡j¡¢c BC−el Ef¢l¢õ¢Ma d¡l¡ 29(2) ®j¡a¡−hL ®k ®r −œ ®L¡e ¢h−no BC−e ®L¡e j¡jm¡, Bf£m h¡ clM¡−Ù¹l SeÉ a¡j¡¢c BC−el fËbj ag¢p−m ¢edÑ¡¢la ®ju¡c A−fr ¡ ¢i æal a¡j¡¢cl ®ju¡−cl ¢hd¡e B−R, ®p−r −œ HC BC−el 3 d¡l¡l ¢hd¡epj§q Hjei ¡−h fË−k¡SÉ q−h, ®ke Eš² ¢i æal ®ju¡c HC BCe Ae¤k¡u£ ®L¡e j¡jm¡, Bf£m h¡ clM¡−Ù¹l a¡j¡¢cl ®ju¡c NZe¡l E−Ÿ−nÉ-HC BC−el 4 d¡l¡, 9 ®b−L 18 d¡l¡ J 22 d¡l¡l ¢hd¡epj¤q ®pC f¢lj¡−Z fË−k¡SÉ q−h, ®k f¢lj¡Z Eš² ¢h−no BC−el Øfø h¢qi ¥Ña e¡, Hhw a¡j¡¢c BC−el Ah¢nø ¢hd¡epj§q fË−k¡SÉ q−h e¡z

fÐbja ®L¡e ¢h−no BC−e ®L¡e j¡jm¡, Bf£m h¡ clM¡Ù¹ c¡¢M−ml SeÉ a¡j¡¢c BCe, 1908 Hl fÐbj ag¢p−m h¢ZÑa ¢edÑ¡¢la ®ju¡c A−fr ¡ ¢i æal a¡j¡¢cl ®ju¡−cl ¢hd¡e b¡L−m, AbÑ¡v a¡j¡¢c BC−el fÐbj ag¢p−m j¡jm¡, Bf£m h¡ clM¡Ù¹ c¡¢M−m ®k ®ju¡c h¡ pju ®cJu¡ ®p ®ju¡c J pj−ul f¢lh−aÑ ¢i æal a¡j¡¢cl ®ju¡c h¡ pju ®cJu¡ b¡L−m a¡j¡¢c BC−el 29(2)(L) ®j¡a¡−hL ¢h−no BC−el ®k f¢lj¡e pl¡p¢l h¢qi ѧa q−h ®p f¢lj¡e a¡j¡¢c BC−el 4 d¡l¡, a¡j¡¢c BC−el 9 −b−L 18 d¡l¡ Hhw 22 d¡l¡l ¢hd¡e pj§q fÐ−k¡SÉ q−h Hhw 29(2)(M) ®j¡a¡−hL a¡j¡¢c BC−el 29(2)(L) d¡l¡l ¢hd¡e hÉa£a a¡j¡¢c BC−el Ah¢nø ¢hd¡e pj§q fÐ−k¡SÉ q−h e¡z

AbÑ¡v ¢h−no BC−e ¢i æal a¡j¡¢cl ®ju¡−cl ¢hd¡e p¤¢e¢cÑø b¡L−m a¡j¡¢c BC−el d¡l¡ 29(2) ®j¡a¡−hL a¡j¡¢c BC−el d¡l¡ 5 fÐ−k¡SÉ q−h e¡z

…l¦aÅf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u p¡¢mn£ BCe, 2001 Hl d¡l¡ 42 ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x

42z p¡¢mp£ ®l¡−uc¡c h¡¢a−ml B−hce- (1) ®L¡e fr LaѪL p¡¢mp£ −l¡−uc¡c fС¢çl o¡V ¢c−el j−dÉ c¡¢MmL«a B−hc−el ¢i¢ša Bc¡ma B¿¹SÑ¡¢aL h¡¢Z¢SÉL p¡¢m−p fÐcš ®l¡−uc¡c hÉa£a HC BC−el Ad£e

fÐcš ®L¡e p¡¢mp£ ®l¡−uc¡c h¡¢am L¢l−a f¡¢l−hz

(2) ®L¡e fr LaѪL p¡¢mp£ ®l¡−uc¡c fС¢çl o¡V ¢c−el j−dÉ

c¡¢MmL«a B−hc−el ¢i¢š−a q¡C−L¡VÑ ¢hi¡N h¡wm¡−c−n Ae¢ ¤ùa B¿¹SÑ¡¢aL h¡¢Z¢SÉL p¡¢m−p fÐcš ®L¡e p¡¢mp£ ®l¡−uc¡c h¡¢am L¢l−a


Ef¢l¢õ¢Ma d¡l¡ 42 pqS plm f¡−W H¢V Ly¡−Ql ja Øfø ®k, p¡¢mn£ ®l¡−uc¡c fС¢çl 60 (o¡V) ¢c−el j−dÉ pwr ¥ì fr −L h¡wm¡−c−n Ae¤¢ùa B¿¹SÑ¡¢aL h¡¢Z¢SÉL p¡¢mn£ ®l¡−uc¡c h¡¢a−ml ®r −œ q¡C−L¡VÑ ¢hi ¡−N Hhw B¿¹SÑ¡¢aL h¡¢Z¢SÉL p¡¢m−n fÐcš ®l¡−uc¡c hÉa£a p¡¢mn£ BCe, 2001 Hl Ad£e fÐcš p¡¢mn£ ®l¡−uc¡c h¡¢a−ml ®r −œ ®Sm¡ SS Bc¡m−a B−hce c¡¢Mm Ll−a q−hz

−k−qa¥ p¡¢mn£ BCe, 2001 Hl 42 d¡l¡l clM¡Ù¹ c¡−u−l 60 (o¡V)

¢ce pju fÐcš q−u−R ®p−qa¥ a¡j¡c£ BC−el 29(2) d¡l¡l ¢hd¡e ®j¡a¡−hL a¡j¡¢c BC−el 5 d¡l¡ fÐ−k¡SÉ euz g−m p¡¢mn£ BCe, 2001 Hl 42 d¡l¡u h¢ZÑa 60 (o¡V) ¢ce A¢ah¡¢qa qJu¡l fl ®l¡−uc¡c h¡¢a−ml clM¡Ù¹ BCe à¡l¡ h¡¢laz

Aœ ®j¡LŸj¡u B¢jÑ J−um−gu¡l VÊ¡ø Hl Efl p¡¢mn£ BCe, 2001 Hl 42 d¡l¡l ¢hd¡e ®j¡a¡−hL p¡¢mn£ ®l¡−uc¡c fС¢çl 60 (o¡V) ¢c−el j−dÉ p¡¢mn£ ®l¡−uc¡c h¡¢a−ml B−hce ®Sm¡ SS Bc¡m−a c¡¢Mm Ll¡l h¡dÉh¡dLa¡ ¢Rmz ¢L¿º B¢jÑ J−um−gu¡l VÊ¡ø p¡¢mn£ ®l¡−uc¡c fС¢çl 188 ¢ce fl p¡¢mn£ BCe, 2001 Hl 42 d¡l¡ ®j¡a¡−hL p¡¢mn£ ®l¡−uc¡c h¡¢a−ml ¢e¢j−š Bl¢h−VÊne ¢jp ®LCp ew- 166/2021 a¡j¡¢c BCe Hl 5 d¡l¡l clM¡Ù¹pq c¡¢Mm L−lez

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