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Microsoft Word - W.P. No. 2771 of 2020_Discharged-MKZ,J_


                   HIGH COURT DIVISION


WRIT PETITION No. 2771 OF 2020

In the matter of:

An  application  under  article  102  of  the Constitution  of  the  People’s  Republic  of Bangladesh.


                        In the matter of:                        

Khan Mohammad Ahsan   



The Government of Bangladesh, represented by the Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Public  Works,  Bangladesh  Secretariat, Ramna, Dhaka and others 

                                                                   ..... Respondents

Mr. M. Anisuzzaman, Advocate

                                                                ........ For the Petitioner.

Mr. Bepul Bagmar, DAG

…. For the Respondent No.1. Mr. Md. Imam Hasan, Advocate

                                               …. For the Respondent No.2.

 Judgment on: 03.02.2022


Mr. Justice Md. Khasruzzaman


Mr. Justice Md. Mahmud Hassan Talukder

Md. Khasruzzmaman, J:

On an application under article 102 of the Constitution, on 05.10.2020 the Rule Nisi was issued in the following terms:

“Let a Rule Nisi be issued calling upon the respondents to show cause  as  to  why  the  impugned  bearing  Memo  No. RAJUK/Estate  and  Land-2(Uttara)/414  dated  02.02.2020 issued  by  the  respondent  No.5  (Annexure-E)  purporting  to


issuance of letter to produce the legal heirs of the deceased wasiyatnama executor cum lease holder of eastern units of 6(six)  storied  building  situated  at  Plot  No.  01,  Road  No.05, Nikunja, Uttara Residential Area, Dhaka for giving no objection in Taka 300/- stamp with specimen signatures and other title documents  with  warishan  sanad  of  the  deceased wasiyatnama  executor  cum  lease  holder  in  order  to  get mutation in the name of wasiyatnama beneficiary shall not be declared to have been issued without lawful authority and is of no legal effect and/or pass such other or further order or orders as this Court may seem fit and proper.”

The facts relevant for disposal of the case, in short, are that on 07.03.1991 one Md. Yunus Ali Sheikh took allotment of 2.08 kathas of land in Plot No.1, Road No.5, Nikunja-02, Gulshan, from the Rajdhani Unnayan Kartipakkha(RAJUK) which was registered with the Sub Registry Office, Gulshan vide deed No. 2133 dated 07.03.1991  (Annexure-A).  While enjoying  the  said  property  Md. Yunus Ali Sheikh got his name mutated and paid land revenue to the government. Thereafter, on 25.02.2004 Md. Yunus Ali Sheikh on taking prior approval from RAJUK transferred the said land to Md. Maksudul Alam and Nowshin Sultana by registered deed No. 2273  (Annexure-A-1)  and  handed  over  possession  to  them. Thereafter, on the application being filed by the transferees Md. Maksudul Alam and Nowshin Sultana, RAJUK authority vide Memo No. RAJUK/Estate/3995 dated 21.10.2004 mutated the names of

the applicants in the relevant records. Thereafter, Md. Maksudul Alam and Nowshin Sultana obtained approval from RAJUK and built 06(six) storied building having 02(two) units on the said land and Md. Maksudul Alam got units of the eastern side of the said plot and Nowshin Sultana got units of the western side of the said plot. It is stated that on 02.10.2011 Md. Maksudul Alam in his lifetime  executed  a  registered  wasiyatnama  being  deed  No.  26 dated  02.10.2011  in  favour  of  the  petitioner  namely,  Khan Mohammad  Ahsan  (Annexure-A-2).  That  on  05.08.2016  the wasiyatnama executor cum lease holder Md. Maksudul Alam has died and thereafter, on 27.04.2017 Khan Mohammad Ahsan filed Probate  Case  No.  83  of  2017  before  the  learned  Joint  District Judge, Court No.1, Nayayanganj impleading heirs of the deceased wasiyatnama executor as defendants in the said case. The learned Joint District Judge, Court No.1, Narayanganj after hearing the petitioner allowed the case ex parte and issued probate certificate and also directed the concerned Sub Registry Office to report of evaluation  of the land for calculation and determination of the court fees vide Order No.33 dated 24.03.2019. Accordingly, the RAJUK  on  30.05.2019  submitted  evaluation  report  mentioning mouza value of the will property amounting to TK.67,57,940/-on which  the  court  fees  is  calculated  to  TK.5,96,000/-  which  the petitioner has deposited in respect of the said probate case through Sonali Bank Limited on 09.07.2019. Thereafter, on 07.08.2019 the learned Joint District Judge, Court No.1, Narayanganj issued final

Grant of Probate of Will under section 289 of the Succession Act,

1925 in the said probate case. Accordingly, on 09.09.2019 the

petitioner filed an application along with required documents before

the Assistant Director (Estate and Land-2) RAJUK Zonal Office,

Uttara, Dhaka (respondent No.5) for getting mutation of the will

property  in  his  name  (Annexure-D).  The  respondent  No.5  vide

Memo  No.  RAJUK/Estate  and  Land-2(Uttara)/414  dated

02.02.2020 directed the petitioner to produce the legal heirs of the

deceased wasiyatnama executor cum lease holder of the eastern

units of 6(six) storied building situated at Plot No.1, Road No.5,

Nikunja Uttara Residential Area, Dhaka for giving no objection on

the stamp valued at TK.300/- with specimen signatures and other

title documents with warishan sanad of the deceased wasiyatnama

executor cum lease holder (Annexure-E).    

Finding no other alternative the petitioner has challenged the

memo dated 02.02.2020 issued by the respondent No.5 (Annexure- E)  in  Writ  Petition  No.  2771  of  2020  under article  102  of  the Constitution  and  obtained  Rule  Nisi  in  the  manner  as  quoted hereinabove.

Respondent No.2 has filed an affidavit-in-opposition denying

the  material  allegations  made  in  the  writ  petition  and  thereby

contending inter alia that the deed of will and recital thereof itself is

improper wherein it has been stated that wbKzÄ-2, evmv bs-5, evox bs-01, G

Avgvi †QvU †evb myjZvbv bIwk‡bi mv‡_ †hŠ_fv‡e GKwU 06(Qq) Zjv (Am¤úyb©) evox wbg©vY KwiqvwQ, evwowUi Aa©vs‡k Avgvi bv‡g Av‡Q| †h‡nZz evoxwU wbgv©Y Kwi‡Z Avgvi kÖ‡×q eo †evb †Reyb Lv‡bi wbKU

nB‡Z UvKv wb‡qwQ Ges GLbI Zvnvi UvKv cwi‡kva Kwi‡Z cvwi bvB, †m‡nZz evwowUi Dci Zvnvi nK iwnqv‡Q| and as such, the will given to Khan Mohammad Ahsan being

the son of his sister in lieu of consideration or exchange is not a

will according to the Muslim Law, and rather it is mere a sale or exchange  and  accordingly,  the  probate  case  and  the  certificate

thereon  has  no  legal  force  in  case  of  a  Muslim.  It  is  further contended that it is stated in the wasiyatnama dated 02.10.2011

that  the  wasiyatnama  will  be  treated  as  effective  in  case  the wasiyatnama executor did not return to Bangladesh from Saudi

Arabia  or  has  died  there  but  admittedly  the  testator  after performing his holly hajj back to Bangladesh and has died on 05.08.2016 and as such, the alleged deed of will became invalid. It

is further stated that the alleged deed of will was not proved as per sections 67 and 68 of the Evidence Act and sections 59 and 63 of

the  Succession  Act,  1925.  It  is  also  stated  that  there  were  8 defendants in the case but none of them entered appearance to

contest the case and as such the petitioner managed to obtain an

exparte  order  which  results  in  heavy  doubt  over  the  grant  of

probate of will. It is further stated that the legal heirs of executor of

the  wasiyatnama  cum  lease  holder  has  been  staying  in  USA,

Canada and Australia, and as such on a fixed date and time the physical presence of the legal heirs of the will executor deceased of

the wasiyatnama is neither practically possible nor required in law

is not tenable. If anyone cannot come to Bangladesh to complete

legal formalities, he may physically present before the concerned

embassy or High Commission or Consulate Office in order to prove their genuineness as the heirs of the said will executor. It is also stated that it is very common Rule of RAJUK that in case of any type of transfer or mutation, the transferor or the owner of the property  as  the  case  may  be  present  before  the  RAJUK  for authentication and avoidance of multiplicity of suit and further inconvenience arising out of the process and as such it is prayed that the Rule Nisi is liable to be discharged. 

Mr.  M.  Anisuzzaman,  the  learned  Advocate  appearing  on behalf of the petitioner submits that with regard to the formalities concerning the making of a will two conditions are there to be followed i.e. declaration must be there of the intention to confer an interest and, disposition with regard to the property takes place after the death of the one making the will and as such, since the wasiyatnama executor cum lease holder has died, the petitioner filed  the  probate  case  and  obtained  order  pursuant  to  which probate certificate has been issued in his favour and as such, there arises no point of confusion regarding the share and as such, the RAJUK has committed illegality in issuing the impugned memo which is like a mere half bite on the cherry which is not well founded reason to suffice the rebuttal of overriding objectives on the enforcement of the judgment. He further submits that since the wasiyatnama  was  duly  registered  under  section  17B  of  the Registration Act, 1908 and since a registered document conferring the  rights  of  estate  of  the  deceased  after  his  demise  is  also regulated by law and therefore no revocation or cancellation of the said  wasiyatnama  was  held  by  the  testator  and  as  such  the authority cannot say that the wasiyatnama was not effective after the performance of pilgrimage by the testator. He also submits that since the wasiyatnama in question has already been proved to be genuine  in  the  Court  of  law,  the  respondents  ought  to  have considered the same in mutating the will property in the name of the petitioner. Referring to the impugned order he contends that the authority committed illegalities in taking no objection from the heirs of the deceased testator in non judicial stamps and also in asking personal appearance of the said heirs to give oral testimony before the RAJUK and as such the same can be said to the judging of a judgment of the Court of law in the disguise form by the executive authority which is contrary to the norms and notions of constitutionalism and rule of law and as such he has prayed for making the Rule Nisi absolute.

Mr. Md. Imam Hasan, the learned Advocate appearing on behalf of the respondent No.2 submits that as per Muslim Law, a bequest to an heir is not valid unless the other heirs consent to the bequest after the death of the testator and as such, no injustice was caused upon the petitioner and no illegality was committed by the RAJUK in issuing the memo requiring the concerned heirs of the testators to present before the RJUK with relevant documents. Referring to the deed of will he further submits that the deed of will was executed on 02.10.2011 with clear expressions that the will would be effective in case the testator did not come to Bangladesh or has died in Saudi Arabia and when admittedly the testator after performing  holly  hajj  came  back  to  Bangladesh  and  died  on 05.08.2016 i.e. long after the returning to Bangladesh and as such, the alleged deed of will became invalid. Moreover, the alleged deed of will was not proved as contemplated under section 67 and 68 of the Evidence Act and sections 59 and 63 of the Succession Act, 1925. As such, he has prayed that the Rule Nisi is liable to be discharged.  

Heard the learned Advocate and perused the writ petition, supplementary  affidavit,  affidavit-in-opposition  along  with  all annexures appended thereto. It appears from the impugned order (Annexure-E) that the respondent No.5 has issued the order in reference to the application filed by the petitioner on 09.09.2019 regarding  mutation  of  the  will  property  in  the  name  of  the petitioner. It appears that the respondent No.5 has considered the said application and as a next steps to be taken by him, he has directed the petitioner to produce the legal heirs of the testator requiring no objection on a stamp valued at TK.300/- along with title document and warishan certificate for disposal of the prayer for mutation of the will property in the name of the petitioner.

So, the only question to be answered by this Court is whether the respondent authority has committed illegality in law in issuing the impugned memo.

It is claimed by the petitioner that the property sought to be mutated in his name is the property at will given by the testator (Annexure-A-2). After demise of the testator in 2016, the petitioner filed probate case in 2017 and obtained order and also obtained grant of probate of will (Annexure-C). The petitioner claims that since the deed of will is lawful as evident from the judgment of the Court of law, he has rightly filed the application for mutation of the property in his name. The authority without considering the same has issued the impugned order requiring no objection from the legal heirs of the testator and personal appearance along with title documents which according to the petitioner cannot ask and the same is violation of the judgment and order of the Court of law.

The respondent No.2 claims that the deed of will is itself invalid  on  returning  to  Bangladesh  after  performing  holly  hajj. Because from the recital of the deed of will it is clear that the testator said that he is going to perform holly hajj and if he does not return to Bangladesh or if he dies in Saudi Arabia then and there  the  deed  of  will  be  effective.  The  deed  of  will  has  been executed on 02.10.2011 and he has come back to Bangladesh and died in Bangladesh long after the execution of the deed of will and the performance of the holly hajj. So, in that case the deed of will cannot be said to be valid one.

However, under the Mohammedan Law every Mohammedan of sound mind, and not a minor, may dispose of his property by will either verbally or in writing subject to some limitations. According to Mohammedan Law- “a bequest to an heir is not valid unless the other heirs also consent to the bequest after the death of the testator. Any single heir may consent so as to bind his own share.”  

The  provision  of  law  has  been  fortified  by  the  Hon’ble Appellate Division in the case of Md. Rahamat Ullah and others Vs. Mosammat Sabana Islam and others, Civil Appeal No. 127 of 2006 wherein it has been held:

So, from the above, it is evident that both the impugned deeds of will in favour of heirs of the testator are invalid since the other heirs of testator Zohurul Islam did not give consent to these bequests after the death of Zahirul islam.”

So, the consent of other heirs of the testator is a must in case of a valid deed of will. In that case, the petitioner has to prove that the legal heirs of the testator have given their consent after the death of the testator. Nowhere in the writ petition the petitioner has stated about the consent of the legal heirs of the testator. Rather, the petitioner has stated in the writ petition that the legal heirs of the testator are residing in USA, Canada and Australia and their physical  presence  is  not  practically  possible  nor  required  in accordance with law. Under such circumstances, it is clear that the petitioner has failed to show that the legal heirs of the testator have consented to the deed of will after the demise of the testator.

As such, we are of the view that the RAJUK authority did not commit  any  illegality  in  issuing  the  impugned  order  dated 02.02.2020 directing the petitioner to produce the legal heirs of the testator  requiring  no  objection  on  a  stamp  valued  at  TK.300/- along with title document and warishan certificate for disposal of the prayer for mutation of the will property in the name of the petitioner.

Accordingly, we do not find any substance in the submissions of the learned Advocate for the petitioner and as such the Rule Nisi is liable to be discharged.

In the result, the Rule Nisi is discharged without any order as to costs.

The Rajuk authority is directed to preserve a copy of the judgment in the concerned file for future action.

Communicate the order.

Md. Mahmud Hassan Talukder, J:

    I agree.