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Microsoft Word - Crl. A. 8303 of 2020 _10 of CLA Act_ _28.4.24_ _Allowed_



Mr. Justice Md. Shohrowardi

Criminal Appeal No. 8303 of 2020

Md. Dulal Hawlader



The State and another


Mr. Md. Mamunor Rashid, Advocate

...For the appellant

Mr. S.M. Golam Mostofa Tara, D.A.G with

Mr. A. Monnan, A.A.G

...For the State

Mr. ASM Kamal Amroohi Chowdhury, Advocate

...For the Respondent No. 2,

Anti-Corruption Commission Heard on 20.02.2024, 03.03.2024 and 22.04.2024 Judgment delivered on 28.04.2024

This appeal under Section 10 of the Criminal Law Amendment

Act,  1958  is  directed  challenging  the  legality  and  propriety  of  the impugned  judgment  and  order  of  conviction  and  sentence  dated 11.03.2020 passed by  Divisional Special Judge, Barishal in Special

Case No. 3 of 2013 convicting the appellant under Section 409 of the

Penal  Code,  1860  read  with  Section  5(2)  of  the  Prevention  of Corruption Act, 1947 and sentencing him thereunder to suffer rigorous imprisonment for 7(seven) years and fine of Tk. 1,00,000(one lakh), in default, to suffer rigorous imprisonment for 1(one) year.

The prosecution case, in short, is that the accused Md. Dulal Hawlader is the project chairman of the project namely “j¡c¡lL¡W£ c¢rZ fË¡¿¹ n¡¢¿¹ −cEl£ h¡¢sl CR¡e£ M¡m q−a j¡c¡lL¡W£ p¤i¡o hp¤l h¡¢Xl p£j¡e¡ fkÑ¿¹ l¡Ù¹¡ f¤ex ¢ejÑ¡Z fËLÒf” under No. 5 Soliabakpur Union Parishad, Banaripara, Barishal for 1999-2000 under food for work programme and total 25

metric tons of wheat was allotted by the L.G.D. As Chairman of the

said project, the accused had withdrawn 10 metric tons of wheat on 12.05.2000, but he did not submit the muster roll. The Supervising Officer, Sub-Assistant Engineer Md. Delwar Hossain, in the presence of the Project Chairman, accused Md. Dulal Hawlader, took the final measurement of the project on 09.07.2000 and found that the project committee completed the work for 4.002 metric tons of wheat and misappropriated  total  5.998  metric  tons  of  wheat  valued  at  Tk. 62,034/01. The value of per metric ton of wheat was 10,342.45 at the relevant time and thereby he committed offence under Section 409 of the  Penal  Code,  1860  read  with  Section  5(2)  of  the  Prevention  of Corruption Act, 1947.

The Assistant Inspector Md. Altaf Hossain of the Bureau of Anti-Corruption  initially  took  up  the  investigation  of  the  case  and during  investigation  the  Bureau  of  Anti-Corruption  was  abolished. After  the  formation  of  the  Anti-Corruption  Commission,  Assistant Director P.W. 6 Md. Bahadur Alam was appointed as Investigating Officer. He recorded the statement of witnesses under Section 161 of the  Code  of  Criminal  Procedure,  1898  and  after  completing investigation, he found that the accused misappropriated total 5.998 metric tons of wheat valued at Tk. 62,034/01 and obtained sanction on 27.03.2013 for submitting charge sheet and accordingly, he submitted the charge sheet on 03.04.2013 against the accused under Section 409 of the Penal Code, 1860 read with Section 5(2) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947.

After  that,  the  learned  Magistrate  sent  the  case  record  on 08.05.2013 to the Senior Special Judge, Barishal and the case was registered as Special Case No. 3 of 2013 and the Senior Special Judge, Barishal  took  cognizance  of  the  offence  against  the  accused  on 11.06.2013  under  Section  409  of  the  Penal  Code,  1860  read  with Section 5(2) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 and thereafter, the case was transferred to the Divisional Special Judge, Barishal. On 29.06.2015, the charge was framed against the accused under Section 409 of the Penal Code, 1860 read with Section 5(2) of the Prevention of Corruption  Act,  1947  which  was  read  over  and  explained  to  the accused present in Court and he pleaded not guilty to the charge and

claimed to be tried following the law. The prosecution examined 6(six) witnesses to prove the charge against the accused. After examination of

the prosecution witnesses, the accused was examined under Section

342 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 and he declined to adduce

any  D.W. After  concluding  the  trial,  the  trial  Court  by  impugned judgment and order convicted the accused and sentenced him as stated above against which the accused Md. Dulal Hawlader filed the instant appeal. 

P.W. 1 Md. Altaf Hossain is the Sub-Assistant Director, ACC,

Head office. He is the informant. He stated that earlier he was posted at

the Bureau of Anti-Corruption in 2002. The accused Md. Dulal Hawlader was the elected Member of No. 5 Salia Bakpur Union Parishad and he was the project chairman of the project namely j¡c¡lL¡W£ c¢rZ fË¡¿¹ n¡¢¿¹ −cE¢s h¡¢sl CR¡e£ M¡m qC−a j¡c¡lL¡W£ p¤i¡o hp¤l h¡X£l p£j¡e¡ fkÑ¿¹ l¡Ù¹¡ f¤ex ¢ejÑ¡Z fËLÒf under food for work programme in 1999-2000. Total

25 metric tons of wheat was allotted and the accused misappropriated

total 5.998 metric tons of wheat for which an allegation was made against the accused. The complaint was registered as E/R No. 32 of

2002  in  the  Register  of  Bureau  of  Anti-Corruption,  Barishal.  The accused  Md.  Dulal  Hawlader  as  Chairman  of  the  said  project  had withdrawn  10 metric tons of wheat on 12.05.2000 but he did not submit the muster roll after completing the work for which the Project Implementation Officer Md. Delwar Hossain measured the project on 09.7.2000 in the presence of the accused Md. Dulal Hawlader. During

the  final  measurement,  Md.  Delwar  Hossain  found  that  the project committee completed the work for total 4.002 metric tons of wheat and

he  misappropriated  5.998  metric  tons  of  wheat  valued  at  Tk. 62,034.01 and thereby he committed offence under Section 409 of the Penal  Code,  1860  read  with  Section  5(2)  of  the  Prevention  of Corruption Act, 1947. He lodged the FIR with Banaripara Thana on 31.08.2002. He proved the FIR as exhibit 1 and his signature as exhibit

1/1.  On  recall  by  the  prosecution,  he  stated  that  during  the

investigation,  the  accused  admitted  the  occurrence  and  submitted  a written statement which is kept with the C.D. and has been mentioned

in  the  charge  sheet.  The  seized  document  was  handed  over  on 19.02.2009  to  Md.  Abdula  Al-Mamun,  Court  Assistant,  Anti- Corruption Commission, Barishal. Now he is posted in the Law Section

as an ASI (Court Assistant). The defence declined to cross-examine P.W. 1.

P.W. 2 Md. Abdul Jabber is a Computer Operator (retired). He stated that on 06.07.2002, he was the Clerk-Cum-Typist of the LGED, Banaripara Upazilla. On that day at 3.30 pm, the note sheet and the records of the reconstruction project total 1-63 pages were seized from him. He proved the seizure list as exhibit 2 and his signature as exhibit

2/1. The defence declined to cross-examine P.W. 2.

P.W. 3 Abdus Sadik is the Officer-in-Charge, LSD, Banaripara.

He stated that the occurrence took place in 2000 and the accused Dulal Hawlader was the Member and Chairman of the project committee. On 11.05.2007, the accused withdrew 10 metric tons of wheat based on

DO  No.  3975172.  During  cross-examination,  he  stated  that  no document was produced before him. It is a fact that the DO letter is not available in Court.

P.W. 4 Md. Delwar Hossain is the Sub-Assistant Engineer of Banaripara Thana. He stated that the accused was the Chairman of the Project namely j¡c¡lL¡W£ c¢rZ fË¡¿¹ n¡¢¿¹ −cEl£ h¡¢sl CR¡e£ M¡m −b−L j¡c¡lL¡W£ p¤i¡o hp¤l h¡X£l X~šl p£j¡e¡ fkÑ¿¹ l¡Ù¹¡ ¤ex ¢ejÑ¡Z fËLÒfz Total 25 metric tons of wheat was allotted and the accused had withdrawn total 10 metric tons

of wheat but he did not complete the work for which a letter was issued upon the accused to complete the project but he did not complete the work. After the expiry of the project period, he and others measured the project and found that total work of 4.002 metric tons of wheat was done and the accused misappropriated 5.998 metric tons of wheat. The concerned office requested the accused to complete the work or to return the value of the wheat but he did not take any steps or he did not

return the wheat. During cross-examination, he stated that there is no measurement sheet in Court. He could not say when the accused took

the delivery of the wheat. The accused took the delivery of 10 metric tons of wheat. He denied the suggestion that he deposed as he wished.

P.W. 5 Hemayet Uddin Khan is the Upazilla Engineer. He stated that from 1999-2000 the accused was the project chairman of the project namely j¡c¡lL¡W£ c¢rZ fË¡¿¹ n¡¢¿¹l −cEl£l h¡¢sl c¢rZ f¡−nÄÑl CR¡e£ M¡m ®b−L j¡c¡lL¡W£ p¤i¡o hp¤l h¡X£l p£j¡e¡ fkÑ¿¹ l¡Ù¹¡ f¤ex ¢ejÑ¡Z fËLÒf and total 25 metric tons of wheat was allotted for the project. At that time, he was

the Upazilla Engineer, Banaripara. Total 10 metric tons of wheat were withdrawn  by  the  project  chairman  accused  Dulal  Hawlader.  He completed the work for 4.002 metric tons of wheat and misappropriated total  5.998  metric  tons  of  wheat.  On  09.07.2002,  they  took  the measurement. On 12.05.2000 the accused had withdrawn 10 metric tons of wheat. During measurement, he found the work for 1387.82 cubic  meters  of  soil.  Before  starting  the  work,  he  took  the measurements. He denied the suggestion that the measurement was not correctly taken.

P.W.  6  Md.  Bahadur  Alam  is  the  Assistant  Commissioner (Tax).  From  23.10.2011-January,  2015  he  discharged  his  duty  as Assistant  Director,  Anti-Corruption  Commission,  Combined  Office, Barishal. On 24.05.2012 he was appointed as Investigating Officer. Earlier Md. Altaf Hossain, Assistant Inspector of the Bureau of Anti- Corruption partly  investigated the  case. On 27.03.2013 he obtained sanction  for  submitting  charge  sheet.  On  03.04.2013  he  submitted charge sheet under Section 409 of the Penal Code, 1860 read with Section 5(2) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947. The previous Investigating Officer completed the investigation. He (P.W. 6) did not investigate the case. In the charge sheet submitted by him, nothing is stated as regards the alamat. He had no personal knowledge about the occurrence.

Learned  Advocate  Mr.  Md.  Mamunor  Rashid  appearing  on behalf of the appellant submits that the Project Implementation Officer is the supervisor of the project and after completing the reconstruction of the road, the muster roll for the work was submitted to the Project Implementation  Officer.  The  prosecution  neither  cited  the  Project Implementation Officer as a witness in the charge sheet nor examined him as a witness in the case. He further submits that before starting the project and after completing the project, the measurement was taken twice but the prosecution did not prove any measurement book to show that the project committee did not complete the work for 10 metric tons of  wheat.  The  prosecution  failed  to  prove  the  charge  against  the accused beyond all reasonable doubt and the trial Court without proper assessment of the evidence illegally convicted the accused. In support of his submission, the learned Advocate cited a decision made in the case of Abdul Motaleb Mia Vs. State reported in 6 BLC 5. He prayed for allowing the appeal. 

Learned  Advocate  Mr.  ASM  Kamal  Amroohi  Chowdhury appearing on behalf of respondent No. 2, Anti-Corruption Commission, submits that admittedly the accused Md. Dulal Hawlader as Chairman of the project committee withdrew 10 metric tons of wheat but he did not  submit  the  muster  roll  of  the  project.  During  measurement  on 09.07.2000, P.Ws. 4 and 5 found that the accused only completed the work for 4.002 metric tons of wheat and misappropriated 5.998 metric tons of wheat valued at Tk. 62,034.01. He further submits that since the accused had withdrawn 10 metric tons of wheat, he is bound to prove that  he  completed  the  work  and  submitted  the  muster  roll.  The prosecution witnesses proved the charge against the accused beyond all reasonable doubt. Therefore, he prayed for the dismissal of the appeal.

I have considered the submissions of the learned Advocates who  appeared  on  behalf  of  both  parties,  perused  the  evidence, impugned judgment and order passed by the trial Court and the records.

On perusal of the records, it appears that the accused Md. Dulal Hawlader is the project chairman of the project namely “j¡c¡lL¡W£ c¢rZ fË¡¿¹ n¡¢¿¹ −cEl£ h¡¢sl CR¡e£ M¡m q−a j¡c¡lL¡W£ p¤i¡o hp¤l h¡¢Xl p£j¡e¡ fkÑ¿¹ l¡Ù¹¡ f¤ex ¢ejÑ¡Z fËLÒf” under food for work programme 1999-2000. The prosecution case is that the accused Md. Dulal Hawlader as chairman

of the said project had withdrawn 10 metric tons of wheat but he did

not submit the muster roll. The defence case is that the muster roll was submitted  to  the  Project  Implementation  Officer  but  he  was  not examined in the case.

On  perusal  of  the  evidence  of  the  prosecution  witnesses,  it appears that P.W. 4 Md. Delwar Hossain is the Sub-Assistant Engineer

and P.W. 5 Hemayet Uddin Khan is the Upazilla Engineer, LGED, Banaripara and they took the pre-measurement and post-measurement

of  the  project.  During  cross-examination,  P.W.  4  affirmed  that  the measurement sheet was not produced before the Court. The prosecution

neither  proved  the  pre-measurement  sheet  nor  proved  the  post- measurement sheet of the project taken by P.Ws. 4 and 5. In each Upazilla, Project Implementation Officer is assigned to implement the project. A Project Implementation Officer deals with the project and all

the  documents  relating  to  a  project  are  lying  with  the  Project Implementation Officer but the prosecution neither cited the Project Implementation Officer as a witness in the charge sheet nor he was examined in the case. It is only the Project Implementation Officer who

is competent to say  whether the muster roll was submitted or not.

Except the Project  Implementation Officer, no  one is competent to

depose as regards the submission of the muster roll by the project committee.

At this stage, it is relevant here to rely on the decision made in

the Case of Abdul Motaleb Mia Vs. State reported in 6 BLC 5 wherein

a Division Bench of this Court has held that

“In  all  130.661  metric  tons  of  wheat  were allotted in four instalments for construction and re-construction  of  a  road  and  the  project implementation officer, PW 8 was in charge of supervision of the said project but he failed to sate as to when he visited the project in question nor has he come in Court with any measurement book  showing  pre-measurement  and  post- measurement of the said project and hence the prosecution has hopelessly failed to prove about the alleged work done by the accused persons and the alleged misappropriation of the wheat in question is also not proved and as such there is no scope to hold that the appellants are guilty for the alleged offence”

In  the  absence  of  the  pre-measurement  book  and  the  post- measurement book, it cannot be held that the project committee did not complete the work for the wheat withdrawn by the project committee. Furthermore, the Project Implementation Officer was not examined in the case. Although P.W. 1 stated that P.W. 4 Sub-Assistant Engineer Md. Delwar Hossain is the Supervising Officer of the project but P.W. 4 did not say that he was the Supervising Officer of the project. P.W. 4 stated that he measured the project.

In view of the above evidence, facts and circumstances of the case, findings, observation and the proposition, I am of the view that the prosecution failed to prove the charge against the accused Md. Dulal Hawlader beyond all reasonable doubt.

I find merit in the appeal.

In the result, the appeal is allowed.

The impugned judgment and order passed by the trial Court against the accused Md. Dulal Hawlader is hereby set aside.

Send down the lower Court’s records at once.