1 q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1
eðl ................................ 20
œ²¢jL ew a¡¢lM −e¡V J B−cn
h¡wm¡−cn p¤fË£j ®L¡VÑ
q¡C−L¡VÑ ¢hi¡N (®g±Sc¡l£ Bf£m A¢d−rœ)
¢hQ¡lf¢a Se¡h ®j¡x Bnl¡g¥m L¡j¡m
−g±Sc¡l£ Bf£m ew 13389/2019
Bh¤m q¡u¡a
---- A¢i−k¡NL¡l£-Bf£mL¡l£z -he¡j-
−j¡x M¡ul¦m Cpm¡j J AeÉ
---- fТafràu
HÉ¡X−i¡−LV HLl¡j¤m qL pw−N
HÉ¡X−i¡−LV S¢pj E¢Ÿe
---- A¢i−k¡NL¡l£-Bf£mL¡l£ f−rz HÉ¡X−i¡−LV −j¡q¡Çjc q¡¢ph¤l lqj¡e
---- 1ew fË¢afr f−rz HÉ¡X−i¡−LV −j¡x e¤lEp p¡¢cL ®Q±d¤l£, ®Xf¤¢V HÉ¡Ve£Ñ ®Se¡−lm pw−N HÉ¡X−i¡−LV m¡L£ −hNj, pqL¡l HÉ¡Ve£ ®Se¡−lm HÉ¡X−i¡−LV ®gl−c±p£ Bš²¡l, pqL¡l£ HÉ¡Ve£Ñ ®Se¡−lm
---- l¡øÊ-fТafr f−rz
öe¡e£ a¡¢lMx 25.07.23, 06.08.23
Hhw l¡u fËc¡−el a¡¢lMx 16.10.2023,
¢hQ¡lf¢a Se¡h ®j¡x Bnl¡g¥m L¡j¡mx
¢h‘ A¢a¢lš² jq¡eNl c¡ul¡ SS, 1j Bc¡ma, Y¡L¡ LaѪL ®j−–¡x c¡ul¡ j¡jm¡ ew-14220/2015-H fËcš ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 27.10.2019 a¡¢l−Ml l¡u J B−c−n A¢ik¤š²
®j¡x M¡ul¦m Cpm¡j Hl ¢hl¦−Ü Be£a The Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881
Hl 138 d¡l¡l A¢i−k¡−N fË¢p¢LEne fr p−¾cq¡a£i¡−h fËj¡Z Ll−a e¡ f¡l¡u a¡−L Eš²
d¡l¡l A¢i−k¡−Nl c¡u q−a M¡m¡p fËc¡−el ¢hl¦−Ü Aœ Bf£mz
Bf£mL¡l£ f−r ¢h‘ HÉ¡X−i¡−LV HLl¡j¤m qL ¢hÙ¹¡¢lai¡−h k¤¢š²aLÑ EfÙÛ¡fe L−lez Afl¢c−L ¢h‘ HÉ¡X−i¡−LV Se¡h −j¡q¡Çjc q¡¢ph¤l l¢qj¡e 1ew fË¢afr f−r ¢hÙ¹¡¢lai¡−h k¤¢š²aLÑ EfÙÛ¡fe L−lez
Aœ Bf£m clM¡Ù¹ Hhw e¢b fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡ Ll¡ qmz Bf£mL¡l£ f−r ¢h‘ HÉ¡X−i¡−LV HLl¡j¤m qL Hhw 1ew fË¢afr f−r ¢h‘ HÉ¡X−i¡−LV ®j¡q¡Çjc q¡¢ph¤l lqj¡e Hl k¤¢š²aLÑ nËhZ Llm¡jz
1 q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1
eðl ................................ 20
œ²¢jL ew a¡¢lM −e¡V J B−cn
A¢i−k¡NL¡l£l A¢i−k¡−Nl clM¡Ù¹ ®j¡a¡−hL A¢i−k¡NL¡l£ Hhw Bp¡j£
f§hÑ f¢l¢Qa qJu¡u A¢i−k¡NL¡l£l ¢eLV q−a Bp¡j£ 12,00,000/- (h¡l mr)
V¡L¡ d¡l NËqZ L−lz Eš² G−Zl V¡L¡ f¢l−n¡−dl ¢e¢j−š Bp¡j£ ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 06.05.2015 a¡¢l−M Ju¡e hÉ¡wL ¢mx Hl ®QL ew-0185161752004 A¢i−k¡NL¡l£−L fËc¡e L−lez
…l¦aÄf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u A¢i−k¡NL¡l£ Bh¤m q¡u¡a LaѪL ¢f, X¢hÔE-1 ¢q−p−h fËcš p¡rÉ ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x
Bh¤m q¡u¡a
¢f, X¢hÔE-1
B¢j h¡c£z Bp¡j£ M¡Cl¦m Cpm¡jz Bp¡j£ Bj¡l ¢eLV q−a
Nªq£a GZ f¢l−n¡−dl SeÉ Na 06.05.2015 Cw a¡¢lM Ju¡e hÉ¡w−Ll 12 mr V¡L¡l HL¢V ®QL ®cuz Eq¡ eNc¡u−el SeÉ Sj¡
®cu¡ q−m Na 06.07.2015 Cw a¡¢lM Account Closed j¿¹hÉ pqL¡−l
®glv B−pz Eš² ¢ho−u Bp¡j£−L Na 29.07.2015 Cw a¡¢lM ¢mNÉ¡m ®e¡¢Vn ®cCz HlflJ Bp¡j£ V¡L¡ e¡ ®cu¡u B¢j h¡c£ q−u HC j¡jm¡
HC ®pC Bj¡l e¡x clM¡Ù¹ H−a fË¢a f¡a¡u HC ü¡rl Bj¡lz fËcnÑe£-1 ¢p¢lS, HC ®pC Bp¡j£ LaѪL fËcš 12 mr V¡L¡l ®QL fËcnÑe£-
2z HC ®pC 06.07.2015 Cw a¡¢l−Ml ¢XSAe¡l ¢pÔf fËcnÑe£-3z HC ®pC Bp¡j£−L fËcš ¢mNÉ¡m ®e¡¢V−nl L¢f, X¡L l¢nc, H¢X fËi«¢az fËcnÑe£-4 ¢p¢lSz Bp¡j£ X−L q¡¢Sl ®eCz
XX-Bp¡j£ fm¡aLz
ü¡/- l©ým Bj£e 29.08.2016
A¢a¢lš² jq¡eNl c¡ul¡SS, 1j Bc¡ma, Y¡L¡z
XX (On recall)
Bp¡j£ J B¢j HLC ®L¡Çf¡e£l Q¡L¥l£ Ll¡l p¤h¡−c a¡l p¡−b f¢lQuz a¡l p¡−b Bj¡l ®L¡e hÉhp¡ −eCz Bp¡j£−L 02.09.2015 Cw a¡¢lM d¡l ¢q−p−h V¡L¡ ®cCz Eq¡ Bj¡l
¢eLV ¢Rmz hÉ¡wL q−a E¢W−u ®cC ¢ez 2006 p¡m q−a ®L¡Çf¡e£−a Q¡L¥l£ L¢lz 15 q¡S¡l V¡L¡ j§m ®ha−e Q¡L¥l£ öl¦ L¢lz HMe 35
1 q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1
eðl ................................ 20
œ²¢jL ew a¡¢lM −e¡V J B−cn
q¡S¡l V¡L¡ f¡Cz B¢j i¡s¡ h¡p¡u b¡¢Lz 12 q¡S¡l V¡L¡ h¡p¡
i¡s¡ ®cCz
Bp¡j£l p¡−b ®L¡Çf¡e£l −me−ce ¢Rmz Bp¡j£ 2011 p¡−m ®L¡Çf¡e£l ¢hl¦−Ü ¢p, Bl 1147/11 ew j¡jm¡ L−l¢Rmz Eq¡ M¡¢lS q−u ¢Nu¡−Rz Eš² j¡jm¡u B¢j Bp¡j£ ¢Rm¡jz Eš² j¡jm¡u
M¡m¡p B−cn q−u−Rz M¡m¡p B−c−nl a¡¢lM j−e ®eCz
2010 p¡−m Bp¡j£l 24 ¢V ®QL q¡¢l−u k¡u ¢Le¡ S¡e¡ ®eCz Eš² ®QL EÜ¡−ll SeÉ Bp¡j£ 98 d¡l¡u ®L¡e j¡jm¡ L−l¢Rm ¢Le¡ S¡e¡ ®eCz
paÉ eu, Bp¡j£l q¡¢l−u k¡Ju¡ HL¢V ®QL q−m¡ e¡¢mn£ ®QLz Hj ¢X p¡−qh Bp¡j£l ¢hl¦−Ü ®Q−Ll j¡jm¡ L−l−R h−m ö−e¢Rz
Bp¡j£ ®QL¢V ¢m¢Ma AhÙÛ¡u Bj¡−L ¢c−u−Rz paÉ eu Bp¡j£ e¡x ®Q−L V¡L¡l AwL, h¡q−Ll e¡j h¡ a¡¢lM ¢m−M ¢ez paÉ eu, B¢j
J Hj, ¢X c¤Se ¢j−m V¡L¡l AwL J h¡q−Ll e¡j ¢m−M ¢jbÉ¡ j¡jm¡ L−l¢Rz
ü¡/- l©ým Bj£e 29.08.2016
A¢a¢lš² jq¡eNl c¡ul¡SS, 1j Bc¡ma, Y¡L¡z
The Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 Hl d¡l¡ 43 ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm A ¤¢mMe q−m¡x
“43. Negotiable instrument made, etc., without consideration- A negotiable instrument made, drawn, accepted, indorsed or transferred without consideration, or for a consideration which fails, creates no obligation of payment between the parties to the transaction. But if any such party has transferred the instrument with or without indorsement to a holder for consideration, such holder, and every subsequent holder deriving title from him, may recover the amount due on such instrument from the transferor for consideration or any prior party thereto.
Exception I- No party for whose
1 q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1
eðl ................................ 20
œ²¢jL ew a¡¢lM −e¡V J B−cn
accommodation a negotiable instrument has been made, drawn, accepted or indorsed can, if he have paid the amount thereof, recover thereon such amount from any person who became a party to such instrument for his accommodation.
Exception II- No party to the instrument who has induced any other party to make, draw, accept, indorse or transfer the same to him for a consideration which he has failed to pay or perform in full shall recover thereon an amount exceeding the value of the consideration (if any)
which he has actually paid or performed. ”
Ef¢l¢õ¢Ma d¡l¡ 43 fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡u H¢V Ly¡−Ql j−a¡ Øfø ®k, fZ ab¡ ¢h¢eju (consideration) R¡s¡ fÐÙ¹¤aL«a, B−cnL«a, pÇj¢aL«a, üaÅ¡¢fÑa (endorsement) ¢h¢eju−k¡NÉ c¢mm h¡ ®QL frN−Zl j−dÉ ®L¡e c¡u-c¡¢uaÅ pª¢ø L−le¡z ab¡ Hl©f ®QL ¢c−u The Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 Hl 138 d¡l¡u ®j¡LŸj¡ c¡−ul Ll¡ k¡ue¡z
…l¦aÄf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u The Negotiable Instrument Act,
1881 d¡l¡ 118 …l¦aÄf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x
“118. Presumptions as to negotiable instruments of consideration- Until the contrary is proved, the following presumptions shall be made:
as to date;
as to time of acceptance;
1 q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1
eðl ................................ 20
œ²¢jL ew a¡¢lM −e¡V J B−cn
as to time of transfer;
made before its maturity;
as to order of indorsement;
appear thereon;
as to stamp;
in due course: provided that, where the instrument has
been obtained from its lawful owner, or from any
person in lawful custody thereof, by means of an
offence or fraud, or has been obtained from the maker
or acceptor by means of an offence or fraud, or for
unlawful consideration, the burden of providing that
the holder is a holder in due course lies upon him. ”
“118| wewbgq‡hvM¨ `wjj m¤úwK©Z AbywgwZ K) cÖwZ`vb m¤úwK©Z; L) ZvwiL m¤úwK©Z; M) m¤§wZi mgq; N) qÙ¹¡¿¹−ll mgq; O) ¯^Z¡vc©‡Yi Av‡`k; P) ó¨v¤ú m¤úwK©Z; Q) aviK, h_vwenxZ aviK;|-
wfbœwKQz cÖgvwYZ bv nIqv fkÑ¿ ¹ wewbgq‡hvM¨ `wj‡ji †¶‡Î wbæiƒc awiqv jB‡Z nB‡e †h-
c~Y©Zvi c~‡e© hyw³m½Z mg‡qi g‡a¨ m¤§wZ`vbK…Z nBqv‡Q;
1 q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1
eðl ................................ 20
œ²¢jL ew a¡¢lM −e¡V J B−cn
A_ev Dnv fÐÙ¹¤aL¡l£ ev m¤§wZ`vZvi wbKU nB‡Z Acivag~‡j ev cÖZviYvg~‡j ev †eAvBbx c‡Yi wewbg‡q AwR©Z nB‡e, ‡mB‡¶‡Î `wj‡ja i viK †h GKRb
h_wenxZ aviK Zvnv Zvnv‡KB cÖgvY Kwi‡Z nB‡e” |
Ef¢l¢õ¢Ma d¡l¡ pqS plm f¡−W H¢V Ly¡−Ql ja üµR ®k, ¢iæ¢LR¤
fËj¡¢Za e¡ qJu¡ fkÑ¿¹ ¢h¢eju−k¡NÉ c¢mm ab¡ ®QL, f−Zl (consideration) ¢h¢ej−u fËÙºa h¡ B¢cøzThe Negotiable
Instrument Act, 1881 Hl d¡l¡ 118 ®j¡a¡−hL f−Zl fТac¡−el
¢h¢eju R¡s¡ (without consideration) ®L¡e ¢h¢eju−k¡NÉ c¢mm ab¡
®QL BC−el cª¢ø−a ¢h¢eju−k¡NÉ c¢mm ab¡ ®QL ¢q−p−h NZÉ q−h e¡z
HLLb¡u ®L¡e ®QL, ®QL fÐc¡eL¡l£ LaѪL ü¡rlL«a q−mJ ®pC ®QL¢V ®QL ¢q−p−h NZÉ Ll¡ q−he¡ kare fkÑ¿¹ e¡ ®pC ®QL¢V fÐc¡−el ¢h¢ej−u ®QL fÐc¡eL¡l£ fZ h¡ ¢h¢eju h¡ fТac¡e ¢q−p−h ®L¡e ¢LR¤ fСç
e¡ qez
−j¡q¡Çjc Bm£ he¡j l¡øÌ Hhw AeÉ [(2022) 26 ALR (HCD)
209] ®j¡LŸj¡u Aœ ¢hi¡N ¢pÜ¡¿¹ fÐc¡e L−le ®k,
“fÐ−aÉL¢V ¢h¢eju−k¡NÉ c¢mm fТac¡−el ¢h¢eju h¡ f−Zl ¢h¢eju fÐÙ¹¤a h¡ B¢cøz ”
A¢i−k¡NL¡l£ a¡l A¢i−k¡−Nl clM¡−Ù¹ Hhw ¢f, X¢hÔE-1 ¢q−p−h
p¡−rÉ h−me ®k, Bp¡j£ V¡L¡ d¡l −euz d¡−ll V¡L¡ f¢l−n¡−dl SeÉ a¢LÑa ®QL¢V fËc¡e L−lez
d¡−ll V¡L¡l ¢h¢ej−u Nªq£a ®QL fZ (consideration) euz d¡l¡
43 ®j¡a¡−hL fZ (consideration) R¡s¡ fÐÙ¹¤aL«a, B−cnL«a, pÇj¢aL«a, üaÅ¡¢fÑa (endorsement) ¢h¢eju−k¡NÉ c¢mm h¡ ®QL frN−Zl j−dÉ ®L¡e c¡u-c¡¢uaÅ pª¢ø L−le¡z
haÑj¡e ®j¡LŸj¡u Bp¡j£ −L¡e f−Zl ¢h¢ej−u ®QL¢V A¢i−k¡NL¡l£−L fÐc¡e L−le e¡Cz g−m fZ h¡ ¢h¢eju R¡s¡ ®QL¢V fÐcš
qJu¡u H¢V BCea “®QL” ab¡ “¢h¢eju−k¡NÉ c¢mm” euz Bf£m¢V
AaHh, B−cn qu ®k, Aœ Bf£m¢V e¡j”¤l Ll¡ qmz
1 q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1
eðl ................................ 20
œ²¢jL ew a¡¢lM −e¡V J B−cn
¢h‘ A¢a¢lš² jq¡eNl c¡ul¡ SS, 1j Bc¡ma, Y¡L¡ La«ÑL ®j−VÊ¡x c¡ul¡ j¡jm¡ ew-14220/2015-H fËcš ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 27.10.2019 a¡¢l−M fËcš l¡u J B−cn Haà¡l¡ hq¡m l¡M¡ qmz
Aœ l¡−ul Ae¤¢m¢fpq AdxÙ¹e Bc¡m−al e¢b pw¢nÔø Bc¡m−a â¦a ®fËle Ll¡ qELz
(¢hQ¡lf¢a ®j¡x Bnl¡g¥m L¡j¡m)
1 q¡C−L¡VÑ ®g±Sc¡l£ glj ew- 1
eðl ................................ 20
œ²¢jL ew a¡¢lM −e¡V J B−cn