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“Records be called for.
Let a rule be issued calling upon the opposite party Nos.1-5, 53 and 54 to show cause as to why the impugned judgment and decree dated 26.11.2018 (decree signed on 29.11.2018) passed by the learned District Judge, Joypurhat in Partition Appeal No. 24 of 2018 allowing the appeal on condition of remand, reversing the judgment and decree dated 29.03.2018 (decree signed on 04.04.2018) passed by the learned Senior Assistant Judge, Panchbibi, Joypurhat in Partition Suit No. 40 of 2009 dismissing the suit on contest should not be set aside and/or pass such other or further order or orders as to this Court may seem fit and proper.
The Rule is made returnable within 4 (four) weeks from
Pending hearing of the Rule, let operation of the impugned judgment and decree dated 26.11.2018 (decree signed on 29.11.2018) passed by the learned District Judge, Joypurhat in Partition Appeal No. 24 of 2018 allowing the appeal on condition on remand, reversing the judgment and decree dated 29.03.2018 (decree signed on 04.04.2018) passed by the learned Senior Assistant Judge, Panchbibi, Joypurhat in Partition Suit No. 40 of 2009 dismissing the suit on contest be stayed for a period of 06 (six) months from date.
The petitioner is directed to put in requisites for service of notices in usual course and through registered post.”
¢hh¡c£-fË¢afr-clM¡Ù¹L¡l£NZ f−r ¢h‘ HÉ¡X−i¡−LV l¢”a L¥j¡l dl ¢hÙ¹¡¢lLai¡−h k¤¢š²aLÑ EfÙÛ¡e L−lez Afl¢c−L, 1-5, 53-54ew ¢hh¡c£-fË¢afr-fË¢ah¡c£NZ f−r ¢h‘ HÉ¡X−i¡−LV Bhc¤l l¢gL ¢hÙ¹¡¢lai¡−h k¤¢š²aLÑ EfÙÛ¡fe L−lez
Aœ ¢p¢im ¢l¢ine clM¡Ù¹ Hhw eb£ ¢hÙ¹¡¢lai¡−h fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡ Ll¡ q−m¡z Eiu f−rl ¢h‘ HÉ¡X−i¡−LVNZ Hl k¤¢š²aLÑ nÐhZ Ll¡ q−m¡z
…l¦aÄf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u ¢p¢eul pqL¡l£ SS Bc¡ma, f¡yQ¢h¢h, Suf¤lq¡V LaѪL h¾Ve −j¡LŸj¡ ew 40/2009-H fËcš ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 29.03.2018 a¡¢l−Ml l¡u ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x
“That the instant suit for declaration title and Partition decree has been filed by the plaintiffs against the defendants under section 42 of The Specific Relief Act, 1877 read with section 4 of the Partition Act by filing a plaint contending that the disputed land measuring 336 decimals as scheduled belonged to Rajmohan Majhi who died leaving behind two sons Lal Bihari Majhi and Buda Majhi who transferred that land o1 Sofiron Nissa on 4-4-1935 by a registered kabala deed 931 who while had been in possession and enjoyment transferred 133 decimals of land from plot no 270 out of 233 decimals of land on 3-7-78 by registered kabala deed no 6919 to Mamun and Mahfuz sons of the plaintiff who thereafter transferred that land to Laili Bibi defendant no 55 on -3 9-09 by registered kabala deed no 4611. That Sofiron Nissa was a pardanashil lady and Moyezuddin was her caretaker on whom duty was to record the name of Sofiron Nissa in MRR khatian and after his death that duty was conferred upon his sons. After demise of Sofiron Nissa her husband and one daughter remained her successor and after demise of late husband her draughter inherited that 203 decimals of land. Plaintiff's sons came to icarn about that wrong record of MRR khatian on 8-2-09 by obtaining certified copy of the same. That 13 decimals of land out of 233 decimals of plot no 270 has been recorded in MRR khatian no 327 after the name of Sofiron Nissa and MRR khatian no 330 has been recorded in respect of 156 decimals of land in plot Nos.286,287, 373, 270 after the name of Moyezuddin father of the defendants. Accordingly, MRR khatian Nos. 328, 329. 326. 31 have been recorded after the name of Dosiruddin, Soleman, Kajemuddin, Amizuddin and Tomizuddin. In this consequence on refusal to partition the suit land plaintiff brought this suit. The suit has been challenged and contested by the defendant on 1-4 and others by filing written statements denying all the material averments made in the plaint contending inter alia by defendant Nos. 1-4, 2 that the suit is not maintainable and that the same is barred by law and limitation and contended further that the disputed land measuring 336 decimals as scheduled belonged to Rajmohon Majhi who died leaving behind two sons Lal Bihari Majhi and Buda Majhi who transferred that land to Sofiron Nissa on 4-4-1935 by a registered kabala deed 931who. while had been in possession and enjoyment transferred 2.23 acres of land from plot Nos 270,286, 373, 287 on 28 Magh, 1350 by way of cheque potton to
Rahman and five daughters. who are possessing and enjoying the land in plot Nos 270 corresponding to hal plot no 689, 287 corresponding to hal plot no 723 and plot no 286 corresponding to hal plot-no 726 and thus DP khatian No. 522, 545 have been recorded and published after their name and thus the contesting defendants have been possessing and enjoying the land measuring 1.56 acres of land for about a period of 65 years That the contesting defendant No. 3 transferred 0.5 acres of land from plot No. 287 corresponding to hal plot No 723 to Md Ferdouse Mridha on 12-09- 2004- by way of registered kabala deed No. 7504 And thus prayed for dismissal of the suit.
1 Is the suit maintainable in the present form and nature? 2 Whether the plaintiff party has title and possession over the suit land? 3 Is the suit bad for defective of parties and bad for hotchpotch? 4. Is"the plaintiff party entitled to get a preliminary decree of partition?
Discussion and decision: Both the parties tried to prove their respective cases by way of adducing documentary evidences and examining oral witnesses. Plaintiff party has examined three witnesses and the defendant party has examined three witnesses. Their submitted documents have been made exhibit. On perusal of the both documentary and oral evidence it appears that plaintiff party has adduced their contended documents vide exhibit Nos. 1-2 series and tried to establish their case. Contrarily defendants submitted documents vide exhibit Nos A-I and tried to establish their case. Main contention of the plaintiff party is that the disputed land measuring 36 decimals as scheduled belonged to Rajmohon Majhi who died leaving behind two sons Lal Bihari Majhi and Buda Majhi who transferred that land to Sofiron Nissa on 4-4-1935 by a registered kabala Deed 931 who while had been in possession and enjoyment transferred 13 decimals of land from plot no 270 out of 23 decimals of land on 3- 7-78 by registered kabala Deed No 6919 to Mamun and Mahfuz sons of the plaintiff who thereafter transferred that land to Laili Bibi defendant No.55 on 3-9-09 by registered kabala deed No. 4611. That Sofiron Nissa was a pardanshil lady and Moyezuddin was her caretaker on whom duty was to record the name of Sofiron Nissa in MRR khatian and after his death that duty was conferred upon his sons. After demise of Sofiron Nissa her husband and one daughter remained her successorand after demise of her husband her daughter inherited that 203 decimals of land. Plaintiff's sons came to learn about that wrong record of MRR khatian on 8-2-09 by obtaining certified copy of the same. That 133 decimals of land out of 233 decimals of plot no 270 has been recorded in MRR khatian no 327 after the name of Sofiron Nissa and MRR khatian no 330 has been recorded in respect of 156 decimals of land ni plot nos 286,287, 373, 270 after the name of. Moyezuddin father of the defendants. Accordingly, MRR khatian Nos 328, 329, 326, 331. have been recorded after the name of Dosiruddin, Soleman, Kajemuddin, Amizuddin and Tomizuddin as deposed by the PW1. He denied the suggestions put to him. He could not say whether RS khatian has been submitted or not. PW2 and PW3 deposed in support of the plaintiff in respect of possession of the suit land. They have denied the suggestions put to them. They could not say about the plot nos. Contrarily defendants contended that the disputed land measuring 336 decimals as-scheduled belonged to Rajmohon Majhi who died leaving behind two sons Lal Bihari Majhi and Buda Majhi who transferred that land to Sofiron Nissa on 4-4- 1935 by a registered kabala deed 931who while had been in possession and enjoyment transferred. 2.23 acres of land from plot Nos 270,286, 373, 287 on 28 Magh, 1350 by way of cheque potton ot Moyezuddin Faqir father of the contesting defendants. But due to convenient possession and enjoyment, he abandoned 0.67 acres of land from plot No. 270 to Sofiron Nissa Chowdhury. Thus, MRR khatian no 330 has been recorded and published after the name of Moyezuddin Faqir in respect of 1acres of land in plot No 270, 0.26 acres in plot No. 286, 0.14 acres of land in plot No 287, 0.16 acres of land in plot No. 376 which was known to Sofiron Nissa and Taheruddin Chowdhury. And thereafter MRR tenant Moyezuddin Faqir was in possession and enjoyment of the land for over a period of twelve years with due notice to all concerned and died leaving behind four sons defendant Nos. 1-3 and Moklesar Rahman and five daughters who are possessing and enjoying the land in plot Nos. 270 corresponding to hal plot no 689, 287 corresponding to hal plot
On perusing the evidence advanced by the plaintiff party it is evident that plaintiff's case mainly rely upon the proof of the fact that Moyezuddin was caretaker of Sofiron Nissa but no evidence has been proffered by the plaintiff party though the burden io prove the fact relies upon them under section 103 of the Evidence Act, 1872. Plaintiff's argument might be that SA or MRR khatian does not bear any statutory presumption of correctness and anybody relying upon MRR khatian has to prove that he has some other documents in support of the MRR khatian. In reality of this arena of the case it appears that defendants in support of their contention submitted Pottoni cheque vide exhibit Nos. A series and thereafter submitted DP khatian which indicate that they are in possession of the suit lang. Abstention from giving any evidence to prove any asserted fact by any party means the party asserting that fact is not in a favourable position as postulated by the provisions of section 114 of the Evidence- Act, 1872. In the instant case in hand plaintiff asserted the fact that Moyezuddin was caretaker of Sofiron Nissa but no evidence led by them. As between the parties CS khatian is admitted and earlier ownership by Sofiron Nissa of the suit land is also admitted. Plaintiff party ought to have set up a clear case of
possession also which is lacking in the instant suit by documentary evidence i.e. by rent receipts or some other documents as their claim of title also depends upon the proof or disproof of possession of the suit land as the history of possession and enjoyment of the suit land is a matter of more than sixty five of seventy years because of the fact that after CS khatian and kabala deed 931 dated 4-4-1935 no evidence of title and possession of the plaintiff party is in existence up to the period of RS record operation. For this long period plaintiff could not set up any explanation about their possession of the suit land. For arguments sake plaintiffs were in possession and enjoyment of the suit land for this period and they were not required to pay rents, they would easily got RS khatian or DP khatian. But in the instant case in hand, it appears that nothing happened regarding to this fact. In this circumstance plaintiff's' argument to have title and possession over the suit land is not tenable in the eye of law. Their claim is ousted by the defendants' proffered documents MR khatian, Pottoni cheque, RS DP khatian and certain other deeds as no objection has been raised by the plaintiff party in course of trial and hence the documents submitted by the defendants vide exhibit list A1- carry the preponderance of evidence in their side. In this backdrop of the case, I am of the view that plaintiff party's claim of title has been waived earlier by the doctrinal and practical approaches of law of conduct and jurisprudence. Hence, I am to decide that plaintiff party has no title and possession over the suit land and thus the issue no 2 is disposed of against the plaintiff party.
As it is settled that plaintiff party has no title and possession over the suit land other issues do not bear any preponderance to be discussed at length as those issues are collateral issues bearing no value for favorable disposal in favour of the plaintiff party. Those issues are also disposed of against the plaintiff party for clear and convenient decision.
Court Fees Paid is proper.
Hence, It is hereby ordered that the suit is dismissed on
No order as to cost.
Gopal Chandra Roy Gopal Chandra Roy
Senior Assistant Judge, Panchbibi Senior Assistant Judge, Panchbibi Joypurhat. Joypurhat.
…l¦aÄf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u ¢hS ®Sm¡ SS, Suf¤lq¡V LaѪL h¾Ve Bf£m −j¡LŸj¡ ew 24/2018-H fËcš ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 26.11.2018 a¡¢l−Ml l¡u ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x
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…l¦aÄf§ZÑ ¢hd¡u h¡c£ Hhw ¢hh¡c£f−rl p¡r£−cl p¡rÉ Hhw ®Sl¡ ¢e−jÀ A¢hLm Ae¤¢mMe q−m¡x
P.W-1 j¡j¤e¤l lqj¡e
B¢j ®j¡LŸj¡l h¡c£z e¡¢mn£ pÇf¢šl ¢p.Hp M¢au¡e ew-252z ®j¡V f¢lj¡Z 336 naLz e¡¢mn£ pÇf¢š ¢p.Hp l¡S ®j¡qe j¡¢Tl pÇf¢š ¢Rmz l¡S ®j¡qe j¡l¡ ®N−m a¡l 2 f¤œ h¤c¡ j¡¢T Hhw m¡m ¢hq¡l£ j¡¢T b¡−Lez m¡m ®j¡qe ¢cw 336 naL pÇf¢š n¢gle ®eR¡l ¢eLV ¢hœ²u L−lez m¡m ®j¡qe ¢cw ¢hNa 04/04/35 a¡¢l−M 931 ew c¢mm j¤−m pÇf¢š ¢hœ²u L−lez R¢gle ®eR¡l flhaÑ£−a 03/07/78 a¡¢l−M Hl 6919 ew c¢mm j¤−m 133 naL pÇf¢šz j¡j¤e Hhw j¡qg¥−Sl ¢eLV qÙ¹¡¿¹l L−lez j¡j¤e Hhw j¡qg¥S a¡−cl fСç 133 naL pÇf¢š ¢hNa 03/09/09 a¡¢l−Ml 4611 ew c¢m j¤−m 55 ew ¢hh¡c£ ¢eLV ¢hœ²u L−lez R¢gle ®eR¡ HL¢V pò¡¿¹ O−ll fcÑ¡en£m j¢qm¡ ¢R−mez R¢gle ®eR¡l ¢h−u q−m ¢a¢e c¤lhaÑ£ ü¡j£l pwp¡l b¡L¡u ¢a¢e 1-3 ew ¢hh¡c£ ¢fa¡ j−uS EŸ£e−L e¡¢mn£ pÇf¢š ®cM¡ ®n¡e¡l SeÉ ®Lu¡l−VL¡l ¢ek¤š² L−lez e¡¢mn£ pÇf¢šl Hg.Bl.Bl Hhw Bl.Hp ®lLXÑ °al£l c¡¢uaÅ j−uS EŸ£−el ¢eLV b¡−Lz R¢gle ®hNj 203 naL pÇf¢š−a ®i¡N cMm£L¡l b¡L¡L¡−m j¡l¡ ®N−m a¡l HL LeÉ¡ h¡c£ l¡−qm¡ Hhw ü¡j£ a¡−ql EŸ£e ®q¡−pez a¡−ql EŸ£e j¡l¡ ®N−m a¡l LeÉ¡ l¡−qm¡ b¡−Lz l¡−qm¡ Bj¡l
j¡ qez B¢j j¡−ul f−r ü¡rÉ ¢c¢µRz Bj¡l j¡−ul f−r 1-3 ¢hh¡c£l ¢fa¡ j−uS EŸ£e M¡Se¡ fÐc¡e L¢l−aez B¢j ¢hNa 02/02/09 a¡w e¡¢mn£ pÇf¢šl M¡Se¡ ¢c−a ®N−m e¡¢mn£ pÇf¢š Hg.Bl.Bl Hhw Bl.Hp M¢au¡e ¢hh¡c£N−Zl e¡−j q−u−R j−jÑ S¡e−a f¡¢lz e¡¢mn£ 270 ew c¡−Nl 233 na−Ll ÙÛ−m 1.33 HLl pÇf¢š h¡h−c R¢gle ®eR¡l e¡−j Bl.Hp M¢au¡e q−u−R j−jÑ S¡e−a f¡¢lz
Apj¡ç 15/10/12 Cw f¤exSh¡eh¾c£ 31/10/12 Cw
a¡lfl Bjl¡ 08/02/09 a¡w e¡¢mn£ pÇf¢šl M¢au¡e Hl S¡−hc¡ L¢f a¥−m ‘¡a q−a f¡¢lz 1-3 ew ¢hh¡c£l ¢fa¡l e¡−j 156 naL pÇf¢š h¡h−c 330 ew Hj.Bl.Bl M¢au¡e q−u−R j−jÑ S¡e−a f¡¢lz a¡R¡s¡ B−jS Hhw a¢j−Sl e¡−j 21 naL h¡h−c 331 ew Hj.Bl.Bll M¢au¡e q−u−R j−jÑ S¡e−a f¡¢lz 5-7 ew ¢hh¡c£ ®j±l−nl e¡−j 6 naL pÇf¢š h¡h−c 328
ew, 8-10 ew ¢hh¡c£l ®j±l−nl e¡−j 4 naL pÇf¢š h¡h−c 329 ew, 11-20
ew ¢hh¡c£l ®j±l−nl e¡−j 16 naL pÇf¢š h¡h−c 326 ew Hj. Bl.Bl M¢au¡e ïj¡aÅL i¡−h qu j−jÑ S¡e−a f¡¢lz Eš² M¢au¡e…¢m R¢gle ®eR¡l e¡−j fÐÙ¹¤a qJu¡ E¢Qv ¢Rmz ¢hh¡c£−cl e¡j£u ïj¡aÅL a M¢u¡ej¤−m a¡l¡ ®L¡e üaÅ, ü¡bÑ ASÑe L−le ¢ez h¡c£¢e f−r hNÑ¡ ¢c−u e¡¢mn£ pÇf¢š ®i¡NcMm L−lez h¡c£¢el f−r a¡l f¤œ j¡qg¥S¤l lqj¡e ab¡ B¢j e¡¢mn£ pÇf¢š ®cM¡ ®n¡e¡ L¢lz ¢hh¡c£fr 10/02/09 a¡¢l−M ïj¡aÅL M¢au e j¤−m e¡¢mn£ pÇf¢š c¡h£ L−ez ( Apj¡ç 31/10/12 Cw)
f¤ex Sh¡eh¾c£ 10/02/13 Cw
i¥m Hj.Bl.Bl ¢ho−u 08/02/09 Cw a¡¢l−M S¡−hc¡ eLm a¥−m B¢j S¡e−a f¡¢lz Hl f§−hÑ H ¢ho−u Bj¡l j¡a¡ h¡ B¢j S¡ea¡j e¡z 10/02/09 Cw a¡¢l−M Aœ j¡jm¡l 55 ew ¢hh¡c£l ¢eLV h¾Ve Q¡C−m ®p h¾Ve L−l ¢c−a Aü£L¡l L−lz h¡c£ B¢j 203 naL pÇf¢š−a üaÅh¡e J cMm£L¡l B¢Rz B¢j 203 naL pÇf¢š h¡h−c h¾V−el ¢X¢œ² fСbÑe¡ Ll¢Rz 08/02/09
Cw a¡¢l−Ml f§−hÑ aqn£m A¢g−p ¢N−u 02/02/09 Cw a¡¢l−M ®My¡S ¢e−u ïj¡aÅL Hj.Bl.Bl M¢au¡−el Lb¡ S¡e−a f¡¢lz
¢hh¡c£N−Zl Sh¡h j−a üaÅhh¡e J cMm£L¡l b¡L¡hÙÛ¡u jd ¤me£ R¢gle ®eR¡ 1-4 ew ¢hh¡c£N−Zl ¢fa¡ j−uS EŸ£e hl¡hl e¡¢mn£ 270 c¡−Nl
233 na−Ll Hl L¡a 167 naL pÇf¢š, 286 c¡−Nl 26 naL, 376 c¡−N
16 naL, 287 c¡−Nl 14 naL, phÑ ®j¡V 223 naL pÇf¢š fše j¤−m fÐc¡e
L−l H Lb¡ paÉ euz Sh¡h j−a Hi¡−h fСç q−u j−uS EŸ£e R¢gle ®eR¡
hl¡hl M¡Se¡ ¢cu¡ e¡¢mn£ pÇf¢š cMm ®i¡N Lla, HLb¡ paÉ euz Sh¡hj−a
j−uS EŸ£e 270 c¡−Nl 167 na−Ll L¡−a 67 naL pÇf¢š R¢gle ®eR¡
hl¡hl flhaÑ£−a f¢laÉ¡N L−l H Lb¡ paÉ euz j−uS EŸ£e 270 c¡−N 100
naL, 286 c¡−N 42 naL L¡−a 26 naL, 287 c¡−N 14 naL, 376 c¡−N
16 naL, HL¥−e 156 naL pÇf¢š−a üaÅh¡e J cMm£L¡l b¡L¡hÙÛ¡u a¡l
e¡−j 330 eðl Hj.Bl.Bl ®lLXÑ p¢WL i¡−h qu HLb¡ paÉ euz Sh¡h
j−a n¢gle ®eR¡ j¡l¡ ®N−m Eš² ¢ho−u a¡l h¡h¡ a¡−ql EŸ£e S¡e−ae Hhw
¢a¢e HLb¡ paÉ e−qz
(Apj¡ç 10/02/13 Cw)
f¤ex Sh¡eh¾c£ a¡w- 02/05/13 Cw L¡NSfœ
h¡c£f−r Aœ ®j¡LŸj¡ fÐj¡−e ¢g¢l¢Ù¹ ®k¡−N c¡¢Mm£ L¡N¡ S¢c fÐcnÑe£-1 ¢q−p−h ¢Q¢q²a q−m¡z (Apj¡ç 02/05/13 Cw) f¤ex Sh¡eh¾c£ a¡w- 15/05/13 Cw
h¡c£f−r ®j¡LŸj¡ fÐj¡−e c¡¢Mm£ ¢p/Hp M¢au¡e 252 Hl S¡−hc¡ eLm Hl j¤mL¢f fÐcnÑe£-1(L), ¢p/Hp M¢au¡e 253 ew Hl S¡−hc¡ eL−ml j¤mL¢f fÊcnÑe£-1(M), ¢p/Hp M¢au¡e 254 ew Hl S¡−hc¡ eL−ml j¤mL¢f fÐcnÑe£-1(N), Hj.Bl.Bl M¢au¡e 32 ew Hl S¡−hc¡ eL−ml j¤mL¢f fÐcnÑe£-1(O), Hj.Bl.Bl M¢au¡e 329 ew Hl S¡−hc¡ eL−ml j¤mL¢f fÐcnÑe£-1(P), Hj.Bl.Bl M¢au¡e 331 ew Hl S¡−hc¡ eL−ml j¤mL¢f fÐcnÑe£-1 (Q), Hj.Bl.Bl M¢au¡e 326 ew Hl S¡−hc¡ eL−ml j¤mL¢f fÐcnÑe£-1(R), ¢q−p−h ¢Q¢q²a q−m¡ h¡c£f−r ¢g¢lÙ¹−k¡−N c¡¢Mm£ 03/07/78 Cw a¡¢l−Ml 6919 ew Lhm¡ c¢m−ml j¤mL¢f fÐcnÑe£-2 ¢q−p−h ¢Q¢q²a q−m¡z
−Sl¡x (1-4 Hhw 22 ew ¢hh¡c£N−Zl)
Aœ ®j¡LŸj¡ h¡c£ Bj¡l j¡z - Aœ ®j¡LŸj¡ pÇf−LÑ B¢j i¡−m¡ hm−a f¡lhz e¡¢mn£ pÇf¢š ¢e−u nwLl j¡¢T ¢cw Bj¡−cl pq AeÉ¡eÉ ¢hh¡c£−cl ¢hl¦−Ü Bc¡m−a 11/09 (h¸Ve) j¡jm¡ L−l−Rz nwLl ¢cw e¡¢mn£ ®S¡−a c¡h£ L−l j¡jm¡ L−l ¢L e¡ a¡ hm−a f¡lh e¡z -Eš² ®j¡LŸj¡u Bj¡l i¡C 2 ew ¢hh¡c£ ®j¡x j¡qg¥S¡l lqj¡e Hhw B¢j 1 ew ¢hh¡c£ ¢q−p−h Na 30/08/09 Cw a¡¢l−M Sh¡h c¡¢Mm L−l¢Rz Aœ ®j¡LŸj¡l f§−hÑ Eš² 11/09 (h¸Ve) ®j¡LŸj¡ c¡−ul q−u−Rz Eš² 11-09 (h¸Ve) ®j¡LŸj¡l h¡c£fr nwLl j¡¢T ¢cN−L Aœ ®j¡LŸj¡l frNZ L¢l¢ez
-Bj¡l hup 50 hRlz
-Bj¡l ‘¡eh¤¢Ü l−u−R 18 hRl hu−pz
-Bj¡l ‘¡e h¤¢Ü S¢jSj¡ pwœ²¡−¿¹ ®k pLm OVe¡ O−V−R a¡ hm−a f¡lh e¡z (Apj¡ç 15/05/13 Cw)z
f¤e ®Sl¡ a¡w- 30/10/17 Cw
Hj.Bl.Bl M¢au¡−el S¡−hc¡ eLm 08/02/2009 Cw a¡¢lMz Bj¡l e¡e¡ J e¡¢e a¡−cl S£¢ha b¡L¡hÙÛ¡u Hj.Bl.Bl M¢au¡−el ¢hl¦−Ü ®L¡e j¡jm¡ L−l−R ¢L e¡ B¢j S¡¢e e¡z paÉ e−q ®k, Bj¡l e¡e£ ®QL j¤−m 1350 p¡−m 18C j¡O e¡¢mn£ S¢j fše ®cuz 03/07/1978 a¡¢l−M Bj¡l e¡e£ Bj¡−cl−L 270 c¡−Nl 233 na−Ll L¡a 133 naL S¢j Bj¡−cl
6919 ew c¢m−ml j¡dÉ−j qÙ¹¡¿¹l L−lz 233 Hl L¡a 133 naL Bj¡l e¡−j
J h¡L£ HL HLl ¢hh¡c£−cl ®j±l−nl e¡−jz paÉ eu ®k Bj¡l e¡e¡ e¡e£ J
pL−mC c¢mm …¢m ¢ho−u S¡¢ez 03/07/1978 a¡¢l−M c¢m−m e¡e¡ pe¡š²L¡l£ ü¡r£ ¢qp¡−h p¢q L−lz paÉ eu ®k j−uS EŸ£e J a¡l ®R−m ®j−ul¡ e¡¢mn£ S¢j cMm L−lz 1994 p¡−m ¢hh¡c£−cl e¡−j Bll.Hp M¢au¡e q−m a¡l ¢hl¦−Ü j¡jm¡ L¢lz 29/94 ew Bf¢š ®Lpz 18/09/1996 a¡¢l−M l¡u quz Bl.Hp M¢au¡e c¡¢Mm L−l¢R ¢L e¡ j−e e¡Cz paÉ eu ®k M¢au¡−el S¢j−a Bj¡−cl ®L¡e cMm e¡Cz ( pj¡ç 12/02/18)
P.W- 2 B−e¡u¡l
B¢j h¡c£ J ®p j¡l¡ ®N−m a¡l ®R−m ®j−u−cl−L ¢Q¢ez a¡l¡ h¡c£z ¢hh¡c£ j−uS EŸ£−el Ju¡¢ln−cl−L ¢Q¢ez e¡¢mn£ S¢j ¢Q¢ez h¡c£ J 55-56
ew ¢hh¡c£ e¡¢mn£ S¢j cMm L−lz 1-4/22 ew ¢hh¡c£ e¡¢mn£ S¢j cMm L−l
e¡z HMeJ L−l e¡z e¡¢mn£ pÇf¢šl B−n f¡−n Bj¡l h¡s£ a¡C ¢Q¢ez
¢hh¡c£ 56 Sez a¡−cl pL−ml e¡j ¢WL¡e¡ hm−a f¡lh e¡z e¡¢mn£ pÇf¢šl ¢p. Hp M¢au¡e, Hj.Bl.Bl M¢au¡e Hhw Bl.Hp. M¢au¡e hm−a f¡lh e¡z c¡N ew hm−a f¡lhz paÉ eu ®k, e¡¢mn£ S¢j ®Qe¡l Lb¡V¡ ¢WL euz e¡¢mn£ S¢jl m¡N¡−e¡ ®L¡e S¢j e¡C Bj¡lz e¡¢mn£ S¢jl ph c¡N J ®Q±q¢Ÿ hm−a f¡lhz ®Q±q¢Ÿl c¡N ew hm−a f¡lh e¡z paÉ eu ®k, e¡¢mn£ pÇf¢š−a LhlÙÛ¡e B−Rz paÉ eu ®k, h¡c£l¡ e¡¢mn£ S¢j cMm L−l e¡z ( pj¡ç 28/02/18 Cw)
P.W-3 Bë¥m Ju¡q¡h
e¡¢mn£ S¢j ¢Q¢ez h¡c£−cl−L ¢Q¢ez ¢hh¡c£ 55/56 ew ®L ¢Q¢ez l¡−qm¡ J j¡qS¤g−L ¢Q¢ez ¢hh¡c£ j−u−Sl Ju¡¢ln−cl−L ¢Q¢ez h¡c£ e¡¢mn£ S¢j cMm L−lz 55/56 ew ¢hh¡c£J e¡¢mn£ S¢j cMm L−lz 1-4/22 ¢hh¡c£ e¡¢mn£ S¢j cMm L−l e¡z
e¡¢mn£ S¢j ®b−L h¡¢s f¡−nÄÑCz e¡¢mn£ S¢j J M¢au¡e ew hm−a f¡lh e¡z c¡N ew hm−a f¡lhz 298 ew c¡−Nl q¡m c¡N hm−a f¡lh e¡z
e¡¢mn£ pÇf¢šl m¡N¡ ®L¡e S¢j e¡Cz Bj¡l h¡h¡l pÇf¢šl c¡N ew- 330 z
¢L lL−jl c¡N S¡¢e e¡z e¡¢mn£ c¡−Nl ®Q±q¢Ÿl c¡N hm−a f¡lh e¡z ®j¡V
¢hh¡c£ 56 Sez a¡−cl pL−ml e¡j hm−a f¡lh e¡z 21 ew ¢hh¡c£l e¡j n¡qS¡q¡ez paÉ eu ®k, j¡jm¡l ¢hh¡c£ ¢Lwh¡ e¡¢mn£ S¢jl ¢Q¢e e¡z paÉ eu
®k, h¡c£ J 55/56 ew ¢hh¡c£ e¡¢mn£ S¢j cMm L−l e¡z (pj¡ç 28/02/18)
D.W- 1 Bë¥m j¢ae
B¢j j¡jm¡l 1 ew ¢hh¡c£ AeÉ¡eÉ pLm ¢hh¡c£ f−r Sh¡eh¾c£ ¢c¢µRz e¡¢mn£ S¢jl ¢p.Hp M¢au¡e 252z Hp.H M¢au¡e 330z Bl.Hp M¢au¡e 2V¡ 545 J 522 z Bj¡l h¡h¡ j−uS EŸ£e fše j¤−m R¢gle ®eR¡ ®Q±d¤l¡e£l ¢eLV ®b−L f¡e 223 naL S¢jz 1350 p¡−m 28 j¡Oz ®QL j¤−m ýL¥j e¡j¡J ¢Rmz Bj¡l ¢fa¡ Eš² S¢j ®i¡N cM−m ¢Rmz Bj¡l ¢fa¡ 223
naL j−dÉ 270 c¡−N 167 j−dÉ 67 naL h¡c ®cuz b¡−L HL HLlz 56
naL k¡ Bj¡lc e¡−j 330 ew Hp.H ®lLXÑ quz HC ¢hou…−m¡ R¢gle ®eR¡ ®Q±d¤l£ J a¡l ü¡j£ pL−mC S¡¢eaz Bj¡l h¡h¡ j¡l¡ ®N−m b¡¢L 4 i¡C 5 ®h¡ez O−l¡u¡ B−f¡−o Bjl¡ ¢hh¡c£NZ e¡¢mn£ S¢j ®i¡N cMm Ll¢Rz Bj¡−cl e¡−j Bl.Hp 545 ®lLXÑ qu 140 naL S¢j h¡h−cz M¢au¡e ew 522 z 4 i¡C 1 ®h¡e 156 naL S¢j cMm ®i¡N L−l B¢Rz Bj¡−clJ h¡s£−a X¡L¡¢a q−m L¡NS fœ ¢LR¤ eø quz ýj¤L e¡j¡V¡ e¡Cz ®QL j¤−m fšeV¡ B−Rz ®gl−c±p J p¢qc¡ ¢h¢h 05 naL e¡¢mn£ S¢j ¢hœ²u L−l 7504 ew c¢mm j¡dÉ−jz pÇf¢šl Efl N¡Rf¡m¡ m¡N uz j¡jm¡ Qm¡L¡−m 56 ew c¢mm AeÉ¡u i¡−h pª¢ø quz 1994 p¡−ml 29 ew Bf¢š ®Lp L−l h¡c£¢el Ju¡¢lnl¡ eLn¡ ®j¡a¡−hL l¡u quz h¡c£l Ju¡¢lnl¡ L−l−Rz e¡¢mn£ S¢j−a Bj¡−cl h¡s£ J AeÉ L¡lJ cMm ®i¡N e¡Cz Bjl¡ e¡¢mn£ S¢j−a 70 hR−ll A¢dL pju d−l cMm Ll¢Rz R¢gle ®eR¡ e¡j£u ýL¥j e¡j¡l 3 V¡ L¢f fÐcnÑe£-1z plL¡l£ M¡Se¡l c¡¢Mm¡ 4V¡ fÐcnÑe£-¢hz R¢gel ®eR¡ cš¡ M¡Se¡l c¡¢Mm¡ 3V¡ fÐcnÑe-¢pz ¢p.Hp M¢au¡e 252, 253 Hl L¢f fÐcnÑe£-¢Xz Hj.Bl.Bl M¢au¡e 1V¡ Hl L¢f fÐcnÑe£-Hgz Bl.Hp M¢au¡e 522 J
545 Hl L¢f fÐcnÑe-¢Sz 4/4/35 a¡¢l−Ml 931 c¢mm fÐcnÑe£-HCQz 30 d¡l¡ l¡−ul L¢f 29/08/96 a¡¢l−Ml fÐcnÑe£-BCz paÉ eu ®k, h¡c£ fr e¡¢mn£ S¢j cMm L−lz paÉ eu ®k, Bj¡l ¢fa¡ ®Lu¡l−VL¡l ¢qp¡−h c¡¢uaÅ f¡me Ll¡l pju ®N¡f−e S¢j ®lLXÑ L−l −euz paÉ eu ®k, 08/02/09 a¡¢l−Ml h¡c£l¡ h¸Ve L−l Q¡C−m B¢j ¢c−a Aü£L¡l L¢lz paÉ eu ®k, Bj¡−cl cMm£ S¢j a¡l¡ ¢LR¤ ¢h¢œ² L−l−Rz
1350 p¡−ml fše j¤−m c¡h£ L¢lz 1350 p¡−ml fše£ L¡NS J flhaÑ£ L¡−ml ®S¡ac¡l hl¡hl M¡Se¡ f¢l−n¡−dl c¡¢Mm¡ c¡¢Mm L−l¢Rz fš−el pju j¡¢mL ¢Rm R¢gle ®eR¡z fše£ L¡NS J avL¡m£e c¡¢Mm¡u p¢gle ü¡rl e¡Cz Bj¡l M¡Se¡l c¡¢Mm¡ k¡ S¢jc¡l hl¡hl ®cu¡ qu a¡−a 69 naL ®mM¡ B−Rz ®p−Vm−j¾V M¢au¡e ew 5253 E−õM B−Rz 167 naL S¢j fše ®cu¡ q−m¡ ®mM¡ B−Rz a¡−ql EŸ£e ®Q±d¤l£ Eq¡ fše ®cu ®mM¡
B−Rz ¢aeV¡ c¡¢Mm¡u ¢ae lL−jl ü¡rl B−Rz fÐbj c¡¢Mm¡u M¡Se¡l f¢lj¡Z p¡−s 4 V¡L¡z 2u c¡¢Mm¡u ®mM¡ 1 V¡ h¡l Be¡ 5 Nä¡z fše£ L¡NS R¡s¡ j¡¢mL¡e¡l AeÉ ®L¡e L¡NS Bj¡l L¡−R e¡Cz c¡¢Mm¡ fše£ L¡NS R¡s¡ AeÉ ®L¡e L¡NS j¤−m e¡¢mn£ S¢jl j¡¢mL¡e¡l c¡h£ L¢l e¡z paÉ eu ®k, p¢gle ®eR¡ Bj¡−L ®L¡e fše£ ®cu e¡Cz paÉ eu ®k, S¢jc¡l hl¡hl 67 naL
S¢j ®gla ®cC ¢jbÉ¡ h−m¢Rz paÉ eu ®k, 156 naL S¢j Bj¡l cMm L¢l e¡z paÉ eu ®k Bj¡l h¡h¡ p¢gle ®eR¡l ®Lu¡l−VL¡l ¢Rm ®pC p¤h¡−c a¡l e¡−j Hj.Bl.Bl M¢au¡e L−l ¢e−u−R X¡L¡¢al Lb¡ h−m¢R, ¢L¿º HS¡q¡l c¡−ul ®Lp S¡−hc¡ h¡ j¡m¡j¡m EÜ¡l .... ¢ho−u ®L¡e L¡NS c¡¢Mm L¢l e¡Cz paÉ eu ®k, m¤V qJu¡l Lb¡ ¢jbÉ¡z paÉ eu ®u, h¡c£−cl p¡−b Sl£−fl j¡jm¡ q−u−Rz Lb¡¢V ¢jbÉ¡z paÉ eu ®k, Bjl¡ I lLj j¡jm¡l L¡NS pª¢ø L−l¢Rz paÉ eu ®k, ¢L p¢gle ®eR¡ cM−m ¢Rmz paÉ eu ®k, p¢gle ®eR¡ a¡l LeÉ¡ l¡−qm¡ J a¡l ü¡j£ p¡L¥mÉ pÇf¢šl j¡¢mL qez paÉ eu ®k, a¡−ql EŸ£e j¡l¡ ®N−m l¡−qm¡ j¡¢mL qez paÉ eu ®k, l¡−qm¡ ®R−m 02/02/09 Cw a¡¢l−M ®S¡e¡m A¢g−p J 08/02/09 a¡¢l−M S¡−hc¡ a¥−m i¥m M¢au¡e ¢ho−u S¡e−a f¡−lz paÉ eu ®k, l¡−qm¡ 20 naL S¢j 56 ew ¢hh¡c£ j¡qg¥S hl¡hl c¡e L−lz paÉ eu ®k, 10/02/09 a¡¢l−M phÑfÐbj j¡¢m−Ll ¢eLV i¥m M¢au¡e j¤−m pÇf¢š c¡h£ L¢lz paÉ eu ®k, j¤m h¡c£ l¡−qm¡ j¡l¡ ®N−m a¡l Ju¡¢lnNZ haÑj¡e h¡c£NZ Awn ®j¡a¡−hL cMm L−le e¡¢mn£ S¢jz paÉ eu ®k, ¢jbÉ¡ ü¡r£ ¢cm¡jz ( pj¡ç 13/02/18)
D.W- 2 −a¡g¡‹m ®q¡−pe
B¢j j¡jm¡l ¢hh¡c£ j−uS EŸ£−el Ju¡¢ln−cl−L ¢Q¢ez e¡¢mn£ S¢j ¢Q¢ez p¢gle ®eR¡ Bj¡l Q¡Q£z p¢gle ®eR¡l k¡ha£u pÇf¢šl L¡kÑL¡lL ¢Rm a¡l ü¡j£ X¡x a¡−ql EŸ£ez j−uS EŸ£e fše j¤−m e¡¢mn£ S¢j fСç q−u cMm L−lz j−uS EŸ£e Ai¡−h a¡l Ju¡¢lnNZ e¡¢mn£ S¢j cMm L−lez e¡¢mn£ S¢j−a f¤L¥l J LhlÙÛ¡e B−Rz
−j¡V Lu c¡−Nl S¢j ¢e−u j¡jm¡, hm−a f¡lh e¡? ph−Q−u hs c¡−Nl
eðl hm−a f¡lh e¡z ph ®Q−u ®R¡V c¡−Nl eðl hm−a f¡lh e¡z hs c¡N, ®R¡V c¡N ®L¡e ¢c−L ®L¡e ¢c−L mð¡ hm−a f¡lh e¡z hs c¡−Nl J ®R¡V c¡−Nl Hhw AeÉ¡eÉ c¡−Nl ®Q±q¢Ÿl f¢lj¡e hm−a f¡lh e¡z e¡¢mn£ S¢jl BCm, M¤¢V, c¡N
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D.W- 3 Bx j¢Sc BL¾c
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e¡¢mn£ c¡−Nl a«a£u hªqšj c¡N eðl hm−a f¡lh e¡z ®R¡V c¡−Nl hs c¡N eðl hm−a f¡lh e¡z a−h HC c¡−N (AØfø) 26 naL S¢j B−Rz ph−Q−u hs c¡−Nl M¤V¤ 9V¡z ph−Q−u hs M¤V¤l f¢lj¡Z hm−a f¡lh e¡z ®L¡e M¤V¤−a LaV¤L¥ S¢j B−R hm−a f¡lh e¡z hs c¡−Nl pLm M¤V¤C 1-4 ew ¢hh¡c£ cMm L−lz ph−Q−u ®R¡V M¤V¤ B¢jJ B¢Rz Bj¡l Q¡l i¡C J f¡uz B¢j HC j¡jm¡l ¢hh¡c£ e¡Cz B¢j 29 ew ¢hh¡c£z ®L¡e Sh¡h ¢cC e¡Cz 26 na−Ll c¡NV¡ ¢hh¡cm¡ cMm L−lz ®Q±q¢Ÿl c¡N hm−a f¡lh e¡z a−h cMm L¡l−Ll e¡j hm−a f¡lhz 286 c¡−Nl S¢jl f¢lj¡Z hm−a f¡lh e¡z cMm L−l ¢hh¡c£l¡ 1-4 ewz M¤V¤ hm−a f¡lh e¡z 373 c¡−Nl f¢lj¡Z f¢lj¡Z cMm L¡l−Ll Lb¡ hm−a f¡lh e¡z 296 c¡−Nl S¢jl f¢lj¡Z, M¤V¤ hm−a f¡lh e¡z paÉ eu ®k, e¡¢mn£ S¢j ¢Q¢e e¡z paÉ eu ®k, h¡c£Ne J 55/56 ew ¢hh¡c£ e¡¢mn£ S¢j cMm L−lz
Suf¤lq¡V ®Sm¡l f¡yQ¢h¢h b¡e¡l f§hÑ L«o·f¤l ®j±S¡l e¡¢mn£ p¡−hL 253 J
254 M¢au¡−e 336 naL pÇf¢š p¡−hL l¡S−j¡qe j¡¢T üaÄh¡e J j¡¢mL cMmc¡l ¢R−mez avflha£Ñ−a a¡l c¤C f¤œ nË£ m¡m ¢hq¡l£ j¡ h¤c¡ j¡¢T Ju¡¢ln qe H¢V
Eiu fr La«ÑL ü£L«az Eiufr La«ÑL H¢VJ ü£L«a ®k, Eš² pÇf¢š m¡m ¢hq¡l£
j¡¢T Hhw h¤c¡ j¡¢T üaÄh¡e cMmL¡l b¡L¡hÙÛ¡u p¡L¥mÉ ag¢pm pÇf¢š ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 04.04.1935 a¡¢l−M 931ew −l¢S¢øÊL«a Lhm¡ c¢mmj¤−m h¡¢ce£l j¡a¡ p¢gle
®eR¡l ¢eLV ¢hœ²u L−lez
¢hNa Cw−lS£ 04.04.1935 p¡−ml ®l¢S¢øÊ Lhm¡ c¢mm fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡u H¢V
fËa£uj¡e ®k, H¢V HL¢V pC j¤ýl£ eLmz j¤m c¢mm EfÙÛ¡fe Ll¡ qu¢ez 1935 p¡−ml HC j¤m c¢mm¢V ®Le EfÙÛ¡fe Ll¡ qu¢e h¡c£f−r ¢Lwh¡ fË¢ah¡c£f−r ®L¡e
hš²hÉ EfÙÛ¡fe L−le¢ez HR¡s¡J 1935 p¡−ml c¢mm fË¡¢ç qJu¡l flha£Ñ−a
h¡c£fr ®L¡e M¡Se¡ c¡¢Mm¡ L¡NS EfÙÛ¡fe L−le¢ez cMm pð−å h¡c£ h−m−Re hNÑc¡−ll j¡dÉ−j cMm fË¡ç qez ¢L¿º hNÑ¡c¡−ll j¡dÉ−j cMm fËj¡e Ll−a f¡−l¢ez p¡¢hÑL fkÑ¡−m¡Qe¡u H¢V Øfø fË¢auj¡e ®k, h¡c£fr HL¢V c¢mm pªSe Llax Aœ ®j¡LŸj¡¢V c¡¢Mm L−l−Rz HLCi¡−h 1 Hhw 3ew fË¢ah¡c£fr ®pC pªSeL«a c¢m−ml Efl ¢i¢š L−l a¡−cl c¡h£ fËj¡e Ll−a Q¡uz h¡c£ Hhw ¢hh¡c£ Ei−u f¢lL¢Òfai¡−h Aœ ®j¡LŸj¡u ag¢pm plL¡l£ ab¡ SeN−el pÇf¢š BaÈp¡−al
q£e j¡e−o Aœ ®j¡LŸj¡ c¡−ul L−l−Rez
AaHh, B−cn qu ®k, Aœ l¦m¢V ¢he¡ MlQ¡u ¢eØf¢š Ll¡ q−m¡z
¢h‘ ®Sm¡ SS, Suf¤lq¡V La«ÑL h¾Ve Bf£m ®j¡LŸj¡ ew 28/2018-H fËcš ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 26.11.2018 a¡¢l−Ml l¡u J ¢Xœ²£ (¢Xœ²£ ü¡r−ll a¡¢lM 29.11.2018) Haà¡l¡ h¡¢am Ll¡ q−m¡z
¢h‘ ¢p¢eul pqL¡l£ SS Bc¡ma, f¡yQ¢h¢h, Suf¤lq¡V LaѪL h¾Ve −j¡LŸj¡ ew 40/2009-H fËcš ¢hNa Cw−lS£ 29.03.2018 a¡¢l−Ml l¡uJ ¢Xœ²£ (¢Xœ²£ ü¡r−ll a¡¢lM 04.04.2018) Haà¡l¡ hq¡m l¡M¡ q−m¡z
Aœ l¡−ul Ae¤¢m¢fpq Ad:Ù¹e Bc¡m−al e¢b pw¢nÔø Bc¡m−a â¦a ®fÐlZ Ll¡ qELz