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An  application  under  Section  115(1)  of  the  Code  of  Civil Procedure.

- AND -


Omar Faruk and others.


-Versus – Government of Bangladesh and others.

….Defendant- respondent-opposite parties. Mr. Moteen Uddin Anwar, Advocate, with

Mr. Ali Akbar Rigan, Advocate

…..  For the petitioners.

Mr. Md. Shahidul Islam, Advocate

…..  For opposite parties.

Heard on: 14.01.2024, 15.01.2024 and Judgment on 29.01.2024. On an application of the petitioners Omar Faruk and others under

section 115 (1) of the Code of Civil Procedure the Rule was issued calling upon  the  opposite  party  Nos.  1  and  8  to  show  cause  as  to  why  the impugned judgment and order dated 27.11.2018 passed by the learned Joint District Judge, 1st Court, Cox’s Bazar, in Other Appeal No. 124 of 2015 disallowing the application for amendment of the plaint and for recalling the  P.W.1  and  rejecting  the  application  for  cancelling  the  local investigation report filed by the appellant petitioners should not be set aside and/or such other or further order or orders passed as to this court may seem fit and proper.

Facts necessary for disposal of the Rule, in short, is that the plaintiff instituted Title Suit No. 15 of 2005 renumbered as Other Class Suit No. 2036  of  2014  before  the  Assistant  Judge,  Kutubdia,  Cox’s  Bazar  for declaration  of  title,  confirmation  of  possession  and  for  a  decree  of permanent injunction in respect of the schedule land of the plaint.

The  suit  was  contested  by  the  defendants  by  filing  written statements denying all the material assertion of the plaint.

The  trial  court  after  hearing  the  parties  and  considering  the evidence on record dismissed the suit by its judgment and decree dated 12.08.2015.

Against the said judgment and decree of the trial court the plaintiff petitioners  preferred  Other  Class  Appeal  No.  124  of  2015  before  the learned District Judge, Cox’s Bazar. The appeal was sent to the learned Joint District Judge, 1st Court, Cox’s Bazar for disposal.

During  the  pendency  of  the  appeal  the  defendant  respondent opposite  parties  filed  an  application  for  local  investigation.  The  said application was allowed on 22.07.2018 and an Advocate commission was appointed.

Thereafter  the  petitioners  filed  three  applications;  one  is  for recalling  the  order  of  appointment  of  Advocate  Commission  dated 22.07.2018, the another application for amendment of the plaint under order VI Rule 17 read with section 151 of the code civil procedure and another application for recalling the P.W.1.

The appellate court after hearing the parties and considering the facts and circumstances of the case rejecting all the applications by its judgment and order dated 27.11.2018.

Being aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the impugned judgment and  order  of  the  appellate  court  the  plaintiff  petitioners  filed  this revisional application under Section 115(1) of the Code of Civil Procedure and obtained the Rule.

At the time of hearing of the Rule the learned Advocate of the petitioners  filed  supplementary  affidavit  annexing  some  material documents which are on record though the record is also available before this court.

Mr. Md. Shahidul Islam, the learned Advocate enter appeared on behalf of the opposite party No.5 through vokalatnama to oppose the Rule and Mr. Abu Naser Swapon, the learned Assistant Attorney General represented on behalf of the opposite party Nos. 1-4.

Mr. Moteen Uddin Anwar, the learned Advocate along with Mr. Ali Akbar Rigan, Advocate appearing on behalf of the petitioners submits that the petitioners filed an application for amendment of the plaint as well as recalling the P.W.1 to adduce some documents and to prove the same as per amendment.

He submits that at the trial stage the defendant side sought for local investigation  which  was  also  allowed  on  18.04.2013  but  subsequently against which the plaintiff petitioner filed Civil Revision No. 18 of 2013 and the said revisional application was allowed on 03.10.2013 but against the said order the defendant opposite party did not take any step thus he further submits that since the matter of local investigation has already been disposed of at the trial stage and since the defendant did not take any further step against the same so, at the appellate stage the defendant side is not permitted to file the same application for local investigation.

The learned Advocate submits that the defendant opposite parties filed application for local investigation in respect of 2.18 acres of land whereas the plaintiff claimed 1.16 acres of land and submits that specific boundary  has  been  mentioned  in  the  plaint  and  in  such  a  case  local investigation for 2.18 acres of land if allowed the petitioner should be prejudiced.

He further submits that at the appellate stage the petitioner filed application for amendment of the plaint stating the detail facts specially the two materials; one is registered deed being No. 565 dated 04.09.1934 and also a sale certificate dated 17.10.1934 and in the application the petitioner specifically mentioned that he was an old man of 80 years and thus  could  not  understand  the  facts  and  could  not  produced  the  said materials before the trial court. He further submits that since both are the certified copy of the registered deed and the sale certificate of the year 1934 in such a case the said materials should be considered and by which the nature and character of the suit has not been changed and in such a case the prayer for recalling the P.W.1 is also necessary to produce the said documents. He further submits that if the amendment application is allowed the defendant has scope to file additional written statement and also cross examine the P.W.1 and in such a case the defendant will not prejudice. He prayed for making the Rule absolute.

On  the  contrary  Mr.  Md.  Shahidul  Islam,  the  learned  Advocate appearing  on  behalf  of  the  defendant  opposite  party  submits  that admittedly the defendant side filed an application for local investigation at the trial stage and which was allowed on 18.02.2013 but against which the plaintiff side filed revisional application being Civil Revision No. 18 of 2013 and the said order was set-aside by the revisional court on 03.10.2013 on the ground that the impugned order is a non-specking order and as such no bar to file a fresh application for local investigation. He further submits that though the said order has not been challenged but there is no bar to file application under Order XXVI Rule 9 of the code of civil procedure for fresh local investigation.

The  learned  Assistant  Attorney  General  submits  that  the Government also acquired .73 acres of land out of 4.63 acres in such a case the local investigation is necessary.

I have heard the learned Advocates of both the sides, perused the impugned judgment and the order of the courts below and the papers and documents as available on the record.

By the impugned judgment the appellate court disposed of three applications, one is for amendment of the plaint under Order VI Rule 17 of the code of civil procedure and for recalling the P.W.1 if the amendment application is allowed to submits and prove the documents as mentioned in the amendment application.

It  appears  that  the  plaintiff  filed  application  for  amendment  of pleading stated some facts that the predecessor of the plaintiff obtained registered kabala deed No. 656 dated 04.09.1934 and also obtained sale certificate  dated  17.10.1934.  In  support  of  the  same  the  plaintiff petitioner submitted the certified copy of the said documents and claimed that the plaintiff as an old man of 80 years and illiterate and could not produced the said documents at the trial stage.

We have considered the provision of law and the application. In application the plaintiff side wants to produce two documents of his title which was left out at the time of trial and the plaintiff explained the said facts in the application why he could not produce the same at the trial stage.  On  perusal  of  the  application,  it  appears  that  by  the  proposed amendment the nature and character has not been changed whereas the appellate court without considering the said facts rejected the application. It is my view that the application filed by the petitioner is nothing but to produce some documents and for proper disposal of the case the same may be allowed and in such a case it requires to re-call the P.W.1 to produced the said documents. Furthermore if the amendment is allowed the defendant  has scope to file additional written statement and also could  cross  examine  the  P.W.1  so  no  question  for  prejudice  of  the defendant.

Next question is that the defendant side filed application for local investigation under Order XXVI Rule 9 of the code of civil procedure in respect  of  suit  land  of  plot  No.  141  and  total  land  is  2.18  acres  and wherein the Eidgah, Mosque, Madrasah, Graveyard, Pond and dwelling hats etc. situated in the said plot No. 141.

It appears that the total property is 4.63 acres out of which the plaintiff claimed 1.16 acres of land in plot No. 141 of khatian No. 154 and in the said Khatian the total land is 2.45 acres.

The Order XXVI Rule 9 of the code of civil procedure provides that: “In any suit in which the court deems a local investigation to be requisite or  proper  for  the  purpose  of  elucidating  any  matter  in  dispute,  or  of ascertaining  the  market  value  of  any  property,  or  the  amount  or  any mense profits or damages or annual net profits, the court may issue a commission to such person as it thinks fit directing him to make such investigation and to report thereon to the court.

This provision is for the purpose of elucidating any matter in dispute if the court thinks fit then may direct to make such investigation. 

It appears that earlier in the trial court the defendant side also filed application for local investigation which was allowed against which the plaintiff side filed Civil Revision No. 18 of 2013 and the said revisional application was allowed and the order of the trial court was set-aside by the Hon’ble court on 03.10.2013 but against which no step has been taken by the defendant side.

The  trial  court  after  hearing  the  parties  and  considering  the evidence  on  record  dismissed  the  suit.  Against  which  the  plaintiff  as appellant preferred Title Appeal No. 124 of 2015 and at the appellate stage the defendant respondent filed application for local investigation almost  on  the  same  prayer  and  which  was  allowed  and  the  plaintiff petitioner  filed  application  for  recalling the  said  order which  was  also rejected by the impugned order. Since the suit land of plot No. 141 is 2.18 acres and the plaintiff side claimed only 1.16 acres of land with giving specific boundaries. It appears that the Government has also acquired .73 acres of land from plot No. 141 and 142.

Considering  the  provision  of  local  investigation  provides  under Order XXVI Rule 9 of the code of civil procedure there is no bar to file application for fresh local investigation.

In the instant case the plaintiff claimed 1.16 acres of land in plot No. 141 and the Government acquire .73 acres of land from plot No. 141 and 142  and  the  defendant  respondent  side  filed  application  for  local investigation for entire 2.18 acres of land of plot No. 141 in such a case for considering the entire material facts of the case and for resolving all the dispute  of  the  parties  the  appellate  court  since  the  court  of  original jurisdiction provided under section 107 of the code of civil procedure, may allow the application for local investigation to ascertain all the dispute.

However, the plaintiff since claimed 1.16 acres of land out of 4.63 acres  specially  only  in  plot  No.  141  and  the  defendant  side  filed application for local investigation for ascertaining the structure and others in respect of 2.18 acres of land in such a case the local investigation if allow the Advocate Commission should consider the facts whether the structures as mentioned in the application covered in how many portion of the land and the claimed land of the plaintiff also should be considered the specific portion of land such as Eidgah, Mosque, Madrasah, Graveyard, Pond and dwelling hats etc also should be demarcated.

Considering the facts and circumstances of the case, the impugned order  of  the  appellate  court  is  set-aside  so  far  as  relates  to  the amendment of the pleading and recalling the P.W.1.

In the result the Rule is made absolute-in-part. The impugned order dated 27.11.2018 is set-aside so far as relates to the amendment of the pleadings and recalling the P.W.1. Thus the prayer for amendment of the pleadings  and  recalling  the  P.W.1  filed  by  the  plaintiff  petitioner  is allowed.

The defendant is at liberty to file additional written statement if requires regarding the amendment of the plaint.

However, the Advocate commissioner should keep in mind that in how may portion of the land in plot No. 141 and 142 attract and covered of  the  structures  of  Eidgah,  Mosque,  Madrasah,  Graveyard,  Pond  and dwelling hats etc.

Since this is long pending case the appellate court is directed to dispose of the appeal as early as possible preferably within 6 (six) months from the date of receipt of this judgment and order.

The order of stay granted earlier by this court is hereby recalled and vacated.

Send down the lower court’s record at once.
