District: Jessore
In the Supreme Court of Bangladesh
High Court Division
(Civil Revisional Jurisdiction)
Mr. Justice Md. Zakir Hossain
Civil Revision No. 1661 of 2018
Md. Jahangir Kabir@Bablur Rahman and others
Md. Habibur Rahman being dead his heirs: Md. Helal Uddin and others
......Added Defendant-Respondent Opposite Parties
Mr. M. Shamsul Haque, Advocate
...... For the petitioners
Mr. Md. Towhidul Islam, Advocate
....For the opposite parties
Heard on: 24.01.2024 and 28.02.2024 Judgment on: 08.05.2024
At the instance of the petitioners, the Rule was issued by this Court with the following terms:
“Records need not be called for.
Let a Rule be issued calling upon the opposite party Nos. 1-3 to show cause as to why the impugned judgment and order dated 30.01.2018 passed by the learned Additional District Judge, 3rd Court, Jessore in Miscellaneous Appeal No. 17 of 2016 disallowing the appeal and affirming the judgment and order dated 15.02.2016 passed by the learned Senior Assistant Judge, Sharsha,
Jessore in Title Suit No. 1 of 2004 should not be set aside and/or pass such other or further order or orders as to this Court may seem fit and proper.”
Facts leading to the issuance of the Rule are inter alia that in Title Suit No. 01 of 2004, the learned Senior Assistant Judge allowed the petitions to be added as parties. Impugning the judgment and order of the learned Senior Assistant Judge, the petitioners preferred Miscellaneous Appeal No. 17 of 2016 before the Court learned District Judge, Jessore. After admitting the appeal and observing all formalities transmitted the record to the Court of the learned Additional District Judge, 3rd Court, Jessore for disposal. Upon hearing, the learned Additional District Judge was pleased to reject the appeal and thereby concurred with the decision of the learned Senior Assistant Judge. Challenging the judgment and order of the learned Senior District Judge, the petitioners moved this Court and obtained the aforesaid Rule and stay therewith.
Heard the submissions advanced by the learned Advocates of the parties at length and perused the materials on record with due care and attention and seriousness as they deserve. The convoluted question of law embroiled in this case has meticulously been waded through.
On perusal of the materials on record, it appears that the learned Senior Assistant Judge by his order allowed the petitions to be added as parties, which may be read as follows:
ÒA`¨ wZbwU `iLv¯Í ïbvbxi Rb¨ w`b avh©¨ Av‡Q| Dfqcÿ nvwRiv w`qv‡Q| bw_ `iLv¯Í ïbvbxi Rb¨ Dc¯’vcb Kiv nBj| b_x `iLv¯Í welq Av‡`‡ki Rb¨ †ck Kiv nBj| `iLv¯Í ¸wj ch©v‡jvPbv Kwijvg| mvwe©K ch©v‡jvPbvq `iLv¯ÍKvix †gvt eRjyi ingvb mi`vi w`s Gi c‡ÿi ev`x †kÖYxfz³x iLv¯Í G¨vjvDW (wfIwc)|
Z`g‡g© †gvt eRjyi ingvb mi`vi w`s †K ev`x †kÖYxfzw³i Kwiqv AviwR ms‡kvab Kiv nDK Ges `iLv¯ÍKvix †gvt nvweeyi ingvb w`s c‡ÿ weev`x †kÖYxfzw³i `iLv¯Í G¨vjvDW (wfIwc) Z`g‡g© Zvnvw`M‡K weev`x †kÖYxfz³ KiZ: AviwRI †iwR: ms‡kvab Kiv nDK Ges 06.05.2015 Zvwi‡Li AvcwËcÎ b_xfz³ iwnj| AvMvgx 20.03.2016 Zvs wc,GBP,I cÿfzw³ weev xi Reve `vwL‡ji Rb¨ avh©¨ iwnj|Ó
The learned Additional District Judge concurred with the decision of the learned Senior Assistant Judge with following observation:
ÒweÁ wbgœ Av`vj‡Zi bw_‡Z iw¶Z ‡`Iqvbx 102/1990 bs
gvgjvi ivq I wWµxi mwngûix bKj ch©v‡jvPbvq ‡`Lv hvq, D³ gvgjvwU ¯^Z¡ ‡Nvlbvi Rb¨ AvbxZ n‡qwQj| D³ gvgjvwU AÎ 5-7
bs weev x-‡imcb‡W›Uc¶ c«gvb Ki‡Z mg_© bv nIqvq wWmwgm
nq| D³ gvgjvwU ev‡Uvqvivi gvgjv wQj bv| ¯^Z¡ ‡Nvlbvi gvgjvi
wePvh© welq Ges ev‡Uvqviv gvgjvi wePvh© welq wfbœ| Kv‡RB ‡`Iqvbx 102/1990 ev D³ gvgjvi avivevwnKZvq ‡`Iqvbx
Avcxj 129/1993 gvgjvi ivq I wWµxi Øviv AÎ 5-7 bs
weev x-‡imcb‡W›Uc‡¶i `vex ‡`veviv ‡`v‡l (resjudicata)
evwiZ n‡q‡Q g‡g© c«Zxqgvb nq bv| Z_vwc ‡`Iqvbx 01/2004 bs
eZ©gvb gvgjvwU ev‡Uvqviv gvgjv we‡ePbvq gvgjvi msL¨vwaK¨ ‡ivaK‡í 5-7 bs weev x- ‡imcb‡W›Uc¶‡K c¶fy³ Kivi Av‡`k
h_vh_ n‡q‡Q e‡j Avwg g‡b Kwi| Zvnv e¨wZZ 5-7 bs weev x- ‡imcb‡W›Uc¶‡K c¶fy³ Kivi Kvi‡b ev`x-AvcxjKvixc‡¶i
¶wZM«¯’ nIqvi ‡Kvb KviY N‡Uwb ev b¨vq wePvi n‡Z ewÂZ
nIqviI ‡Kvb KviY N‡Uwb|Ó
No illegality has been spelt out within the bounds of the impugned judgment and order of the Court below; therefore, I do not find any substance in the Rule. Hence, the Rule shall fall through.
In the result, the Rule is discharged, however, without passing any order as to costs. The earlier order of stay granted by this Court, thus, stands recalled and vacated.
Let a copy of the judgment be sent down to the Court below at once.
Md. Zakir Hossain, J
Naser Po