দায়বর্জন বিবৃতি (DISCLAIMER)

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Microsoft Word - Civil Revision No. 2972 of 2017 discharged




Mr. Justice Zafar Ahmed

Civil Revision No. 2972 of 2017

Farid Uddin Dulal

........ Plaintiff-appellant-petitioner -Versus-

District Registrar, Brahmanbaria and others

.... Opposite parties

Mr. Md. Sarwer Hossain Bayazid, Advocate

........ For petitioner Mr. Md. Aminul Islam Khan, Advocate

.... For opposite party No. 1

Heard on: 24.10.2024 and 30.10.2024 Judgment on: 07.11.2024

The present petitioner as plaintiff filed Title Suit No. 32 of 2015  in  the  Court  of  Assistant  Judge,  Akhaura,  Brahmanbaria impleading the present opposite parties as defendants for a mandatory injunction  directing  the  defendant  No.  1  (District  Registrar, Brahmanbaria) to lease out the suit land measuring 02.06 decimals of land temporarily in his favour pursuant to a memo No. Bichar-2 (U:) 1 A-2/2009-222  dated  08.12.2011  issued  by  the  Ministry  of  Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs. The suit was dismissed by the trial Court on contest. The plaintiff filed Title Appeal No. 121 of 2015 which was heard and disposed by the learned Joint District Judge, 2nd


Court, Brahmanbaria who dismissed the appeal on contest and hence, the instant revision.

The  defendant-opposite  party  No.  1  (District  Registrar, Brahmanbaria) entered appearance in the Rule.

I have heard the learned Advocates of both sides and perused the materials on record.

Admittedly, the plaintiff was a year-to-year lessee of the suit land. The land was lastly leased out in favour of the plaintiff in the year 2001 and the tenure of the same was not renewed. The instant suit was filed on 22.11.2013. Therefore, on the date of filing the suit, the plaintiff had no right whatsoever in the suit land. The trial Court scrutinized the evidence on record and found that the suit land has been permanently settled in favour of the defendant No. 1 and that defendant No. 1 is in possession of the same.

The learned Advocate appearing defendant-opposite party No. 1 refers to the case of Dewan Shamsul Abedin vs. Government of Bangladesh and others, 13 MLR (AD) 163 and submits that since the plaintiff has no legal character as to title and possession in the suit property, the instant suit for mandatory injunction was rightly dismissed by the Courts below.

Since the plaintiff was a year-to-year lessee of the suit land and the tenure of the same had expired, he has no legal character or right to file the suit. Both the Courts below, on proper appreciation of facts and law, rightly dismissed the suit. Accordingly, the Rule fails.

In the results, the Rule is discharged.

Send down the LCR.

Mazhar, BO