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Microsoft Word - JUDGEMENT OF WRIT PETITION NO.6451 OF 2017


(Special Original Jurisdiction)

WRIT PETITION N0. 6451 OF 2017


An application under article 102 (2) (a) (i) & (ii)  of  the  Constitution  of  the  People’s Republic of Bangladesh.



Nasrin Akter

------------------Petitioner -Versus-

The Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh,  represented  by  the  Secretary, Secondary  and  Higher  Education  Division, Ministry of Education, Secretariat Building, Ramna, Dhaka and others.

                         ---------------Respondents         Mr. Md. Humayun Kabir, Advocate with

Mr. Haripada Barman, Advocate and

Mrs. Taslima Yeasmin, Advocate

     -----------For the petitioner

Mr. Bepul Bagmar, D.A.G.

Mr. Taufiq Anwar Chowdhury, Advocate

-----For the respondent No.1

Judgment On: 29.11.2023


Mr. Justice Md. Khasruzzaman


Mr. Justice K M Zahid Sarwar 

Md. Khasruzzaman , J:

In the instant writ petition, on 21.05.2017 the Rule Nisi was issued in the following terms:


“Let a Rule Nisi be issued calling upon the respondents

to show cause as to why the provision of the clause No.18(2) & 18 (6) of the Ò‡emiKvix wkÿv cÖwZôv‡bi (¯‹zj, K‡jR, gv`ªvmv I KvwiMix wkÿv cÖwZôvbmg~n)- Gi wkÿK I Kg©Pv‡ i` xi †eZb- fvZvw`i miKvix Ask cÖ`vb Ges Rbej KvVv‡gv m¤úwK©Z wb‡`©wkKv- 2010 (gvP©, 2013 ch©šÍ ms‡kvwaZ)Ó imposing condition not to

pay  the  arrear  government  portion  of  salary  of  the teachers  and  employees  of  the  Non-Government Educational  institutions  i.e  the  School,  College  and Madrasha  from  the  Government  Fund  (Annexure-G)

should not be declared ultra vires the Constitution and

further as to why they should not be directed to pay the

arrear government portion of the salary of the petitioner

during suspension period from August, 2012 to August,

2014 including festival bonus and other financial benefits

and/or pass such other or further order or orders as to

this Court may seem fit and proper.”

Pertinent facts necessary for disposal of the Rule Nisi are that the  petitioner  applied  for  the  post  of  Lecturer,  department  of Secretarial  Science  and  Office  Management,  in  response  to  the advertisement published by the concerned authority, and the duly constituted  selection  committee  selected  the  petitioner  to  be appointed for the said post and consequently the petitioner joined in the  said  College  on  01.01.2005  and  since  then  she  has  been discharging her duties honestly, sincerely and with full satisfaction of the authority.

That  after  getting  appointment  as  the  Lecturer  of  the  said College, the name of the petitioner was enlisted in the monthly pay order (MPO) from September, 2005 being Index No. 3071590 and since then he has been enjoying and receiving government portion of her  monthly  salary  and  other  financial  benefit  regularly  untill August, 2012.

While  the  petitioner  rendering  her  service  as  a  Lecturer, department  of  Secretarial  Science  and  Office  Management  of Fariduddin  Sardar  (Degree)  College,  Muradnagar,  Comilla,  the Governing  Body  of  the  College  took  a  decision  to  suspend  the petitioner from her service from on 06.03.2010.

That under the provisions of the Ò†emiKvix wWMÖx K‡jR wkÿK PvKzixi kZ©wewa-1994Ó, the governing body of the college has no power and

jurisdiction  to  keep  the  petitioner  under  suspension  for  an

unidentified period resulting the petitioner has compelled to file the

appeal  before  the  Vice-Chancellor,  National  University,  Gazipur

against the inaction or decision of the governing body of the college.

Being aggrieved by the order of suspension of the petitioner

from her service as Lecturer by the Governing Body of the said

College on 06.03.2010, on 05.05.2013 the petitioner filed an appeal

before the Vice-Chancellor, National University, Gazipur (respondent No.3) under rule 18(2) of the Ò†emiKvix wWMÖx K‡jR wkÿK PvKzixi kZ©wewa-1994Ó requesting him to take necessary steps against the

order  of  suspension  of  the  petitioner  from  her  service.  But  the respondents did not take any step for disposing the appeal till to date.

That  without  getting  any  result  on  the  appeal  filed  by  the petitioner on 05.05.2013, the petitioner was compelled to file Writ Petition  No.  6684  of  2013,  and  on  08.07.2013  the  High  Court Division  directed  the  concerned  respondents  to  dispose  of  the petitioner’s  application  dated  05.05.2013  in  accordance  with  law within 30(thirty) days from the date of receipt of the order.  

That in pursuance of the order dated 08.07.2013 passed in writ petition No. 6684 of 2013, on 27.08.2014 the Registrar (In-Charge), National  University,  Gazipur  (respondent  No.3)  issued  a  letter directing  the  Principal  of  Fariduddin  Sarkar  Degree  College, Muradnagar, Comilla (respondent No.8) to reinstate the petitioner in her service under memo No. 30(1476) RvZxt wet/AvBb/2014/1/366 dated 27.08.2014.

That in pursuance of the said letter dated 27.08.2014 issued by the Registrar (In-Charge), National University, Gazipur (respondent No3)  (Annexure-C),  on  17.08.2014  the  governing  body  of  the college took a decision to reinstate the petitioner in her service and on  26.08.2014  the  Principal  of  the  college  issued  a  letter  to  the petitioner requesting her to rejoin her service.

That in response to the said letter dated 26.08.2014 (Annexure- D), on 01.09.2014 the petitioner rejoined her service and since then she has been discharging her duties honestly, sincerely and with full satisfaction of the authority.

That after rejoining the petitioner in her service on 01.09.2014, the governing body of the college took a decision to release the government portion of salary of the petitioner from September, 2014 and  since  then  she  has  been  enjoying  and  receiving  government portion of his monthly salary and other financial benefit regularly without any interruption.

That on 25.03.2015 the petitioner filed an application before the Secretary, Minstry of Education, the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka (respondent No.1) requesting him to pay the arrear salary of the government portion of the petitioner from August 2012 to August 2014. But the said respondent remained silent without considering the claim of the petitioner and giving any reply.

That  on  09.06.2015  the  petitioner  served  a  notice  for demanding  justice  upon  the  respondents  through  her  learned Advocate by registered post requesting him to pay the arrear salary of the government portion of the petitioner from August 2012 to August  2014.  But  the  said  respondent  remained  silent  without considering the claim of the petitioner and giving any reply.

That under the provision of the clause Nos.18(2) and 18(6) of

the Ò†emiKvix wkÿv cÖwZôvb (¯‹zj, K‡jR, gv`ªvmv I KvwiMix wkÿv cÖwZôvbmg~n)-Gi wkÿK I Kg©Pvix‡`i †eZb-fvZvw`Õi miKvix Ask cÖ`vb Ges Rbej KvVv‡gv m¤úwK©Z wb‡`©wkKv-2010 (gvP©, 2013 ch©šÍ ms‡kvwaZ)Ó, the Secretary, Ministry of Education (respondent No.1) refused to pay the arrear government

portion of salary of the petitioner during his suspension period from

August 2012 to August 2014.

Since the governing body of the college did not withdraw the arrear  government  portion  of  salary  of  the  petitioner  during suspension period from August 2012 to August 2014, the governing body of the college is not bound to pay the said arrear government portion of salary of the petitioner from their own pocket.

That under the provision of the Service Regulations, 1994, the governing  body  of  the  college  has  no  power  to  withdraw  the government portion of salary of any suspended / dismissed teachers or employees of the Non-Government Educational Institutions i.e School, College or Madrasha. 

That  the  governing  body  of  the  college  did  not  pay  the government  portion  of  salary  of  the  petitioner  during  suspension period from August 2012 to August 2014 and the said money has already been returned to and deposited in the Government fund due to lapse of the financial year.

That  the  governing  body  of  the  college  did  not  receive  or withdraw  the  remaining  government  portion  of  the  salary  of  the petitioner during his suspension period and under the Service Rules, 1994, the governing body of the college has only power to pay 50% of  the  government  portion  of  salary  during  suspension  period  as subsistence allowance. But the governing body of the college has no power to receive or withdraw the remaining 50% of the government portion of salary and due to lapse of the financial year, the remaining 50% of the government portion of salary of the petitioner has been returned  and  deposited  into  the  Government  Treasury  and  the respondents are wholly disentitled to refuse to pay the remaining 50% of the government portion of salary of the petitioner to rely under clasue 18(2) and 18(6) of the Guideline, 2010 (Amendment in 2013).

That if the petitioner does not get the remaining government

portion of the salary from the Government, the petitioner will not get

any  benefit  from  the  Kallayan  Trust  under  the  provision  of  the

Ò†emiKvwi wkÿv cÖwZôvb wkÿK I Kg©Pvix Kj¨vY Uªvó AvBb, 1990Ó and also will

not  get  any  retirement  benefit  from  the  government  under  the

provision of the Ò†emiKvwi wkÿv cÖwZôvb wkÿK I Kg©Pvix Aemi myweav cÖweavbgvjv, 2005Ó and as such if the remaining government portion of

the salary of the petitioner will not pay, the petitioner will suffer

irreparable lose and injury.

The petitioner has been suspended from her service in the year of 2012. But she was not dismissed from her service as a result the respondents did not pay the arrear government portion of the salary of the petitioner from August 2012 to August 2014 and as such the petitioner is entitled to get the arrear government portion of salary during her suspension period.  

Against this backdrop, the petitioner moved before this Court and obtained the present Rule Nisi.

The respondent No.1 contested the Rule by filing an affidavit- in-opposition to controvert the statements made in the writ petition. 

At  the  very  outset,  Mr.  Md.  Humayun  Kabir,  the  learned Advocate for the petitioner submits that he will not press the first part of the Rule so far as it relates to the provision of the clause Nos. 18(2) and 18(6) of the Janobal Kathamo, 2010 (as amended upto 2013).

Mr. Kabir submits that the issue involved in this writ petition has already been decided by the High Court Division as well as by the Appellate Division in the series of cases.

Mr. Kabir relying on an unreported decision in the case of Md. Kamruzzaman -Vs.- The Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh & others in Writ Petition No. 9755 of 2017 (one of us is a party) wherein this Division elaborately discussed the similar issue about the payment of arrear salaries during suspension period as well as  dismissal  period  of  a  teacher  of  a  Non-Government School/College/Madrasha of the Country and the said judgment has already been affirmed by the Appellate Division in CPLA No. 1485 of 2022.

On the other hand, Mr. Taufiq Anwar Chowdhury, the learned

Advocate for the respondent No.1 by filing an affidavit-in-opposition

submits that there is no provision for payment of the government

portion of the salary as arrear under clause 18.2 of the Ò‡emiKvix wkÿv cÖwZôv‡bi (¯‹zj, K‡jR, gv`ªvmv I KvwiMix wkÿv cÖwZôvbmg~n)- Gi wkÿK I Kg©Pvix‡`i †eZb-fvZvw`i miKvix Ask cÖ`vb Ges Rbej KvVv‡gv m¤úwK©Z wb‡`©wkKv- 2010 (gvP©, 2013 ch©šÍ ms‡kvwaZ)Ó.

Mr. Anwar further submits that if any teacher/employee fails to

withdraw his/her government portion of the salary due to internal

dispute  between  the  teacher/employee  and  the  Managing Committee/Governing Body of the institution or for any pending

litigation between them or for any other reason, later on the said

government portion of salary can not be withdrawn as arrear, the

relevant institution is liable to pay the unpaid salary from its own

fund under clause 18.6 of the Ò‡emiKvix wkÿv cÖwZôv‡bi (¯‹zj, K‡jR, gv`ªvmv I KvwiMix wkÿv cÖwZôvbmg~n)- Gi wkÿK I Kg©Pvix‡`i †eZb-fvZvw`i miKvix Ask

cÖ`vb Ges Rbej KvVv‡gv m¤úwK©Z wb‡`©wkKv-2010 (gvP©, 2013 ch©šÍ ms‡kvwaZ)Ó.

We have considered the submissions of the learned Advocates for the parties, perused the materials on record and gone through the decisions referred to.

In the instant case, there were two issues under challenge by

the petitioner before this Court, the first issue relates to the legality of

the clause Nos. 18(2) and 18(6) of the Ò†emiKvix wkÿv cÖwZôvb (¯‹zj, K‡jR, gv`ªvmv I KvwiMix wkÿv cÖwZôvbmg~n)-Gi wkÿK I Kg©Pvix‡`i †eZb-fvZvw`Õi miKvix Ask cÖ`vb Ges Rbej KvVv‡gv m¤úwK©Z wb‡`©wkKv-2010 (gvP©, 2013 ch©šÍ ms‡kvwaZ)Ó and the second issue relates to the payment of the arrear salary of the petitioner during suspension period from  August 2012 to August

2014 including festival bonus and other financial benefit.

Admittedly, at the time of hearing of the Rule, the learned Advocate for the petitioner submits that he has clear instruction from his client not to press the first part of the Rule and therefore, the first part of the Rule is discharged as being non prosecution. 

Now, considering the 2nd part of the Rule, the question has been arisen whether the petitioner is entitled to get his arrear salary during suspension period from August 2012 to August 2014.

That the question whether the petitioner is entitled to get his arrear salary during suspension period from August 2012 to August 2014  was  answered  by  this  Division.  In  the  case  of  Md. Kamruzzaman Vs. The Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh & others, unreported judgment in Writ Petition No. 9755 of 2017 (one of us is a party) wherein this Division elaborately discussed  the  similar  issue  about  the  payment  of  arrear  salaries during suspension period as well as dismissal period of a teacher of a Non-Government School/College/Madrasha of the Country and the said judgment has already been affirmed by the Appellate Division in CPLA No. 1485 of 2022.

It is undisputed that the present issue has already been settled by the High Court Division and the Appellate Division. On the same issue  the  respondents  unsuccessfully  moved  to  the  Appellate Division in CPLA No. 1485 of 2022.

In  the  said  judgment  dated  13.01.2022  in  Writ  Petition No.9755 of 2017, this Court observed as under:

“From the facts and circumstances as stated above, we are of the view that the petitioner having on the same footing as those of the cases referred above, the relief as sought  for  by  the  petitioner  can  be  granted  without striking down the legal provision challenged in the writ petition. Moreover, in the present case, the petitioner is not pressing the first part of the Rule Nisi so far it relates to challenging the legal provision of law.

Accordingly, the Rule is made absolute in part and as such the refusal to pay the arrear salaries and other benefits during the suspension period of the petitioner is declared to be illegal and without lawful authority.

Hence,  the  respondents  are  directed  to  pay  the arrear Government portion of the salary of the petitioner during the suspension period from October,2012 to June, 2014 including festival bonus and other financial benefits to the petitioner in accordance with law within 3 (three) months from date of receipt of this judgment and order.” 

In this regard the learned Deputy Attorney General submits that as per the Nitimala, 2018 if once the arrear government portion of salary is returned to the government fund because of dispute between the Principal and the government body, it can not be refunded to the teacher.

In reply, Mr. Md. Humayun Kabir submits that in the case of ABM  Abdul  Latif  Howlader  Vs.  the  People’s  Republic  of Bangladesh  &  others,  22  BLC  (HCD)  372  (paragraph  No.35) wherein it was held that:

“In such a situation, we hold that paragraph 18(6) of the cwicÎ as quoted above and referred to by the learned DAG does not stand as a bar to petitioner’s entitlement to get the 50% of the MPO that was returned.”

It is the established principal of law that the Nitimala has no force of law and as such the submissions of the learned Deputy Attorney General has no legs to stand. Having regard to the above, the petitioner is entitled to get his arrear salary during suspension period from August 2012 to August 2014 including retirement and welfare benefits which remained unpaid to him.

In  view  of  the  above  recorded  deliberation,  we  have  no hesitation to hold that the petitioner is entitled to get her arrear salary during  suspension  period  from  August  2012  to  August  2014 including retirement and welfare benefits which remained unpaid to him. Hence, the Rule succeeds.

In the result, the Rule Nisi is made absolute in part.

Thus  the  respondents  are  hereby  directed  to  take  necessary steps for releasing the arrear government portion of the salary of the petitioner during suspension period from  August 2012 to August 2014  including  retirement  and  welfare  benefits  within  3  (three) months from the date of receipt of this judgment.

Communicate the order.

K M Zahid Sarwar, J:

     I agree.