দায়বর্জন বিবৃতি (DISCLAIMER)

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Microsoft Word - FMA No. 318 of 2015 _corporation Dismissed dt. 29.08.2024_



(Civil Appellate Jurisdiction)

First Miscellaneous Appeal No. 318 of 2015

In the matter of:

Md.  Emdadul  Haque  Molla,  son  of  Al-haj Khalilur Rahman Molla of village- Molladanga, Police Station- Daulatpur, District- Khulna, at present: Village- Pabla Kabir Bot Tola (North to BDR Camp), Daulatpur, Khulna.

… Appellant


Bangladesh  House  Building  Finance Corporation, Head Office- 22, Purana Paltan, Dhaka  represented  by  its  Zonal  Manager, Zonal  Office,  Zone-6,  Khan-a-Sabur  Road, Khulna.


None appeared

…For the appellant Mr. Sikder Mahmudur Razi with

Mr. Md. Zahirul Islam, Advocates

   ....For the respondent

Heard on 28.08.2024. Judgment on 29.08.2024.


Mr. Justice Md. Mozibur Rahman Miah


Mr. Justice Md. Bashir Ullah

Md. Mozibur Rahman Miah, J.


At the instance of the judgment-debtor in Title Execution Case No. 99 of 2005 and that of the petitioner in Miscellaneous Case No. 224 of 2008 filed under order XXI, rule 90 of the Code of Civil Procedure, this appeal  is  directed  against  the  judgment  and  order  dated  30.10.2014 passed by the learned District Judge, Khulna in the said Miscellaneous Case dismissing the case.

The salient facts leading to preferring the appeal are:

The  present  opposite-party  as  petitioner  namely,  Bangladesh House  Building  Finance  Corporation  originally  filed  a  case  being Miscellaneous Case No. 204 of 2000 under Article 27 of Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation Order, 1973 (PO No. 07 of 1973) for realization of taka 6,32,943/09 against the present petitioner as of default  loan.  It  has  been  stated  in  the  petition  so  filed  in  the Miscellaneous Case in short, is that, the petitioner availed a loan to the tune  of  taka  2,40,000/-  for  erecting  homestead  by  mortgaging  the scheduled land as a security to repay the loan. It has been stipulated in the deed of mortgage that, the said loan is to be repaid within 25 years with a monthly installment of taka 2,128/33 with interest at the rate of 13% per annum. Subsequently, the said loan was rescheduled and then the  interest  rate  was  reduced  to  10%  per  annum  and  the  monthly installment was then fixed at taka 2,938/82. But as the said borrower herein the petitioner failed to repay the said loan in time, the respondent then  filed  the  case  claiming  an  amount  of  taka  6,32,943/09  till 31.07.2000. However, the opposite-party herein the appellant did not contest the said case, the same was allowed ex parte on 12.11.2004.

Since the opposite-party to the case herein the appellant did not come forward to pay the claim amount as ordered, the present respondent then initiated an execution case being Title Execution Case No. 99 of 2005 on 22.11.2005 claiming an amount of taka 7,71,715/69 up to 31.08.2005. During the course of the execution case, the property so mortgaged with the respondent then put on auction sale on several occasions, but no bidder participated in the auction. Ultimately, on 13.01.2008 fixed for auction  sale  the  decree-holder-respondent  sought  permission  to  the executing  court  to  purchase  the  mortgaged  property  as  an  auction purchaser under order XXI, rule 72 of the Code of Civil Procedure when the  total  claim  stood  at  taka  8,76,763/94  and  the  decree-holder- respondent auction purchased the said property through adjusting the claim and ultimately the said purchase was confirmed vide order dated 06.03.2008. Long after confirming the said auction, the judgment-debtor as petitioner then filed an application under order XXI, rule 90 of the Code of Civil Procedure for setting aside the auction sell alleging inter alia that, no notice as provided under Order XXI, rule 54 as well as rule 66 of the Code of Civil Procedure has been served upon the judgment- debtor. It has further been alleged that, the notice of auction was also not published in any dailies and no drum was biting to circulate holding of the auction. It has also been alleged that, the mortgaged property was sold in auction in a throwaway price without properly assessing the value of the mortgaged property which was taka 16,50,586/- at the time of holding auction and on those very allegations, the judgment-debtor- appellant  prayed  for  setting  aside  the  said  auction.  Against  that

application,  the  decree-holder  herein  the  respondent  filed  written objection and the learned Judge of the executing court upon hearing, vide impugned order dated 30.10.2014 dismissed the said Miscellaneous Case holding that, all the legal provision so have been provided in order XXI, rule 54 and 66 of the Code of Civil Procedure has been complied with  in  publishing  auction  notice  as  well  as  selling  the  property  in auction to the decree-holder having no scope to set aside the auction and thus dismissed the Miscellaneous Case.

It is at the stage, the auction purchaser as appellant preferred this appeal.

 At  the  time  of  admission  of  the  appeal,  this  court  stayed  all further proceeding of Title Execution Case No. 99 of 2005 initiated by the respondent till disposal of the appeal.

This matter was taken up for hearing yesterday when the learned counsel for the appellant was found absent and we heard the learned counsel for the respondent-corporation at length and since the learned counsel for the appellant did not appear, we deferred the matter today for passing judgment to enable the learned counsel for the appellant to make his argument yet the learned counsel for the appellant did not bother to turn up to press the appeal though the matter appeared in the list with the name of the appellant and the respondent.

However, Mr. Sikder Mahmudur Razi along with Mr. Md. Zahirul Islam, the learned counsels appearing for the respondent upon taking us to the impugned judgment and order and all the documents appended therewith  including  the  application  for  stay  and  other  documents annexed  at  the  very  outset  submits  that,  the  learned  District  Judge committed no error of law in dismissing the Miscellaneous Case as from the order sheet so have been annexed with the memorandum of appeal clearly depicts that, all the legal formalities for serving notice of the execution  case  as  well  as  auction  has  duly  been  served  upon  the judgment-debtor-appellant.  More  so,  the  auction  notice  was  also published in the dailies in three consecutive occasions having no scope to allege that, the notice has not been served upon the judgment-debtor.

The learned counsel further contends that, the Miscellaneous Case itself was barred by limitation as under Article 166 of the Limitation Act, the judgment-debtor-appellant will get 30(thirty) days time from the date of holding auction to challenge the auction under order XXI, rule 90 of the  Code  of  Civil  Procedure  for  setting  aside  the  auction  but  the Miscellaneous Case was filed long after the said limitation which is totally  barred  though  the  said  legal  point  has  not  been  taken  into consideration while dismissing the Miscellaneous Case by the learned District Judge.

We have considered the submissions so advanced by the learned counsel  for  the  respondent  and  perused  the  memorandum  of  appeal including the application for stay. We have also gone through the order sheet so have been annexed with the memorandum of appeal and we find from the order being nos. 2, 4 as well as 6 that all the legal formalities for holding auction has duly been complied with having no scope to say that,  the  auction  was  held  without  complying  with  the  respective provision of  law  having  no  reason  to  set  aside  the  auction  held  on 13.01.2008.

Given  the  above  facts  and  circumstances  and  the  materials available on record as discussed above, we don’t find any illegality or impropriety  in  the  impugned  judgment  and  order  that  warrants  any interference by this court.

Accordingly, the appeal is dismissed however without any order as to costs.

The order of stay granted at the time of admitting the appeal dated 21.09.2015 stands recalled and vacated.

Let a copy of this judgment along with the lower court records be transmitted to the court concerned forthwith.

Md. Bashir Ullah, J.   

 I agree.

Abdul Kuddus/B.O.