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Microsoft Word - C.R. No. 5900 of 2007


                                  IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BANGLADESH




  Mr. Justice Md. Badruzzaman.


  Mr. Justice Sashanka Shekhar Sarkar

  Civil Revision No. 5900 of 2007

Md. Shah Alam and others

                                                    .... Petitioners


Md. Nazrul Islam and others

.......... Opposite parties    Mr. Khondkar Shamsul Hoque Reza, Advocate

For the Petitioners

  Mr. Moinul Islam, Advocate

For the Opposite parties

  Mr. Md. Firoz Hossen, Advocate

....For the added Opposite parties

Heard on: 19.05.2024, 23.05.2024, 26.05.2024 and 27.05.2024.

Judgment on: 02.06.2024.

Sashanka Shekhar Sarkar, J:

 This  Rule  is  directed  against  the  judgment  and  decree  dated 19.11.2007  (decree  signed  on  20.11.2007)  passed  by  the  learned Additional  District  Judge,  Barguna  in  Title  Appeal  No.  07  of  2006 allowing the appeal by reversing those of dated 28.11.1995 (decree signed on 30.11.1995 passed by the learned Joint District Judge, 2nd Court, Barguna in Title Suit No. 14 of 2000 dismissing the suit.

Facts, relevant for disposal of this Rule, are that, the petitioners as plaintiffs filed Title Suit No. 14 of 2000 in the court of Joint District Judge, 2nd Court, Barguna for declaration of title to and partition of “Ka” schedule land and for declaration that “Kha” schedule deed in respect “Gha” schedule land is void, collusive, inoperative and not binding upon the plaintiffs by presenting a plaint contending that the predecessor of the  plaintiffs  and  the  opposite  parties  No.  2-13  named  Sarup  Ali became the owner of 8 annas share from 5.02 acres of land of S.A. Khatian 415 of S.A. Plots No. 2146 and 2176; 14 annas from 4.01 acres of land of S.A. Khatian No. 417 of S.A. Plots No. 781, 782, 766, 782/817 and 781/899; 14 annas from 8.83 acres of S.A. Khatian 119 of S.A. Plots No. 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2018 and 2033; 8 annas from 4.55 acres of land  of  S.A.  Khatian  No.  258  of  S.A.  Plots  No.  2149,  2177,  2179, 2077/2370, 2412 and 2185/2422, full share of 5.27 acres of land of S.A. Khatian No. 149 and 171 of S.A. Plots No. 166, 176, 182, 188, 237, 309, 310, 381 and 406. In the above way he became the owner of total 22.90 acres of land at Chalbhanga and Hori Mrittunjoy mouja.

The predecessor of the plaintiffs and defendant Nos. 2-13 Sarup Ali while was owning and possessing the said land died leaving behind one son Fazlul Karim, two daughters Safia Begum and Mostafa Begum and two sons and a daughter of another daughter Jarina Khatun. On the death of Sarup Ali his son, two daughters and deceased daughter’s sons and daughter obtained their respective shares as per Mislim Faraj i.e. son Fazlul Karim inherited 9.16 acres and rest 13.74 acres of the land were inherited by three daughters each having 4.58 acres (deceased daughter’s sons and daughter proportionately). The plaintiffs asked the defendants No. 2-13 to have their share partitioned amicably but they refused the proposal on 07.07.2000 and then the plaintiffs having no other alternative constrained to file the suit for declaration of title and partition of the suit land. 

The defendant Nos. 30, 31, 33, 34, 37, 41, 45-48, 50, 51, 76, 80 and 81 contested by filing written statements denying all the material allegations of the plaint and contended that they have purchased 5.06 acres of land from the heirs of Fazlul Karim and are in enjoyment and possession by erecting dwelling houses, digging ponds etc. within the knowledge of the plaintiffs. Sarup Ali bequeathed  his entire landed property to his only son Fazlul Karim on 04.11.1970 by wasiyatnama in presence of the plaintiffs but the plaintiffs by concealing the same filed the  suit  with  the  object  to  have   undue  benefit.  The  property  in question was bequeathed to Fazlul Karim by wasiyatnama which has been acted upon duly. Fazlul Karim became the absolute owner and on his death, his heirs being the owners have transferred the same to the contesting  defendants  and  the  defendants  have  been  enjoying  and possessing  within  the  knowledge  of  all. So  the  suit  is  liable  to  be dismissed.

The Joint District Judge, 2nd Court, Barguna on considering the pleadings of the parties, framed the following issues for adjudication:

  1.     Whether  the  suit  is  maintainable  in  its  present  form  and manner?
  2.     Whether the suit is barred by limitation?
  3.     Whether  the  wasiyotnama  was  made  on  the  consent  and within the knowledge of the heirs of Sarup Ali?
  4.     Whether there is any right, title, interest and possession of the plaintiffs in respect of the suit land?
  5.     Whether the suit is liable to be decreed as prayed for?

The  trial  Court  on  hearing  the  parties  and  considering  the evidences and materials on records was pleased to dismiss the suit on contest against the defendant Nos. 30, 31, 33, 34, 37, 41, 45-48, 50, 51, 70, 80 and 81 and ex parte against the rest discussing all the above issues vide judgment and decree dated 28.11.2005 (decree signed on 30.11.1995) as against that Title Appeal No. 07 of 2006 filed by the plaintiffs  and  was  allowed  decreeing  the  suit  as  against  that  the contesting defendant No. 30, 31, 33, 34 , 37, 41, 45, 48, 50, 51, 76, 80 and 81 being petitioners have preferred this Civil Revision and obtained the instant Rule.

During pendency of this Rule the defendant Nos. 2-13 of the suit came  up  with  an  application  for  addition  of  party  in  the  Rule  and accordingly they have been added as opposite parties No. 14-23 vide order dated 13.02.2014.

 Mr.  Khandaker  Shamsul  Haque  Reza,  the  learned  Counsel appearing for the petitioners submits that admittedly the father of the plaintiffs and the defendant Nos. 2-13 named Sarup Ali was the owner of 22.90 acres of land. It is also admitted that he died leaving behind one son named Fazlul Karim, two daughters Safia Begum and Mostafa Begum and also two sons and a daughter of another deceased daughter Jarina Khatun as legal heirs. Sarup Ali being the absolute owner of 22.90 acres of land out of total 33.70 acres of different Khatians and Plots, bequeathed his entire 22.90 acres landed property by wasiyotnama to his only son Fazlul Karim with the consent of his other legal heirs. Fazlul Karim  being  the  absolute  owner  transferred  5.06  acres  of  land  by several   transfer  deeds  to  the  petitioners  who  being  the  bona  fide purchasers have been owning and possessing but the plaintiffs having been ill advised and purposefully long after 30 years of execution of wasiyatnama filed the suit. The daughters of Sarup Ali those who had signed  on  wasiyatnama  as  attesting  witnesses  did  not  raise  any objections but their genealogical heirs long after 30 years of execution of  wasiyatnama  filed  the  suit  for  undue  benefit.  Sarup  Ali  lawfully bequeathed his entire property to his only son Fazlul Karim and his heirs  being  the  owners  lawfully  transferred  to  the  contesting defendants. Mr. Raza lastly submits that since the wasiyatnama was executed on the consent of the predecessor of the plaintiffs and has been acted upon and by dint of which having accrued vested right to transfer, have transferred to the contesting defendants so they are not entitled to any reliefs and the Rule is liable to be made absolute by setting aside the decree passed by the court of appeal below.

Mr. Moinul Islam, the learned Counsel appearing for the plaintiffs opposite parties No. 1-13 submits that admittedly Sarup Ali was the owner of 22.90 acres of land out of total 33.70 acres from different khatians and plots. Sarup Ali admittedly died leaving behind one son, two daughters and two sons and one daughter of another deceased daughter Morjina, who died before his death. The plaintiffs are legal heirs  of  Sarup  Ali  and  on  his  death  they  are  entitled  to  have  their respective shares as per muslim faraz in respect of 22.90 acres of land. As per muslim faraz, his only son Fazlul Karim is entitled to get 9.16 acres and each daughters are entitled to get 4.58 acres. Mr. Moinul Islam  further  submits  that  Sarup  Ali  bequeathed  his  entire  landed property to his only son Fazlul Karim by wasiyotnama on 04.11.2017 and  though  on  the  wasiyotnama  his  daughters  signed  as  attesting witnesses but as long as his heirs did not give consent to the same, should not be considered as valid one. He further submits that the facts remains that the daughters of Sarup Ali endorsed wasiyatnama during his life time but after his death neither they nor their heirs endorsed wasiyotnama. So as per law, the wasiyotnama was not acted upon and since  the  wasiyotnama  was  not  acted  upon,  the  claim  of  the predecessor of the defendants to have obtained through wasiyatnama was illegal and the transfer so made to others was also illegal.

 Mr.  Islam  futher  submits  that  a  muslim  cannot  bequeath  his entire property to anybody without the consent of his legal heirs. He is


only entitled to bequeath 3 of his property to the stranger or anybody

else where the consent need not required to be obtained  from his prospective heirs but whenever the bequeath by any means exceeds


more than 3 , in that case, the consent of the prospective heirs should

be obtained. Since the admitted legal heirs of Sarup Ali challenges that no such endorsement was given and filed suit, in that case, the question of endorsement given by the heirs of the testator before his death is not justified. Mr. Islam lastly submits that mere signature of the heirs of testator on wasiyatnama does not mean to have obtained consent and so far as he is alive, his testamentary right will not be effective. After his death, the testamentary right to be effective subject to the consent of  other  legal  heirs.  Since  after  the  death  of  the  testator,  no  such endorsement  was  obtained,  rather  the  plaintiffs  claimed  their respective  shares  by  filing  a  suit  with  a  prayer  for  cancellation  of wasiyatnama, deemed to have given no endorsement and as such the Rule is liable to be discharged by upholding the judgment and decree of the court of appeal below.

Added opposite parties No. 14-22 (the defendants No. 7, 4, 6, 9, 3,  8,  10,  12  and  13)  did  not  contest  the  suit  by  filing  any  written statements.  So  their  positive  case  is  not  present  before  the  court. However, Mr. Md. Firoj Hossain the learned Counsel appearing for the added opposite party Nos. 14-22 submits that the predecessor of the opposite  party  Nos.  14-22  namely  Fazlul  Karim  obtained  the  entire 22.90 acres of land of Sarup Ali by way of wasiyatnama. The other heirs of  Sarup  Ali  had  given  endorsement  in  respect  of  execution  of

wasiyatnama  infavour  of  Fazlul  Karim.  Long  after  of  the  death  of testator, the heirs of attesting witnesses i.e. the daughters, heirs of Sarup Ali, as plaintiffs filed the suit which is not maintainable because their predecessor as already have given consent to the wasiyotnama has been lawfully acted upon and by virtue of the said lawfully executed wasiyatnama have transferred some lands from 22.90 acres to different persons. Mr. Firoz Hossen lastly submits that the heirs of Fazlul Karim are in exclusive possession on the suit land and the plaintiffs never got possession. So the right, title and interest accrued in their favour by virtue of wasiyatnama should not be hampered in any manner and as such the Rule should be made absolute.

We have heard the learned Advocates of all the parties, perused the judgment and decree of both the courts below and the citations referred to.

On the backdrop of the case as already been elaborated, the following issues are mainly required to be adjudicated:

  1.     Whether Sarup Ali was the owner of 22.90 acres of land ?
  2.     Whether he had bequeathed his entire property to his only son fazlul Karim by a wasiyatnama and the same was, on his death, legalized with the consent of the other heirs ?
  3.     Whether a muslim can bequeath his entire property without the consent of his legal heirs?
  4.     Whether the bequeath made by Sarup Ali by wasiyotnama was acted upon in any point of time?
  5.     Whether the wasiyotnama is proved that had not acted upon in  accordance  with  law  are  the  plaintiffs  entitled  to   have declaration  and   partition  in  respect  of  their  respective shares?

All  the  above  issues  are  being  disposed  of  together  with  the following findings and observations;

Trial Court in adjudicating of the suit found that since the other heirs of Sarup Ali had given their signatures as attesting witnesses on wasiyotnama means, the wasiyotnama was acted upon on their consent and found that by virtue of the said wasiyatnama, Fazlul Karim became the absolute owner and possessor of the entire landed property and transferred some lands from the same to others was lawful. The other heirs  of  the  testator  Sarup  Ali  on  the  very  day  of  execution  of wasiyotnama had given their consent, so the suit by their heirs after long lapse of time is hopelessly barred by law of limitation.

The court of appeal below decreed the suit holding that testator Sarup Ali admittedly was the owner of 22.90 acres of land and he died leaving behind one son, two daughters and two sons and a daughter of another deceased daughter Jarian Khatun. Sarup Ali bequeathed his entire 22.90 acres of land by executing a wasiyotnama in favour of his only son Fazlul Karim which he should not have done because a muslim

has only right to bequeath 13 of his entire property and to do so, need

not require to obtain any consent to any parties or any of his heirs but

whenever  it  exceeds 31 of  his  entire  property,  it  requires  to  have

consent of his other heirs and the said consent not necessary during his life lime but on his death. The court of Appeal below also found that two  daughters  of  Sarup  Ali  made  signatures  on  wasiyatnama  as attesting witnesses but there is no evidence as to whether on the death of  the  testator  they  had  given  consent  on  the  wasiyatnama  and accordingly found the wasiyatnama was not acted upon.

We have meticulously perused the judgments and decree of the courts below. Now it requires to examine whether, the court of appeal below committed any error of law resulting in an error in the decision occasioning  failure  of  justice  in  decreeing  the  suit.  Section  117  of Mollah’s  Principles  of  Mohammedan  Law,  23th  edition  provides bequeath to heirs. For ready reference the same is quoted below:

Section 117. Bequests to heris: “A bequest to an heir is not valid unless the other heirs also consent to the bequest after the death of the testator. Any single heir may consent so as to bind his own share.

A bequest to an heir, either in the whole or in part, is invalid, unless consented to by other heir or heirs and whosoever consents, the bequest is valid to that extend only and binds his or her share. Neither inaction nor silence can be the basis of implied consent.”

Section 118 of the laws provides for limit of testamentary power. For ready reference the same is quoted below;

Section  118.  Limit  of  testamentary  power:  “A  Mahomedan cannot by will dispose of more than a third of the surplus of his estate after payment of funeral expenses and debts. Bequests in excess of the legal third cannot take effect, unless the heirs consent thereto after the death of the testator.” 

In the case of Nurjahan Begum and another Vs. Aminul Hoque and others report in 22 BLC (AD) 169 it has held, “A will is a document in  which  a  person  specifies  the  method  to  be   applied  in  the management and distribution of his estate after his death. A bequest to an heirs is not valid unless the others heirs also consent to the bequest after the death of the testator.” In the case of Daulot Ram Khosan Chand Vs. Abdul Kayum Nurudin and others reported in Bombay series page 497 it has held, Where a Mohomedan by his will bequeaths more than one third of his whole property to stranger, the consent of his heirs to such bequest, required by the Mohammedan law, need not be  express; It may be signified by conduct showing a fix and unequivocal intension. Such a consent, all through given after the property bequeath has been attached in execution of a decree against a testators heirs is good, and does not amount to an alienation such as is prohibitated by section 276 of the Code of Civil Procedure .”

On meticulous perusal of the pleadings of the parties, evidences and materials on records as well as the concerned laws it appears that testator Sarup Ali admittedly died leaving behind one son, two daughters and two sons and a daughter of another deceased daughter. The plaintiffs do not dispute  the  wasiyotnama  but  disputes  of  its  legality  and  validity.  The petitioners filed suit for partition and also for cancellation of wasiyatnama. We find that the plaintiffs are undeniable heirs of Sarup Ali, the testator of wasiyatnama and they are entitled to get their respective shares from their predecessor. The moot question is whether their claimed share as has been ignored by the bequest of Sarup Ali by wasiyatnama was acted upon. If the wasiyatnama was acted upon, in that case, the plaintiffs have no case to claim their share, but as it is found that wasiyatnama was not duly acted upon in that case, as per muslim Faraz, the plaintiffs are highly entitled to get their respective shares. So we are basically confined on the particular point of law that  whether  the wasiyotnama alleged to have been executed by Sarup Ali in favor of his son Fazlul Karim was legally acted upon and whether by the said wasiyotnama he obtained the entire property.

As already elaborated that Sarup Ali bequested his entire property to his only son which the law does not allow because the bequests of his entire property by wasiyatnama after his death without consent of his other heirs is not a valid wasiyotnama in the eye of law. A muslim has liberty to bequest 1/3 of his entire property to others for many purposes such as welfare etc. but more than 1/3 of his entire property if he wants to bequest to anybody

else ( it may be his son and any other close relative), requires consent. We find that on the death of Sarup Ali, Fazlul Karim in no point of time could obtain consent from the plaintiffs who are admittedly the heirs of Sarup Ali (daughters) as a legal bindings stipulated in section 118 of Mohammedan law.

So on considering the entire facts and circumstances of the case and the law related there to, we are of the view that the plaintiffs are entitled to get their respective shares in respect of the property of Sarup Ali as per muslim Faraz in accordance with law.

It is noticed that the present petitioners purchased 5.06 acres of land from the heirs of Fazlul Karim. Fazlul Karim being the only son of Sarup Ali was legally entitled to get 9.16 acres of land out of 22.90 acres. So admittedly purchased 5.06 acres of land by the petitioners by several deeds   to be deducted from 9.16 acres obtained by Fazlul Karim from his father.

So we find no merit in the Rule.

In the result, the Rule is discharged.

However without any order as to costs.

The  judgment  and  decree  passed  by  the  court  of  appeal  below  is maintained.

The order of stay granted at the time of issuance of the Rule is hereby recalled and vacated.                            

Send down the Lower Courts Records along with a copy of this judgment at once.   

(Mr. Justice Sashanka Shekhar Sarkar)    I agree.

                (Mr. Justice Md. Badruzzaman)