Annex Building Court No. 26
Mini Cause List
Date :  
A) Bench : Justice Syed Refaat Ahmed
As to be mentioned
Sl Case Number Parties Result
1 Arbitration Appeal

Egyptian Fertilizer Trading Limited
East West Property Development (private) Limited
    Extended for a period of 4(four) months from date.
Sl Case Number Parties Result
2 Company Matter
........ /2016

Application under Section 12 read with 13 of the Companies Act, 1994-Lal Teer Seed Limited
Registrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Mr. Abdus Samad, Advocate-For the Petitioner
    Stand over for three weeks
3 Company Matter
........ /2016

Application under Section 12 read with 13 of the Companies Act, 1994-Mirpur Ceramic Worsks Ltd.
Registrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Mr. Mizan Sayeed, Advocate-For the Petitioner
    Admitted and fixed for hearing on 27.11.2016
4 Company Matter
........ /2016

Application under Section 12 read with 13 of the Companies Act, 1994-Khadem Ceramics Lt.
Registrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Mr. Mizan Sayeed, Advocate-For the Petitioner
    Admitted and fixed for hearing on 27.11.2016
5 Company Matter
........ /2016

Application under Section 12 read with 13 of the Companies Act, 1994-M.M. Paper Products Lt d.
Registrar Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Mr. Md. Moniruzzaman, Advocate-For the Petitioner
    Stand over for three weeks
6 Company Matter
........ /2016

Application under Section 43 of the Companies Act, 1994- Dr. Mumtaz Yusuf
Internation Finance and Investment and Commerce Bank Ltd. and others- Mr. F.M. Sajid bin Hossain, Adv.--- For the Petitioner
7 Arbitration Application
........ /2016

Application under Section 12 of the Arbitration Act, 2001-Memory International Co. Limited
Khulna Shipyard Limited and others, Mr. Md. Khalilur Rahman, Advocate-For the Petitioner.
    Stand over for eigh weeks
8 Arbitration Application
........ /2016

Application under Section 12 of the Arbitration Act, 2001- M/s J-One Co. Ltd.
Ministry of Food, Mr. Md. Mohammad Mutahar Hossain, Advocate-For the Petitioner
    Admitted and fixed for hearing on 13.11.2016
9 Company Matter
........ /2016

Application under Section 241 of the Companies Act, 1994-Salina Akter and others
Parag (Private) Limited, Mr. Md. Kamrul Islam, Advocate-For the Petitioner
    Not today
10 Company Matter
........ /2016

Application under Section 241(vi) of the Companies Act, 1994-Banna Nazima
International Amusement Club Ltd. Mr. Md. A.M.Mahbub Uddin, Advocate-For the Petitioner
    Rejected for default
11 Company Matter
........ /2016

Application under Section 233 of the Companies Act, 1994- Shahriar M. Salahuddin
Eximpo Trading Ltd. Mr. A.F.M. Saiful Karim, Adv.--- For the Petitioner
    Admitted and fixed for hearing on 27.11.2016
12 Company Matter
........ /2016

Application under Section 228 and 229 of the Companies Act, 1994-Abul Khair Limited
Abul Khair Steel Industries Ltd. and others, Mr. Ershadul Alam, Advocate-For the Petitioner
    Rejected for default