Bijoy 71 Building Court No. 9 (5th Floor)
Mini Cause List
Date :  
A) Bench : Justice Md. Rezaul Hasan
For Judgment
Sl Case Number Parties Result
1 Civil Revision

Reza Uddin and others
Mafia Begum and others
    Not to be treated as heard in part and go out of list.
For Hearing
Sl Case Number Parties Result
2 Civil Revision
(Heard in part)
Khondaker Shahajan
Sultan Mohammad Noorani and others
Mr. Raisuddin Ahmed, Advocate for the petitioners
Khair Ezaz Maswood, Advocate for the O.P. Nos. 1-2.
    Not to be treated as heard in part and go out of list.
3 Civil Revision
(Heard in part)
Abdul Aziz Howlader and others
Rosenounnesa Bibi and others
Mr. Kamruzzaman Bhuiyan, Advocate for the petitioner
Mr. Md. Jafor Ali with Mr. Mohammad Shafiqul Islam Khan, Advocate for the O.P. Nos. 1, 7 and 8.
Mr. Prahlad Debnath, A.A.G. with Mrs. Shovana Banu, A.A.G. for the O.P. Nos. 9-11.
    Not to be treated as heard in part and go out of list.
4 Civil Revision
(Heard in part)
Mashahid Ali
Md.Farid Miah and others
Mr. Md. Mamunur Rashid, Advocate for the petitioner.
Mr. Surojit Bhattacharjee, Advocate for the O.P. Nos. 1-4.
    Not to be treated as heard in part and go out of list.
5 Civil Revision
(Heard in part)
Abul Kalam
Anowar Hossain
Mr. A.K. M. Shamsul Haque, Advocate for the Petitioner
Mr. Syed Mizanur Rahman,
..... For the Opposite Party No. 1.
    Not to be treated as heard in part and go out of list.
6 Civil Revision
(Heard in part)
Manjurul Islam being his heirs Minara Islam and others
Year Ahmed being dead his heirs Jarin Farhana and others
Mr. Md. Shah Alam Sarker, Advocate for the petitioners
Mr. Md. Zakir Hossain... For the O.P. No. 2.
    Not to be treated as heard in part and go out of list.
7 Civil Revision
(Heard in part)
Yusuf Dhali and others
Joynal Abedin Dider being dead his heirs Shahida Begum and others
    Not to be treated as heard in part and go out of list.
8 Civil Revision
(Heard in part)
Most. Khushi Begum
Fulzan and others
Mr. M. Mosarof Hosen Sikder, Advocate for the petitioner
Mr.Md. Abdul Awal Miah with
Mrs. Chowdhury Nasima, Advocates for the O.P. Nos. 1-12.
9 Civil Revision
(Heard in part)
Md. Abul Hayet
Md. Anowarul Karim
Mr. Md. Aminul Islam, Advocate for the petitioner
Mrs. Salina Akter, Advocate for the O.P. No. 1.